
8432 lines
291 KiB
Raw Normal View History

/*! xlsx.js (C) 2013-present SheetJS -- */
/* vim: set ts=2: */
/*exported XLSX */
/*global global, exports, module, require:false, process:false, Buffer:false, ArrayBuffer:false */
var XLSX = {};
function make_xlsx_lib(XLSX){
XLSX.version = '0.15.1';
var current_codepage = 1200, current_ansi = 1252;
var VALID_ANSI = [ 874, 932, 936, 949, 950 ];
for(var i = 0; i <= 8; ++i) VALID_ANSI.push(1250 + i);
/* ECMA-376 Part I 18.4.1 charset to codepage mapping */
var CS2CP = ({
0: 1252, /* ANSI */
1: 65001, /* DEFAULT */
2: 65001, /* SYMBOL */
77: 10000, /* MAC */
128: 932, /* SHIFTJIS */
129: 949, /* HANGUL */
130: 1361, /* JOHAB */
134: 936, /* GB2312 */
136: 950, /* CHINESEBIG5 */
161: 1253, /* GREEK */
162: 1254, /* TURKISH */
163: 1258, /* VIETNAMESE */
177: 1255, /* HEBREW */
178: 1256, /* ARABIC */
186: 1257, /* BALTIC */
204: 1251, /* RUSSIAN */
222: 874, /* THAI */
238: 1250, /* EASTEUROPE */
255: 1252, /* OEM */
69: 6969 /* MISC */
var set_ansi = function(cp) { if(VALID_ANSI.indexOf(cp) == -1) return; current_ansi = CS2CP[0] = cp; };
function reset_ansi() { set_ansi(1252); }
var set_cp = function(cp) { current_codepage = cp; set_ansi(cp); };
function reset_cp() { set_cp(1200); reset_ansi(); }
function char_codes(data) { var o = []; for(var i = 0, len = data.length; i < len; ++i) o[i] = data.charCodeAt(i); return o; }
function utf16leread(data) {
var o = [];
for(var i = 0; i < (data.length>>1); ++i) o[i] = String.fromCharCode(data.charCodeAt(2*i) + (data.charCodeAt(2*i+1)<<8));
return o.join("");
function utf16beread(data) {
var o = [];
for(var i = 0; i < (data.length>>1); ++i) o[i] = String.fromCharCode(data.charCodeAt(2*i+1) + (data.charCodeAt(2*i)<<8));
return o.join("");
var debom = function(data) {
var c1 = data.charCodeAt(0), c2 = data.charCodeAt(1);
if(c1 == 0xFF && c2 == 0xFE) return utf16leread(data.slice(2));
if(c1 == 0xFE && c2 == 0xFF) return utf16beread(data.slice(2));
if(c1 == 0xFEFF) return data.slice(1);
return data;
var _getchar = function _gc1(x) { return String.fromCharCode(x); };
var _getansi = function _ga1(x) { return String.fromCharCode(x); };
var DENSE = null;
var DIF_XL = true;
var Base64 = (function make_b64(){
var map = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=";
return {
encode: function(input) {
var o = "";
var c1=0, c2=0, c3=0, e1=0, e2=0, e3=0, e4=0;
for(var i = 0; i < input.length; ) {
c1 = input.charCodeAt(i++);
e1 = (c1 >> 2);
c2 = input.charCodeAt(i++);
e2 = ((c1 & 3) << 4) | (c2 >> 4);
c3 = input.charCodeAt(i++);
e3 = ((c2 & 15) << 2) | (c3 >> 6);
e4 = (c3 & 63);
if (isNaN(c2)) { e3 = e4 = 64; }
else if (isNaN(c3)) { e4 = 64; }
o += map.charAt(e1) + map.charAt(e2) + map.charAt(e3) + map.charAt(e4);
return o;
decode: function b64_decode(input) {
var o = "";
var c1=0, c2=0, c3=0, e1=0, e2=0, e3=0, e4=0;
input = input.replace(/[^\w\+\/\=]/g, "");
for(var i = 0; i < input.length;) {
e1 = map.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));
e2 = map.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));
c1 = (e1 << 2) | (e2 >> 4);
o += String.fromCharCode(c1);
e3 = map.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));
c2 = ((e2 & 15) << 4) | (e3 >> 2);
if (e3 !== 64) { o += String.fromCharCode(c2); }
e4 = map.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));
c3 = ((e3 & 3) << 6) | e4;
if (e4 !== 64) { o += String.fromCharCode(c3); }
return o;
var has_buf = (typeof Buffer !== 'undefined' && typeof process !== 'undefined' && typeof process.versions !== 'undefined' && !!process.versions.node);
var Buffer_from = function(){};
if(typeof Buffer !== 'undefined') {
var nbfs = !Buffer.from;
if(!nbfs) try { Buffer.from("foo", "utf8"); } catch(e) { nbfs = true; }
Buffer_from = nbfs ? function(buf, enc) { return (enc) ? new Buffer(buf, enc) : new Buffer(buf); } : Buffer.from.bind(Buffer);
// $FlowIgnore
if(!Buffer.alloc) Buffer.alloc = function(n) { return new Buffer(n); };
// $FlowIgnore
if(!Buffer.allocUnsafe) Buffer.allocUnsafe = function(n) { return new Buffer(n); };
function new_raw_buf(len) {
/* jshint -W056 */
return has_buf ? Buffer.alloc(len) : new Array(len);
/* jshint +W056 */
function new_unsafe_buf(len) {
/* jshint -W056 */
return has_buf ? Buffer.allocUnsafe(len) : new Array(len);
/* jshint +W056 */
var s2a = function s2a(s) {
// $FlowIgnore
if(has_buf) return Buffer_from(s, "binary");
return s.split("").map(function(x){ return x.charCodeAt(0) & 0xff; });
function s2ab(s) {
if(typeof ArrayBuffer === 'undefined') return s2a(s);
var buf = new ArrayBuffer(s.length), view = new Uint8Array(buf);
for (var i=0; i!=s.length; ++i) view[i] = s.charCodeAt(i) & 0xFF;
return buf;
function a2s(data) {
if(Array.isArray(data)) return { return String.fromCharCode(c); }).join("");
var o = []; for(var i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) o[i] = String.fromCharCode(data[i]); return o.join("");
function a2u(data) {
if(typeof Uint8Array === 'undefined') throw new Error("Unsupported");
return new Uint8Array(data);
function ab2a(data) {
if(typeof ArrayBuffer == 'undefined') throw new Error("Unsupported");
if(data instanceof ArrayBuffer) return ab2a(new Uint8Array(data));
var o = new Array(data.length);
for(var i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) o[i] = data[i];
return o;
var bconcat = function(bufs) { return [].concat.apply([], bufs); };
var chr0 = /\u0000/g, chr1 = /[\u0001-\u0006]/g;
/* ssf.js (C) 2013-present SheetJS -- */
/*jshint -W041 */
var SSF = ({});
var make_ssf = function make_ssf(SSF){
SSF.version = '0.10.2';
function _strrev(x) { var o = "", i = x.length-1; while(i>=0) o += x.charAt(i--); return o; }
function fill(c,l) { var o = ""; while(o.length < l) o+=c; return o; }
function pad0(v,d){var t=""+v; return t.length>=d?t:fill('0',d-t.length)+t;}
function pad_(v,d){var t=""+v;return t.length>=d?t:fill(' ',d-t.length)+t;}
function rpad_(v,d){var t=""+v; return t.length>=d?t:t+fill(' ',d-t.length);}
function pad0r1(v,d){var t=""+Math.round(v); return t.length>=d?t:fill('0',d-t.length)+t;}
function pad0r2(v,d){var t=""+v; return t.length>=d?t:fill('0',d-t.length)+t;}
var p2_32 = Math.pow(2,32);
function pad0r(v,d){if(v>p2_32||v<-p2_32) return pad0r1(v,d); var i = Math.round(v); return pad0r2(i,d); }
function isgeneral(s, i) { i = i || 0; return s.length >= 7 + i && (s.charCodeAt(i)|32) === 103 && (s.charCodeAt(i+1)|32) === 101 && (s.charCodeAt(i+2)|32) === 110 && (s.charCodeAt(i+3)|32) === 101 && (s.charCodeAt(i+4)|32) === 114 && (s.charCodeAt(i+5)|32) === 97 && (s.charCodeAt(i+6)|32) === 108; }
var days = [
['Sun', 'Sunday'],
['Mon', 'Monday'],
['Tue', 'Tuesday'],
['Wed', 'Wednesday'],
['Thu', 'Thursday'],
['Fri', 'Friday'],
['Sat', 'Saturday']
var months = [
['J', 'Jan', 'January'],
['F', 'Feb', 'February'],
['M', 'Mar', 'March'],
['A', 'Apr', 'April'],
['M', 'May', 'May'],
['J', 'Jun', 'June'],
['J', 'Jul', 'July'],
['A', 'Aug', 'August'],
['S', 'Sep', 'September'],
['O', 'Oct', 'October'],
['N', 'Nov', 'November'],
['D', 'Dec', 'December']
function init_table(t) {
t[0]= 'General';
t[1]= '0';
t[2]= '0.00';
t[3]= '#,##0';
t[4]= '#,##0.00';
t[9]= '0%';
t[10]= '0.00%';
t[11]= '0.00E+00';
t[12]= '# ?/?';
t[13]= '# ??/??';
t[14]= 'm/d/yy';
t[15]= 'd-mmm-yy';
t[16]= 'd-mmm';
t[17]= 'mmm-yy';
t[18]= 'h:mm AM/PM';
t[19]= 'h:mm:ss AM/PM';
t[20]= 'h:mm';
t[21]= 'h:mm:ss';
t[22]= 'm/d/yy h:mm';
t[37]= '#,##0 ;(#,##0)';
t[38]= '#,##0 ;[Red](#,##0)';
t[39]= '#,##0.00;(#,##0.00)';
t[40]= '#,##0.00;[Red](#,##0.00)';
t[45]= 'mm:ss';
t[46]= '[h]:mm:ss';
t[47]= 'mmss.0';
t[48]= '##0.0E+0';
t[49]= '@';
t[56]= '"上午/下午 "hh"時"mm"分"ss"秒 "';
t[65535]= 'General';
var table_fmt = {};
function frac(x, D, mixed) {
var sgn = x < 0 ? -1 : 1;
var B = x * sgn;
var P_2 = 0, P_1 = 1, P = 0;
var Q_2 = 1, Q_1 = 0, Q = 0;
var A = Math.floor(B);
while(Q_1 < D) {
A = Math.floor(B);
P = A * P_1 + P_2;
Q = A * Q_1 + Q_2;
if((B - A) < 0.00000005) break;
B = 1 / (B - A);
P_2 = P_1; P_1 = P;
Q_2 = Q_1; Q_1 = Q;
if(Q > D) { if(Q_1 > D) { Q = Q_2; P = P_2; } else { Q = Q_1; P = P_1; } }
if(!mixed) return [0, sgn * P, Q];
var q = Math.floor(sgn * P/Q);
return [q, sgn*P - q*Q, Q];
function parse_date_code(v,opts,b2) {
if(v > 2958465 || v < 0) return null;
var date = (v|0), time = Math.floor(86400 * (v - date)), dow=0;
var dout=[];
var out={D:date, T:time, u:86400*(v-date)-time,y:0,m:0,d:0,H:0,M:0,S:0,q:0};
if(Math.abs(out.u) < 1e-6) out.u = 0;
if(opts && opts.date1904) date += 1462;
if(out.u > 0.9999) {
out.u = 0;
if(++time == 86400) { out.T = time = 0; ++date; ++out.D; }
if(date === 60) {dout = b2 ? [1317,10,29] : [1900,2,29]; dow=3;}
else if(date === 0) {dout = b2 ? [1317,8,29] : [1900,1,0]; dow=6;}
else {
if(date > 60) --date;
/* 1 = Jan 1 1900 in Gregorian */
var d = new Date(1900, 0, 1);
d.setDate(d.getDate() + date - 1);
dout = [d.getFullYear(), d.getMonth()+1,d.getDate()];
dow = d.getDay();
if(date < 60) dow = (dow + 6) % 7;
if(b2) dow = fix_hijri(d, dout);
out.y = dout[0]; out.m = dout[1]; out.d = dout[2];
out.S = time % 60; time = Math.floor(time / 60);
out.M = time % 60; time = Math.floor(time / 60);
out.H = time;
out.q = dow;
return out;
SSF.parse_date_code = parse_date_code;
var basedate = new Date(1899, 11, 31, 0, 0, 0);
var dnthresh = basedate.getTime();
var base1904 = new Date(1900, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0);
function datenum_local(v, date1904) {
var epoch = v.getTime();
if(date1904) epoch -= 1461*24*60*60*1000;
else if(v >= base1904) epoch += 24*60*60*1000;
return (epoch - (dnthresh + (v.getTimezoneOffset() - basedate.getTimezoneOffset()) * 60000)) / (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
function general_fmt_int(v) { return v.toString(10); }
SSF._general_int = general_fmt_int;
var general_fmt_num = (function make_general_fmt_num() {
var gnr1 = /\.(\d*[1-9])0+$/, gnr2 = /\.0*$/, gnr4 = /\.(\d*[1-9])0+/, gnr5 = /\.0*[Ee]/, gnr6 = /(E[+-])(\d)$/;
function gfn2(v) {
var w = (v<0?12:11);
var o = gfn5(v.toFixed(12)); if(o.length <= w) return o;
o = v.toPrecision(10); if(o.length <= w) return o;
return v.toExponential(5);
function gfn3(v) {
var o = v.toFixed(11).replace(gnr1,".$1");
if(o.length > (v<0?12:11)) o = v.toPrecision(6);
return o;
function gfn4(o) {
for(var i = 0; i != o.length; ++i) if((o.charCodeAt(i) | 0x20) === 101) return o.replace(gnr4,".$1").replace(gnr5,"E").replace("e","E").replace(gnr6,"$10$2");
return o;
function gfn5(o) {
return o.indexOf(".") > -1 ? o.replace(gnr2,"").replace(gnr1,".$1") : o;
return function general_fmt_num(v) {
var V = Math.floor(Math.log(Math.abs(v))*Math.LOG10E), o;
if(V >= -4 && V <= -1) o = v.toPrecision(10+V);
else if(Math.abs(V) <= 9) o = gfn2(v);
else if(V === 10) o = v.toFixed(10).substr(0,12);
else o = gfn3(v);
return gfn5(gfn4(o));
SSF._general_num = general_fmt_num;
function general_fmt(v, opts) {
switch(typeof v) {
case 'string': return v;
case 'boolean': return v ? "TRUE" : "FALSE";
case 'number': return (v|0) === v ? general_fmt_int(v) : general_fmt_num(v);
case 'undefined': return "";
case 'object':
