version bump 0.15.2: actually pass lint tests

This commit is contained in:
SheetJS 2019-11-14 20:46:49 -05:00
parent 96e44a5ae4
commit 1a5bba267b
49 changed files with 1556 additions and 1168 deletions

@ -99,6 +99,7 @@ ChakraCore
- demos/angular/
@ -146,6 +147,9 @@ Preact
- demos/server/
- demos/showcase/
- demos/xhr/

@ -219,6 +219,8 @@ The [`demos` directory](demos/) includes sample projects for:
- [`"serverless" functions`](demos/function/)
- [`internet explorer`](demos/oldie/)
Other examples are included in the [showcase](demos/showcase/).
### Optional Modules
@ -298,7 +300,7 @@ operations generally should be straightforward to implement.
Excel pushes the XLSX format as default starting in Excel 2007. However, there
are other formats with more appealing properties. For example, the XLSB format
is spiritually similar to XLSX but files often end up taking less than half the
is spiritually similar to XLSX but files often tend up taking less than half the
space and open much faster! Even though an XLSX writer is available, other
format writers are available so users can take advantage of the unique
characteristics of each format.
@ -1978,7 +1980,7 @@ default column order is determined by the first appearance of the field using
<summary><b>Examples</b> (click to show)</summary>
The original sheet cannot be reproduced in the obvious way since JS object keys
The original sheet cannot be reproduced using plain objects since JS object keys
must be unique. After replacing the second `e` and `S` with `e_1` and `S_1`:

@ -1 +1 @@
XLSX.version = '0.15.1';
XLSX.version = '0.15.2';

@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
var XML_HEADER = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>\r\n';
var attregexg=/([^"\s?>\/]+)\s*=\s*((?:")([^"]*)(?:")|(?:')([^']*)(?:')|([^'">\s]+))/g;
var tagregex=/<[\/\?]?[a-zA-Z0-9:]+(?:\s+[^"\s?>\/]+\s*=\s*(?:"[^"]*"|'[^']*'|[^'">\s=]+))*\s?[\/\?]?>/g;
var tagregex=/<[\/\?]?[a-zA-Z0-9:_-]+(?:\s+[^"\s?>\/]+\s*=\s*(?:"[^"]*"|'[^']*'|[^'">\s=]+))*\s?[\/\?]?>/g;
if(!(XML_HEADER.match(tagregex))) tagregex = /<[^>]*>/g;
var nsregex=/<\w*:/, nsregex2 = /<(\/?)\w+:/;
function parsexmltag(tag/*:string*/, skip_root/*:?boolean*/)/*:any*/ {
function parsexmltag(tag/*:string*/, skip_root/*:?boolean*/, skip_LC/*:?boolean*/)/*:any*/ {
var z = ({}/*:any*/);
var eq = 0, c = 0;
for(; eq !== tag.length; ++eq) if((c = tag.charCodeAt(eq)) === 32 || c === 10 || c === 13) break;
@ -22,13 +22,13 @@ function parsexmltag(tag/*:string*/, skip_root/*:?boolean*/)/*:any*/ {
if(j===q.length) {
if(q.indexOf("_") > 0) q = q.slice(0, q.indexOf("_")); // from ods
z[q] = v;
z[q.toLowerCase()] = v;
if(!skip_LC) z[q.toLowerCase()] = v;
else {
var k = (j===5 && q.slice(0,5)==="xmlns"?"xmlns":"")+q.slice(j+1);
if(z[k] && q.slice(j-3,j) == "ext") continue; // from ods
z[k] = v;
z[k.toLowerCase()] = v;
if(!skip_LC) z[k.toLowerCase()] = v;
return z;

@ -176,11 +176,19 @@ function WriteShift(t/*:number*/, val/*:string|number*/, f/*:?string*/)/*:any*/
for(i = 0; i != val.length; ++i) __writeUInt16LE(this, val.charCodeAt(i), this.l + 2 * i);
size = 2 * val.length;
} else if(f === 'sbcs') {
/* TODO: codepage */
/*:: if(typeof val !== 'string') throw new Error("unreachable"); */
val = val.replace(/[^\x00-\x7F]/g, "_");
/*:: if(typeof val !== 'string') throw new Error("unreachable"); */
for(i = 0; i != val.length; ++i) this[this.l + i] = (val.charCodeAt(i) & 0xFF);
if(typeof cptable !== 'undefined' && current_ansi == 874) {
/* TODO: use tables directly, don't encode */
/*:: if(typeof val !== "string") throw new Error("unreachable"); */
for(i = 0; i != val.length; ++i) {
var cppayload = cptable.utils.encode(current_ansi, val.charAt(i));
this[this.l + i] = cppayload[0];
} else {
/*:: if(typeof val !== 'string') throw new Error("unreachable"); */
val = val.replace(/[^\x00-\x7F]/g, "_");
/*:: if(typeof val !== 'string') throw new Error("unreachable"); */
for(i = 0; i != val.length; ++i) this[this.l + i] = (val.charCodeAt(i) & 0xFF);
size = val.length;
} else if(f === 'hex') {
for(; i < t; ++i) {

@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ function shift_range_xls(cell, range, opts) {
function encode_cell_xls(c/*:CellAddress*/, biff/*:number*/)/*:string*/ {
if(c.cRel && c.c < 0) { c = dup(c); c.c += (biff > 8) ? 0x4000 : 0x100; }
if(c.rRel && c.r < 0) { c = dup(c); c.r += (biff > 8) ? 0x100000 : ((biff > 5) ? 0x10000 : 0x4000); }
if(c.cRel && c.c < 0) { c = dup(c); while(c.c < 0) c.c += (biff > 8) ? 0x4000 : 0x100; }
if(c.rRel && c.r < 0) { c = dup(c); while(c.r < 0) c.r += (biff > 8) ? 0x100000 : ((biff > 5) ? 0x10000 : 0x4000); }
var s = encode_cell(c);
if(!c.cRel && c.cRel != null) s = fix_col(s);
if(!c.rRel && c.rRel != null) s = fix_row(s);

