forked from sheetjs/sheetjs

updating to 0.15.1

This commit is contained in:
SheetJS 2019-08-14 17:04:25 -04:00
parent 21f9ffb822
commit daec5a325e
3 changed files with 104 additions and 89 deletions

xlsx.core.min.js vendored

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

xlsx.full.min.js vendored

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long


@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
/*global global, exports, module, require:false, process:false, Buffer:false, ArrayBuffer:false */
var XLSX = {};
function make_xlsx_lib(XLSX){
XLSX.version = '0.14.5';
XLSX.version = '0.15.1';
var current_codepage = 1200, current_ansi = 1252;
/*global cptable:true, window */
if(typeof module !== "undefined" && typeof require !== 'undefined') {
@ -169,8 +169,8 @@ function s2ab(s) {
function a2s(data) {
if(Array.isArray(data)) return data.map(_chr).join("");
var o = []; for(var i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) o[i] = _chr(data[i]); return o.join("");
if(Array.isArray(data)) return data.map(function(c) { return String.fromCharCode(c); }).join("");
var o = []; for(var i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) o[i] = String.fromCharCode(data[i]); return o.join("");
function a2u(data) {
@ -1250,7 +1250,7 @@ CRC32.str = crc32_str;
/* [MS-CFB] v20171201 */
var CFB = (function _CFB(){
var exports = {};
exports.version = '1.1.2';
exports.version = '1.1.3';
/* [MS-CFB] 2.6.4 */
function namecmp(l, r) {
var L = l.split("/"), R = r.split("/");
@ -2393,7 +2393,7 @@ function parse_local_file(blob, csz, usz, o, EF) {
if(_csz != csz) warn_or_throw(wrn, "Bad compressed size: " + csz + " != " + _csz);
if(_usz != usz) warn_or_throw(wrn, "Bad uncompressed size: " + usz + " != " + _usz);
var _crc32 = CRC32.buf(data, 0);
if(crc32 != _crc32) warn_or_throw(wrn, "Bad CRC32 checksum: " + crc32 + " != " + _crc32);
if((crc32>>0) != (_crc32>>0)) warn_or_throw(wrn, "Bad CRC32 checksum: " + crc32 + " != " + _crc32);
cfb_add(o, name, data, {unsafe: true, mt: date});
function write_zip(cfb, options) {
@ -2783,6 +2783,7 @@ function getdatastr(data) {
if(data.asNodeBuffer && has_buf) return debom(data.asNodeBuffer().toString('binary'));
if(data.asBinary) return debom(data.asBinary());
if(data._data && data._data.getContent) return debom(cc2str(Array.prototype.slice.call(data._data.getContent(),0)));
if(data.content && data.type) return debom(cc2str(data.content));
return null;
@ -2795,6 +2796,7 @@ function getdatabin(data) {
if(typeof o == "string") return char_codes(o);
return Array.prototype.slice.call(o);
if(data.content && data.type) return data.content;
return null;
@ -2803,7 +2805,7 @@ function getdata(data) { return (data && data.name.slice(-4) === ".bin") ? getda
/* Part 2 Section 10.1.2 "Mapping Content Types" Names are case-insensitive */
/* OASIS does not comment on filename case sensitivity */
function safegetzipfile(zip, file) {
var k = keys(zip.files);
var k = zip.FullPaths || keys(zip.files);
var f = file.toLowerCase(), g = f.replace(/\//g,'\\');
for(var i=0; i<k.length; ++i) {
var n = k[i].toLowerCase();
@ -2831,11 +2833,27 @@ function getzipstr(zip, file, safe) {
function zipentries(zip) {
var k = keys(zip.files), o = [];
var k = zip.FullPaths || keys(zip.files), o = [];
for(var i = 0; i < k.length; ++i) if(k[i].slice(-1) != '/') o.push(k[i]);
return o.sort();
function zip_add_file(zip, path, content) {
if(zip.FullPaths) CFB.utils.cfb_add(zip, path, content);
else zip.file(path, content);
function zip_read(d, o) {
var zip;
switch(o.type) {
case "base64": zip = new jszip(d, { base64:true }); break;