if(v == null) return "";
if(v instanceof Date) return format(14, datenum_local(v, opts && opts.date1904), opts);
throw new Error("unsupported value in General format: " + v);
SSF._general = general_fmt;
function fix_hijri() { return 0; }
/*jshint -W086 */
function write_date(type, fmt, val, ss0) {
var o="", ss=0, tt=0, y = val.y, out, outl = 0;
switch(type) {
case 98: /* 'b' buddhist year */
y = val.y + 543;
/* falls through */
case 121: /* 'y' year */
switch(fmt.length) {
case 1: case 2: out = y % 100; outl = 2; break;
default: out = y % 10000; outl = 4; break;
} break;
case 109: /* 'm' month */
switch(fmt.length) {
case 1: case 2: out = val.m; outl = fmt.length; break;
case 3: return months[val.m-1][1];
case 5: return months[val.m-1][0];
default: return months[val.m-1][2];
} break;
case 100: /* 'd' day */
switch(fmt.length) {
case 1: case 2: out = val.d; outl = fmt.length; break;
case 3: return days[val.q][0];
default: return days[val.q][1];
} break;
case 104: /* 'h' 12-hour */
switch(fmt.length) {
case 1: case 2: out = 1+(val.H+11)%12; outl = fmt.length; break;
default: throw 'bad hour format: ' + fmt;
} break;
case 72: /* 'H' 24-hour */
switch(fmt.length) {
case 1: case 2: out = val.H; outl = fmt.length; break;
default: throw 'bad hour format: ' + fmt;
} break;
case 77: /* 'M' minutes */
switch(fmt.length) {
case 1: case 2: out = val.M; outl = fmt.length; break;
default: throw 'bad minute format: ' + fmt;
} break;
case 115: /* 's' seconds */
if(fmt != 's' && fmt != 'ss' && fmt != '.0' && fmt != '.00' && fmt != '.000') throw 'bad second format: ' + fmt;
if(val.u === 0 && (fmt == "s" || fmt == "ss")) return pad0(val.S, fmt.length);
if(ss0 >= 2) tt = ss0 === 3 ? 1000 : 100;
else tt = ss0 === 1 ? 10 : 1;
ss = Math.round((tt)*(val.S + val.u));
if(ss >= 60*tt) ss = 0;
if(fmt === 's') return ss === 0 ? "0" : ""+ss/tt;
o = pad0(ss,2 + ss0);
if(fmt === 'ss') return o.substr(0,2);
return "." + o.substr(2,fmt.length-1);
case 90: /* 'Z' absolute time */
switch(fmt) {
case '[h]': case '[hh]': out = val.D*24+val.H; break;
case '[m]': case '[mm]': out = (val.D*24+val.H)*60+val.M; break;
case '[s]': case '[ss]': out = ((val.D*24+val.H)*60+val.M)*60+Math.round(val.S+val.u); break;
default: throw 'bad abstime format: ' + fmt;
} outl = fmt.length === 3 ? 1 : 2; break;
case 101: /* 'e' era */
out = y; outl = 1;
if(outl > 0) return pad0(out, outl); else return "";
/*jshint +W086 */
function commaify(s) {
var w = 3;
if(s.length <= w) return s;
var j = (s.length % w), o = s.substr(0,j);
for(; j!=s.length; j+=w) o+=(o.length > 0 ? "," : "") + s.substr(j,w);
return o;
var write_num = (function make_write_num(){
var pct1 = /%/g;
function write_num_pct(type, fmt, val){
var sfmt = fmt.replace(pct1,""), mul = fmt.length - sfmt.length;
return write_num(type, sfmt, val * Math.pow(10,2*mul)) + fill("%",mul);
function write_num_cm(type, fmt, val){
var idx = fmt.length - 1;
while(fmt.charCodeAt(idx-1) === 44) --idx;
return write_num(type, fmt.substr(0,idx), val / Math.pow(10,3*(fmt.length-idx)));
function write_num_exp(fmt, val){
var o;
var idx = fmt.indexOf("E") - fmt.indexOf(".") - 1;
if(fmt.match(/^#+0.0E\+0$/)) {
if(val == 0) return "0.0E+0";
else if(val < 0) return "-" + write_num_exp(fmt, -val);
var period = fmt.indexOf("."); if(period === -1) period=fmt.indexOf('E');
var ee = Math.floor(Math.log(val)*Math.LOG10E)%period;
if(ee < 0) ee += period;
o = (val/Math.pow(10,ee)).toPrecision(idx+1+(period+ee)%period);
if(o.indexOf("e") === -1) {
var fakee = Math.floor(Math.log(val)*Math.LOG10E);
if(o.indexOf(".") === -1) o = o.charAt(0) + "." + o.substr(1) + "E+" + (fakee - o.length+ee);
else o += "E+" + (fakee - ee);
while(o.substr(0,2) === "0.") {
o = o.charAt(0) + o.substr(2,period) + "." + o.substr(2+period);
o = o.replace(/^0+([1-9])/,"$1").replace(/^0+\./,"0.");
o = o.replace(/\+-/,"-");
o = o.replace(/^([+-]?)(\d*)\.(\d*)[Ee]/,function($$,$1,$2,$3) { return $1 + $2 + $3.substr(0,(period+ee)%period) + "." + $3.substr(ee) + "E"; });
} else o = val.toExponential(idx);
if(fmt.match(/E\+00$/) && o.match(/e[+-]\d$/)) o = o.substr(0,o.length-1) + "0" + o.charAt(o.length-1);
if(fmt.match(/E\-/) && o.match(/e\+/)) o = o.replace(/e\+/,"e");
return o.replace("e","E");
var frac1 = /# (\?+)( ?)\/( ?)(\d+)/;
function write_num_f1(r, aval, sign) {
var den = parseInt(r[4],10), rr = Math.round(aval * den), base = Math.floor(rr/den);
var myn = (rr - base*den), myd = den;
return sign + (base === 0 ? "" : ""+base) + " " + (myn === 0 ? fill(" ", r[1].length + 1 + r[4].length) : pad_(myn,r[1].length) + r[2] + "/" + r[3] + pad0(myd,r[4].length));
function write_num_f2(r, aval, sign) {
return sign + (aval === 0 ? "" : ""+aval) + fill(" ", r[1].length + 2 + r[4].length);
var dec1 = /^#*0*\.([0#]+)/;
var closeparen = /\).*[0#]/;
var phone = /\(###\) ###\\?-####/;
function hashq(str) {
var o = "", cc;
for(var i = 0; i != str.length; ++i) switch((cc=str.charCodeAt(i))) {
case 35: break;
case 63: o+= " "; break;
case 48: o+= "0"; break;
default: o+= String.fromCharCode(cc);
return o;
function rnd(val, d) { var dd = Math.pow(10,d); return ""+(Math.round(val * dd)/dd); }
function dec(val, d) {
if (d < ('' + Math.round((val-Math.floor(val))*Math.pow(10,d))).length) {
return 0;
return Math.round((val-Math.floor(val))*Math.pow(10,d));
function carry(val, d) {
if (d < ('' + Math.round((val-Math.floor(val))*Math.pow(10,d))).length) {
return 1;
return 0;
function flr(val) { if(val < 2147483647 && val > -2147483648) return ""+(val >= 0 ? (val|0) : (val-1|0)); return ""+Math.floor(val); }
function write_num_flt(type, fmt, val) {
if(type.charCodeAt(0) === 40 && !fmt.match(closeparen)) {
var ffmt = fmt.replace(/\( */,"").replace(/ \)/,"").replace(/\)/,"");
if(val >= 0) return write_num_flt('n', ffmt, val);
return '(' + write_num_flt('n', ffmt, -val) + ')';
if(fmt.charCodeAt(fmt.length - 1) === 44) return write_num_cm(type, fmt, val);
if(fmt.indexOf('%') !== -1) return write_num_pct(type, fmt, val);
if(fmt.indexOf('E') !== -1) return write_num_exp(fmt, val);
if(fmt.charCodeAt(0) === 36) return "$"+write_num_flt(type,fmt.substr(fmt.charAt(1)==' '?2:1),val);
var o;
var r, ri, ff, aval = Math.abs(val), sign = val < 0 ? "-" : "";
if(fmt.match(/^00+$/)) return sign + pad0r(aval,fmt.length);
if(fmt.match(/^[#?]+$/)) {
o = pad0r(val,0); if(o === "0") o = "";
return o.length > fmt.length ? o : hashq(fmt.substr(0,fmt.length-o.length)) + o;
if((r = fmt.match(frac1))) return write_num_f1(r, aval, sign);
if(fmt.match(/^#+0+$/)) return sign + pad0r(aval,fmt.length - fmt.indexOf("0"));
if((r = fmt.match(dec1))) {
o = rnd(val, r[1].length).replace(/^([^\.]+)$/,"$1."+hashq(r[1])).replace(/\.$/,"."+hashq(r[1])).replace(/\.(\d*)$/,function($$, $1) { return "." + $1 + fill("0", hashq(r[1]).length-$1.length); });
return fmt.indexOf("0.") !== -1 ? o : o.replace(/^0\./,".");
fmt = fmt.replace(/^#+([0.])/, "$1");
if((r = fmt.match(/^(0*)\.(#*)$/))) {
return sign + rnd(aval, r[2].length).replace(/\.(\d*[1-9])0*$/,".$1").replace(/^(-?\d*)$/,"$1.").replace(/^0\./,r[1].length?"0.":".");
if((r = fmt.match(/^#{1,3},##0(\.?)$/))) return sign + commaify(pad0r(aval,0));
if((r = fmt.match(/^#,##0\.([#0]*0)$/))) {
return val < 0 ? "-" + write_num_flt(type, fmt, -val) : commaify(""+(Math.floor(val) + carry(val, r[1].length))) + "." + pad0(dec(val, r[1].length),r[1].length);
if((r = fmt.match(/^#,#*,#0/))) return write_num_flt(type,fmt.replace(/^#,#*,/,""),val);
if((r = fmt.match(/^([0#]+)(\\?-([0#]+))+$/))) {
o = _strrev(write_num_flt(type, fmt.replace(/[\\-]/g,""), val));
ri = 0;
return _strrev(_strrev(fmt.replace(/\\/g,"")).replace(/[0#]/g,function(x){return ri<o.length?o.charAt(ri++):x==='0'?'0':"";}));
if(fmt.match(phone)) {
o = write_num_flt(type, "##########", val);
return "(" + o.substr(0,3) + ") " + o.substr(3, 3) + "-" + o.substr(6);
var oa = "";
if((r = fmt.match(/^([#0?]+)( ?)\/( ?)([#0?]+)/))) {
ri = Math.min(r[4].length,7);
ff = frac(aval, Math.pow(10,ri)-1, false);
o = "" + sign;
oa = write_num("n", r[1], ff[1]);
if(oa.charAt(oa.length-1) == " ") oa = oa.substr(0,oa.length-1) + "0";
o += oa + r[2] + "/" + r[3];
oa = rpad_(ff[2],ri);
if(oa.length < r[4].length) oa = hashq(r[4].substr(r[4].length-oa.length)) + oa;
o += oa;
return o;
if((r = fmt.match(/^# ([#0?]+)( ?)\/( ?)([#0?]+)/))) {
ri = Math.min(Math.max(r[1].length, r[4].length),7);
ff = frac(aval, Math.pow(10,ri)-1, true);
return sign + (ff[0]||(ff[1] ? "" : "0")) + " " + (ff[1] ? pad_(ff[1],ri) + r[2] + "/" + r[3] + rpad_(ff[2],ri): fill(" ", 2*ri+1 + r[2].length + r[3].length));
if((r = fmt.match(/^[#0?]+$/))) {
o = pad0r(val, 0);
if(fmt.length <= o.length) return o;
return hashq(fmt.substr(0,fmt.length-o.length)) + o;
if((r = fmt.match(/^([#0?]+)\.([#0]+)$/))) {
o = "" + val.toFixed(Math.min(r[2].length,10)).replace(/([^0])0+$/,"$1");
ri = o.indexOf(".");
var lres = fmt.indexOf(".") - ri, rres = fmt.length - o.length - lres;
return hashq(fmt.substr(0,lres) + o + fmt.substr(fmt.length-rres));
if((r = fmt.match(/^00,000\.([#0]*0)$/))) {
ri = dec(val, r[1].length);
return val < 0 ? "-" + write_num_flt(type, fmt, -val) : commaify(flr(val)).replace(/^\d,\d{3}$/,"0$&").replace(/^\d*$/,function($$) { return "00," + ($$.length < 3 ? pad0(0,3-$$.length) : "") + $$; }) + "." + pad0(ri,r[1].length);
switch(fmt) {
case "###,##0.00": return write_num_flt(type, "#,##0.00", val);
case "###,###":
case "##,###":
case "#,###": var x = commaify(pad0r(aval,0)); return x !== "0" ? sign + x : "";
case "###,###.00": return write_num_flt(type, "###,##0.00",val).replace(/^0\./,".");
case "#,###.00": return write_num_flt(type, "#,##0.00",val).replace(/^0\./,".");
throw new Error("unsupported format |" + fmt + "|");
function write_num_cm2(type, fmt, val){
var idx = fmt.length - 1;
while(fmt.charCodeAt(idx-1) === 44) --idx;
return write_num(type, fmt.substr(0,idx), val / Math.pow(10,3*(fmt.length-idx)));
function write_num_pct2(type, fmt, val){
var sfmt = fmt.replace(pct1,""), mul = fmt.length - sfmt.length;
return write_num(type, sfmt, val * Math.pow(10,2*mul)) + fill("%",mul);
function write_num_exp2(fmt, val){
var o;
var idx = fmt.indexOf("E") - fmt.indexOf(".") - 1;
if(fmt.match(/^#+0.0E\+0$/)) {
if(val == 0) return "0.0E+0";
else if(val < 0) return "-" + write_num_exp2(fmt, -val);
var period = fmt.indexOf("."); if(period === -1) period=fmt.indexOf('E');
var ee = Math.floor(Math.log(val)*Math.LOG10E)%period;
if(ee < 0) ee += period;
o = (val/Math.pow(10,ee)).toPrecision(idx+1+(period+ee)%period);
if(!o.match(/[Ee]/)) {
var fakee = Math.floor(Math.log(val)*Math.LOG10E);
if(o.indexOf(".") === -1) o = o.charAt(0) + "." + o.substr(1) + "E+" + (fakee - o.length+ee);
else o += "E+" + (fakee - ee);
o = o.replace(/\+-/,"-");
o = o.replace(/^([+-]?)(\d*)\.(\d*)[Ee]/,function($$,$1,$2,$3) { return $1 + $2 + $3.substr(0,(period+ee)%period) + "." + $3.substr(ee) + "E"; });
} else o = val.toExponential(idx);
if(fmt.match(/E\+00$/) && o.match(/e[+-]\d$/)) o = o.substr(0,o.length-1) + "0" + o.charAt(o.length-1);
if(fmt.match(/E\-/) && o.match(/e\+/)) o = o.replace(/e\+/,"e");