@ -17,11 +17,11 @@ function get_rels_path(file/*:string*/)/*:string*/ {
function parse_rels(data/*:?string*/, currentFilePath/*:string*/) {
if (!data) return data;
var rels = {"!id":{}};
if (!data) return rels;
if (currentFilePath.charAt(0) !== '/') {
currentFilePath = '/'+currentFilePath;
var rels = {};
var hash = {};
(data.match(tagregex)||[]).forEach(function(x) {

@ -364,6 +364,10 @@ function write_Window2(view) {
return o;
/* [MS-XLS] 2.4.189 TODO */
function parse_Pane(/*blob, length, opts*/) {
/* [MS-XLS] 2.4.122 TODO */
function parse_Font(blob, length, opts) {
var o/*:any*/ = {

@ -1,108 +1,131 @@
/* Parse a list of <r> tags */
var parse_rs = (function parse_rs_factory() {
var tregex = matchtag("t"), rpregex = matchtag("rPr"), rregex = /<(?:\w+:)?r>/g, rend = /<\/(?:\w+:)?r>/, nlregex = /\r\n/g;
/* 18.4.7 rPr CT_RPrElt */
var parse_rpr = function parse_rpr(rpr, intro, outro) {
var font = {}, cp = 65001, align = "";
var pass = false;
var m = rpr.match(tagregex), i = 0;
if(m) for(;i!=m.length; ++i) {
var y = parsexmltag(m[i]);
switch(y[0].replace(/\w*:/g,"")) {
/* 18.8.12 condense CT_BooleanProperty */
/* ** not required . */
case '<condense': break;
/* 18.8.17 extend CT_BooleanProperty */
/* ** not required . */
case '<extend': break;
/* 18.8.36 shadow CT_BooleanProperty */
/* ** not required . */
case '<shadow':
if(!y.val) break;
/* falls through */
case '<shadow>':
case '<shadow/>': font.shadow = 1; break;
case '</shadow>': break;
/* 18.4.7 rPr CT_RPrElt */
function parse_rpr(rpr) {
var font = {}, m = rpr.match(tagregex), i = 0;
var pass = false;
if(m) for(;i!=m.length; ++i) {
var y = parsexmltag(m[i]);
switch(y[0].replace(/\w*:/g,"")) {
/* 18.8.12 condense CT_BooleanProperty */
/* ** not required . */
case '<condense': break;
/* 18.8.17 extend CT_BooleanProperty */
/* ** not required . */
case '<extend': break;
/* 18.8.36 shadow CT_BooleanProperty */
/* ** not required . */
case '<shadow':
if(!y.val) break;
/* falls through */
case '<shadow>':
case '<shadow/>': font.shadow = 1; break;
case '</shadow>': break;
/* 18.4.1 charset CT_IntProperty TODO */
case '<charset':
if(y.val == '1') break;
cp = CS2CP[parseInt(y.val, 10)];
/* 18.4.1 charset CT_IntProperty TODO */
case '<charset':
if(y.val == '1') break;
font.cp = CS2CP[parseInt(y.val, 10)];
/* 18.4.2 outline CT_BooleanProperty TODO */
case '<outline':
if(!y.val) break;
/* falls through */
case '<outline>':
case '<outline/>': font.outline = 1; break;
case '</outline>': break;
/* 18.4.2 outline CT_BooleanProperty TODO */
case '<outline':
if(!y.val) break;
/* falls through */
case '<outline>':
case '<outline/>': font.outline = 1; break;
case '</outline>': break;
/* 18.4.5 rFont CT_FontName */
case '<rFont': = y.val; break;
/* 18.4.5 rFont CT_FontName */
case '<rFont': = y.val; break;
/* 18.4.11 sz CT_FontSize */
case '<sz': = y.val; break;
/* 18.4.11 sz CT_FontSize */
case '<sz': = y.val; break;
/* 18.4.10 strike CT_BooleanProperty */
case '<strike':
if(!y.val) break;
/* falls through */
case '<strike>':
case '<strike/>': font.strike = 1; break;
case '</strike>': break;
/* 18.4.10 strike CT_BooleanProperty */
case '<strike':
if(!y.val) break;
/* falls through */
case '<strike>':
case '<strike/>': font.strike = 1; break;
case '</strike>': break;
/* 18.4.13 u CT_UnderlineProperty */
case '<u':
if(!y.val) break;
switch(y.val) {
case 'double': font.uval = "double"; break;
case 'singleAccounting': font.uval = "single-accounting"; break;
case 'doubleAccounting': font.uval = "double-accounting"; break;
/* falls through */
case '<u>':
case '<u/>': font.u = 1; break;
case '</u>': break;
/* 18.4.13 u CT_UnderlineProperty */
case '<u':
if(!y.val) break;
switch(y.val) {
case 'double': font.uval = "double"; break;
case 'singleAccounting': font.uval = "single-accounting"; break;
case 'doubleAccounting': font.uval = "double-accounting"; break;
/* falls through */
case '<u>':
case '<u/>': font.u = 1; break;
case '</u>': break;
/* 18.8.2 b */
case '<b':
if(y.val == '0') break;
/* falls through */
case '<b>':
case '<b/>': font.b = 1; break;
case '</b>': break;
/* 18.8.2 b */
case '<b':
if(y.val == '0') break;
/* falls through */
case '<b>':
case '<b/>': font.b = 1; break;
case '</b>': break;
/* 18.8.26 i */
case '<i':
if(y.val == '0') break;
/* falls through */
case '<i>':
case '<i/>': font.i = 1; break;
case '</i>': break;
/* 18.8.26 i */
case '<i':
if(y.val == '0') break;
/* falls through */
case '<i>':
case '<i/>': font.i = 1; break;
case '</i>': break;
/* color CT_Color TODO: tint, theme, auto, indexed */
case '<color':
if(y.rgb) font.color = y.rgb.slice(2,8);
/* color CT_Color TODO: tint, theme, auto, indexed */
case '<color':
if(y.rgb) font.color = y.rgb.slice(2,8);
/* 18.8.18 family ST_FontFamily */
case '<family': = y.val; break;
/* 18.8.18 family ST_FontFamily */
case '<family': = y.val; break;
/* 18.4.14 vertAlign CT_VerticalAlignFontProperty TODO */
case '<vertAlign': align = y.val; break;
/* 18.4.14 vertAlign CT_VerticalAlignFontProperty TODO */
case '<vertAlign': font.valign = y.val; break;
/* 18.8.35 scheme CT_FontScheme TODO */
case '<scheme': break;
/* 18.8.35 scheme CT_FontScheme TODO */
case '<scheme': break;
/* 18.2.10 extLst CT_ExtensionList ? */
case '<extLst': case '<extLst>': case '</extLst>': break;
case '<ext': pass = true; break;
case '</ext>': pass = false; break;
if(y[0].charCodeAt(1) !== 47 && !pass) throw new Error('Unrecognized rich format ' + y[0]);
/* 18.2.10 extLst CT_ExtensionList ? */
case '<extLst': case '<extLst>': case '</extLst>': break;
case '<ext': pass = true; break;
case '</ext>': pass = false; break;
if(y[0].charCodeAt(1) !== 47 && !pass) throw new Error('Unrecognized rich format ' + y[0]);
return font;
var parse_rs = (function() {
var tregex = matchtag("t"), rpregex = matchtag("rPr");
/* 18.4.4 r CT_RElt */
function parse_r(r) {
/* 18.4.12 t ST_Xstring */
var t = r.match(tregex)/*, cp = 65001*/;
if(!t) return {t:"s", v:""};
var o/*:Cell*/ = ({t:'s', v:unescapexml(t[1])}/*:any*/);
var rpr = r.match(rpregex);
if(rpr) o.s = parse_rpr(rpr[1]);
return o;
var rregex = /<(?:\w+:)?r>/g, rend = /<\/(?:\w+:)?r>/;
return function parse_rs(rs) {
return rs.replace(rregex,"").split(rend).map(parse_r).filter(function(r) { return r.v; });
/* Parse a list of <r> tags */
var rs_to_html = (function parse_rs_factory() {
var nlregex = /(\r\n|\n)/g;
function parse_rpr2(font, intro, outro) {
var style/*:Array<string>*/ = [];
if(font.u) style.push("text-decoration: underline;");
@ -116,29 +139,27 @@ var parse_rs = (function parse_rs_factory() {
if(font.i) { intro.push("<i>"); outro.push("</i>"); }
if(font.strike) { intro.push("<s>"); outro.push("</s>"); }
if(align == "superscript") align = "sup";
var align = font.valign || "";
if(align == "superscript" || align == "super") align = "sup";
else if(align == "subscript") align = "sub";
if(align != "") { intro.push("<" + align + ">"); outro.push("</" + align + ">"); }
return cp;
return font;
/* 18.4.4 r CT_RElt */
function parse_r(r) {
var terms/*:[Array<string>, string, Array<string>]*/ = [[],"",[]];
/* 18.4.12 t ST_Xstring */
var t = r.match(tregex)/*, cp = 65001*/;
if(!t) return "";
terms[1] = t[1];
function r_to_html(r) {
var terms/*:[Array<string>, string, Array<string>]*/ = [[],r.v,[]];
if(!r.v) return "";
var rpr = r.match(rpregex);
if(rpr) /*cp = */parse_rpr(rpr[1], terms[0], terms[2]);
if(r.s) parse_rpr2(r.s, terms[0], terms[2]);
return terms[0].join("") + terms[1].replace(nlregex,'<br/>') + terms[2].join("");
return function parse_rs(rs) {
return rs.replace(rregex,"").split(rend).map(parse_r).join("");
@ -161,7 +182,7 @@ function parse_si(x, opts) {
else if((/*y = */x.match(sirregex))) {
z.r = utf8read(x);
z.t = unescapexml(utf8read((x.replace(sirphregex, '').match(sitregex)||[]).join("").replace(tagregex,"")));
if(html) z.h = parse_rs(z.r);
if(html) z.h = rs_to_html(parse_rs(z.r));
/* 18.4.3 phoneticPr CT_PhoneticPr (TODO: needed for Asian support) */
/* 18.4.6 rPh CT_PhoneticRun (TODO: needed for Asian support) */

