@ -342,7 +342,7 @@ function parsetest(x/*:string*/, wb/*:Workbook*/, full/*:boolean*/, ext/*:?strin
var wbtable = {};
(browser ? describe.skip : describe)('should parse test files', function() {
if(!browser) describe('should parse test files', function() {
files.forEach(function(x) {
if(x.slice(-8) == ".pending" || !fs.existsSync(dir + x)) return;
it(x, function() {
@ -383,13 +383,13 @@ function each_sheet(wb, f) { wb.SheetNames.forEach(function(n, i) { f(wb.Sheets[
/* comments_stress_test family */
function check_comments(wb) {
var ws0 = wb.Sheets.Sheet2;
var ws0 = wb.Sheets["Sheet2"];
assert.equal(get_cell(ws0,"A1").c[0].a, 'Author');
assert.equal(get_cell(ws0,"A1").c[0].t, 'Author:\nGod thinks this is good');
assert.equal(get_cell(ws0,"C1").c[0].a, 'Author');
assert.equal(get_cell(ws0,"C1").c[0].t, 'I really hope that xlsx decides not to use magic like rPr');
var ws3 = wb.Sheets.Sheet4;
var ws3 = wb.Sheets["Sheet4"];
assert.equal(get_cell(ws3,"B1").c[0].a, 'Author');
assert.equal(get_cell(ws3,"B1").c[0].t, 'The next comment is empty');
assert.equal(get_cell(ws3,"B2").c[0].a, 'Author');
@ -401,14 +401,14 @@ describe('parse options', function() {
describe('cell', function() {
it('XLSX should generate HTML by default', function() {
var wb = X.read(fs.readFileSync(paths.cstxlsx), {type:TYPE});
var ws = wb.Sheets.Sheet1;
var ws = wb.Sheets["Sheet1"];
each_cell(ws, function(cell) {
assert.ok(html_cell_types.indexOf(cell.t) === -1 || cell.h);
it('XLSX should not generate HTML when requested', function() {
var wb = X.read(fs.readFileSync(paths.cstxlsx), {type:TYPE, cellHTML:false});
var ws = wb.Sheets.Sheet1;
var ws = wb.Sheets["Sheet1"];
each_cell(ws, function(cell) {
assert.ok(typeof cell.h === 'undefined');
@ -483,7 +483,7 @@ describe('parse options', function() {
it('should not generate cell styles by default', function() {
CSSPaths.forEach(function(p) {
var wb = X.read(fs.readFileSync(p), {type:TYPE, WTF:1});
var wb = X.read(fs.readFileSync(p), {type:TYPE, WTF:true});
wb.SheetNames.forEach(function(s) {
var ws = wb.Sheets[s];
each_cell(ws, function(cell) {
@ -513,7 +513,7 @@ describe('parse options', function() {
it('should generate cell dates when requested', function() {
DTPaths.forEach(function(p) {
var wb = X.read(fs.readFileSync(p), {type:TYPE, cellDates: true, WTF:1});
var wb = X.read(fs.readFileSync(p), {type:TYPE, cellDates: true, WTF:true});
var found = false;
each_sheet(wb, function(ws/*::, i*/) { /*:: void i; */each_cell(ws, function(cell) {
if(cell.t === 'd') return (found = true);
@ -529,9 +529,9 @@ describe('parse options', function() {
var str = X.write(wb, {bookType: "xlsx", type: "binary"});
var wb2 = X.read(str, {type: "binary"});
/*jshint -W069 */
assert.equal(wb2.Sheets.Sheet1["A1"].f, "IFS(2>3,1,3>2,2)");
assert.equal(wb2.Sheets["Sheet1"]["A1"].f, "IFS(2>3,1,3>2,2)");
var wb3 = X.read(str, {type: "binary", xlfn: true});
assert.equal(wb3.Sheets.Sheet1["A1"].f, "_xlfn.IFS(2>3,1,3>2,2)");
assert.equal(wb3.Sheets["Sheet1"]["A1"].f, "_xlfn.IFS(2>3,1,3>2,2)");
/*jshint +W069 */
@ -539,27 +539,27 @@ describe('parse options', function() {
it('should not generate sheet stubs by default', function() {
MCPaths.forEach(function(p) {
var wb = X.read(fs.readFileSync(p), {type:TYPE});
assert.throws(function() { return get_cell(wb.Sheets.Merge, "A2").v; });
assert.throws(function() { return get_cell(wb.Sheets["Merge"], "A2").v; });
it('should generate sheet stubs when requested', function() {
MCPaths.forEach(function(p) {
var wb = X.read(fs.readFileSync(p), {type:TYPE, sheetStubs:true});
assert.ok(get_cell(wb.Sheets.Merge, "A2").t == 'z');
assert.ok(get_cell(wb.Sheets["Merge"], "A2").t == 'z');
it('should handle stub cells', function() {