return o.replace("e","E");
function write_num_int(type, fmt, val) {
if(type.charCodeAt(0) === 40 && !fmt.match(closeparen)) {
var ffmt = fmt.replace(/\( */,"").replace(/ \)/,"").replace(/\)/,"");
if(val >= 0) return write_num_int('n', ffmt, val);
return '(' + write_num_int('n', ffmt, -val) + ')';
if(fmt.charCodeAt(fmt.length - 1) === 44) return write_num_cm2(type, fmt, val);
if(fmt.indexOf('%') !== -1) return write_num_pct2(type, fmt, val);
if(fmt.indexOf('E') !== -1) return write_num_exp2(fmt, val);
if(fmt.charCodeAt(0) === 36) return "$"+write_num_int(type,fmt.substr(fmt.charAt(1)==' '?2:1),val);
var o;
var r, ri, ff, aval = Math.abs(val), sign = val < 0 ? "-" : "";
if(fmt.match(/^00+$/)) return sign + pad0(aval,fmt.length);
if(fmt.match(/^[#?]+$/)) {
o = (""+val); if(val === 0) o = "";
return o.length > fmt.length ? o : hashq(fmt.substr(0,fmt.length-o.length)) + o;
if((r = fmt.match(frac1))) return write_num_f2(r, aval, sign);
if(fmt.match(/^#+0+$/)) return sign + pad0(aval,fmt.length - fmt.indexOf("0"));
if((r = fmt.match(dec1))) {
o = (""+val).replace(/^([^\.]+)$/,"$1."+hashq(r[1])).replace(/\.$/,"."+hashq(r[1]));
o = o.replace(/\.(\d*)$/,function($$, $1) {
return "." + $1 + fill("0", hashq(r[1]).length-$1.length); });
return fmt.indexOf("0.") !== -1 ? o : o.replace(/^0\./,".");
fmt = fmt.replace(/^#+([0.])/, "$1");
if((r = fmt.match(/^(0*)\.(#*)$/))) {
return sign + (""+aval).replace(/\.(\d*[1-9])0*$/,".$1").replace(/^(-?\d*)$/,"$1.").replace(/^0\./,r[1].length?"0.":".");
if((r = fmt.match(/^#{1,3},##0(\.?)$/))) return sign + commaify((""+aval));
if((r = fmt.match(/^#,##0\.([#0]*0)$/))) {
return val < 0 ? "-" + write_num_int(type, fmt, -val) : commaify((""+val)) + "." + fill('0',r[1].length);
if((r = fmt.match(/^#,#*,#0/))) return write_num_int(type,fmt.replace(/^#,#*,/,""),val);
if((r = fmt.match(/^([0#]+)(\\?-([0#]+))+$/))) {
o = _strrev(write_num_int(type, fmt.replace(/[\\-]/g,""), val));
ri = 0;
return _strrev(_strrev(fmt.replace(/\\/g,"")).replace(/[0#]/g,function(x){return ri<o.length?o.charAt(ri++):x==='0'?'0':"";}));
if(fmt.match(phone)) {
o = write_num_int(type, "##########", val);
return "(" + o.substr(0,3) + ") " + o.substr(3, 3) + "-" + o.substr(6);
var oa = "";
if((r = fmt.match(/^([#0?]+)( ?)\/( ?)([#0?]+)/))) {
ri = Math.min(r[4].length,7);
ff = frac(aval, Math.pow(10,ri)-1, false);
o = "" + sign;
oa = write_num("n", r[1], ff[1]);
if(oa.charAt(oa.length-1) == " ") oa = oa.substr(0,oa.length-1) + "0";
o += oa + r[2] + "/" + r[3];
oa = rpad_(ff[2],ri);
if(oa.length < r[4].length) oa = hashq(r[4].substr(r[4].length-oa.length)) + oa;
o += oa;
return o;
if((r = fmt.match(/^# ([#0?]+)( ?)\/( ?)([#0?]+)/))) {
ri = Math.min(Math.max(r[1].length, r[4].length),7);
ff = frac(aval, Math.pow(10,ri)-1, true);
return sign + (ff[0]||(ff[1] ? "" : "0")) + " " + (ff[1] ? pad_(ff[1],ri) + r[2] + "/" + r[3] + rpad_(ff[2],ri): fill(" ", 2*ri+1 + r[2].length + r[3].length));
if((r = fmt.match(/^[#0?]+$/))) {
o = "" + val;
if(fmt.length <= o.length) return o;
return hashq(fmt.substr(0,fmt.length-o.length)) + o;
if((r = fmt.match(/^([#0]+)\.([#0]+)$/))) {
o = "" + val.toFixed(Math.min(r[2].length,10)).replace(/([^0])0+$/,"$1");
ri = o.indexOf(".");
var lres = fmt.indexOf(".") - ri, rres = fmt.length - o.length - lres;
return hashq(fmt.substr(0,lres) + o + fmt.substr(fmt.length-rres));
if((r = fmt.match(/^00,000\.([#0]*0)$/))) {
return val < 0 ? "-" + write_num_int(type, fmt, -val) : commaify(""+val).replace(/^\d,\d{3}$/,"0$&").replace(/^\d*$/,function($$) { return "00," + ($$.length < 3 ? pad0(0,3-$$.length) : "") + $$; }) + "." + pad0(0,r[1].length);
switch(fmt) {
case "###,###":
case "##,###":
case "#,###": var x = commaify(""+aval); return x !== "0" ? sign + x : "";
if(fmt.match(/\.[0#?]*$/)) return write_num_int(type, fmt.slice(0,fmt.lastIndexOf(".")), val) + hashq(fmt.slice(fmt.lastIndexOf(".")));
throw new Error("unsupported format |" + fmt + "|");
return function write_num(type, fmt, val) {
return (val|0) === val ? write_num_int(type, fmt, val) : write_num_flt(type, fmt, val);
function split_fmt(fmt) {
var out = [];
var in_str = false/*, cc*/;
for(var i = 0, j = 0; i < fmt.length; ++i) switch((/*cc=*/fmt.charCodeAt(i))) {
case 34: /* '"' */
in_str = !in_str; break;
case 95: case 42: case 92: /* '_' '*' '\\' */
++i; break;
case 59: /* ';' */
out[out.length] = fmt.substr(j,i-j);
j = i+1;
out[out.length] = fmt.substr(j);
if(in_str === true) throw new Error("Format |" + fmt + "| unterminated string ");
return out;
SSF._split = split_fmt;
var abstime = /\[[HhMmSs]*\]/;
function fmt_is_date(fmt) {
var i = 0, /*cc = 0,*/ c = "", o = "";
while(i < fmt.length) {
switch((c = fmt.charAt(i))) {
case 'G': if(isgeneral(fmt, i)) i+= 6; i++; break;
case '"': for(;(/*cc=*/fmt.charCodeAt(++i)) !== 34 && i < fmt.length;) ++i; ++i; break;
case '\\': i+=2; break;
case '_': i+=2; break;
case '@': ++i; break;
case 'B': case 'b':
if(fmt.charAt(i+1) === "1" || fmt.charAt(i+1) === "2") return true;
/* falls through */
case 'M': case 'D': case 'Y': case 'H': case 'S': case 'E':
/* falls through */
case 'm': case 'd': case 'y': case 'h': case 's': case 'e': case 'g': return true;
case 'A': case 'a':
if(fmt.substr(i, 3).toUpperCase() === "A/P") return true;
if(fmt.substr(i, 5).toUpperCase() === "AM/PM") return true;
++i; break;
case '[':
o = c;
while(fmt.charAt(i++) !== ']' && i < fmt.length) o += fmt.charAt(i);
if(o.match(abstime)) return true;
case '.':
/* falls through */
case '0': case '#':
while(i < fmt.length && ("0#?.,E+-%".indexOf(c=fmt.charAt(++i)) > -1 || (c=='\\' && fmt.charAt(i+1) == "-" && "0#".indexOf(fmt.charAt(i+2))>-1))){/* empty */}
case '?': while(fmt.charAt(++i) === c){/* empty */} break;
case '*': ++i; if(fmt.charAt(i) == ' ' || fmt.charAt(i) == '*') ++i; break;
case '(': case ')': ++i; break;
case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9':
while(i < fmt.length && "0123456789".indexOf(fmt.charAt(++i)) > -1){/* empty */} break;
case ' ': ++i; break;
default: ++i; break;
return false;
SSF.is_date = fmt_is_date;
function eval_fmt(fmt, v, opts, flen) {
var out = [], o = "", i = 0, c = "", lst='t', dt, j, cc;
var hr='H';
/* Tokenize */
while(i < fmt.length) {
switch((c = fmt.charAt(i))) {
case 'G': /* General */
if(!isgeneral(fmt, i)) throw new Error('unrecognized character ' + c + ' in ' +fmt);
out[out.length] = {t:'G', v:'General'}; i+=7; break;
case '"': /* Literal text */
for(o="";(cc=fmt.charCodeAt(++i)) !== 34 && i < fmt.length;) o += String.fromCharCode(cc);
out[out.length] = {t:'t', v:o}; ++i; break;
case '\\': var w = fmt.charAt(++i), t = (w === "(" || w === ")") ? w : 't';
out[out.length] = {t:t, v:w}; ++i; break;
case '_': out[out.length] = {t:'t', v:" "}; i+=2; break;
case '@': /* Text Placeholder */
out[out.length] = {t:'T', v:v}; ++i; break;
case 'B': case 'b':
if(fmt.charAt(i+1) === "1" || fmt.charAt(i+1) === "2") {
if(dt==null) { dt=parse_date_code(v, opts, fmt.charAt(i+1) === "2"); if(dt==null) return ""; }
out[out.length] = {t:'X', v:fmt.substr(i,2)}; lst = c; i+=2; break;
/* falls through */
case 'M': case 'D': case 'Y': case 'H': case 'S': case 'E':
c = c.toLowerCase();
/* falls through */
case 'm': case 'd': case 'y': case 'h': case 's': case 'e': case 'g':
if(v < 0) return "";
if(dt==null) { dt=parse_date_code(v, opts); if(dt==null) return ""; }
o = c; while(++i < fmt.length && fmt.charAt(i).toLowerCase() === c) o+=c;
if(c === 'm' && lst.toLowerCase() === 'h') c = 'M';
if(c === 'h') c = hr;
out[out.length] = {t:c, v:o}; lst = c; break;
case 'A': case 'a':
var q={t:c, v:c};
if(dt==null) dt=parse_date_code(v, opts);
if(fmt.substr(i, 3).toUpperCase() === "A/P") { if(dt!=null) q.v = dt.H >= 12 ? "P" : "A"; q.t = 'T'; hr='h';i+=3;}
else if(fmt.substr(i,5).toUpperCase() === "AM/PM") { if(dt!=null) q.v = dt.H >= 12 ? "PM" : "AM"; q.t = 'T'; i+=5; hr='h'; }
else { q.t = "t"; ++i; }
if(dt==null && q.t === 'T') return "";
out[out.length] = q; lst = c; break;
case '[':
o = c;
while(fmt.charAt(i++) !== ']' && i < fmt.length) o += fmt.charAt(i);
if(o.slice(-1) !== ']') throw 'unterminated "[" block: |' + o + '|';
if(o.match(abstime)) {
if(dt==null) { dt=parse_date_code(v, opts); if(dt==null) return ""; }
out[out.length] = {t:'Z', v:o.toLowerCase()};
lst = o.charAt(1);
} else if(o.indexOf("$") > -1) {
o = (o.match(/\$([^-\[\]]*)/)||[])[1]||"$";
if(!fmt_is_date(fmt)) out[out.length] = {t:'t',v:o};
/* Numbers */
case '.':
if(dt != null) {
o = c; while(++i < fmt.length && (c=fmt.charAt(i)) === "0") o += c;
out[out.length] = {t:'s', v:o}; break;
/* falls through */
case '0': case '#':
o = c; while((++i < fmt.length && "0#?.,E+-%".indexOf(c=fmt.charAt(i)) > -1) || (c=='\\' && fmt.charAt(i+1) == "-" && i < fmt.length - 2 && "0#".indexOf(fmt.charAt(i+2))>-1)) o += c;
out[out.length] = {t:'n', v:o}; break;
case '?':
o = c; while(fmt.charAt(++i) === c) o+=c;
out[out.length] = {t:c, v:o}; lst = c; break;
case '*': ++i; if(fmt.charAt(i) == ' ' || fmt.charAt(i) == '*') ++i; break; // **
case '(': case ')': out[out.length] = {t:(flen===1?'t':c), v:c}; ++i; break;
case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9':
o = c; while(i < fmt.length && "0123456789".indexOf(fmt.charAt(++i)) > -1) o+=fmt.charAt(i);
out[out.length] = {t:'D', v:o}; break;
case ' ': out[out.length] = {t:c, v:c}; ++i; break;
if(",$-+/():!^&'~{}<>=€acfijklopqrtuvwxzP".indexOf(c) === -1) throw new Error('unrecognized character ' + c + ' in ' + fmt);
out[out.length] = {t:'t', v:c}; ++i; break;
var bt = 0, ss0 = 0, ssm;
for(i=out.length-1, lst='t'; i >= 0; --i) {
switch(out[i].t) {
case 'h': case 'H': out[i].t = hr; lst='h'; if(bt < 1) bt = 1; break;
case 's':
if((ssm=out[i].v.match(/\.0+$/))) ss0=Math.max(ss0,ssm[0].length-1);
if(bt < 3) bt = 3;
/* falls through */
case 'd': case 'y': case 'M': case 'e': lst=out[i].t; break;
case 'm': if(lst === 's') { out[i].t = 'M'; if(bt < 2) bt = 2; } break;
case 'X': /*if(out[i].v === "B2");*/
case 'Z':
if(bt < 1 && out[i].v.match(/[Hh]/)) bt = 1;
if(bt < 2 && out[i].v.match(/[Mm]/)) bt = 2;
if(bt < 3 && out[i].v.match(/[Ss]/)) bt = 3;
switch(bt) {
case 0: break;
case 1:
if(dt.u >= 0.5) { dt.u = 0; ++dt.S; }
if(dt.S >= 60) { dt.S = 0; ++dt.M; }
if(dt.M >= 60) { dt.M = 0; ++dt.H; }
case 2:
if(dt.u >= 0.5) { dt.u = 0; ++dt.S; }
if(dt.S >= 60) { dt.S = 0; ++dt.M; }
/* replace fields */
var nstr = "", jj;
for(i=0; i < out.length; ++i) {
switch(out[i].t) {
case 't': case 'T': case ' ': case 'D': break;
case 'X': out[i].v = ""; out[i].t = ";"; break;
case 'd': case 'm': case 'y': case 'h': case 'H': case 'M': case 's': case 'e': case 'b': case 'Z':
out[i].v = write_date(out[i].t.charCodeAt(0), out[i].v, dt, ss0);
out[i].t = 't'; break;
case 'n': case '(': case '?':
jj = i+1;
while(out[jj] != null && (
(c=out[jj].t) === "?" || c === "D" ||
((c === " " || c === "t") && out[jj+1] != null && (out[jj+1].t === '?' || out[jj+1].t === "t" && out[jj+1].v === '/')) ||
(out[i].t === '(' && (c === ' ' || c === 'n' || c === ')')) ||
(c === 't' && (out[jj].v === '/' || out[jj].v === ' ' && out[jj+1] != null && out[jj+1].t == '?'))