case "binary": case "array": zip = new jszip(d, { base64:false }); break;
case "buffer": zip = new jszip(d); break;
default: throw new Error("Unrecognized type " + o.type);
return zip;
var jszip;
/*global JSZipSync:true */
if(typeof JSZipSync !== 'undefined') jszip = JSZipSync;
@ -2845,6 +2863,10 @@ if(typeof exports !== 'undefined') {
function zip_new() {
return new jszip();
function resolve_path(path, base) {
var result = base.split('/');
if(base.slice(-1) != "/") result.pop(); // folder path
@ -12835,7 +12857,7 @@ function parse_ws_xml_dim(ws, s) {
if(d.s.r<=d.e.r && d.s.c<=d.e.c && d.s.r>=0 && d.s.c>=0) ws["!ref"] = encode_range(d);
var mergecregex = /<(?:\w:)?mergeCell ref="[A-Z0-9:]+"\s*[\/]?>/g;
var sheetdataregex = /<(?:\w+:)?sheetData>([\s\S]*)<\/(?:\w+:)?sheetData>/;
var sheetdataregex = /<(?:\w+:)?sheetData[^>]*>([\s\S]*)<\/(?:\w+:)?sheetData>/;
var hlinkregex = /<(?:\w:)?hyperlink [^>]*>/mg;
var dimregex = /"(\w*:\w*)"/;
var colregex = /<(?:\w:)?col\b[^>]*[\/]?>/g;
@ -15191,7 +15213,6 @@ function write_cc(data, name:string, opts) {
var attregexg2=/([\w:]+)=((?:")([^"]*)(?:")|(?:')([^']*)(?:'))/g;
var attregex2=/([\w:]+)=((?:")(?:[^"]*)(?:")|(?:')(?:[^']*)(?:'))/;
var _chr = function(c) { return String.fromCharCode(c); };
function xlml_parsexmltag(tag, skip_root) {
var words = tag.split(/\s+/);
var z = ([]); if(!skip_root) z[0] = words[0];
@ -18923,6 +18944,10 @@ var HTML_ = (function() {
var m = cell, cc = 0;
/* TODO: parse styles etc */
while(m.charAt(0) == "<" && (cc = m.indexOf(">")) > -1) m = m.slice(cc+1);
for(var midx = 0; midx < merges.length; ++midx) {
var _merge = merges[midx];
if(_merge.s.c == C && _merge.s.r < R && R <= _merge.e.r) { C = _merge.e.c + 1; midx = -1; }
var tag = parsexmltag(cell.slice(0, cell.indexOf(">")));
CS = tag.colspan ? +tag.colspan : 1;
if((RS = +tag.rowspan)>1 || CS>1) merges.push({s:{r:R,c:C},e:{r:R + (RS||1) - 1, c:C + CS - 1}});
@ -18949,6 +18974,7 @@ var HTML_ = (function() {
ws['!ref'] = encode_range(range);
if(merges.length) ws["!merges"] = merges;
return ws;
function html_to_book(str, opts) {
@ -18968,11 +18994,11 @@ var HTML_ = (function() {
if(RS < 0) continue;
var coord = encode_cell({r:R,c:C});
var cell = o.dense ? (ws[R]||[])[C] : ws[coord];
var sp = {};
if(RS > 1) sp.rowspan = RS;
if(CS > 1) sp.colspan = CS;
/* TODO: html entities */
var w = (cell && cell.v != null) && (cell.h || escapehtml(cell.w || (format_cell(cell), cell.w) || "")) || "";
var sp = ({});
if(RS > 1) sp.rowspan = RS;
if(CS > 1) sp.colspan = CS;
sp.t = cell && cell.t || 'z';
if(o.editable) w = '<span contenteditable="true">' + w + '</span>';
sp.id = "sjs-" + coord;
@ -19836,7 +19862,7 @@ var write_content_ods = (function() {
function write_ods(wb, opts) {
if(opts.bookType == "fods") return write_content_ods(wb, opts);
var zip = new jszip();
var zip = zip_new();
var f = "";
var manifest = [];
@ -19844,34 +19870,34 @@ var zip = new jszip();
/* Part 3 Section 3.3 MIME Media Type */
f = "mimetype";
zip.file(f, "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet");
zip_add_file(zip, f, "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet");
/* Part 1 Section 2.2 Documents */
f = "content.xml";
zip.file(f, write_content_ods(wb, opts));
zip_add_file(zip, f, write_content_ods(wb, opts));
manifest.push([f, "text/xml"]);
rdf.push([f, "ContentFile"]);
/* TODO: these are hard-coded styles to satiate excel */
f = "styles.xml";
zip.file(f, write_styles_ods(wb, opts));
zip_add_file(zip, f, write_styles_ods(wb, opts));
manifest.push([f, "text/xml"]);
rdf.push([f, "StylesFile"]);
/* TODO: this is hard-coded to satiate excel */
f = "meta.xml";
zip.file(f, write_meta_ods());