MCPaths.forEach(function(p) {
var wb = X.read(fs.readFileSync(p), {type:TYPE, sheetStubs:true});
ofmt.forEach(function(f) { if(f != "dbf") X.write(wb, {type:TYPE, bookType:f}); });
function checkcells(wb, A46, B26, C16, D2) {
[ ["A46", A46], ["B26", B26], ["C16", C16], ["D2", D2] ].forEach(function(r) {
assert.ok((typeof get_cell(wb.Sheets.Text, r[0]) !== 'undefined') == r[1]);
assert.ok((typeof get_cell(wb.Sheets["Text"], r[0]) !== 'undefined') == r[1]);
it('should read all cells by default', function() { FSTPaths.forEach(function(p) {
@ -581,35 +581,35 @@ describe('parse options', function() {
assert.ok(ws['!ref'] === "A1:B3");
var wb = X.utils.book_new();
X.utils.book_append_sheet(wb, ws, "Sheet1");
var bs = X.write(wb, { bookType: fmt, type: ot, WTF: 1 });
var bs = X.write(wb, { bookType: fmt, type: ot, WTF:true });
var wb0 = X.read(bs, { type: ot, WTF: 1 });
var ws0 = wb0.Sheets.Sheet1;
var wb0 = X.read(bs, { type: ot, WTF:true });
var ws0 = wb0.Sheets["Sheet1"];
assert.equal(ws0['!ref'], "A1:B3");
assert.equal(get_cell(ws0, "A1").v, 1);
assert.equal(get_cell(ws0, "A1").v, fmt == "dbf" ? "1" : 1);
assert.equal(get_cell(ws0, "B2").v, 4);
assert.equal(get_cell(ws0, "A3").v, 5);
var wb1 = X.read(bs, { type: ot, sheetRows: 1 });
var ws1 = wb1.Sheets.Sheet1;
var ws1 = wb1.Sheets["Sheet1"];
assert.equal(ws1['!ref'], "A1:B1");
assert.equal(get_cell(ws1, "A1").v, 1);
assert.equal(get_cell(ws1, "A1").v, fmt == "dbf" ? "1" : 1);
assert.ok(!get_cell(ws1, "B2"));
assert.ok(!get_cell(ws1, "A3"));
if(ws1['!fullref']) assert.equal(ws1['!fullref'], "A1:B3");
var wb2 = X.read(bs, { type: ot, sheetRows: 2 });
var ws2 = wb2.Sheets.Sheet1;
var ws2 = wb2.Sheets["Sheet1"];
assert.equal(ws2['!ref'], "A1:B2");
assert.equal(get_cell(ws2, "A1").v, 1);
assert.equal(get_cell(ws2, "A1").v, fmt == "dbf" ? "1" : 1);
assert.equal(get_cell(ws2, "B2").v, 4);
assert.ok(!get_cell(ws2, "A3"));
if(ws2['!fullref']) assert.equal(ws2['!fullref'], "A1:B3");
var wb3 = X.read(bs, { type: ot, sheetRows: 3 });
var ws3 = wb3.Sheets.Sheet1;
var ws3 = wb3.Sheets["Sheet1"];
assert.equal(ws3['!ref'], "A1:B3");
assert.equal(get_cell(ws3, "A1").v, 1);
assert.equal(get_cell(ws3, "A1").v, fmt == "dbf" ? "1" : 1);
assert.equal(get_cell(ws3, "B2").v, 4);
assert.equal(get_cell(ws3, "A3").v, 5);
if(ws3['!fullref']) assert.equal(ws3['!fullref'], "A1:B3");
@ -685,13 +685,13 @@ describe('input formats', function() {
it('should read base64 strings', function() { artifax.forEach(function(p) {
X.read(fs.readFileSync(p, 'base64'), {type: 'base64'});
}); });
(typeof Uint8Array !== 'undefined' ? it : it.skip)('should read array', function() { artifax.forEach(function(p) {
if(typeof Uint8Array !== 'undefined') it('should read array', function() { artifax.forEach(function(p) {
X.read(fs.readFileSync(p, 'binary').split("").map(function(x) { return x.charCodeAt(0); }), {type:'array'});
}); });
((browser || typeof Buffer === 'undefined') ? it.skip : it)('should read Buffers', function() { artifax.forEach(function(p) {
X.read(fs.readFileSync(p), {type: 'buffer'});
}); });
(typeof Uint8Array !== 'undefined' ? it : it.skip)('should read ArrayBuffer / Uint8Array', function() { artifax.forEach(function(p) {
if(typeof Uint8Array !== 'undefined') it('should read ArrayBuffer / Uint8Array', function() { artifax.forEach(function(p) {
var payload = fs.readFileSync(p, browser ? 'buffer' : null);
var ab = new ArrayBuffer(payload.length), vu = new Uint8Array(ab);
for(var i = 0; i < payload.length; ++i) vu[i] = payload[i];
@ -731,9 +731,9 @@ describe('output formats', function() {
fmts.forEach(function(fmt) {
var wb = X.utils.book_new();