)) {
out[i].v += out[jj].v;
out[jj] = {v:"", t:";"}; ++jj;
nstr += out[i].v;
i = jj-1; break;
case 'G': out[i].t = 't'; out[i].v = general_fmt(v,opts); break;
var vv = "", myv, ostr;
if(nstr.length > 0) {
if(nstr.charCodeAt(0) == 40) /* '(' */ {
myv = (v<0&&nstr.charCodeAt(0) === 45 ? -v : v);
ostr = write_num('(', nstr, myv);
} else {
myv = (v<0 && flen > 1 ? -v : v);
ostr = write_num('n', nstr, myv);
if(myv < 0 && out[0] && out[0].t == 't') {
ostr = ostr.substr(1);
out[0].v = "-" + out[0].v;
var decpt = out.length;
for(i=0; i < out.length; ++i) if(out[i] != null && out[i].t != 't' && out[i].v.indexOf(".") > -1) { decpt = i; break; }
var lasti=out.length;
if(decpt === out.length && ostr.indexOf("E") === -1) {
for(i=out.length-1; i>= 0;--i) {
if(out[i] == null || 'n?('.indexOf(out[i].t) === -1) continue;
if(jj>=out[i].v.length-1) { jj -= out[i].v.length; out[i].v = ostr.substr(jj+1, out[i].v.length); }
else if(jj < 0) out[i].v = "";
else { out[i].v = ostr.substr(0, jj+1); jj = -1; }
out[i].t = 't';
lasti = i;
if(jj>=0 && lasti<out.length) out[lasti].v = ostr.substr(0,jj+1) + out[lasti].v;
else if(decpt !== out.length && ostr.indexOf("E") === -1) {
jj = ostr.indexOf(".")-1;
for(i=decpt; i>= 0; --i) {
if(out[i] == null || 'n?('.indexOf(out[i].t) === -1) continue;
vv = out[i].v.substr(j+1);
for(; j>=0; --j) {
if(jj>=0 && (out[i].v.charAt(j) === "0" || out[i].v.charAt(j) === "#")) vv = ostr.charAt(jj--) + vv;
out[i].v = vv;
out[i].t = 't';
lasti = i;
if(jj>=0 && lasti<out.length) out[lasti].v = ostr.substr(0,jj+1) + out[lasti].v;
jj = ostr.indexOf(".")+1;
for(i=decpt; i<out.length; ++i) {
if(out[i] == null || ('n?('.indexOf(out[i].t) === -1 && i !== decpt)) continue;
vv = out[i].v.substr(0,j);
for(; j<out[i].v.length; ++j) {
if(jj<ostr.length) vv += ostr.charAt(jj++);
out[i].v = vv;
out[i].t = 't';
lasti = i;
for(i=0; i<out.length; ++i) if(out[i] != null && 'n(?'.indexOf(out[i].t)>-1) {
myv = (flen >1 && v < 0 && i>0 && out[i-1].v === "-" ? -v:v);
out[i].v = write_num(out[i].t, out[i].v, myv);
out[i].t = 't';
var retval = "";
for(i=0; i !== out.length; ++i) if(out[i] != null) retval += out[i].v;
return retval;
SSF._eval = eval_fmt;
var cfregex = /\[[=<>]/;
var cfregex2 = /\[(=|>[=]?|<[>=]?)(-?\d+(?:\.\d*)?)\]/;
function chkcond(v, rr) {
if(rr == null) return false;
var thresh = parseFloat(rr[2]);
switch(rr[1]) {
case "=": if(v == thresh) return true; break;
case ">": if(v > thresh) return true; break;
case "<": if(v < thresh) return true; break;
case "<>": if(v != thresh) return true; break;
case ">=": if(v >= thresh) return true; break;
case "<=": if(v <= thresh) return true; break;
return false;
function choose_fmt(f, v) {
var fmt = split_fmt(f);
var l = fmt.length, lat = fmt[l-1].indexOf("@");
if(l<4 && lat>-1) --l;
if(fmt.length > 4) throw new Error("cannot find right format for |" + fmt.join("|") + "|");
if(typeof v !== "number") return [4, fmt.length === 4 || lat>-1?fmt[fmt.length-1]:"@"];
switch(fmt.length) {
case 1: fmt = lat>-1 ? ["General", "General", "General", fmt[0]] : [fmt[0], fmt[0], fmt[0], "@"]; break;
case 2: fmt = lat>-1 ? [fmt[0], fmt[0], fmt[0], fmt[1]] : [fmt[0], fmt[1], fmt[0], "@"]; break;
case 3: fmt = lat>-1 ? [fmt[0], fmt[1], fmt[0], fmt[2]] : [fmt[0], fmt[1], fmt[2], "@"]; break;
case 4: break;
var ff = v > 0 ? fmt[0] : v < 0 ? fmt[1] : fmt[2];
if(fmt[0].indexOf("[") === -1 && fmt[1].indexOf("[") === -1) return [l, ff];
if(fmt[0].match(cfregex) != null || fmt[1].match(cfregex) != null) {
var m1 = fmt[0].match(cfregex2);
var m2 = fmt[1].match(cfregex2);
return chkcond(v, m1) ? [l, fmt[0]] : chkcond(v, m2) ? [l, fmt[1]] : [l, fmt[m1 != null && m2 != null ? 2 : 1]];
return [l, ff];
function format(fmt,v,o) {
if(o == null) o = {};
var sfmt = "";
switch(typeof fmt) {
case "string":
if(fmt == "m/d/yy" && o.dateNF) sfmt = o.dateNF;
else sfmt = fmt;
case "number":
if(fmt == 14 && o.dateNF) sfmt = o.dateNF;
else sfmt = (o.table != null ? (o.table) : table_fmt)[fmt];
if(isgeneral(sfmt,0)) return general_fmt(v, o);
if(v instanceof Date) v = datenum_local(v, o.date1904);
var f = choose_fmt(sfmt, v);
if(isgeneral(f[1])) return general_fmt(v, o);
if(v === true) v = "TRUE"; else if(v === false) v = "FALSE";
else if(v === "" || v == null) return "";
return eval_fmt(f[1], v, o, f[0]);
function load_entry(fmt, idx) {
if(typeof idx != 'number') {
idx = +idx || -1;
for(var i = 0; i < 0x0188; ++i) {
if(table_fmt[i] == undefined) { if(idx < 0) idx = i; continue; }
if(table_fmt[i] == fmt) { idx = i; break; }
if(idx < 0) idx = 0x187;
table_fmt[idx] = fmt;
return idx;
SSF.load = load_entry;
SSF._table = table_fmt;
SSF.get_table = function get_table() { return table_fmt; };
SSF.load_table = function load_table(tbl) {
for(var i=0; i!=0x0188; ++i)
if(tbl[i] !== undefined) load_entry(tbl[i], i);
SSF.init_table = init_table;
SSF.format = format;
/* map from xlml named formats to SSF TODO: localize */
var XLMLFormatMap/*{[string]:string}*/ = ({
"General Number": "General",
"General Date": SSF._table[22],
"Long Date": "dddd, mmmm dd, yyyy",
"Medium Date": SSF._table[15],
"Short Date": SSF._table[14],
"Long Time": SSF._table[19],
"Medium Time": SSF._table[18],
"Short Time": SSF._table[20],
"Currency": '"$"#,##0.00_);[Red]\\("$"#,##0.00\\)',
"Fixed": SSF._table[2],
"Standard": SSF._table[4],
"Percent": SSF._table[10],
"Scientific": SSF._table[11],
"Yes/No": '"Yes";"Yes";"No";@',
"True/False": '"True";"True";"False";@',
"On/Off": '"Yes";"Yes";"No";@'
var SSFImplicit/*{[number]:string}*/ = ({
"5": '"$"#,##0_);\\("$"#,##0\\)',
"6": '"$"#,##0_);[Red]\\("$"#,##0\\)',
"7": '"$"#,##0.00_);\\("$"#,##0.00\\)',
"8": '"$"#,##0.00_);[Red]\\("$"#,##0.00\\)',
"23": 'General', "24": 'General', "25": 'General', "26": 'General',
"27": 'm/d/yy', "28": 'm/d/yy', "29": 'm/d/yy', "30": 'm/d/yy', "31": 'm/d/yy',
"32": 'h:mm:ss', "33": 'h:mm:ss', "34": 'h:mm:ss', "35": 'h:mm:ss',
"36": 'm/d/yy',
"41": '_(* #,##0_);_(* \(#,##0\);_(* "-"_);_(@_)',
"42": '_("$"* #,##0_);_("$"* \(#,##0\);_("$"* "-"_);_(@_)',
"43": '_(* #,##0.00_);_(* \(#,##0.00\);_(* "-"??_);_(@_)',
"44": '_("$"* #,##0.00_);_("$"* \(#,##0.00\);_("$"* "-"??_);_(@_)',
"50": 'm/d/yy', "51": 'm/d/yy', "52": 'm/d/yy', "53": 'm/d/yy', "54": 'm/d/yy',
"55": 'm/d/yy', "56": 'm/d/yy', "57": 'm/d/yy', "58": 'm/d/yy',
"59": '0',
"60": '0.00',
"61": '#,##0',
"62": '#,##0.00',
"63": '"$"#,##0_);\\("$"#,##0\\)',
"64": '"$"#,##0_);[Red]\\("$"#,##0\\)',
"65": '"$"#,##0.00_);\\("$"#,##0.00\\)',
"66": '"$"#,##0.00_);[Red]\\("$"#,##0.00\\)',
"67": '0%',
"68": '0.00%',
"69": '# ?/?',
"70": '# ??/??',
"71": 'm/d/yy',
"72": 'm/d/yy',
"73": 'd-mmm-yy',
"74": 'd-mmm',
"75": 'mmm-yy',
"76": 'h:mm',
"77": 'h:mm:ss',
"78": 'm/d/yy h:mm',
"79": 'mm:ss',
"80": '[h]:mm:ss',
"81": 'mmss.0'
/* dateNF parse TODO: move to SSF */
var dateNFregex = /[dD]+|[mM]+|[yYeE]+|[Hh]+|[Ss]+/g;
function dateNF_regex(dateNF) {
var fmt = typeof dateNF == "number" ? SSF._table[dateNF] : dateNF;
fmt = fmt.replace(dateNFregex, "(\\d+)");
return new RegExp("^" + fmt + "$");
function dateNF_fix(str, dateNF, match) {
var Y = -1, m = -1, d = -1, H = -1, M = -1, S = -1;
(dateNF.match(dateNFregex)||[]).forEach(function(n, i) {
var v = parseInt(match[i+1], 10);
switch(n.toLowerCase().charAt(0)) {
case 'y': Y = v; break; case 'd': d = v; break;
case 'h': H = v; break; case 's': S = v; break;
case 'm': if(H >= 0) M = v; else m = v; break;
if(S >= 0 && M == -1 && m >= 0) { M = m; m = -1; }
var datestr = (("" + (Y>=0?Y: new Date().getFullYear())).slice(-4) + "-" + ("00" + (m>=1?m:1)).slice(-2) + "-" + ("00" + (d>=1?d:1)).slice(-2));
if(datestr.length == 7) datestr = "0" + datestr;
if(datestr.length == 8) datestr = "20" + datestr;
var timestr = (("00" + (H>=0?H:0)).slice(-2) + ":" + ("00" + (M>=0?M:0)).slice(-2) + ":" + ("00" + (S>=0?S:0)).slice(-2));
if(H == -1 && M == -1 && S == -1) return datestr;
if(Y == -1 && m == -1 && d == -1) return timestr;
return datestr + "T" + timestr;
var DO_NOT_EXPORT_CFB = true;
/* cfb.js (C) 2013-present SheetJS -- */
/* vim: set ts=2: */
/*jshint eqnull:true */
/*exported CFB */
/*global module, require:false, process:false, Buffer:false, Uint8Array:false, Uint16Array:false */
/* crc32.js (C) 2014-present SheetJS -- */
/* vim: set ts=2: */
/*exported CRC32 */
var CRC32;
(function (factory) {
/*jshint ignore:start */
/*eslint-disable */
factory(CRC32 = {});
/*eslint-enable */
/*jshint ignore:end */
}(function(CRC32) {
CRC32.version = '1.2.0';
/* see perf/crc32table.js */
/*global Int32Array */
function signed_crc_table() {
var c = 0, table = new Array(256);
for(var n =0; n != 256; ++n){
c = n;
c = ((c&1) ? (-306674912 ^ (c >>> 1)) : (c >>> 1));
c = ((c&1) ? (-306674912 ^ (c >>> 1)) : (c >>> 1));
c = ((c&1) ? (-306674912 ^ (c >>> 1)) : (c >>> 1));
c = ((c&1) ? (-306674912 ^ (c >>> 1)) : (c >>> 1));
c = ((c&1) ? (-306674912 ^ (c >>> 1)) : (c >>> 1));
c = ((c&1) ? (-306674912 ^ (c >>> 1)) : (c >>> 1));
c = ((c&1) ? (-306674912 ^ (c >>> 1)) : (c >>> 1));
c = ((c&1) ? (-306674912 ^ (c >>> 1)) : (c >>> 1));
table[n] = c;
return typeof Int32Array !== 'undefined' ? new Int32Array(table) : table;
var T = signed_crc_table();
function crc32_bstr(bstr, seed) {
var C = seed ^ -1, L = bstr.length - 1;
for(var i = 0; i < L;) {
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C^bstr.charCodeAt(i++))&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C^bstr.charCodeAt(i++))&0xFF];
if(i === L) C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C ^ bstr.charCodeAt(i))&0xFF];
return C ^ -1;
function crc32_buf(buf, seed) {
if(buf.length > 10000) return crc32_buf_8(buf, seed);
var C = seed ^ -1, L = buf.length - 3;
for(var i = 0; i < L;) {
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C^buf[i++])&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C^buf[i++])&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C^buf[i++])&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C^buf[i++])&0xFF];
while(i < L+3) C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C^buf[i++])&0xFF];
return C ^ -1;
function crc32_buf_8(buf, seed) {
var C = seed ^ -1, L = buf.length - 7;
for(var i = 0; i < L;) {
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C^buf[i++])&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C^buf[i++])&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C^buf[i++])&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C^buf[i++])&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C^buf[i++])&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C^buf[i++])&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C^buf[i++])&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C^buf[i++])&0xFF];
while(i < L+7) C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C^buf[i++])&0xFF];
return C ^ -1;
function crc32_str(str, seed) {
var C = seed ^ -1;
for(var i = 0, L=str.length, c, d; i < L;) {
c = str.charCodeAt(i++);
if(c < 0x80) {
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C ^ c)&0xFF];
} else if(c < 0x800) {
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C ^ (192|((c>>6)&31)))&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C ^ (128|(c&63)))&0xFF];
} else if(c >= 0xD800 && c < 0xE000) {
c = (c&1023)+64; d = str.charCodeAt(i++)&1023;
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C ^ (240|((c>>8)&7)))&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C ^ (128|((c>>2)&63)))&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C ^ (128|((d>>6)&15)|((c&3)<<4)))&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C ^ (128|(d&63)))&0xFF];
} else {
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C ^ (224|((c>>12)&15)))&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C ^ (128|((c>>6)&63)))&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C ^ (128|(c&63)))&0xFF];
return C ^ -1;
CRC32.table = T;
CRC32.bstr = crc32_bstr;
CRC32.buf = crc32_buf;
CRC32.str = crc32_str;