zip_add_file(zip, f, write_meta_ods());
manifest.push([f, "text/xml"]);
rdf.push([f, "MetadataFile"]);
/* Part 3 Section 6 Metadata Manifest File */
f = "manifest.rdf";
zip.file(f, write_rdf(rdf/*, opts*/));
zip_add_file(zip, f, write_rdf(rdf/*, opts*/));
manifest.push([f, "application/rdf+xml"]);
/* Part 3 Section 4 Manifest File */
f = "META-INF/manifest.xml";
zip.file(f, write_manifest(manifest/*, opts*/));
zip_add_file(zip, f, write_manifest(manifest/*, opts*/));
return zip;
@ -19892,13 +19918,13 @@ function write_obj_str(factory) {
var write_htm_str = write_obj_str(HTML_);
var write_csv_str = write_obj_str({from_sheet:sheet_to_csv});
var write_slk_str = write_obj_str(SYLK);
var write_dif_str = write_obj_str(DIF);
var write_prn_str = write_obj_str(PRN);
var write_rtf_str = write_obj_str(RTF);
var write_slk_str = write_obj_str(typeof SYLK !== "undefined" ? SYLK : {});
var write_dif_str = write_obj_str(typeof DIF !== "undefined" ? DIF : {});
var write_prn_str = write_obj_str(typeof PRN !== "undefined" ? PRN : {});
var write_rtf_str = write_obj_str(typeof RTF !== "undefined" ? RTF : {});
var write_txt_str = write_obj_str({from_sheet:sheet_to_txt});
var write_dbf_buf = write_obj_str(DBF);
var write_eth_str = write_obj_str(ETH);
var write_dbf_buf = write_obj_str(typeof DBF !== "undefined" ? DBF : {});
var write_eth_str = write_obj_str(typeof ETH !== "undefined" ? ETH : {});
function fix_opts_func(defaults) {
return function fix_opts(opts) {
@ -20187,7 +20213,7 @@ function write_zip(wb, opts) {
var vbafmt = VBAFMTS.indexOf(opts.bookType) > -1;
var ct = new_ct();
fix_write_opts(opts = opts || {});
var zip = new jszip();
var zip = zip_new();
var f = "", rId = 0;
opts.cellXfs = [];
@ -20196,7 +20222,7 @@ var zip = new jszip();
if(!wb.Props) wb.Props = {};
f = "docProps/core.xml";
zip.file(f, write_core_props(wb.Props, opts));
zip_add_file(zip, f, write_core_props(wb.Props, opts));
add_rels(opts.rels, 2, f, RELS.CORE_PROPS);
@ -20210,13 +20236,13 @@ f = "docProps/app.xml";
wb.Props.SheetNames = _sn;
wb.Props.Worksheets = wb.Props.SheetNames.length;
zip.file(f, write_ext_props(wb.Props, opts));
zip_add_file(zip, f, write_ext_props(wb.Props, opts));
add_rels(opts.rels, 3, f, RELS.EXT_PROPS);
if(wb.Custprops !== wb.Props && keys(wb.Custprops||{}).length > 0) {
f = "docProps/custom.xml";
zip.file(f, write_cust_props(wb.Custprops, opts));
zip_add_file(zip, f, write_cust_props(wb.Custprops, opts));
add_rels(opts.rels, 4, f, RELS.CUST_PROPS);
@ -20228,14 +20254,14 @@ f = "docProps/app.xml";
switch(_type) {
case "chart": /*
f = "xl/chartsheets/sheet" + rId + "." + wbext;
zip.file(f, write_cs(rId-1, f, opts, wb, wsrels));
zip_add_file(zip, f, write_cs(rId-1, f, opts, wb, wsrels));
add_rels(wsrels, -1, "chartsheets/sheet" + rId + "." + wbext, RELS.CS);
break; */
/* falls through */
f = "xl/worksheets/sheet" + rId + "." + wbext;
zip.file(f, write_ws(rId-1, f, opts, wb, wsrels));
zip_add_file(zip, f, write_ws(rId-1, f, opts, wb, wsrels));
add_rels(opts.wbrels, -1, "worksheets/sheet" + rId + "." + wbext, RELS.WS[0]);
@ -20245,57 +20271,57 @@ f = "docProps/app.xml";
var need_vml = false;
if(comments && comments.length > 0) {
var cf = "xl/comments" + rId + "." + wbext;
zip.file(cf, write_cmnt(comments, cf, opts));
zip_add_file(zip, cf, write_cmnt(comments, cf, opts));
add_rels(wsrels, -1, "../comments" + rId + "." + wbext, RELS.CMNT);
need_vml = true;
if(ws['!legacy']) {
if(need_vml) zip.file("xl/drawings/vmlDrawing" + (rId) + ".vml", write_comments_vml(rId, ws['!comments']));
if(need_vml) zip_add_file(zip, "xl/drawings/vmlDrawing" + (rId) + ".vml", write_comments_vml(rId, ws['!comments']));