X.utils.book_append_sheet(wb, X.utils.aoa_to_sheet([['R',"\u2603"],["\u0BEE",2]]), "Sheet1");
if(T == 'string' && !fmt[2]) return assert.throws(function() {X.write(wb, {type: T, bookType:fmt[0], WTF:1});});
var out = X.write(wb, {type: T, bookType:fmt[0], WTF:1});
var nwb = X.read(out, {type: T, PRN: fmt[0] == 'prn', WTF:1});
if(T == 'string' && !fmt[2]) return assert.throws(function() {X.write(wb, {type: T, bookType:fmt[0], WTF:true});});
var out = X.write(wb, {type: T, bookType:fmt[0], WTF:true});
var nwb = X.read(out, {type: T, PRN: fmt[0] == 'prn', WTF:true});
var nws = nwb.Sheets[nwb.SheetNames[0]];
assert.equal(get_cell(nws, "B2").v, 2);
assert.equal(get_cell(nws, "A1").v, "R");
@ -930,7 +930,7 @@ describe('parse features', function() {
].forEach(function(m) { it(m[0] + ' stress test', function() {
var wb = X.read(fs.readFileSync(m[1]), {type:TYPE});
var ws0 = wb.Sheets.Sheet2;
var ws0 = wb.Sheets["Sheet2"];
assert.equal(get_cell(ws0,"A1").c[0].a, 'Author');
assert.equal(get_cell(ws0,"A1").c[0].t, 'Author:\nGod thinks this is good');
assert.equal(get_cell(ws0,"C1").c[0].a, 'Author');
@ -942,10 +942,10 @@ describe('parse features', function() {
var wbs=[];
var bef = (function() {
wbs = [
X.read(fs.readFileSync(paths.cpxlsx), {type:TYPE, WTF:1}),
X.read(fs.readFileSync(paths.cpxlsb), {type:TYPE, WTF:1}),
X.read(fs.readFileSync(paths.cpxls), {type:TYPE, WTF:1}),
X.read(fs.readFileSync(paths.cpxml), {type:TYPE, WTF:1})
X.read(fs.readFileSync(paths.cpxlsx), {type:TYPE, WTF:true}),
X.read(fs.readFileSync(paths.cpxlsb), {type:TYPE, WTF:true}),
X.read(fs.readFileSync(paths.cpxls), {type:TYPE, WTF:true}),
X.read(fs.readFileSync(paths.cpxml), {type:TYPE, WTF:true})
if(typeof before != 'undefined') before(bef);
@ -984,7 +984,7 @@ describe('parse features', function() {
it('should use original range if not set', function() {
var opts = {type:TYPE};
FSTPaths.map(function(p) { return X.read(fs.readFileSync(p), opts); }).forEach(function(wb) {
it('should adjust range if set', function() {
@ -992,8 +992,8 @@ describe('parse features', function() {
var wbs = FSTPaths.map(function(p) { return X.read(fs.readFileSync(p), opts); });
wbs.slice(0,2).forEach(function(wb) {
it('should not generate comment cells', function() {
@ -1001,8 +1001,8 @@ describe('parse features', function() {
var wbs = CSTPaths.map(function(p) { return X.read(fs.readFileSync(p), opts); });
wbs.slice(0,2).forEach(function(wb) {
@ -1016,16 +1016,16 @@ describe('parse features', function() {
if(typeof before != 'undefined') before(bef);
else it('before', bef);
it('should have "!cols"', function() {
wbs.forEach(function(wb) { assert.ok(wb.Sheets.Sheet1['!cols']); });
wbs.forEach(function(wb) { assert.ok(wb.Sheets["Sheet1"]['!cols']); });
it('should have correct widths', function() {
/* SYLK rounds wch so skip non-integral */
wbs_no_slk.map(function(x) { return x.Sheets.Sheet1['!cols']; }).forEach(function(x) {
wbs_no_slk.map(function(x) { return x.Sheets["Sheet1"]['!cols']; }).forEach(function(x) {
assert.equal(x[1].width, 0.1640625);
assert.equal(x[2].width, 16.6640625);
assert.equal(x[3].width, 1.6640625);
wbs.map(function(x) { return x.Sheets.Sheet1['!cols']; }).forEach(function(x) {
wbs.map(function(x) { return x.Sheets["Sheet1"]['!cols']; }).forEach(function(x) {
assert.equal(x[4].width, 4.83203125);
assert.equal(x[5].width, 8.83203125);
assert.equal(x[6].width, 12.83203125);
@ -1034,12 +1034,12 @@ describe('parse features', function() {
it('should have correct pixels', function() {
/* SYLK rounds wch so skip non-integral */
wbs_no_slk.map(function(x) { return x.Sheets.Sheet1['!cols']; }).forEach(function(x) {
wbs_no_slk.map(function(x) { return x.Sheets["Sheet1"]['!cols']; }).forEach(function(x) {