/* [MS-CFB] v20171201 */
var CFB = (function _CFB(){
var exports = {};
exports.version = '1.1.3';
/* [MS-CFB] 2.6.4 */
function namecmp(l, r) {
var L = l.split("/"), R = r.split("/");
for(var i = 0, c = 0, Z = Math.min(L.length, R.length); i < Z; ++i) {
if((c = L[i].length - R[i].length)) return c;
if(L[i] != R[i]) return L[i] < R[i] ? -1 : 1;
return L.length - R.length;
function dirname(p) {
if(p.charAt(p.length - 1) == "/") return (p.slice(0,-1).indexOf("/") === -1) ? p : dirname(p.slice(0, -1));
var c = p.lastIndexOf("/");
return (c === -1) ? p : p.slice(0, c+1);
function filename(p) {
if(p.charAt(p.length - 1) == "/") return filename(p.slice(0, -1));
var c = p.lastIndexOf("/");
return (c === -1) ? p : p.slice(c+1);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* DOS Date format:
add 1980 to stored year
stored second should be doubled
/* write JS date to buf as a DOS date */
function write_dos_date(buf, date) {
if(typeof date === "string") date = new Date(date);
var hms = date.getHours();
hms = hms << 6 | date.getMinutes();
hms = hms << 5 | (date.getSeconds()>>>1);
buf.write_shift(2, hms);
var ymd = (date.getFullYear() - 1980);
ymd = ymd << 4 | (date.getMonth()+1);
ymd = ymd << 5 | date.getDate();
buf.write_shift(2, ymd);
/* read four bytes from buf and interpret as a DOS date */
function parse_dos_date(buf) {
var hms = buf.read_shift(2) & 0xFFFF;
var ymd = buf.read_shift(2) & 0xFFFF;
var val = new Date();
var d = ymd & 0x1F; ymd >>>= 5;
var m = ymd & 0x0F; ymd >>>= 4;
val.setFullYear(ymd + 1980);
var S = hms & 0x1F; hms >>>= 5;
var M = hms & 0x3F; hms >>>= 6;
return val;
function parse_extra_field(blob) {
prep_blob(blob, 0);
var o = {};
var flags = 0;
while(blob.l <= blob.length - 4) {
var type = blob.read_shift(2);
var sz = blob.read_shift(2), tgt = blob.l + sz;
var p = {};
switch(type) {
/* UNIX-style Timestamps */
case 0x5455: {
flags = blob.read_shift(1);
if(flags & 1) p.mtime = blob.read_shift(4);
/* for some reason, CD flag corresponds to LFH */
if(sz > 5) {
if(flags & 2) p.atime = blob.read_shift(4);
if(flags & 4) p.ctime = blob.read_shift(4);
if(p.mtime) = new Date(p.mtime*1000);
blob.l = tgt;
o[type] = p;
return o;
var fs;
function get_fs() { return fs || (fs = require('fs')); }
function parse(file, options) {
if(file[0] == 0x50 && file[1] == 0x4b) return parse_zip(file, options);
if(file.length < 512) throw new Error("CFB file size " + file.length + " < 512");
var mver = 3;
var ssz = 512;
var nmfs = 0; // number of mini FAT sectors
var difat_sec_cnt = 0;
var dir_start = 0;
var minifat_start = 0;
var difat_start = 0;
var fat_addrs = []; // locations of FAT sectors
/* [MS-CFB] 2.2 Compound File Header */
var blob = file.slice(0,512);
prep_blob(blob, 0);
/* major version */
var mv = check_get_mver(blob);
mver = mv[0];
switch(mver) {
case 3: ssz = 512; break; case 4: ssz = 4096; break;
case 0: if(mv[1] == 0) return parse_zip(file, options);
/* falls through */
default: throw new Error("Major Version: Expected 3 or 4 saw " + mver);
/* reprocess header */
if(ssz !== 512) { blob = file.slice(0,ssz); prep_blob(blob, 28 /* blob.l */); }
/* Save header for final object */
var header = file.slice(0,ssz);
check_shifts(blob, mver);
// Number of Directory Sectors
var dir_cnt = blob.read_shift(4, 'i');
if(mver === 3 && dir_cnt !== 0) throw new Error('# Directory Sectors: Expected 0 saw ' + dir_cnt);
// Number of FAT Sectors
blob.l += 4;
// First Directory Sector Location
dir_start = blob.read_shift(4, 'i');
// Transaction Signature
blob.l += 4;
// Mini Stream Cutoff Size
blob.chk('00100000', 'Mini Stream Cutoff Size: ');
// First Mini FAT Sector Location
minifat_start = blob.read_shift(4, 'i');
// Number of Mini FAT Sectors
nmfs = blob.read_shift(4, 'i');
// First DIFAT sector location
difat_start = blob.read_shift(4, 'i');
// Number of DIFAT Sectors
difat_sec_cnt = blob.read_shift(4, 'i');
// Grab FAT Sector Locations
for(var q = -1, j = 0; j < 109; ++j) { /* 109 = (512 - blob.l)>>>2; */
q = blob.read_shift(4, 'i');
if(q<0) break;
fat_addrs[j] = q;
/** Break the file up into sectors */
var sectors = sectorify(file, ssz);
sleuth_fat(difat_start, difat_sec_cnt, sectors, ssz, fat_addrs);
/** Chains */
var sector_list = make_sector_list(sectors, dir_start, fat_addrs, ssz);
sector_list[dir_start].name = "!Directory";
if(nmfs > 0 && minifat_start !== ENDOFCHAIN) sector_list[minifat_start].name = "!MiniFAT";
sector_list[fat_addrs[0]].name = "!FAT";
sector_list.fat_addrs = fat_addrs;
sector_list.ssz = ssz;
/* [MS-CFB] 2.6.1 Compound File Directory Entry */
var files = {}, Paths = [], FileIndex = [], FullPaths = [];
read_directory(dir_start, sector_list, sectors, Paths, nmfs, files, FileIndex, minifat_start);
build_full_paths(FileIndex, FullPaths, Paths);
var o = {
FileIndex: FileIndex,
FullPaths: FullPaths
// $FlowIgnore
if(options && options.raw) o.raw = {header: header, sectors: sectors};
return o;
} // parse
/* [MS-CFB] 2.2 Compound File Header -- read up to major version */
function check_get_mver(blob) {
if(blob[blob.l] == 0x50 && blob[blob.l + 1] == 0x4b) return [0, 0];
// header signature 8
blob.chk(HEADER_SIGNATURE, 'Header Signature: ');
// clsid 16
//blob.chk(HEADER_CLSID, 'CLSID: ');
blob.l += 16;
// minor version 2
var mver = blob.read_shift(2, 'u');
return [blob.read_shift(2,'u'), mver];
function check_shifts(blob, mver) {
var shift = 0x09;
// Byte Order
//blob.chk('feff', 'Byte Order: '); // note: some writers put 0xffff
blob.l += 2;
// Sector Shift
switch((shift = blob.read_shift(2))) {
case 0x09: if(mver != 3) throw new Error('Sector Shift: Expected 9 saw ' + shift); break;
case 0x0c: if(mver != 4) throw new Error('Sector Shift: Expected 12 saw ' + shift); break;
default: throw new Error('Sector Shift: Expected 9 or 12 saw ' + shift);
// Mini Sector Shift
blob.chk('0600', 'Mini Sector Shift: ');
// Reserved
blob.chk('000000000000', 'Reserved: ');
/** Break the file up into sectors */
function sectorify(file, ssz) {
var nsectors = Math.ceil(file.length/ssz)-1;
var sectors = [];
for(var i=1; i < nsectors; ++i) sectors[i-1] = file.slice(i*ssz,(i+1)*ssz);
sectors[nsectors-1] = file.slice(nsectors*ssz);
return sectors;
/* [MS-CFB] 2.6.4 Red-Black Tree */
function build_full_paths(FI, FP, Paths) {
var i = 0, L = 0, R = 0, C = 0, j = 0, pl = Paths.length;
var dad = [], q = [];
for(; i < pl; ++i) { dad[i]=q[i]=i; FP[i]=Paths[i]; }
for(; j < q.length; ++j) {
i = q[j];
L = FI[i].L; R = FI[i].R; C = FI[i].C;
if(dad[i] === i) {
if(L !== -1 /*NOSTREAM*/ && dad[L] !== L) dad[i] = dad[L];
if(R !== -1 && dad[R] !== R) dad[i] = dad[R];
if(C !== -1 /*NOSTREAM*/) dad[C] = i;
if(L !== -1 && i != dad[i]) { dad[L] = dad[i]; if(q.lastIndexOf(L) < j) q.push(L); }
if(R !== -1 && i != dad[i]) { dad[R] = dad[i]; if(q.lastIndexOf(R) < j) q.push(R); }
for(i=1; i < pl; ++i) if(dad[i] === i) {
if(R !== -1 /*NOSTREAM*/ && dad[R] !== R) dad[i] = dad[R];
else if(L !== -1 && dad[L] !== L) dad[i] = dad[L];
for(i=1; i < pl; ++i) {
if(FI[i].type === 0 /* unknown */) continue;
j = i;
if(j != dad[j]) do {
j = dad[j];
FP[i] = FP[j] + "/" + FP[i];
} while (j !== 0 && -1 !== dad[j] && j != dad[j]);
dad[i] = -1;
FP[0] += "/";
for(i=1; i < pl; ++i) {
if(FI[i].type !== 2 /* stream */) FP[i] += "/";
function get_mfat_entry(entry, payload, mini) {
var start = entry.start, size = entry.size;
//return (payload.slice(start*MSSZ, start*MSSZ + size));
var o = [];
var idx = start;
while(mini && size > 0 && idx >= 0) {
o.push(payload.slice(idx * MSSZ, idx * MSSZ + MSSZ));
size -= MSSZ;
idx = __readInt32LE(mini, idx * 4);
if(o.length === 0) return (new_buf(0));
return (bconcat(o).slice(0, entry.size));
/** Chase down the rest of the DIFAT chain to build a comprehensive list
DIFAT chains by storing the next sector number as the last 32 bits */
function sleuth_fat(idx, cnt, sectors, ssz, fat_addrs) {
if(idx === ENDOFCHAIN) {
if(cnt !== 0) throw new Error("DIFAT chain shorter than expected");
} else if(idx !== -1 /*FREESECT*/) {
var sector = sectors[idx], m = (ssz>>>2)-1;
if(!sector) return;
for(var i = 0; i < m; ++i) {
if((q = __readInt32LE(sector,i*4)) === ENDOFCHAIN) break;
sleuth_fat(__readInt32LE(sector,ssz-4),cnt - 1, sectors, ssz, fat_addrs);
/** Follow the linked list of sectors for a given starting point */
function get_sector_list(sectors, start, fat_addrs, ssz, chkd) {
var buf = [], buf_chain = [];
if(!chkd) chkd = [];
var modulus = ssz - 1, j = 0, jj = 0;
for(j=start; j>=0;) {
chkd[j] = true;
buf[buf.length] = j;
var addr = fat_addrs[Math.floor(j*4/ssz)];
jj = ((j*4) & modulus);
if(ssz < 4 + jj) throw new Error("FAT boundary crossed: " + j + " 4 "+ssz);
if(!sectors[addr]) break;
j = __readInt32LE(sectors[addr], jj);
return {nodes: buf, data:__toBuffer([buf_chain])};
/** Chase down the sector linked lists */
function make_sector_list(sectors, dir_start, fat_addrs, ssz) {
var sl = sectors.length, sector_list = ([]);
var chkd = [], buf = [], buf_chain = [];
var modulus = ssz - 1, i=0, j=0, k=0, jj=0;
for(i=0; i < sl; ++i) {
buf = ([]);
k = (i + dir_start); if(k >= sl) k-=sl;
if(chkd[k]) continue;
buf_chain = [];
for(j=k; j>=0;) {
chkd[j] = true;
buf[buf.length] = j;
var addr = fat_addrs[Math.floor(j*4/ssz)];
jj = ((j*4) & modulus);
if(ssz < 4 + jj) throw new Error("FAT boundary crossed: " + j + " 4 "+ssz);
if(!sectors[addr]) break;
j = __readInt32LE(sectors[addr], jj);
sector_list[k] = ({nodes: buf, data:__toBuffer([buf_chain])});
return sector_list;
/* [MS-CFB] 2.6.1 Compound File Directory Entry */
function read_directory(dir_start, sector_list, sectors, Paths, nmfs, files, FileIndex, mini) {
var minifat_store = 0, pl = (Paths.length?2:0);
var sector = sector_list[dir_start].data;
var i = 0, namelen = 0, name;
for(; i < sector.length; i+= 128) {
var blob = sector.slice(i, i+128);
prep_blob(blob, 64);
namelen = blob.read_shift(2);
name = __utf16le(blob,0,namelen-pl);
var o = ({
name: name,
type: blob.read_shift(1),
color: blob.read_shift(1),
L: blob.read_shift(4, 'i'),
R: blob.read_shift(4, 'i'),
C: blob.read_shift(4, 'i'),
clsid: blob.read_shift(16),
state: blob.read_shift(4, 'i'),
start: 0,
size: 0
var ctime = blob.read_shift(2) + blob.read_shift(2) + blob.read_shift(2) + blob.read_shift(2);
if(ctime !== 0) o.ct = read_date(blob, blob.l-8);
var mtime = blob.read_shift(2) + blob.read_shift(2) + blob.read_shift(2) + blob.read_shift(2);
if(mtime !== 0) = read_date(blob, blob.l-8);
o.start = blob.read_shift(4, 'i');
o.size = blob.read_shift(4, 'i');
if(o.size < 0 && o.start < 0) { o.size = o.type = 0; o.start = ENDOFCHAIN; = ""; }
if(o.type === 5) { /* root */
minifat_store = o.start;
if(nmfs > 0 && minifat_store !== ENDOFCHAIN) sector_list[minifat_store].name = "!StreamData";
/*minifat_size = o.size;*/
} else if(o.size >= 4096 /* MSCSZ */) { = 'fat';
if(sector_list[o.start] === undefined) sector_list[o.start] = get_sector_list(sectors, o.start, sector_list.fat_addrs, sector_list.ssz);
sector_list[o.start].name =;
o.content = (sector_list[o.start].data.slice(0,o.size));
} else { = 'minifat';
if(o.size < 0) o.size = 0;
else if(minifat_store !== ENDOFCHAIN && o.start !== ENDOFCHAIN && sector_list[minifat_store]) {
o.content = get_mfat_entry(o, sector_list[minifat_store].data, (sector_list[mini]||{}).data);
if(o.content) prep_blob(o.content, 0);
files[name] = o;
function read_date(blob, offset) {
return new Date(( ( (__readUInt32LE(blob,offset+4)/1e7)*Math.pow(2,32)+__readUInt32LE(blob,offset)/1e7 ) - 11644473600)*1000);
function read_file(filename, options) {
return parse(fs.readFileSync(filename), options);
function read(blob, options) {
switch(options && options.type || "base64") {
case "file": return read_file(blob, options);
case "base64": return parse(s2a(Base64.decode(blob)), options);
case "binary": return parse(s2a(blob), options);
return parse(blob, options);
function init_cfb(cfb, opts) {
var o = opts || {}, root = o.root || "Root Entry";