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
/* 18.8.5 borders CT_Borders */
function parse_borders(t, styles, themes, opts) {
styles.Borders = [];
var border = {}/*, sub_border = {}*/;
var border = {};
var pass = false;
(t[0].match(tagregex)||[]).forEach(function(x) {
var y = parsexmltag(x);
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ function parse_borders(t, styles, themes, opts) {
/* 18.8.4 border CT_Border */
case '<border': case '<border>': case '<border/>':
border = {};
border = /*::(*/{}/*:: :any)*/;
if(y.diagonalUp) border.diagonalUp = parsexmlbool(y.diagonalUp);
if(y.diagonalDown) border.diagonalDown = parsexmlbool(y.diagonalDown);

@ -20,12 +20,12 @@ function parse_BrtFont(data, length/*:number*/, opts) { = data.read_shift(2) / 20;
var grbit = parse_FontFlags(data, 2, opts);
if(grbit.fItalic) out.italic = 1;
if(grbit.fCondense) out.condense = 1;
if(grbit.fExtend) out.extend = 1;
if(grbit.fShadow) out.shadow = 1;
if(grbit.fOutline) out.outline = 1;
if(grbit.fStrikeout) out.strike = 1;
if(grbit.fItalic) out.italic = 1;
var bls = data.read_shift(2);
if(bls === 0x02BC) out.bold = 1;