assert.equal(x[1].wpx, 1);
assert.equal(x[2].wpx, 100);
assert.equal(x[3].wpx, 10);
wbs.map(function(x) { return x.Sheets.Sheet1['!cols']; }).forEach(function(x) {
wbs.map(function(x) { return x.Sheets["Sheet1"]['!cols']; }).forEach(function(x) {
assert.equal(x[4].wpx, 29);
assert.equal(x[5].wpx, 53);
assert.equal(x[6].wpx, 77);
@ -1060,25 +1060,25 @@ describe('parse features', function() {
if(typeof before != 'undefined') before(bef);
else it('before', bef);
it('should have "!rows"', function() {
wbs.forEach(function(wb) { assert.ok(wb.Sheets.Sheet1['!rows']); });
wbs.forEach(function(wb) { assert.ok(wb.Sheets["Sheet1"]['!rows']); });
it('should have correct points', function() {
wbs.map(function(x) { return x.Sheets.Sheet1['!rows']; }).forEach(function(x) {
wbs.map(function(x) { return x.Sheets["Sheet1"]['!rows']; }).forEach(function(x) {
assert.equal(x[1].hpt, 1);
assert.equal(x[2].hpt, 10);
assert.equal(x[3].hpt, 100);
it('should have correct pixels', function() {
wbs.map(function(x) { return x.Sheets.Sheet1['!rows']; }).forEach(function(x) {
wbs.map(function(x) { return x.Sheets["Sheet1"]['!rows']; }).forEach(function(x) {
/* note: at 96 PPI hpt == hpx */
assert.equal(x[1].hpx, 1);
assert.equal(x[2].hpx, 10);
assert.equal(x[3].hpx, 100);
(ol ? it : it.skip)('should have correct outline levels', function() {
ols.map(function(x) { return x.Sheets.Sheet1; }).forEach(function(ws) {
it('should have correct outline levels', function() {
ols.map(function(x) { return x.Sheets["Sheet1"]; }).forEach(function(ws) {
var rows = ws['!rows'];
for(var i = 0; i < 29; ++i) {
var cell = get_cell(ws, "A" + X.utils.encode_row(i));
@ -1103,9 +1103,9 @@ describe('parse features', function() {
else it('before', bef);
it('should have !merges', function() {
wbs.forEach(function(wb) {
var m = wbs.map(function(x) { return x.Sheets.Merge['!merges'].map(function(y) { return X.utils.encode_range(y); });});
var m = wbs.map(function(x) { return x.Sheets["Merge"]['!merges'].map(function(y) { return X.utils.encode_range(y); });});
m.slice(1).forEach(function(x) {
@ -1115,17 +1115,17 @@ describe('parse features', function() {
describe('should find hyperlinks', function() {
var wb1, wb2;
var bef = (function() {
wb1 = HLPaths.map(function(p) { return X.read(fs.readFileSync(p), {type:TYPE, WTF:1}); });
wb2 = ILPaths.map(function(p) { return X.read(fs.readFileSync(p), {type:TYPE, WTF:1}); });
wb1 = HLPaths.map(function(p) { return X.read(fs.readFileSync(p), {type:TYPE, WTF:true}); });
wb2 = ILPaths.map(function(p) { return X.read(fs.readFileSync(p), {type:TYPE, WTF:true}); });
if(typeof before != 'undefined') before(bef);
else it('before', bef);
['xlsx', 'xlsb', 'xls', 'xml'].forEach(function(x, i) {
it(x + " external", function() { hlink1(wb1[i].Sheets.Sheet1); });
it(x + " external", function() { hlink1(wb1[i].Sheets["Sheet1"]); });
['xlsx', 'xlsb', 'xls', 'xml', 'ods'].forEach(function(x, i) {
it(x + " internal", function() { hlink2(wb2[i].Sheets.Sheet1); });
it(x + " internal", function() { hlink2(wb2[i].Sheets["Sheet1"]); });
@ -1275,10 +1275,10 @@ describe('parse features', function() {
else it('before', bef);
['xlsx'].forEach(function(m) { it(m, function() {
var wb2 = X.read(X.write(wb, {bookType:m, type:TYPE}),{type:TYPE, cellHTML:true});
assert.equal(get_cell(wb2.Sheets.Sheet1, "A2").h, "&");
assert.equal(get_cell(wb2.Sheets.Sheet1, "B2").h, "<");
assert.equal(get_cell(wb2.Sheets.Sheet1, "C2").h, ">");
var h = get_cell(wb2.Sheets.Sheet1, "D2").h;
assert.equal(get_cell(wb2.Sheets["Sheet1"], "A2").h, "&");
assert.equal(get_cell(wb2.Sheets["Sheet1"], "B2").h, "<");
assert.equal(get_cell(wb2.Sheets["Sheet1"], "C2").h, ">");
var h = get_cell(wb2.Sheets["Sheet1"], "D2").h;