if(!cfb.FullPaths) cfb.FullPaths = [];
if(!cfb.FileIndex) cfb.FileIndex = [];
if(cfb.FullPaths.length !== cfb.FileIndex.length) throw new Error("inconsistent CFB structure");
if(cfb.FullPaths.length === 0) {
cfb.FullPaths[0] = root + "/";
cfb.FileIndex[0] = ({ name: root, type: 5 });
if(o.CLSID) cfb.FileIndex[0].clsid = o.CLSID;
function seed_cfb(cfb) {
var nm = "\u0001Sh33tJ5";
if(CFB.find(cfb, "/" + nm)) return;
var p = new_buf(4); p[0] = 55; p[1] = p[3] = 50; p[2] = 54;
cfb.FileIndex.push(({ name: nm, type: 2, content:p, size:4, L:69, R:69, C:69 }));
cfb.FullPaths.push(cfb.FullPaths[0] + nm);
function rebuild_cfb(cfb, f) {
var gc = false, s = false;
for(var i = cfb.FullPaths.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
var _file = cfb.FileIndex[i];
switch(_file.type) {
case 0:
if(s) gc = true;
else { cfb.FileIndex.pop(); cfb.FullPaths.pop(); }
case 1: case 2: case 5:
s = true;
if(isNaN(_file.R * _file.L * _file.C)) gc = true;
if(_file.R > -1 && _file.L > -1 && _file.R == _file.L) gc = true;
default: gc = true; break;
if(!gc && !f) return;
var now = new Date(1987, 1, 19), j = 0;
var data = [];
for(i = 0; i < cfb.FullPaths.length; ++i) {
if(cfb.FileIndex[i].type === 0) continue;
data.push([cfb.FullPaths[i], cfb.FileIndex[i]]);
for(i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {
var dad = dirname(data[i][0]);
s = false;
for(j = 0; j < data.length; ++j) if(data[j][0] === dad) s = true;
if(!s) data.push([dad, ({
name: filename(dad).replace("/",""),
type: 1,
ct: now, mt: now,
content: null
data.sort(function(x,y) { return namecmp(x[0], y[0]); });
cfb.FullPaths = []; cfb.FileIndex = [];
for(i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) { cfb.FullPaths[i] = data[i][0]; cfb.FileIndex[i] = data[i][1]; }
for(i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {
var elt = cfb.FileIndex[i];
var nm = cfb.FullPaths[i]; = filename(nm).replace("/","");
elt.L = elt.R = elt.C = -(elt.color = 1);
elt.size = elt.content ? elt.content.length : 0;
elt.start = 0;
elt.clsid = (elt.clsid || HEADER_CLSID);
if(i === 0) {
elt.C = data.length > 1 ? 1 : -1;
elt.size = 0;
elt.type = 5;
} else if(nm.slice(-1) == "/") {
for(j=i+1;j < data.length; ++j) if(dirname(cfb.FullPaths[j])==nm) break;
elt.C = j >= data.length ? -1 : j;
for(j=i+1;j < data.length; ++j) if(dirname(cfb.FullPaths[j])==dirname(nm)) break;
elt.R = j >= data.length ? -1 : j;
elt.type = 1;
} else {
if(dirname(cfb.FullPaths[i+1]||"") == dirname(nm)) elt.R = i + 1;
elt.type = 2;
function _write(cfb, options) {
var _opts = options || {};
if(_opts.fileType == 'zip') return write_zip(cfb, _opts);
var L = (function(cfb){
var mini_size = 0, fat_size = 0;
for(var i = 0; i < cfb.FileIndex.length; ++i) {
var file = cfb.FileIndex[i];
if(!file.content) continue;
var flen = file.content.length;
if(flen > 0){
if(flen < 0x1000) mini_size += (flen + 0x3F) >> 6;
else fat_size += (flen + 0x01FF) >> 9;
var dir_cnt = (cfb.FullPaths.length +3) >> 2;
var mini_cnt = (mini_size + 7) >> 3;
var mfat_cnt = (mini_size + 0x7F) >> 7;
var fat_base = mini_cnt + fat_size + dir_cnt + mfat_cnt;
var fat_cnt = (fat_base + 0x7F) >> 7;
var difat_cnt = fat_cnt <= 109 ? 0 : Math.ceil((fat_cnt-109)/0x7F);
while(((fat_base + fat_cnt + difat_cnt + 0x7F) >> 7) > fat_cnt) difat_cnt = ++fat_cnt <= 109 ? 0 : Math.ceil((fat_cnt-109)/0x7F);
var L = [1, difat_cnt, fat_cnt, mfat_cnt, dir_cnt, fat_size, mini_size, 0];
cfb.FileIndex[0].size = mini_size << 6;
L[7] = (cfb.FileIndex[0].start=L[0]+L[1]+L[2]+L[3]+L[4]+L[5])+((L[6]+7) >> 3);
return L;
var o = new_buf(L[7] << 9);
var i = 0, T = 0;
for(i = 0; i < 8; ++i) o.write_shift(1, HEADER_SIG[i]);
for(i = 0; i < 8; ++i) o.write_shift(2, 0);
o.write_shift(2, 0x003E);
o.write_shift(2, 0x0003);
o.write_shift(2, 0xFFFE);
o.write_shift(2, 0x0009);
o.write_shift(2, 0x0006);
for(i = 0; i < 3; ++i) o.write_shift(2, 0);
o.write_shift(4, 0);
o.write_shift(4, L[2]);
o.write_shift(4, L[0] + L[1] + L[2] + L[3] - 1);
o.write_shift(4, 0);
o.write_shift(4, 1<<12);
o.write_shift(4, L[3] ? L[0] + L[1] + L[2] - 1: ENDOFCHAIN);
o.write_shift(4, L[3]);
o.write_shift(-4, L[1] ? L[0] - 1: ENDOFCHAIN);
o.write_shift(4, L[1]);
for(i = 0; i < 109; ++i) o.write_shift(-4, i < L[2] ? L[1] + i : -1);
if(L[1]) {
for(T = 0; T < L[1]; ++T) {
for(; i < 236 + T * 127; ++i) o.write_shift(-4, i < L[2] ? L[1] + i : -1);
o.write_shift(-4, T === L[1] - 1 ? ENDOFCHAIN : T + 1);
var chainit = function(w) {
for(T += w; i<T-1; ++i) o.write_shift(-4, i+1);
if(w) { ++i; o.write_shift(-4, ENDOFCHAIN); }
T = i = 0;
for(T+=L[1]; i<T; ++i) o.write_shift(-4, consts.DIFSECT);
for(T+=L[2]; i<T; ++i) o.write_shift(-4, consts.FATSECT);
var j = 0, flen = 0;
var file = cfb.FileIndex[0];
for(; j < cfb.FileIndex.length; ++j) {
file = cfb.FileIndex[j];
if(!file.content) continue;
flen = file.content.length;
if(flen < 0x1000) continue;
file.start = T;
chainit((flen + 0x01FF) >> 9);
chainit((L[6] + 7) >> 3);
while(o.l & 0x1FF) o.write_shift(-4, consts.ENDOFCHAIN);
T = i = 0;
for(j = 0; j < cfb.FileIndex.length; ++j) {
file = cfb.FileIndex[j];
if(!file.content) continue;
flen = file.content.length;
if(!flen || flen >= 0x1000) continue;
file.start = T;
chainit((flen + 0x3F) >> 6);
while(o.l & 0x1FF) o.write_shift(-4, consts.ENDOFCHAIN);
for(i = 0; i < L[4]<<2; ++i) {
var nm = cfb.FullPaths[i];
if(!nm || nm.length === 0) {
for(j = 0; j < 17; ++j) o.write_shift(4, 0);
for(j = 0; j < 3; ++j) o.write_shift(4, -1);
for(j = 0; j < 12; ++j) o.write_shift(4, 0);
file = cfb.FileIndex[i];
if(i === 0) file.start = file.size ? file.start - 1 : ENDOFCHAIN;
var _nm = (i === 0 && _opts.root) ||;
flen = 2*(_nm.length+1);
o.write_shift(64, _nm, "utf16le");
o.write_shift(2, flen);
o.write_shift(1, file.type);
o.write_shift(1, file.color);
o.write_shift(-4, file.L);
o.write_shift(-4, file.R);
o.write_shift(-4, file.C);
if(!file.clsid) for(j = 0; j < 4; ++j) o.write_shift(4, 0);
else o.write_shift(16, file.clsid, "hex");
o.write_shift(4, file.state || 0);
o.write_shift(4, 0); o.write_shift(4, 0);
o.write_shift(4, 0); o.write_shift(4, 0);
o.write_shift(4, file.start);
o.write_shift(4, file.size); o.write_shift(4, 0);
for(i = 1; i < cfb.FileIndex.length; ++i) {
file = cfb.FileIndex[i];
if(file.size >= 0x1000) {
o.l = (file.start+1) << 9;
for(j = 0; j < file.size; ++j) o.write_shift(1, file.content[j]);
for(; j & 0x1FF; ++j) o.write_shift(1, 0);
for(i = 1; i < cfb.FileIndex.length; ++i) {
file = cfb.FileIndex[i];
if(file.size > 0 && file.size < 0x1000) {
for(j = 0; j < file.size; ++j) o.write_shift(1, file.content[j]);
for(; j & 0x3F; ++j) o.write_shift(1, 0);
while(o.l < o.length) o.write_shift(1, 0);
return o;
/* [MS-CFB] 2.6.4 (Unicode 3.0.1 case conversion) */
function find(cfb, path) {
var UCFullPaths = { return x.toUpperCase(); });
var UCPaths = { var y = x.split("/"); return y[y.length - (x.slice(-1) == "/" ? 2 : 1)]; });
var k = false;
if(path.charCodeAt(0) === 47 /* "/" */) { k = true; path = UCFullPaths[0].slice(0, -1) + path; }
else k = path.indexOf("/") !== -1;
var UCPath = path.toUpperCase();
var w = k === true ? UCFullPaths.indexOf(UCPath) : UCPaths.indexOf(UCPath);
if(w !== -1) return cfb.FileIndex[w];
var m = !UCPath.match(chr1);
UCPath = UCPath.replace(chr0,'');
if(m) UCPath = UCPath.replace(chr1,'!');
for(w = 0; w < UCFullPaths.length; ++w) {
if((m ? UCFullPaths[w].replace(chr1,'!') : UCFullPaths[w]).replace(chr0,'') == UCPath) return cfb.FileIndex[w];
if((m ? UCPaths[w].replace(chr1,'!') : UCPaths[w]).replace(chr0,'') == UCPath) return cfb.FileIndex[w];
return null;
/** CFB Constants */
var MSSZ = 64; /* Mini Sector Size = 1<<6 */
//var MSCSZ = 4096; /* Mini Stream Cutoff Size */
/* 2.1 Compound File Sector Numbers and Types */
var ENDOFCHAIN = -2;
/* 2.2 Compound File Header */
var HEADER_SIGNATURE = 'd0cf11e0a1b11ae1';
var HEADER_SIG = [0xD0, 0xCF, 0x11, 0xE0, 0xA1, 0xB1, 0x1A, 0xE1];
var HEADER_CLSID = '00000000000000000000000000000000';
var consts = {
/* 2.1 Compund File Sector Numbers and Types */
/* 2.2 Compound File Header */
/* 2.6.1 Compound File Directory Entry */
EntryTypes: ['unknown','storage','stream','lockbytes','property','root']
function write_file(cfb, filename, options) {
var o = _write(cfb, options);
fs.writeFileSync(filename, o);
function a2s(o) {
var out = new Array(o.length);
for(var i = 0; i < o.length; ++i) out[i] = String.fromCharCode(o[i]);
return out.join("");
function write(cfb, options) {
var o = _write(cfb, options);
switch(options && options.type) {
case "file": get_fs(); fs.writeFileSync(options.filename, (o)); return o;
case "binary": return a2s(o);
case "base64": return Base64.encode(a2s(o));
return o;
/* node < 8.1 zlib does not expose bytesRead, so default to pure JS */
var _zlib;
function use_zlib(zlib) { try {
var InflateRaw = zlib.InflateRaw;
var InflRaw = new InflateRaw();
InflRaw._processChunk(new Uint8Array([3, 0]), InflRaw._finishFlushFlag);
if(InflRaw.bytesRead) _zlib = zlib;
else throw new Error("zlib does not expose bytesRead");
} catch(e) {console.error("cannot use native zlib: " + (e.message || e)); } }
function _inflateRawSync(payload, usz) {
if(!_zlib) return _inflate(payload, usz);
var InflateRaw = _zlib.InflateRaw;
var InflRaw = new InflateRaw();
var out = InflRaw._processChunk(payload.slice(payload.l), InflRaw._finishFlushFlag);
payload.l += InflRaw.bytesRead;
return out;
function _deflateRawSync(payload) {
return _zlib ? _zlib.deflateRawSync(payload) : _deflate(payload);
var CLEN_ORDER = [ 16, 17, 18, 0, 8, 7, 9, 6, 10, 5, 11, 4, 12, 3, 13, 2, 14, 1, 15 ];
/* LEN_ID = [ 257, 258, 259, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285 ]; */
var LEN_LN = [ 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13 , 15, 17, 19, 23, 27, 31, 35, 43, 51, 59, 67, 83, 99, 115, 131, 163, 195, 227, 258 ];
/* DST_ID = [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 ]; */
var DST_LN = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 13, 17, 25, 33, 49, 65, 97, 129, 193, 257, 385, 513, 769, 1025, 1537, 2049, 3073, 4097, 6145, 8193, 12289, 16385, 24577 ];
function bit_swap_8(n) { var t = (((((n<<1)|(n<<11)) & 0x22110) | (((n<<5)|(n<<15)) & 0x88440))); return ((t>>16) | (t>>8) |t)&0xFF; }
var use_typed_arrays = typeof Uint8Array !== 'undefined';
var bitswap8 = use_typed_arrays ? new Uint8Array(1<<8) : [];
for(var q = 0; q < (1<<8); ++q) bitswap8[q] = bit_swap_8(q);
function bit_swap_n(n, b) {
var rev = bitswap8[n & 0xFF];
if(b <= 8) return rev >>> (8-b);
rev = (rev << 8) | bitswap8[(n>>8)&0xFF];
if(b <= 16) return rev >>> (16-b);
rev = (rev << 8) | bitswap8[(n>>16)&0xFF];
return rev >>> (24-b);
/* helpers for unaligned bit reads */
function read_bits_2(buf, bl) { var w = (bl&7), h = (bl>>>3); return ((buf[h]|(w <= 6 ? 0 : buf[h+1]<<8))>>>w)& 0x03; }
function read_bits_3(buf, bl) { var w = (bl&7), h = (bl>>>3); return ((buf[h]|(w <= 5 ? 0 : buf[h+1]<<8))>>>w)& 0x07; }
function read_bits_4(buf, bl) { var w = (bl&7), h = (bl>>>3); return ((buf[h]|(w <= 4 ? 0 : buf[h+1]<<8))>>>w)& 0x0F; }
function read_bits_5(buf, bl) { var w = (bl&7), h = (bl>>>3); return ((buf[h]|(w <= 3 ? 0 : buf[h+1]<<8))>>>w)& 0x1F; }
function read_bits_7(buf, bl) { var w = (bl&7), h = (bl>>>3); return ((buf[h]|(w <= 1 ? 0 : buf[h+1]<<8))>>>w)& 0x7F; }
/* works up to n = 3 * 8 + 1 = 25 */
function read_bits_n(buf, bl, n) {
var w = (bl&7), h = (bl>>>3), f = ((1<<n)-1);
var v = buf[h] >>> w;
if(n < 8 - w) return v & f;
v |= buf[h+1]<<(8-w);
if(n < 16 - w) return v & f;
v |= buf[h+2]<<(16-w);
if(n < 24 - w) return v & f;
v |= buf[h+3]<<(24-w);
return v & f;
/* until ArrayBuffer#realloc is a thing, fake a realloc */
function realloc(b, sz) {
var L = b.length, M = 2*L > sz ? 2*L : sz + 5, i = 0;
if(L >= sz) return b;
if(has_buf) {
var o = new_unsafe_buf(M);
// $FlowIgnore
if(b.copy) b.copy(o);
else for(; i < b.length; ++i) o[i] = b[i];
return o;
} else if(use_typed_arrays) {