@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ function parse_theme_xml(data/*:string*/, opts) {
/* themeElements CT_BaseStyles */
if(!(t=data.match(themeltregex))) throw new Error('themeElements not found in theme');
parse_themeElements(t[0], themes, opts);
themes.raw = data;
return themes;

@ -81,7 +81,8 @@ function update_xfext(xf, xfext) {
case 0x09: break; /* left cell border color */
case 0x0a: break; /* right cell border color */
case 0x0b: break; /* diagonal cell border color */
case 0x0d: break; /* text color */
case 0x0d: /* text color */
case 0x0e: break; /* font scheme */
case 0x0f: break; /* indentation level */

@ -14,24 +14,33 @@ function write_comments_vml(rId/*:number*/, comments) {
while(_shapeid < rId * 1000) _shapeid += 1000;
comments.forEach(function(x) { var c = decode_cell(x[0]);
comments.forEach(function(x) {
var c = decode_cell(x[0]);
var fillopts = /*::(*/{'color2':"#BEFF82", 'type':"gradient"}/*:: :any)*/;
if(fillopts.type == "gradient") fillopts.angle = "-180";
var fillparm = fillopts.type == "gradient" ? writextag("o:fill", null, {type:"gradientUnscaled", 'v:ext':"view"}) : null;
var fillxml = writextag('v:fill', fillparm, fillopts);
var shadata = ({on:"t", 'obscured':"t"}/*:any*/);
o = o.concat([
'<v:shape' + wxt_helper({
id:'_x0000_s' + (++_shapeid),
id:'_x0000_s' + _shapeid,
style:"position:absolute; margin-left:80pt;margin-top:5pt;width:104pt;height:64pt;z-index:10" + (x[1].hidden ? ";visibility:hidden" : "") ,
}) + '>',
writextag('v:fill', writextag("o:fill", null, {type:"gradientUnscaled", 'v:ext':"view"}), {'color2':"#BEFF82", 'angle':"-180", 'type':"gradient"}),
writextag("v:shadow", null, {on:"t", 'obscured':"t"}),
writextag("v:shadow", null, shadata),
writextag("v:path", null, {'o:connecttype':"none"}),
'<v:textbox><div style="text-align:left"></div></v:textbox>',
'<x:ClientData ObjectType="Note">',
/* Part 4 Anchor (Anchor) */
writetag('x:Anchor', [c.c, 0, c.r, 0, c.c+3, 100, c.r+5, 100].join(",")),
writetag('x:Anchor', [c.c+1, 0, c.r+1, 0, c.c+3, 20, c.r+5, 20].join(",")),
writetag('x:AutoFill', "False"),
writetag('x:Row', String(c.r)),
writetag('x:Column', String(c.c)),
@ -42,4 +51,3 @@ function write_comments_vml(rId/*:number*/, comments) {
return o.join("");

@ -104,6 +104,19 @@ function parse_ws_xml_sheetpr(sheetPr/*:string*/, s, wb/*:WBWBProps*/, idx/*:num
if(!wb.Sheets[idx]) wb.Sheets[idx] = {};
if(data.codeName) wb.Sheets[idx].CodeName = data.codeName;
function write_ws_xml_sheetpr(ws, wb, idx, opts, o) {
var needed = false;
var props = {}, payload = null;
if(opts.bookType !== 'xlsx' && wb.vbaraw) {
var cname = wb.SheetNames[idx];
try { if(wb.Workbook) cname = wb.Workbook.Sheets[idx].CodeName || cname; } catch(e) {}
needed = true;
props.codeName = escapexml(cname);
if(!needed && !payload) return;
o[o.length] = (writextag('sheetPr', payload, props));
/* sheetProtection CT_SheetProtection */
var sheetprot_deffalse = ["objects", "scenarios", "selectLockedCells", "selectUnlockedCells"];
@ -256,8 +269,9 @@ function write_ws_xml_cell(cell/*:Cell*/, ref, ws, opts/*::, idx, wb*/)/*:string
case 'd': o.t = "d"; break;
case 'b': o.t = "b"; break;
case 'e': o.t = "e"; break;
case 'z': break;
default: if(cell.v == null) { delete cell.t; break; }
if(opts.bookSST) {
if(opts && opts.bookSST) {
v = writetag('v', ''+get_sst_id(opts.Strings, cell.v, opts.revStrings));
o.t = "s"; break;
@ -498,13 +512,9 @@ function write_ws_xml(idx/*:number*/, opts, wb/*:Workbook*/, rels)/*:string*/ {
if(!rels) rels = {};
ws['!comments'] = [];
ws['!drawing'] = [];
var _drawing = [];
if(opts.bookType !== 'xlsx' && wb.vbaraw) {
var cname = wb.SheetNames[idx];
try { if(wb.Workbook) cname = wb.Workbook.Sheets[idx].CodeName || cname; } catch(e) {}
o[o.length] = (writextag('sheetPr', null, {'codeName': escapexml(cname)}));
write_ws_xml_sheetpr(ws, wb, idx, opts, o);
o[o.length] = (writextag('dimension', null, {'ref': ref}));
@ -565,11 +575,11 @@ function write_ws_xml(idx/*:number*/, opts, wb/*:Workbook*/, rels)/*:string*/ {
delete ws['!links'];
/* printOptions */
if (ws['!margins'] != null) o[o.length] = write_ws_xml_margins(ws['!margins']);
if(ws['!margins'] != null) o[o.length] = write_ws_xml_margins(ws['!margins']);
/* pageSetup */
o[o.length] = "";
/* headerFooter */
/* rowBreaks */
/* colBreaks */
/* customProperties */
@ -579,11 +589,11 @@ function write_ws_xml(idx/*:number*/, opts, wb/*:Workbook*/, rels)/*:string*/ {
/* smartTags */
if(/*::(*/ws['!drawing']/*::||[])*/.length > 0) {
if(_drawing.length > 0) {
rId = add_rels(rels, -1, "../drawings/drawing" + (idx+1) + ".xml", RELS.DRAW);
o[o.length] = writextag("drawing", null, {"r:id":"rId" + rId});
ws['!drawing'] = _drawing;
else delete ws['!drawing'];
if(ws['!comments'].length > 0) {
rId = add_rels(rels, -1, "../drawings/vmlDrawing" + (idx+1) + ".vml", RELS.VML);
@ -591,14 +601,14 @@ function write_ws_xml(idx/*:number*/, opts, wb/*:Workbook*/, rels)/*:string*/ {
ws['!legacy'] = rId;
/* drawingHF */
/* legacyDrawingHF */
/* picture */
/* oleObjects */
/* controls */
/* webPublishItems */
/* tableParts */
/* extList */
/* extLst */
if(o.length>2) { o[o.length] = ('</worksheet>'); o[1]=o[1].replace("/>",">"); }
if(o.length>1) { o[o.length] = ('</worksheet>'); o[1]=o[1].replace("/>",">"); }
return o.join("");