assert.ok(h == "
" || h == "<br/>");
}); });
@ -1287,7 +1287,7 @@ describe('parse features', function() {
var wbs=[];
var bef = (function() {
if(!fs.existsSync(paths.pmxls)) return;
wbs = PMPaths.map(function(p) { return X.read(fs.readFileSync(p), {type:TYPE, WTF:1}); });
wbs = PMPaths.map(function(p) { return X.read(fs.readFileSync(p), {type:TYPE, WTF:true}); });
if(typeof before != 'undefined') before(bef);
else it('before', bef);
@ -1306,8 +1306,8 @@ describe('parse features', function() {
describe('should correctly handle styles', function() {
var wsxls, wsxlsx, rn, rn2;
var bef = (function() {
wsxls=X.read(fs.readFileSync(paths.cssxls), {type:TYPE,cellStyles:true,WTF:1}).Sheets.Sheet1;
wsxlsx=X.read(fs.readFileSync(paths.cssxlsx), {type:TYPE,cellStyles:true,WTF:1}).Sheets.Sheet1;
wsxls=X.read(fs.readFileSync(paths.cssxls), {type:TYPE,cellStyles:true,WTF:true}).Sheets["Sheet1"];
wsxlsx=X.read(fs.readFileSync(paths.cssxlsx), {type:TYPE,cellStyles:true,WTF:true}).Sheets["Sheet1"];
rn = function(range) {
var r = X.utils.decode_range(range);
var out = [];
@ -1395,12 +1395,36 @@ describe('parse features', function() {
assert.equal(data[4][1], '456.00');
assert.equal(data[5][1], '7,890');
}); }); });
it('date system', function() {[
"biff5", "ods", "slk", "xls", "xlsb", "xlsx", "xml"
].forEach(function(ext) {
// TODO: verify actual date values
var wb0 = X.read(fs.readFileSync("./test_files/1904/1900." + ext), {type: TYPE, cellNF: true});
assert.ok(!wb0.Workbook || !wb0.Workbook.WBProps || !wb0.Workbook.WBProps.date1904);
assert.equal(X.utils.sheet_to_csv(wb0.Sheets[wb0.SheetNames[0]]), [
var wb4 = X.read(fs.readFileSync("./test_files/1904/1904." + ext), {type: TYPE, cellNF: true});
assert.equal(X.utils.sheet_to_csv(wb4.Sheets[wb4.SheetNames[0]]), [
}); });
describe('write features', function() {
describe('props', function() {
describe('core', function() {
var ws;
var baseprops = {
Category: "Newspaper",
ContentStatus: "Published",
@ -1416,6 +1440,7 @@ describe('write features', function() {
Subject: "Superman",
Title: "Man of Steel"
var ws;
var bef = (function() {
ws = X.utils.aoa_to_sheet([["a","b","c"],[1,2,3]]);
@ -1452,17 +1477,17 @@ describe('write features', function() {
["xlsb", "XFD1048576"]
].forEach(function(r) { it(r[0], function() {
var C = X.utils.decode_cell(r[1]);
var wopts = {bookType:r[0], type:'binary', WTF:1};
var wopts = {bookType:r[0], type:'binary', WTF:true};
var wb = { SheetNames: ["Sheet1"], Sheets: { Sheet1: {} } };
wb.Sheets.Sheet1['!ref'] = "A1:" + X.utils.encode_cell({r:0, c:C.c});
wb.Sheets["Sheet1"]['!ref'] = "A1:" + X.utils.encode_cell({r:0, c:C.c});
X.write(wb, wopts);
wb.Sheets.Sheet1['!ref'] = "A" + X.utils.encode_row(C.r - 5) + ":" + X.utils.encode_cell({r:C.r, c:0});
wb.Sheets["Sheet1"]['!ref'] = "A" + X.utils.encode_row(C.r - 5) + ":" + X.utils.encode_cell({r:C.r, c:0});
X.write(wb, wopts);
wb.Sheets.Sheet1['!ref'] = "A1:" + X.utils.encode_cell({r:0, c:C.c+1});
wb.Sheets["Sheet1"]['!ref'] = "A1:" + X.utils.encode_cell({r:0, c:C.c+1});
assert.throws(function() { X.write(wb, wopts); });
wb.Sheets.Sheet1['!ref'] = "A" + X.utils.encode_row(C.r - 5) + ":" + X.utils.encode_cell({r:C.r+1, c:0});
wb.Sheets["Sheet1"]['!ref'] = "A" + X.utils.encode_row(C.r - 5) + ":" + X.utils.encode_cell({r:C.r+1, c:0});
assert.throws(function() { X.write(wb, wopts); });
}); }); });
it('single worksheet formats', function() {
@ -1485,8 +1510,8 @@ describe('write features', function() {
((wb2.Workbook||{}).Names || []).forEach(function(dn) { if(dn.Name == "_xlnm._FilterDatabase" && dn.Sheet == 0) Name = dn; });
assert.ok(!!Name, "Could not find _xlnm._FilterDatabases name WR");
assert.equal(Name.Ref, "Sheet1!$A$1:$C$2");
