SheetJS 54b528eaed version bump 0.9.0: merged ODS into XLSX
The optional ODS module has been completely merged into xlsx.js and the
corresponding scripts have been removed.  The new xlsx.js file provides
appropriate ODS exports, so fixing is a matter of removing ods.js refs.
2017-03-09 20:09:18 -05:00

45 lines
1.4 KiB

/* Part 3: Packages */
function parse_ods(zip/*:ZIPFile*/, opts/*:?ParseOpts*/) {
opts = opts || ({}/*:any*/);
var ods = !!safegetzipfile(zip, 'objectdata');
if(ods) var manifest = parse_manifest(getzipdata(zip, 'META-INF/manifest.xml'), opts);
var content = getzipdata(zip, 'content.xml');
if(!content) throw new Error("Missing content.xml in " + (ods ? "ODS" : "UOF")+ " file");
return parse_content_xml(ods ? content : utf8read(content), opts);
function parse_fods(data/*:string*/, opts/*:?ParseOpts*/) {
return parse_content_xml(data, opts);
function write_ods(wb/*:any*/, opts/*:any*/) {
if(opts.bookType == "fods") return write_content_xml(wb, opts);
/*:: if(!jszip) throw new Error("JSZip is not available"); */
var zip = new jszip();
var f = "";
var manifest/*:Array<Array<string> >*/ = [];
var rdf = [];
/* 3:3.3 and 2:2.2.4 */
f = "mimetype";
zip.file(f, "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet");
/* Part 1 Section 2.2 Documents */
f = "content.xml";
zip.file(f, write_content_xml(wb, opts));
manifest.push([f, "text/xml"]);
rdf.push([f, "ContentFile"]);
/* Part 3 Section 6 Metadata Manifest File */
f = "manifest.rdf";
zip.file(f, write_rdf(rdf, opts));
manifest.push([f, "application/rdf+xml"]);
/* Part 3 Section 4 Manifest File */
f = "META-INF/manifest.xml";
zip.file(f, write_manifest(manifest, opts));
return zip;