@ -277,6 +277,10 @@ function write_BrtHLink(l, rId) {
return o.slice(0, o.l);
/* [MS-XLSB] 2.4.692 BrtPane */
function parse_BrtPane(/*data, length, opts*/) {
/* [MS-XLSB] 2.4.6 BrtArrFmla */
function parse_BrtArrFmla(data, length, opts) {
var end = data.l + length;
@ -397,6 +401,10 @@ function write_BrtSheetProtection(sp, o) {
return o;
function parse_BrtDVal(/*data, length, opts*/) {
function parse_BrtDVal14(/*data, length, opts*/) {
/* [MS-XLSB] Worksheet */
function parse_ws_bin(data, _opts, idx, rels, wb/*:WBWBProps*/, themes, styles)/*:Worksheet*/ {
if(!data) return data;

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ function parse_cs_xml(data/*:?string*/, opts, idx/*:number*/, rels, wb/*::, them
if(!data) return data;
/* chartsheet CT_ChartSheet */
if(!rels) rels = {'!id':{}};
var s = ({'!type':"chart", '!chart':null, '!rel':""}/*:any*/);
var s = ({'!type':"chart", '!drawel':null, '!rel':""}/*:any*/);
var m;
/* sheetPr CT_ChartsheetPr */
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ function parse_cs_xml(data/*:?string*/, opts, idx/*:number*/, rels, wb/*::, them
/* drawing CT_Drawing */
if((m = data.match(/drawing r:id="(.*?)"/))) s['!rel'] = m[1];
if(rels['!id'][s['!rel']]) s['!chart'] = rels['!id'][s['!rel']];
if(rels['!id'][s['!rel']]) s['!drawel'] = rels['!id'][s['!rel']];
return s;
function write_cs_xml(idx/*:number*/, opts, wb/*:Workbook*/, rels)/*:string*/ {
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ function parse_BrtCsProp(data, length/*:number*/) {
function parse_cs_bin(data, opts, idx/*:number*/, rels, wb/*::, themes, styles*/)/*:Worksheet*/ {
if(!data) return data;
if(!rels) rels = {'!id':{}};
var s = {'!type':"chart", '!chart':null, '!rel':""};
var s = {'!type':"chart", '!drawel':null, '!rel':""};
var state/*:Array<string>*/ = [];
var pass = false;
recordhopper(data, function cs_parse(val, R_n, RT) {
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ function parse_cs_bin(data, opts, idx/*:number*/, rels, wb/*::, themes, styles*/
}, opts);
if(rels['!id'][s['!rel']]) s['!chart'] = rels['!id'][s['!rel']];
if(rels['!id'][s['!rel']]) s['!drawel'] = rels['!id'][s['!rel']];
return s;
function write_cs_bin(/*::idx:number, opts, wb:Workbook, rels*/) {

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
var wbnsregex = /<\w+:workbook/;
function parse_wb_xml(data, opts)/*:WorkbookFile*/ {
if(!data) throw new Error("Could not find file");
var wb = { AppVersion:{}, WBProps:{}, WBView:[], Sheets:[], CalcPr:{}, Names:[], xmlns: "" };
var wb = /*::(*/{ AppVersion:{}, WBProps:{}, WBView:[], Sheets:[], CalcPr:{}, Names:[], xmlns: "" }/*::)*/;
var pass = false, xmlns = "xmlns";
var dname = {}, dnstart = 0;
data.replace(tagregex, function xml_wb(x, idx) {

@ -461,6 +461,7 @@ function parse_workbook(blob, options/*:ParseOpts*/)/*:Workbook*/ {
} break;
case 'LabelSst':
temp_val=make_cell(sst[val.isst].t, val.ixfe, 's');
if(sst[val.isst].h) temp_val.h = sst[val.isst].h;
temp_val.XF = XFs[temp_val.ixfe];
if(BIFF2Fmt > 0) temp_val.z = BIFF2FmtTable[(temp_val.ixfe>>8) & 0x1F];
safe_format_xf(temp_val, options, wb.opts.Date1904);