X.utils.sheet_add_aoa(wb2.Sheets.Sheet1, [[4,5,6]], { origin: -1 });
wb2.Sheets.Sheet1["!autofilter"].ref = wb2.Sheets.Sheet1["!ref"];
X.utils.sheet_add_aoa(wb2.Sheets["Sheet1"], [[4,5,6]], { origin: -1 });
wb2.Sheets["Sheet1"]["!autofilter"].ref = wb2.Sheets["Sheet1"]["!ref"];
var wb3 = X.read(X.write(wb2, {bookType:fmt, type:TYPE}), {type:TYPE});
Name = void 0;
((wb3.Workbook||{}).Names || []).forEach(function(dn) { if(dn.Name == "_xlnm._FilterDatabase" && dn.Sheet == 0) Name = dn; });
@ -1562,8 +1587,8 @@ describe('roundtrip features', function() {
["xlsx", "xlsb", "xlml", "ods", "biff8", "numbers"].forEach(function(f) { it(f, function() {
var wb1 = X.read(fs.readFileSync(paths.mcxlsx), {type:TYPE});
var wb2 = X.read(X.write(wb1,{bookType:f,type:'binary',numbers:XLSX_ZAHL}),{type:'binary'});
var m1 = wb1.Sheets.Merge['!merges'].map(X.utils.encode_range);
var m2 = wb2.Sheets.Merge['!merges'].map(X.utils.encode_range);
var m1 = wb1.Sheets["Merge"]['!merges'].map(X.utils.encode_range);
var m2 = wb2.Sheets["Merge"]['!merges'].map(X.utils.encode_range);
assert.equal(m1.length, m2.length);
for(var i = 0; i < m1.length; ++i) assert.ok(m1.indexOf(m2[i]) > -1);
}); });
@ -1595,13 +1620,13 @@ describe('roundtrip features', function() {
describe('should preserve formulae', function() { [
describe('should preserve formulae', function() { var ff = [
['xlml', paths.fstxml],
['xlsx', paths.fstxlsx],
['ods', paths.fstods]
].forEach(function(w) { it(w[0], function() {
var wb1 = X.read(fs.readFileSync(w[1]), {type:TYPE, cellFormula:true, WTF:1});
var wb2 = X.read(X.write(wb1, {bookType:w[0], type:TYPE}), {cellFormula:true, type:TYPE, WTF:1});
]; ff.forEach(function(w) { it(w[0], function() {
var wb1 = X.read(fs.readFileSync(w[1]), {type:TYPE, cellFormula:true, WTF:true});
var wb2 = X.read(X.write(wb1, {bookType:w[0], type:TYPE}), {cellFormula:true, type:TYPE, WTF:true});
wb1.SheetNames.forEach(function(n) {
@ -1613,17 +1638,17 @@ describe('roundtrip features', function() {
describe('should preserve dynamic array formulae', function() { [
['xlsx', paths.m19xlsx]
].forEach(function(w) { it(w[0], function() {
var wb1 = X.read(fs.readFileSync(w[1]), {xlfn: true, type:TYPE, cellFormula:true, WTF:1});
var wb2 = X.read(X.write(wb1, {bookType:w[0], type:TYPE}), {cellFormula:true, xlfn: true, type:TYPE, WTF:1});
assert.equal(!!get_cell(wb2.Sheets.Sheet1, "B3").D, true);
assert.equal(!!get_cell(wb2.Sheets.Sheet1, "B13").D, true);
assert.equal(!!get_cell(wb2.Sheets.Sheet1, "C13").D, true);
var wb1 = X.read(fs.readFileSync(w[1]), {xlfn: true, type:TYPE, cellFormula:true, WTF:true});
var wb2 = X.read(X.write(wb1, {bookType:w[0], type:TYPE}), {cellFormula:true, xlfn: true, type:TYPE, WTF:true});
assert.equal(!!get_cell(wb2.Sheets["Sheet1"], "B3").D, true);
assert.equal(!!get_cell(wb2.Sheets["Sheet1"], "B13").D, true);
assert.equal(!!get_cell(wb2.Sheets["Sheet1"], "C13").D, true);
get_cell(wb2.Sheets.Sheet1, "B3").D = false;
var wb3 = X.read(X.write(wb2, {bookType:w[0], type:TYPE}), {cellFormula:true, xlfn: true, type:TYPE, WTF:1});
assert.equal(!!get_cell(wb3.Sheets.Sheet1, "B3").D, false);
assert.equal(!!get_cell(wb3.Sheets.Sheet1, "B13").D, true);
assert.equal(!!get_cell(wb3.Sheets.Sheet1, "C13").D, true);
get_cell(wb2.Sheets["Sheet1"], "B3").D = false;
var wb3 = X.read(X.write(wb2, {bookType:w[0], type:TYPE}), {cellFormula:true, xlfn: true, type:TYPE, WTF:true});
assert.equal(!!get_cell(wb3.Sheets["Sheet1"], "B3").D, false);
assert.equal(!!get_cell(wb3.Sheets["Sheet1"], "B13").D, true);
assert.equal(!!get_cell(wb3.Sheets["Sheet1"], "C13").D, true);
}); }); });
describe('should preserve hyperlink', function() { [
