// Type definitions for xlsx // Project: https://github.com/SheetJS/js-xlsx // Definitions by: themauveavenger // Definitions: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped export declare function readFile(filename: string, opts?: IParsingOptions): IWorkBook; export declare function read(data: any, opts?: IParsingOptions): IWorkBook; export declare function write(data: any, opts?: IParsingOptions): any; export declare var utils: IUtils; export interface IProperties { LastAuthor?: string Author?: string; CreatedDate?: Date; ModifiedDate?: Date Application?: string; AppVersion?: string; Company?: string; DocSecurity?: string; Manager?: string; HyperlinksChanged?: boolean; SharedDoc?: boolean; LinksUpToDate?: boolean; ScaleCrop?: boolean; Worksheets?: number; SheetNames?: string[]; } export interface IParsingOptions { cellFormula?: boolean; cellHTML?: boolean; cellNF?: boolean; cellStyles?: boolean; cellDates?: boolean; sheetStubs?: boolean; sheetRows?: number; bookDeps?: boolean; bookFiles?: boolean; bookProps?: boolean; bookSheets?: boolean; bookVBA?: boolean; password?: string; bookType?: string; /** * Possible options: 'binary', 'base64', 'buffer', 'file' */ type?: string; } export interface IWorkBook { /** * A dictionary of the worksheets in the workbook. * Use SheetNames to reference these. */ Sheets: { [sheet: string]: IWorkSheet }; /** * ordered list of the sheet names in the workbook */ SheetNames: string[]; /** * an object storing the standard properties. wb.Custprops stores custom properties. * Since the XLS standard properties deviate from the XLSX standard, XLS parsing stores core properties in both places. */ Props: IProperties; } /** * object representing the worksheet */ export interface IWorkSheet { [cell: string]: IWorkSheetCell; } export interface IWorkSheetCell { /** * The Excel Data Type of the cell. * b Boolean, n Number, e error, s String, d Date */ t: string; /** * The raw value of the cell. */ v: string; /** * rich text encoding (if applicable) */ r?: string; /** * HTML rendering of the rich text (if applicable) */ h?: string; /** * formatted text (if applicable) */ w?: string; /** * cell formula (if applicable) */ f?: string; /** * comments associated with the cell ** */ c?: string; /** * number format string associated with the cell (if requested) */ z?: string; /** * cell hyperlink object (.Target holds link, .tooltip is tooltip) */ l?: string; /** * the style/theme of the cell (if applicable) */ s?: string; } export interface ICell { c: number; r: number; } export interface IRange { s: ICell; e: ICell; } export interface IUtils { sheet_to_json(worksheet:IWorkSheet, opts?: { raw?: boolean; range?: any; header?: "A"|number|string[]; }):T[]; sheet_to_csv(worksheet: IWorkSheet, options?: { FS: string, RS: string }): string; sheet_to_formulae(worksheet: IWorkSheet):any; encode_cell(cell: ICell): any; encode_range(s: ICell, e: ICell): any; decode_cell(address: string): ICell; decode_range(range: string): IRange; }