@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ var XLSBRecordEnum = {
/*::[*/0x003C/*::]*/: { n:"BrtColInfo", f:parse_ColInfo },
/*::[*/0x003E/*::]*/: { n:"BrtCellRString" },
/*::[*/0x003F/*::]*/: { n:"BrtCalcChainItem$", f:parse_BrtCalcChainItem$ },
/*::[*/0x0040/*::]*/: { n:"BrtDVal" },
/*::[*/0x0040/*::]*/: { n:"BrtDVal", f:parse_BrtDVal },
/*::[*/0x0041/*::]*/: { n:"BrtSxvcellNum" },
/*::[*/0x0042/*::]*/: { n:"BrtSxvcellStr" },
/*::[*/0x0043/*::]*/: { n:"BrtSxvcellBool" },
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ var XLSBRecordEnum = {
/*::[*/0x0092/*::]*/: { n:"BrtEndSheetData" },
/*::[*/0x0093/*::]*/: { n:"BrtWsProp", f:parse_BrtWsProp },
/*::[*/0x0094/*::]*/: { n:"BrtWsDim", f:parse_BrtWsDim, p:16 },
/*::[*/0x0097/*::]*/: { n:"BrtPane" },
/*::[*/0x0097/*::]*/: { n:"BrtPane", f:parse_BrtPane },
/*::[*/0x0098/*::]*/: { n:"BrtSel" },
/*::[*/0x0099/*::]*/: { n:"BrtWbProp", f:parse_BrtWbProp },
/*::[*/0x009A/*::]*/: { n:"BrtWbFactoid" },
@ -624,7 +624,7 @@ var XLSBRecordEnum = {
/*::[*/0x041A/*::]*/: { n:"BrtCFVO14" },
/*::[*/0x041B/*::]*/: { n:"BrtBeginDatabar14" },
/*::[*/0x041C/*::]*/: { n:"BrtBeginIconSet14" },
/*::[*/0x041D/*::]*/: { n:"BrtDVal14" },
/*::[*/0x041D/*::]*/: { n:"BrtDVal14", f: parse_BrtDVal14 },
/*::[*/0x041E/*::]*/: { n:"BrtBeginDVals14" },
/*::[*/0x041F/*::]*/: { n:"BrtColor14" },
/*::[*/0x0420/*::]*/: { n:"BrtBeginSparklines" },
@ -875,7 +875,7 @@ var XLSRecordEnum = {
/*::[*/0x003c/*::]*/: { n:"Continue" },
/*::[*/0x003d/*::]*/: { n:"Window1", f:parse_Window1 },
/*::[*/0x0040/*::]*/: { n:"Backup", f:parsebool },
/*::[*/0x0041/*::]*/: { n:"Pane" },
/*::[*/0x0041/*::]*/: { n:"Pane", f:parse_Pane },
/*::[*/0x0042/*::]*/: { n:'CodePage', f:parseuint16 },
/*::[*/0x004d/*::]*/: { n:"Pls" },
/*::[*/0x0050/*::]*/: { n:"DCon" },

@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ function safe_parse_sheet(zip, path/*:string*/, relsPath/*:string*/, sheet, idx/
switch(stype) {
case 'sheet': _ws = parse_ws(data, path, idx, opts, sheetRels[sheet], wb, themes, styles); break;
case 'chart': _ws = parse_cs(data, path, idx, opts, sheetRels[sheet], wb, themes, styles);
if(!_ws || !_ws['!chart']) break;
var dfile = resolve_path(_ws['!chart'].Target, path);
if(!_ws || !_ws['!drawel']) break;
var dfile = resolve_path(_ws['!drawel'].Target, path);
var drelsp = get_rels_path(dfile);
var draw = parse_drawing(getzipstr(zip, dfile, true), parse_rels(getzipstr(zip, drelsp, true), dfile));
var chartp = resolve_path(draw, dfile);

@ -59,12 +59,7 @@ function write_zip(wb/*:Workbook*/, opts/*:WriteOpts*/)/*:ZIP*/ {
var ws = wb.Sheets[wb.SheetNames[rId-1]];
var _type = (ws || {})["!type"] || "sheet";
switch(_type) {
case "chart": /*
f = "xl/chartsheets/sheet" + rId + "." + wbext;
zip_add_file(zip, f, write_cs(rId-1, f, opts, wb, wsrels));
add_rels(wsrels, -1, "chartsheets/sheet" + rId + "." + wbext, RELS.CS);
break; */
case "chart":
/* falls through */
f = "xl/worksheets/sheet" + rId + "." + wbext;

@ -50,4 +50,6 @@ can be installed with Bash on Windows or with `cygwin`.
- [`"serverless" functions`](function/)
- [`internet explorer`](oldie/)
Other examples are included in the [showcase](demos/showcase/).

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ var global = (function(){ return this; }).call(null);
## Swift + JavaScriptCore
iOS and OSX ship with the JavaScriptCore framework, enabling easy JS access from
iOS and OSX ship with the JavaScriptCore framework for running JS scripts from
Swift and Objective-C. Hybrid function invocation is tricky, but explicit data
passing is straightforward. The demo shows a standalone example for OSX. For
playgrounds, the library should be copied to shared playground data directory

@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ File input controls using `readAsBinaryString`, converting to a suitable
representation and updating the scope.
`SheetJSExportService` exposes export functions for `XLSB` and `XLSX`. Other
formats are easily supported by changing the `bookType` variable. It grabs
file formats can be exported by changing the `bookType` variable. It grabs
values from the grid, builds an array of arrays, generates a workbook and forces
a download. By setting the `filename` and `sheetname` options in the `ui-grid`
options, the output can be controlled.