var a = new Uint8Array(M);
if(a.set) a.set(b);
else for(; i < b.length; ++i) a[i] = b[i];
return a;
b.length = M;
return b;
/* zero-filled arrays for older browsers */
function zero_fill_array(n) {
var o = new Array(n);
for(var i = 0; i < n; ++i) o[i] = 0;
return o;
}var _deflate = (function() {
var _deflateRaw = (function() {
return function deflateRaw(data, out) {
var boff = 0;
while(boff < data.length) {
var L = Math.min(0xFFFF, data.length - boff);
var h = boff + L == data.length;
/* TODO: this is only type 0 stored */
out.write_shift(1, +h);
out.write_shift(2, L);
out.write_shift(2, (~L) & 0xFFFF);
while(L-- > 0) out[out.l++] = data[boff++];
return out.l;
return function(data) {
var buf = new_buf(50+Math.floor(data.length*1.1));
var off = _deflateRaw(data, buf);
return buf.slice(0, off);
/* modified inflate function also moves original read head */
/* build tree (used for literals and lengths) */
function build_tree(clens, cmap, MAX) {
var maxlen = 1, w = 0, i = 0, j = 0, ccode = 0, L = clens.length;
var bl_count = use_typed_arrays ? new Uint16Array(32) : zero_fill_array(32);
for(i = 0; i < 32; ++i) bl_count[i] = 0;
for(i = L; i < MAX; ++i) clens[i] = 0;
L = clens.length;
var ctree = use_typed_arrays ? new Uint16Array(L) : zero_fill_array(L); // []
/* build code tree */
for(i = 0; i < L; ++i) {
bl_count[(w = clens[i])]++;
if(maxlen < w) maxlen = w;
ctree[i] = 0;
bl_count[0] = 0;
for(i = 1; i <= maxlen; ++i) bl_count[i+16] = (ccode = (ccode + bl_count[i-1])<<1);
for(i = 0; i < L; ++i) {
ccode = clens[i];
if(ccode != 0) ctree[i] = bl_count[ccode+16]++;
/* cmap[maxlen + 4 bits] = (off&15) + (lit<<4) reverse mapping */
var cleni = 0;
for(i = 0; i < L; ++i) {
cleni = clens[i];
if(cleni != 0) {
ccode = bit_swap_n(ctree[i], maxlen)>>(maxlen-cleni);
for(j = (1<<(maxlen + 4 - cleni)) - 1; j>=0; --j)
cmap[ccode|(j<<cleni)] = (cleni&15) | (i<<4);
return maxlen;
var fix_lmap = use_typed_arrays ? new Uint16Array(512) : zero_fill_array(512);
var fix_dmap = use_typed_arrays ? new Uint16Array(32) : zero_fill_array(32);
if(!use_typed_arrays) {
for(var i = 0; i < 512; ++i) fix_lmap[i] = 0;
for(i = 0; i < 32; ++i) fix_dmap[i] = 0;
(function() {
var dlens = [];
var i = 0;
for(;i<32; i++) dlens.push(5);
build_tree(dlens, fix_dmap, 32);
var clens = [];
i = 0;
for(; i<=143; i++) clens.push(8);
for(; i<=255; i++) clens.push(9);
for(; i<=279; i++) clens.push(7);
for(; i<=287; i++) clens.push(8);
build_tree(clens, fix_lmap, 288);
var dyn_lmap = use_typed_arrays ? new Uint16Array(32768) : zero_fill_array(32768);
var dyn_dmap = use_typed_arrays ? new Uint16Array(32768) : zero_fill_array(32768);
var dyn_cmap = use_typed_arrays ? new Uint16Array(128) : zero_fill_array(128);
var dyn_len_1 = 1, dyn_len_2 = 1;
/* 5.5.3 Expanding Huffman Codes */
function dyn(data, boff) {
/* nomenclature from RFC1951 refers to bit values; these are offset by the implicit constant */
var _HLIT = read_bits_5(data, boff) + 257; boff += 5;
var _HDIST = read_bits_5(data, boff) + 1; boff += 5;
var _HCLEN = read_bits_4(data, boff) + 4; boff += 4;
var w = 0;
/* grab and store code lengths */
var clens = use_typed_arrays ? new Uint8Array(19) : zero_fill_array(19);
var ctree = [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ];
var maxlen = 1;
var bl_count = use_typed_arrays ? new Uint8Array(8) : zero_fill_array(8);
var next_code = use_typed_arrays ? new Uint8Array(8) : zero_fill_array(8);
var L = clens.length; /* 19 */
for(var i = 0; i < _HCLEN; ++i) {
clens[CLEN_ORDER[i]] = w = read_bits_3(data, boff);
if(maxlen < w) maxlen = w;
boff += 3;
/* build code tree */
var ccode = 0;
bl_count[0] = 0;
for(i = 1; i <= maxlen; ++i) next_code[i] = ccode = (ccode + bl_count[i-1])<<1;
for(i = 0; i < L; ++i) if((ccode = clens[i]) != 0) ctree[i] = next_code[ccode]++;
/* cmap[7 bits from stream] = (off&7) + (lit<<3) */
var cleni = 0;
for(i = 0; i < L; ++i) {
cleni = clens[i];
if(cleni != 0) {
ccode = bitswap8[ctree[i]]>>(8-cleni);
for(var j = (1<<(7-cleni))-1; j>=0; --j) dyn_cmap[ccode|(j<<cleni)] = (cleni&7) | (i<<3);
/* read literal and dist codes at once */
var hcodes = [];
maxlen = 1;
for(; hcodes.length < _HLIT + _HDIST;) {
ccode = dyn_cmap[read_bits_7(data, boff)];
boff += ccode & 7;
switch((ccode >>>= 3)) {
case 16:
w = 3 + read_bits_2(data, boff); boff += 2;
ccode = hcodes[hcodes.length - 1];
while(w-- > 0) hcodes.push(ccode);
case 17:
w = 3 + read_bits_3(data, boff); boff += 3;
while(w-- > 0) hcodes.push(0);
case 18:
w = 11 + read_bits_7(data, boff); boff += 7;
while(w -- > 0) hcodes.push(0);
if(maxlen < ccode) maxlen = ccode;
/* build literal / length trees */
var h1 = hcodes.slice(0, _HLIT), h2 = hcodes.slice(_HLIT);
for(i = _HLIT; i < 286; ++i) h1[i] = 0;
for(i = _HDIST; i < 30; ++i) h2[i] = 0;
dyn_len_1 = build_tree(h1, dyn_lmap, 286);
dyn_len_2 = build_tree(h2, dyn_dmap, 30);
return boff;
/* return [ data, bytesRead ] */
function inflate(data, usz) {
/* shortcircuit for empty buffer [0x03, 0x00] */
if(data[0] == 3 && !(data[1] & 0x3)) { return [new_raw_buf(usz), 2]; }
/* bit offset */
var boff = 0;
/* header includes final bit and type bits */
var header = 0;
var outbuf = new_unsafe_buf(usz ? usz : (1<<18));
var woff = 0;
var OL = outbuf.length>>>0;
var max_len_1 = 0, max_len_2 = 0;
while((header&1) == 0) {
header = read_bits_3(data, boff); boff += 3;
if((header >>> 1) == 0) {
/* Stored block */
if(boff & 7) boff += 8 - (boff&7);
/* 2 bytes sz, 2 bytes bit inverse */
var sz = data[boff>>>3] | data[(boff>>>3)+1]<<8;
boff += 32;
/* push sz bytes */
if(!usz && OL < woff + sz) { outbuf = realloc(outbuf, woff + sz); OL = outbuf.length; }
if(typeof data.copy === 'function') {
// $FlowIgnore
data.copy(outbuf, woff, boff>>>3, (boff>>>3)+sz);
woff += sz; boff += 8*sz;
} else while(sz-- > 0) { outbuf[woff++] = data[boff>>>3]; boff += 8; }
} else if((header >>> 1) == 1) {
/* Fixed Huffman */
max_len_1 = 9; max_len_2 = 5;
} else {
/* Dynamic Huffman */
boff = dyn(data, boff);
max_len_1 = dyn_len_1; max_len_2 = dyn_len_2;
if(!usz && (OL < woff + 32767)) { outbuf = realloc(outbuf, woff + 32767); OL = outbuf.length; }
for(;;) { // while(true) is apparently out of vogue in modern JS circles
/* ingest code and move read head */
var bits = read_bits_n(data, boff, max_len_1);
var code = (header>>>1) == 1 ? fix_lmap[bits] : dyn_lmap[bits];
boff += code & 15; code >>>= 4;
/* 0-255 are literals, 256 is end of block token, 257+ are copy tokens */
if(((code>>>8)&0xFF) === 0) outbuf[woff++] = code;
else if(code == 256) break;
else {
code -= 257;
var len_eb = (code < 8) ? 0 : ((code-4)>>2); if(len_eb > 5) len_eb = 0;
var tgt = woff + LEN_LN[code];
/* length extra bits */
if(len_eb > 0) {
tgt += read_bits_n(data, boff, len_eb);
boff += len_eb;
/* dist code */
bits = read_bits_n(data, boff, max_len_2);
code = (header>>>1) == 1 ? fix_dmap[bits] : dyn_dmap[bits];
boff += code & 15; code >>>= 4;
var dst_eb = (code < 4 ? 0 : (code-2)>>1);
var dst = DST_LN[code];
/* dist extra bits */
if(dst_eb > 0) {
dst += read_bits_n(data, boff, dst_eb);
boff += dst_eb;
/* in the common case, manual byte copy is faster than TA set / Buffer copy */
if(!usz && OL < tgt) { outbuf = realloc(outbuf, tgt); OL = outbuf.length; }
while(woff < tgt) { outbuf[woff] = outbuf[woff - dst]; ++woff; }
return [usz ? outbuf : outbuf.slice(0, woff), (boff+7)>>>3];
function _inflate(payload, usz) {
var data = payload.slice(payload.l||0);
var out = inflate(data, usz);
payload.l += out[1];
return out[0];
function warn_or_throw(wrn, msg) {
if(wrn) { if(typeof console !== 'undefined') console.error(msg); }
else throw new Error(msg);
function parse_zip(file, options) {
var blob = file;
prep_blob(blob, 0);
var FileIndex = [], FullPaths = [];
var o = {
FileIndex: FileIndex,
FullPaths: FullPaths
init_cfb(o, { root: options.root });
/* find end of central directory, start just after signature */
var i = blob.length - 4;
while((blob[i] != 0x50 || blob[i+1] != 0x4b || blob[i+2] != 0x05 || blob[i+3] != 0x06) && i >= 0) --i;
blob.l = i + 4;
/* parse end of central directory */
blob.l += 4;
var fcnt = blob.read_shift(2);
blob.l += 6;
var start_cd = blob.read_shift(4);
/* parse central directory */
blob.l = start_cd;
for(i = 0; i < fcnt; ++i) {
/* trust local file header instead of CD entry */
blob.l += 20;
var csz = blob.read_shift(4);
var usz = blob.read_shift(4);
var namelen = blob.read_shift(2);
var efsz = blob.read_shift(2);
var fcsz = blob.read_shift(2);
blob.l += 8;
var offset = blob.read_shift(4);
var EF = parse_extra_field(blob.slice(blob.l+namelen, blob.l+namelen+efsz));
blob.l += namelen + efsz + fcsz;
var L = blob.l;
blob.l = offset + 4;
parse_local_file(blob, csz, usz, o, EF);
blob.l = L;
return o;
/* head starts just after local file header signature */
function parse_local_file(blob, csz, usz, o, EF) {
/* [local file header] */
blob.l += 2;
var flags = blob.read_shift(2);
var meth = blob.read_shift(2);
var date = parse_dos_date(blob);
if(flags & 0x2041) throw new Error("Unsupported ZIP encryption");
var crc32 = blob.read_shift(4);
var _csz = blob.read_shift(4);
var _usz = blob.read_shift(4);
var namelen = blob.read_shift(2);
var efsz = blob.read_shift(2);
// TODO: flags & (1<<11) // UTF8
var name = ""; for(var i = 0; i < namelen; ++i) name += String.fromCharCode(blob[blob.l++]);
if(efsz) {
var ef = parse_extra_field(blob.slice(blob.l, blob.l + efsz));
if((ef[0x5455]||{}).mt) date = ef[0x5455].mt;
if(((EF||{})[0x5455]||{}).mt) date = EF[0x5455].mt;
blob.l += efsz;
/* [encryption header] */
/* [file data] */
var data = blob.slice(blob.l, blob.l + _csz);
switch(meth) {
case 8: data = _inflateRawSync(blob, _usz); break;
case 0: break;
default: throw new Error("Unsupported ZIP Compression method " + meth);
/* [data descriptor] */
var wrn = false;
if(flags & 8) {
crc32 = blob.read_shift(4);
if(crc32 == 0x08074b50) { crc32 = blob.read_shift(4); wrn = true; }
_csz = blob.read_shift(4);
_usz = blob.read_shift(4);
if(_csz != csz) warn_or_throw(wrn, "Bad compressed size: " + csz + " != " + _csz);
if(_usz != usz) warn_or_throw(wrn, "Bad uncompressed size: " + usz + " != " + _usz);
var _crc32 = CRC32.buf(data, 0);
if((crc32>>0) != (_crc32>>0)) warn_or_throw(wrn, "Bad CRC32 checksum: " + crc32 + " != " + _crc32);
cfb_add(o, name, data, {unsafe: true, mt: date});
function write_zip(cfb, options) {
var _opts = options || {};
var out = [], cdirs = [];
var o = new_buf(1);
var method = (_opts.compression ? 8 : 0), flags = 0;
var desc = false;
if(desc) flags |= 8;
var i = 0, j = 0;
var start_cd = 0, fcnt = 0;
var root = cfb.FullPaths[0], fp = root, fi = cfb.FileIndex[0];
var crcs = [];
var sz_cd = 0;
for(i = 1; i < cfb.FullPaths.length; ++i) {
fp = cfb.FullPaths[i].slice(root.length); fi = cfb.FileIndex[i];
if(!fi.size || !fi.content || fp == "\u0001Sh33tJ5") continue;
var start = start_cd;
/* TODO: CP437 filename */
var namebuf = new_buf(fp.length);
for(j = 0; j < fp.length; ++j) namebuf.write_shift(1, fp.charCodeAt(j) & 0x7F);
namebuf = namebuf.slice(0, namebuf.l);
crcs[fcnt] = CRC32.buf(fi.content, 0);
var outbuf = fi.content;
if(method == 8) outbuf = _deflateRawSync(outbuf);
/* local file header */
o = new_buf(30);
o.write_shift(4, 0x04034b50);
o.write_shift(2, 20);
o.write_shift(2, flags);
o.write_shift(2, method);
/* TODO: last mod file time/date */
if( write_dos_date(o,;
else o.write_shift(4, 0);
o.write_shift(-4, (flags & 8) ? 0 : crcs[fcnt]);
o.write_shift(4, (flags & 8) ? 0 : outbuf.length);
o.write_shift(4, (flags & 8) ? 0 : fi.content.length);
o.write_shift(2, namebuf.length);
o.write_shift(2, 0);
start_cd += o.length;
start_cd += namebuf.length;
/* TODO: encryption header ? */
start_cd += outbuf.length;
/* data descriptor */
if(flags & 8) {
o = new_buf(12);
o.write_shift(-4, crcs[fcnt]);
o.write_shift(4, outbuf.length);
o.write_shift(4, fi.content.length);
start_cd += o.l;
/* central directory */
o = new_buf(46);