@ -1638,12 +1663,12 @@ describe('roundtrip features', function() {
['ods', paths.ilods, false]
].forEach(function(w) { it(w[0]+" "+(w[2]?"ex":"in")+ "ternal", function() {
var wb = X.read(fs.readFileSync(w[1]), {type:TYPE, WTF:opts.WTF});
var hlink = (w[2] ? hlink1 : hlink2); hlink(wb.Sheets.Sheet1);
var hlink = (w[2] ? hlink1 : hlink2); hlink(wb.Sheets["Sheet1"]);
wb = X.read(X.write(wb, {bookType:w[0], type:TYPE, WTF:opts.WTF}), {type:TYPE, WTF:opts.WTF});
}); }); });
(fs.existsSync(paths.pmxlsx) ? describe : describe.skip)('should preserve page margins', function() {[
describe('should preserve page margins', function() {[
['xlml', paths.pmxml],
['xlsx', paths.pmxlsx],
['xlsb', paths.pmxlsb]
@ -1691,7 +1716,7 @@ describe('roundtrip features', function() {
ws1['!cols'] = [{wch:9},{wpx:100},{width:80},{hidden:true}];
var wb1 = {SheetNames:["Sheet1"], Sheets:{Sheet1:ws1}};
var wb2 = X.read(X.write(wb1, {bookType:w, type:TYPE}), {type:TYPE, cellStyles:true});
var ws2 = wb2.Sheets.Sheet1;
var ws2 = wb2.Sheets["Sheet1"];
assert.equal(ws2['!cols'][3].hidden, true);
assert.equal(ws2['!cols'][0].wch, 9);
if(w == 'slk') return;
@ -1711,7 +1736,7 @@ describe('roundtrip features', function() {
for(var i = 0; i <= 7; ++i) ws1['!rows'].push({level:i});
var wb1 = {SheetNames:["Sheet1"], Sheets:{Sheet1:ws1}};
var wb2 = X.read(X.write(wb1, {bookType:w, type:TYPE, cellStyles:true}), {type:TYPE, cellStyles:true});
var ws2 = wb2.Sheets.Sheet1;
var ws2 = wb2.Sheets["Sheet1"];
assert.equal(ws2['!rows'][0].hpx, 12);
assert.equal(ws2['!rows'][1].hpt, 24);
assert.equal(ws2['!rows'][2].hpx, 48);
@ -1767,6 +1792,7 @@ describe('roundtrip features', function() {
}); });
//function password_file(x){return x.match(/^password.*\.xls$/); }
@ -2002,7 +2028,7 @@ describe('json output', function() {
seq(8).forEach(function(n) {
var opts = {};
if(n & 1) opts.header = 1;
if(n & 2) opts.raw = 1;
if(n & 2) opts.raw = true;
if(n & 4) opts.defval = null;
var J = X.utils.sheet_to_json(ws, opts);
for(var i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
@ -2015,7 +2041,7 @@ describe('json output', function() {
var codes = [["あ 1", "\u00E3\u0081\u0082 1"]];
var plaintext_val = [
var plaintext_val = ([
["A1", 'n', -0.08, "-0.08"],
["B1", 'n', 4001, "4,001"],
["C1", 's', "あ 1", "あ 1"],
@ -2025,12 +2051,12 @@ var plaintext_val = [
["D3", 'b', false, "FALSE"],
["B3", 's', " ", " "],
function plaintext_test(wb, raw) {
var sheet = wb.Sheets[wb.SheetNames[0]];
plaintext_val.forEach(function(x) {
var cell = get_cell(sheet, x[0]);
var tcval = x[2+!!raw];
var tcval = x[2+(!!raw ? 1 : 0)];
var type = raw ? 's' : x[1];
if(x.length == 1) { if(cell) { assert.equal(cell.t, 'z'); assert.ok(!cell.v); } return; }
assert.equal(cell.v, tcval); assert.equal(cell.t, type);
@ -2055,14 +2081,14 @@ describe('CSV', function() {
var b = "1,2,3,\nTRUE,FALSE,,sheetjs\nfoo,bar,2/19/14,0.3\n,,,\nbaz,,qux,\n";
it('should generate date numbers by default', function() {
var opts = {type:"binary"};
var cell = get_cell(X.read(b, opts).Sheets.Sheet1, "C3");
var cell = get_cell(X.read(b, opts).Sheets["Sheet1"], "C3");
assert.equal(cell.w, '2/19/14');
assert.equal(cell.t, 'n');
assert.ok(typeof cell.v == "number");
it('should generate dates when requested', function() {
var opts = {type:"binary", cellDates:true};
var cell = get_cell(X.read(b, opts).Sheets.Sheet1, "C3");
var cell = get_cell(X.read(b, opts).Sheets["Sheet1"], "C3");
assert.equal(cell.w, '2/19/14');
assert.equal(cell.t, 'd');
assert.ok(cell.v instanceof Date || typeof cell.v == "string");
@ -2070,29 +2096,29 @@ describe('CSV', function() {
it('should use US date code 14 by default', function() {
var opts = ({type:"binary"}/*:any*/);