@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ script performs the necessary installation steps.
`@ionic-native/file` reads and writes files on devices. `readAsBinaryString`
returns strings that can be parsed with the `binary` type, and `array` type can
easily be converted to blobs that can be exported with `writeFile`:
be converted to blobs that can be exported with `writeFile`:
/* read a workbook */

@ -48,8 +48,7 @@ variable automatically updates the view: = XLSX.utils.sheet_to_json(ws, {header:1});
This demo previews the first worksheet, but it is easy to add buttons and other
features to support multiple worksheets.
This demo previews the first worksheet.
## Editing

@ -7,12 +7,12 @@ generation. As a result, it is sometimes sensible to organize applications so
that the "last mile" conversion between JSON data and spreadsheet files is
independent from the main application.
The most obvious architecture would split off the JSON data conversion as a
The straightforward architecture would split off the JSON data conversion as a
separate microservice or application. Since it is only needed when an import or
export is requested, and since the process itself is relatively independent from
the rest of a typical service, a "Serverless" architecture makes a great fit.
Since the "function" is separate from the rest of the application, it is easy to
integrate into a platform built in Java or Go or Python or another language!
Since the "function" is separate from the rest of the application, it can be
integrated into a platform built in Java or Go or Python or another language!
This demo discusses general architectures and provides examples for popular
commercial systems and self-hosted alternatives. The examples are merely
@ -71,8 +71,8 @@ module.exports = (hook) => {
#### Report Generation
For an existing platform that already generates JSON or CSV or HTML output, it
is very easy to embellish output in an Excel-friendly XLSX file. The
For an existing platform that already generates JSON or CSV or HTML output, the
library can process the data and generate a new file with embellishments. The
`XLSX.utils.sheet_add_json` and `XLSX.utils.sheet_add_aoa` functions can add
data rows to an existing worksheet:

@ -19,8 +19,8 @@ finishes the work.
## This demonstration
Note: the obvious extremes of pure-client code and pure-server code are covered
in other demos.
Note: this demo intentionally mixes logic between client and server code.
Pure-client and pure-server examples are covered in other demos.
### Reading Data

demos/showcase/ Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
# Showcase
Many use cases are too complex to summarize in a short demo. The listed open
source projects use SheetJS libraries in clever deployments.
### vscode-data-preview
**Deployment**: Visual Studio Code Extension
**Website**: <>
**Repository**: <>
**Notes**: Demonstrates reading and writing files.

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ configuration magic SystemJS can load the library.
## Browser
SystemJS fails by default because the library does not export anything in the
web browser. This is easily addressed in the config:
web browser. The `meta` configuration option can be used to expose `XLSX`:
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ SystemJS.config({
In your main JS script, just use require:
With the new configuration, `require('xlsx')` will load the library:
var XLSX = require('xlsx');