delete ws['!comments'];
delete ws['!legacy'];
if(wsrels['!id'].rId1) zip.file(get_rels_path(f), write_rels(wsrels));
if(wsrels['!id'].rId1) zip_add_file(zip, get_rels_path(f), write_rels(wsrels));
if(opts.Strings != null && opts.Strings.length > 0) {
f = "xl/sharedStrings." + wbext;
zip.file(f, write_sst(opts.Strings, f, opts));
zip_add_file(zip, f, write_sst(opts.Strings, f, opts));
add_rels(opts.wbrels, -1, "sharedStrings." + wbext, RELS.SST);
f = "xl/workbook." + wbext;
zip.file(f, write_wb(wb, f, opts));
zip_add_file(zip, f, write_wb(wb, f, opts));
add_rels(opts.rels, 1, f, RELS.WB);
/* TODO: something more intelligent with themes */
f = "xl/theme/theme1.xml";
zip.file(f, write_theme(wb.Themes, opts));
zip_add_file(zip, f, write_theme(wb.Themes, opts));
add_rels(opts.wbrels, -1, "theme/theme1.xml", RELS.THEME);
/* TODO: something more intelligent with styles */
f = "xl/styles." + wbext;
zip.file(f, write_sty(wb, f, opts));
zip_add_file(zip, f, write_sty(wb, f, opts));
add_rels(opts.wbrels, -1, "styles." + wbext, RELS.STY);
if(wb.vbaraw && vbafmt) {
f = "xl/vbaProject.bin";
zip.file(f, wb.vbaraw);
zip_add_file(zip, f, wb.vbaraw);
add_rels(opts.wbrels, -1, "vbaProject.bin", RELS.VBA);
zip.file("[Content_Types].xml", write_ct(ct, opts));
zip.file('_rels/.rels', write_rels(opts.rels));
zip.file('xl/_rels/workbook.' + wbext + '.rels', write_rels(opts.wbrels));
zip_add_file(zip, "[Content_Types].xml", write_ct(ct, opts));
zip_add_file(zip, '_rels/.rels', write_rels(opts.rels));
zip_add_file(zip, 'xl/_rels/workbook.' + wbext + '.rels', write_rels(opts.wbrels));
delete opts.revssf; delete opts.ssf;
return zip;
@ -20321,12 +20347,7 @@ function read_zip(data, opts) {
var zip, d = data;
var o = opts||{};
if(!o.type) o.type = (has_buf && Buffer.isBuffer(data)) ? "buffer" : "base64";
switch(o.type) {
case "base64": zip = new jszip(d, { base64:true }); break;
case "binary": case "array": zip = new jszip(d, { base64:false }); break;
case "buffer": zip = new jszip(d); break;
default: throw new Error("Unrecognized type " + o.type);
zip = zip_read(d, o);
return parse_zip(zip, o);
@ -20434,7 +20455,7 @@ function write_zip_type(wb, opts) {
case "file": oopts.type = has_buf ? "nodebuffer" : "string"; break;
default: throw new Error("Unrecognized type " + o.type);
var out = z.generate(oopts);
var out = z.FullPaths ? CFB.write(z, {fileType:"zip", type: {"nodebuffer": "buffer", "string": "binary"}[oopts.type] || oopts.type}) : z.generate(oopts);
if(o.password && typeof encrypt_agile !== 'undefined') return write_cfb_ctr(encrypt_agile(out, o.password), o);
if(o.type === "file") return write_dl(o.file, out);
return o.type == "string" ? utf8read(out) : out;
@ -20808,9 +20829,6 @@ var utils = {
sheet_to_txt: sheet_to_txt,
sheet_to_json: sheet_to_json,
sheet_to_html: HTML_.from_sheet,
sheet_to_dif: DIF.from_sheet,
sheet_to_slk: SYLK.from_sheet,
sheet_to_eth: ETH.from_sheet,
sheet_to_formulae: sheet_to_formulae,
sheet_to_row_object_array: sheet_to_json
@ -21044,10 +21062,7 @@ if(has_buf && typeof require != 'undefined') (function() {
XLSX.parse_xlscfb = parse_xlscfb;
XLSX.parse_ods = parse_ods;
XLSX.parse_fods = parse_fods;
XLSX.write_ods = write_ods;
if(typeof parse_xlscfb !== "undefined") XLSX.parse_xlscfb = parse_xlscfb;
XLSX.parse_zip = parse_zip;
XLSX.read = readSync; //xlsread
XLSX.readFile = readFileSync; //readFile
@ -21058,7 +21073,7 @@ XLSX.writeFileSync = writeFileSync;
XLSX.writeFileAsync = writeFileAsync;
XLSX.utils = utils;
if(typeof CFB !== "undefined") XLSX.CFB = CFB;
/*global define */
if(typeof exports !== 'undefined') make_xlsx_lib(exports);