var cell = get_cell(X.read(b, opts).Sheets.Sheet1, "C3");
var cell = get_cell(X.read(b, opts).Sheets["Sheet1"], "C3");
assert.equal(cell.w, '2/19/14');
opts.cellDates = true;
cell = get_cell(X.read(b, opts).Sheets.Sheet1, "C3");
cell = get_cell(X.read(b, opts).Sheets["Sheet1"], "C3");
assert.equal(cell.w, '2/19/14');
it('should honor dateNF override', function() {
var opts = ({type:"binary", dateNF:"YYYY-MM-DD"}/*:any*/);
var cell = get_cell(X.read(b, opts).Sheets.Sheet1, "C3");
var cell = get_cell(X.read(b, opts).Sheets["Sheet1"], "C3");
/* NOTE: IE interprets 2-digit years as 19xx */
assert.ok(cell.w == '2014-02-19' || cell.w == '1914-02-19');
opts.cellDates = true; opts.dateNF = "YY-MM-DD";
cell = get_cell(X.read(b, opts).Sheets.Sheet1, "C3");
cell = get_cell(X.read(b, opts).Sheets["Sheet1"], "C3");
assert.equal(cell.w, '14-02-19');
it('should interpret dateNF', function() {
var bb = "1,2,3,\nTRUE,FALSE,,sheetjs\nfoo,bar,2/3/14,0.3\n,,,\nbaz,,qux,\n";
var opts = {type:"binary", cellDates:true, dateNF:'m/d/yy'};
var cell = get_cell(X.read(bb, opts).Sheets.Sheet1, "C3");
var cell = get_cell(X.read(bb, opts).Sheets["Sheet1"], "C3");
assert.equal(cell.v.getMonth(), 1);
assert.equal(cell.w, "2/3/14");
opts = {type:"binary", cellDates:true, dateNF:'d/m/yy'};
cell = get_cell(X.read(bb, opts).Sheets.Sheet1, "C3");
cell = get_cell(X.read(bb, opts).Sheets["Sheet1"], "C3");
assert.equal(cell.v.getMonth(), 2);
assert.equal(cell.w, "2/3/14");
@ -2100,7 +2126,7 @@ describe('CSV', function() {
it('should generate strings if raw option is passed', function() { plaintext_test(X.read(csv_str, {type:"string", raw:true}), true); });
it('should handle formulae', function() {
var bb = '=,=1+1,="100"';
var sheet = X.read(bb, {type:"binary"}).Sheets.Sheet1;
var sheet = X.read(bb, {type:"binary"}).Sheets["Sheet1"];
assert.equal(get_cell(sheet, "A1").t, 's');
assert.equal(get_cell(sheet, "A1").v, '=');
assert.equal(get_cell(sheet, "B1").f, '1+1');
@ -2109,12 +2135,12 @@ describe('CSV', function() {
it('should interpret CRLF newlines', function() {
var wb = X.read("sep=&\r\n1&2&3\r\n4&5&6", {type: "string"});
assert.equal(wb.Sheets.Sheet1["!ref"], "A1:C2");
assert.equal(wb.Sheets["Sheet1"]["!ref"], "A1:C2");
if(!browser || typeof cptable !== 'undefined') it('should honor codepage for binary strings', function() {
var data = "abc,def\nghi,j\xD3l";
[[1251, 'У'],[1252, 'Ó'], [1253, 'Σ'], [1254, 'Ó'], [1255, '׃'], [1256, 'س'], [10000, '”']].forEach(function(m) {
var ws = X.read(data, {type:"binary", codepage:m[0]}).Sheets.Sheet1;
var ws = X.read(data, {type:"binary", codepage:m[0]}).Sheets["Sheet1"];
assert.equal(get_cell(ws, "B2").v, "j" + m[1] + "l");
@ -2164,9 +2190,9 @@ describe('CSV', function() {
var data = ["1,a", "2,b", "3,c"];
[ "\r", "\n", "\r\n" ].forEach(function(RS) {
var wb = X.read(data.join(RS), {type:'binary'});
assert.equal(get_cell(wb.Sheets.Sheet1, "A1").v, 1);
assert.equal(get_cell(wb.Sheets.Sheet1, "B3").v, "c");
assert.equal(wb.Sheets.Sheet1['!ref'], "A1:B3");
assert.equal(get_cell(wb.Sheets["Sheet1"], "A1").v, 1);
assert.equal(get_cell(wb.Sheets["Sheet1"], "B3").v, "c");
assert.equal(wb.Sheets["Sheet1"]['!ref'], "A1:B3");
it('should handle skipHidden for rows if requested', function() {
@ -2210,32 +2236,33 @@ describe('sylk', function() {
describe('input', function(){
it('codepage', cpavail ? function() {
var str = "ID;PWXL;N;E\r\nC;X1;Y1;K\"a – b\"\r\nE", A1 = "a – b";
assert.equal(get_cell(X.read(str, {type:"string"}).Sheets.Sheet1, "A1").v, A1);
assert.equal(get_cell(X.read(str.replace(/–/, "\x96"), {type:"binary", codepage:1252}).Sheets.Sheet1, "A1").v, A1);
assert.equal(get_cell(X.read(str, {type:"string"}).Sheets["Sheet1"], "A1").v, A1);