dist/xlsx.core.min.js generated vendored

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

dist/ generated vendored

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

dist/xlsx.extendscript.js generated vendored

@ -9160,7 +9160,7 @@ module.exports = ZStream;
/*global global, exports, module, require:false, process:false, Buffer:false, ArrayBuffer:false */
var XLSX = {};
function make_xlsx_lib(XLSX){
XLSX.version = '0.15.1';
XLSX.version = '0.15.2';
var current_codepage = 1200, current_ansi = 1252;
/*global cptable:true, window */
if(typeof module !== "undefined" && typeof require !== 'undefined') {
@ -12043,11 +12043,11 @@ function resolve_path(path, base) {
var XML_HEADER = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>\r\n';
var attregexg=/([^"\s?>\/]+)\s*=\s*((?:")([^"]*)(?:")|(?:')([^']*)(?:')|([^'">\s]+))/g;
var tagregex=/<[\/\?]?[a-zA-Z0-9:]+(?:\s+[^"\s?>\/]+\s*=\s*(?:"[^"]*"|'[^']*'|[^'">\s=]+))*\s?[\/\?]?>/g;
var tagregex=/<[\/\?]?[a-zA-Z0-9:_-]+(?:\s+[^"\s?>\/]+\s*=\s*(?:"[^"]*"|'[^']*'|[^'">\s=]+))*\s?[\/\?]?>/g;
if(!(XML_HEADER.match(tagregex))) tagregex = /<[^>]*>/g;
var nsregex=/<\w*:/, nsregex2 = /<(\/?)\w+:/;
function parsexmltag(tag, skip_root) {
function parsexmltag(tag, skip_root, skip_LC) {
var z = ({});
var eq = 0, c = 0;
for(; eq !== tag.length; ++eq) if((c = tag.charCodeAt(eq)) === 32 || c === 10 || c === 13) break;
@ -12065,13 +12065,13 @@ function parsexmltag(tag, skip_root) {
if(j===q.length) {
if(q.indexOf("_") > 0) q = q.slice(0, q.indexOf("_")); // from ods
z[q] = v;
z[q.toLowerCase()] = v;
if(!skip_LC) z[q.toLowerCase()] = v;
else {
var k = (j===5 && q.slice(0,5)==="xmlns"?"xmlns":"")+q.slice(j+1);
if(z[k] && q.slice(j-3,j) == "ext") continue; // from ods
z[k] = v;
z[k.toLowerCase()] = v;
if(!skip_LC) z[k.toLowerCase()] = v;
return z;
@ -12483,9 +12483,16 @@ function WriteShift(t, val, f) {
for(i = 0; i != val.length; ++i) __writeUInt16LE(this, val.charCodeAt(i), this.l + 2 * i);
size = 2 * val.length;
} else if(f === 'sbcs') {
/* TODO: codepage */
if(typeof cptable !== 'undefined' && current_ansi == 874) {
/* TODO: use tables directly, don't encode */
for(i = 0; i != val.length; ++i) {
var cppayload = cptable.utils.encode(current_ansi, val.charAt(i));
this[this.l + i] = cppayload[0];
} else {
val = val.replace(/[^\x00-\x7F]/g, "_");
for(i = 0; i != val.length; ++i) this[this.l + i] = (val.charCodeAt(i) & 0xFF);
size = val.length;
} else if(f === 'hex') {
for(; i < t; ++i) {
@ -12631,8 +12638,8 @@ function shift_range_xls(cell, range, opts) {
function encode_cell_xls(c, biff) {
if(c.cRel && c.c < 0) { c = dup(c); c.c += (biff > 8) ? 0x4000 : 0x100; }
if(c.rRel && c.r < 0) { c = dup(c); c.r += (biff > 8) ? 0x100000 : ((biff > 5) ? 0x10000 : 0x4000); }
if(c.cRel && c.c < 0) { c = dup(c); while(c.c < 0) c.c += (biff > 8) ? 0x4000 : 0x100; }
if(c.rRel && c.r < 0) { c = dup(c); while(c.r < 0) c.r += (biff > 8) ? 0x100000 : ((biff > 5) ? 0x10000 : 0x4000); }
var s = encode_cell(c);
if(!c.cRel && c.cRel != null) s = fix_col(s);
if(!c.rRel && c.rRel != null) s = fix_row(s);
@ -13711,11 +13718,11 @@ function get_rels_path(file) {
function parse_rels(data, currentFilePath) {
if (!data) return data;
var rels = {"!id":{}};
if (!data) return rels;
if (currentFilePath.charAt(0) !== '/') {
currentFilePath = '/'+currentFilePath;
var rels = {};
var hash = {};
(data.match(tagregex)||[]).forEach(function(x) {
@ -15156,6 +15163,10 @@ function write_Window2(view) {
return o;
/* [MS-XLS] 2.4.189 TODO */
function parse_Pane(/*blob, length, opts*/) {
/* [MS-XLS] 2.4.122 TODO */
function parse_Font(blob, length, opts) {
var o = {
@ -17113,111 +17124,134 @@ var WK_ = (function() {
to_workbook: lotus_to_workbook
/* Parse a list of <r> tags */
var parse_rs = (function parse_rs_factory() {
var tregex = matchtag("t"), rpregex = matchtag("rPr"), rregex = /<(?:\w+:)?r>/g, rend = /<\/(?:\w+:)?r>/, nlregex = /\r\n/g;
/* 18.4.7 rPr CT_RPrElt */
var parse_rpr = function parse_rpr(rpr, intro, outro) {
var font = {}, cp = 65001, align = "";
var pass = false;
var m = rpr.match(tagregex), i = 0;
if(m) for(;i!=m.length; ++i) {
var y = parsexmltag(m[i]);
switch(y[0].replace(/\w*:/g,"")) {
/* 18.8.12 condense CT_BooleanProperty */
/* ** not required . */
case '<condense': break;
/* 18.8.17 extend CT_BooleanProperty */
/* ** not required . */
case '<extend': break;
/* 18.8.36 shadow CT_BooleanProperty */
/* ** not required . */
case '<shadow':
if(!y.val) break;
/* falls through */
case '<shadow>':
case '<shadow/>': font.shadow = 1; break;
case '</shadow>': break;
/* 18.4.7 rPr CT_RPrElt */
function parse_rpr(rpr) {
var font = {}, m = rpr.match(tagregex), i = 0;
var pass = false;
if(m) for(;i!=m.length; ++i) {
var y = parsexmltag(m[i]);
switch(y[0].replace(/\w*:/g,"")) {
/* 18.8.12 condense CT_BooleanProperty */
/* ** not required . */
case '<condense': break;
/* 18.8.17 extend CT_BooleanProperty */
/* ** not required . */
case '<extend': break;
/* 18.8.36 shadow CT_BooleanProperty */
/* ** not required . */
case '<shadow':
if(!y.val) break;
/* falls through */
case '<shadow>':
case '<shadow/>': font.shadow = 1; break;
case '</shadow>': break;
/* 18.4.1 charset CT_IntProperty TODO */
case '<charset':
if(y.val == '1') break;
cp = CS2CP[parseInt(y.val, 10)];
/* 18.4.1 charset CT_IntProperty TODO */
case '<charset':
if(y.val == '1') break;
font.cp = CS2CP[parseInt(y.val, 10)];
/* 18.4.2 outline CT_BooleanProperty TODO */
case '<outline':
if(!y.val) break;
/* falls through */
case '<outline>':
case '<outline/>': font.outline = 1; break;
case '</outline>': break;
/* 18.4.2 outline CT_BooleanProperty TODO */
case '<outline':
if(!y.val) break;
/* falls through */
case '<outline>':
case '<outline/>': font.outline = 1; break;
case '</outline>': break;
/* 18.4.5 rFont CT_FontName */
case '<rFont': = y.val; break;
/* 18.4.5 rFont CT_FontName */
case '<rFont': = y.val; break;
/* 18.4.11 sz CT_FontSize */
case '<sz': = y.val; break;
/* 18.4.11 sz CT_FontSize */
case '<sz': = y.val; break;
/* 18.4.10 strike CT_BooleanProperty */
case '<strike':
if(!y.val) break;
/* falls through */
case '<strike>':
case '<strike/>': font.strike = 1; break;
case '</strike>': break;
/* 18.4.10 strike CT_BooleanProperty */
case '<strike':
if(!y.val) break;
/* falls through */
case '<strike>':
case '<strike/>': font.strike = 1; break;
case '</strike>': break;
/* 18.4.13 u CT_UnderlineProperty */
case '<u':
if(!y.val) break;
switch(y.val) {
case 'double': font.uval = "double"; break;
case 'singleAccounting': font.uval = "single-accounting"; break;
case 'doubleAccounting': font.uval = "double-accounting"; break;
/* falls through */
case '<u>':
case '<u/>': font.u = 1; break;
case '</u>': break;
/* 18.4.13 u CT_UnderlineProperty */
case '<u':
if(!y.val) break;
switch(y.val) {
case 'double': font.uval = "double"; break;
case 'singleAccounting': font.uval = "single-accounting"; break;
case 'doubleAccounting': font.uval = "double-accounting"; break;
/* falls through */
case '<u>':
case '<u/>': font.u = 1; break;
case '</u>': break;
/* 18.8.2 b */
case '<b':
if(y.val == '0') break;
/* falls through */
case '<b>':