o.write_shift(4, 0x02014b50);
o.write_shift(2, 0);
o.write_shift(2, 20);
o.write_shift(2, flags);
o.write_shift(2, method);
o.write_shift(4, 0); /* TODO: last mod file time/date */
o.write_shift(-4, crcs[fcnt]);
o.write_shift(4, outbuf.length);
o.write_shift(4, fi.content.length);
o.write_shift(2, namebuf.length);
o.write_shift(2, 0);
o.write_shift(2, 0);
o.write_shift(2, 0);
o.write_shift(2, 0);
o.write_shift(4, 0);
o.write_shift(4, start);
sz_cd += o.l;
sz_cd += namebuf.length;
/* end of central directory */
o = new_buf(22);
o.write_shift(4, 0x06054b50);
o.write_shift(2, 0);
o.write_shift(2, 0);
o.write_shift(2, fcnt);
o.write_shift(2, fcnt);
o.write_shift(4, sz_cd);
o.write_shift(4, start_cd);
o.write_shift(2, 0);
return bconcat(([bconcat((out)), bconcat(cdirs), o]));
function cfb_new(opts) {
var o = ({});
init_cfb(o, opts);
return o;
function cfb_add(cfb, name, content, opts) {
var unsafe = opts && opts.unsafe;
if(!unsafe) init_cfb(cfb);
var file = !unsafe && CFB.find(cfb, name);
if(!file) {
var fpath = cfb.FullPaths[0];
if(name.slice(0, fpath.length) == fpath) fpath = name;
else {
if(fpath.slice(-1) != "/") fpath += "/";
fpath = (fpath + name).replace("//","/");
file = ({name: filename(name), type: 2});
if(!unsafe) CFB.utils.cfb_gc(cfb);
file.content = (content);
file.size = content ? content.length : 0;
if(opts) {
if(opts.CLSID) file.clsid = opts.CLSID;
if( =;
if(opts.ct) file.ct = opts.ct;
return file;
function cfb_del(cfb, name) {
var file = CFB.find(cfb, name);
if(file) for(var j = 0; j < cfb.FileIndex.length; ++j) if(cfb.FileIndex[j] == file) {
cfb.FileIndex.splice(j, 1);
cfb.FullPaths.splice(j, 1);
return true;
return false;
function cfb_mov(cfb, old_name, new_name) {
var file = CFB.find(cfb, old_name);
if(file) for(var j = 0; j < cfb.FileIndex.length; ++j) if(cfb.FileIndex[j] == file) {
cfb.FileIndex[j].name = filename(new_name);
cfb.FullPaths[j] = new_name;
return true;
return false;
function cfb_gc(cfb) { rebuild_cfb(cfb, true); }
exports.find = find; = read;
exports.parse = parse;
exports.write = write;
exports.writeFile = write_file;
exports.utils = {
cfb_new: cfb_new,
cfb_add: cfb_add,
cfb_del: cfb_del,
cfb_mov: cfb_mov,
cfb_gc: cfb_gc,
ReadShift: ReadShift,
CheckField: CheckField,
prep_blob: prep_blob,
bconcat: bconcat,
use_zlib: use_zlib,
_deflateRaw: _deflate,
_inflateRaw: _inflate,
consts: consts
return exports;
if(typeof require !== 'undefined' && typeof module !== 'undefined' && typeof DO_NOT_EXPORT_CFB === 'undefined') { module.exports = CFB; }
var _fs;
if(typeof require !== 'undefined') try { _fs = require('fs'); } catch(e) {}
/* normalize data for blob ctor */
function blobify(data) {
if(typeof data === "string") return s2ab(data);
if(Array.isArray(data)) return a2u(data);
return data;
/* write or download file */
function write_dl(fname, payload, enc) {
/*global IE_SaveFile, Blob, navigator, saveAs, URL, document, File, chrome */
if(typeof _fs !== 'undefined' && _fs.writeFileSync) return enc ? _fs.writeFileSync(fname, payload, enc) : _fs.writeFileSync(fname, payload);
var data = (enc == "utf8") ? utf8write(payload) : payload;
if(typeof IE_SaveFile !== 'undefined') return IE_SaveFile(data, fname);
if(typeof Blob !== 'undefined') {
var blob = new Blob([blobify(data)], {type:"application/octet-stream"});
if(typeof navigator !== 'undefined' && navigator.msSaveBlob) return navigator.msSaveBlob(blob, fname);
if(typeof saveAs !== 'undefined') return saveAs(blob, fname);
if(typeof URL !== 'undefined' && typeof document !== 'undefined' && document.createElement && URL.createObjectURL) {
var url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
if(typeof chrome === 'object' && typeof (chrome.downloads||{}).download == "function") {
if(URL.revokeObjectURL && typeof setTimeout !== 'undefined') setTimeout(function() { URL.revokeObjectURL(url); }, 60000);
return{ url: url, filename: fname, saveAs: true});
var a = document.createElement("a");
if( != null) { = fname; a.href = url; document.body.appendChild(a);;
if(URL.revokeObjectURL && typeof setTimeout !== 'undefined') setTimeout(function() { URL.revokeObjectURL(url); }, 60000);
return url;
// $FlowIgnore
if(typeof $ !== 'undefined' && typeof File !== 'undefined' && typeof Folder !== 'undefined') try { // extendscript
// $FlowIgnore
var out = File(fname);"w"); out.encoding = "binary";
if(Array.isArray(payload)) payload = a2s(payload);
out.write(payload); out.close(); return payload;
} catch(e) { if(!e.message || !e.message.match(/onstruct/)) throw e; }
throw new Error("cannot save file " + fname);
/* read binary data from file */
function read_binary(path) {
if(typeof _fs !== 'undefined') return _fs.readFileSync(path);
// $FlowIgnore
if(typeof $ !== 'undefined' && typeof File !== 'undefined' && typeof Folder !== 'undefined') try { // extendscript
// $FlowIgnore
var infile = File(path);"r"); infile.encoding = "binary";
var data =; infile.close();
return data;
} catch(e) { if(!e.message || !e.message.match(/onstruct/)) throw e; }
throw new Error("Cannot access file " + path);
function keys(o) {
var ks = Object.keys(o), o2 = [];
for(var i = 0; i < ks.length; ++i) if(o.hasOwnProperty(ks[i])) o2.push(ks[i]);
return o2;
function evert_key(obj, key) {
var o = ([]), K = keys(obj);
for(var i = 0; i !== K.length; ++i) if(o[obj[K[i]][key]] == null) o[obj[K[i]][key]] = K[i];
return o;
function evert(obj) {
var o = ([]), K = keys(obj);
for(var i = 0; i !== K.length; ++i) o[obj[K[i]]] = K[i];
return o;
function evert_num(obj) {
var o = ([]), K = keys(obj);
for(var i = 0; i !== K.length; ++i) o[obj[K[i]]] = parseInt(K[i],10);
return o;
function evert_arr(obj) {
var o = ([]), K = keys(obj);
for(var i = 0; i !== K.length; ++i) {
if(o[obj[K[i]]] == null) o[obj[K[i]]] = [];
return o;
var basedate = new Date(1899, 11, 30, 0, 0, 0); // 2209161600000
var dnthresh = basedate.getTime() + (new Date().getTimezoneOffset() - basedate.getTimezoneOffset()) * 60000;
function datenum(v, date1904) {
var epoch = v.getTime();
if(date1904) epoch -= 1462*24*60*60*1000;
return (epoch - dnthresh) / (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
function numdate(v) {
var out = new Date();
out.setTime(v * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 + dnthresh);
return out;
/* ISO 8601 Duration */
function parse_isodur(s) {
var sec = 0, mt = 0, time = false;
var m = s.match(/P([0-9\.]+Y)?([0-9\.]+M)?([0-9\.]+D)?T([0-9\.]+H)?([0-9\.]+M)?([0-9\.]+S)?/);
if(!m) throw new Error("|" + s + "| is not an ISO8601 Duration");
for(var i = 1; i != m.length; ++i) {
if(!m[i]) continue;
mt = 1;
if(i > 3) time = true;
switch(m[i].slice(m[i].length-1)) {
case 'Y':
throw new Error("Unsupported ISO Duration Field: " + m[i].slice(m[i].length-1));
case 'D': mt *= 24;
/* falls through */
case 'H': mt *= 60;
/* falls through */
case 'M':
if(!time) throw new Error("Unsupported ISO Duration Field: M");
else mt *= 60;
/* falls through */
case 'S': break;
sec += mt * parseInt(m[i], 10);
return sec;
var good_pd_date = new Date('2017-02-19T19:06:09.000Z');
if(isNaN(good_pd_date.getFullYear())) good_pd_date = new Date('2/19/17');
var good_pd = good_pd_date.getFullYear() == 2017;
/* parses a date as a local date */
function parseDate(str, fixdate) {
var d = new Date(str);
if(good_pd) {
if(fixdate > 0) d.setTime(d.getTime() + d.getTimezoneOffset() * 60 * 1000);
else if(fixdate < 0) d.setTime(d.getTime() - d.getTimezoneOffset() * 60 * 1000);
return d;
if(str instanceof Date) return str;
if(good_pd_date.getFullYear() == 1917 && !isNaN(d.getFullYear())) {
var s = d.getFullYear();
if(str.indexOf("" + s) > -1) return d;
d.setFullYear(d.getFullYear() + 100); return d;
var n = str.match(/\d+/g)||["2017","2","19","0","0","0"];
var out = new Date(+n[0], +n[1] - 1, +n[2], (+n[3]||0), (+n[4]||0), (+n[5]||0));
if(str.indexOf("Z") > -1) out = new Date(out.getTime() - out.getTimezoneOffset() * 60 * 1000);
return out;
function cc2str(arr) {
var o = "";
for(var i = 0; i != arr.length; ++i) o += String.fromCharCode(arr[i]);
return o;
function dup(o) {
if(typeof JSON != 'undefined' && !Array.isArray(o)) return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(o));
if(typeof o != 'object' || o == null) return o;
if(o instanceof Date) return new Date(o.getTime());
var out = {};
for(var k in o) if(o.hasOwnProperty(k)) out[k] = dup(o[k]);
return out;
function fill(c,l) { var o = ""; while(o.length < l) o+=c; return o; }
/* TODO: stress test */
function fuzzynum(s) {
var v = Number(s);
if(!isNaN(v)) return v;
var wt = 1;
var ss = s.replace(/([\d]),([\d])/g,"$1$2").replace(/[$]/g,"").replace(/[%]/g, function() { wt *= 100; return "";});
if(!isNaN(v = Number(ss))) return v / wt;
ss = ss.replace(/[(](.*)[)]/,function($$, $1) { wt = -wt; return $1;});
if(!isNaN(v = Number(ss))) return v / wt;
return v;
function fuzzydate(s) {
var o = new Date(s), n = new Date(NaN);
var y = o.getYear(), m = o.getMonth(), d = o.getDate();
if(isNaN(d)) return n;
if(y < 0 || y > 8099) return n;
if((m > 0 || d > 1) && y != 101) return o;
if(s.toLowerCase().match(/jan|feb|mar|apr|may|jun|jul|aug|sep|oct|nov|dec/)) return o;
if(s.match(/[^-0-9:,\/\\]/)) return n;
return o;
var safe_split_regex = "abacaba".split(/(:?b)/i).length == 5;
function split_regex(str, re, def) {
if(safe_split_regex || typeof re == "string") return str.split(re);
var p = str.split(re), o = [p[0]];
for(var i = 1; i < p.length; ++i) { o.push(def); o.push(p[i]); }
return o;
function getdatastr(data) {
if(!data) return null;
if( return debom(;
if(data.asNodeBuffer && has_buf) return debom(data.asNodeBuffer().toString('binary'));
if(data.asBinary) return debom(data.asBinary());
if(data._data && data._data.getContent) return debom(cc2str(,0)));
if(data.content && data.type) return debom(cc2str(data.content));
return null;
function getdatabin(data) {
if(!data) return null;
if( return char_codes(;
if(data.asNodeBuffer && has_buf) return data.asNodeBuffer();
if(data._data && data._data.getContent) {
var o = data._data.getContent();
if(typeof o == "string") return char_codes(o);
if(data.content && data.type) return data.content;
return null;
function getdata(data) { return (data && === ".bin") ? getdatabin(data) : getdatastr(data); }
/* Part 2 Section 10.1.2 "Mapping Content Types" Names are case-insensitive */
/* OASIS does not comment on filename case sensitivity */
function safegetzipfile(zip, file) {
var k = zip.FullPaths || keys(zip.files);
var f = file.toLowerCase(), g = f.replace(/\\/g,'\/');
for(var i=0; i<k.length; ++i) {
var n = k[i].replace(/^Root Entry[\/]/,"").toLowerCase();
if(f == n || g == n) return zip.FileIndex[i];
return null;
function getzipfile(zip, file) {
var o = safegetzipfile(zip, file);
if(o == null) throw new Error("Cannot find file " + file + " in zip");
return o;
function getzipdata(zip, file, safe) {
if(!safe) return getdata(getzipfile(zip, file));
if(!file) return null;
try { return getzipdata(zip, file); } catch(e) { return null; }
function getzipstr(zip, file, safe) {
if(!safe) return getdatastr(getzipfile(zip, file));
if(!file) return null;
try { return getzipstr(zip, file); } catch(e) { return null; }
function zipentries(zip) {
var k = zip.FullPaths || keys(zip.files), o = [];
for(var i = 0; i < k.length; ++i) if(k[i].slice(-1) != '/') o.push(k[i].replace(/^Root Entry[\/]/, ""));
return o.sort();
function zip_add_file(zip, path, content) {
if(zip.FullPaths) CFB.utils.cfb_add(zip, path, typeof content == "string" ? (has_buf ? Buffer_from(content) : s2a(utf8write(content))) : content);
else zip.file(path, content);
function zip_read(d, o) {
var zip;
switch(o.type) {
case "base64": zip =, { type: "base64" }); break;
case "binary": zip =, { type: "binary" }); break;
case "buffer": case "array": zip =, { type: "buffer" }); break;
default: throw new Error("Unrecognized type " + o.type);
return zip;
function zip_new() {
return CFB.utils.cfb_new();
function resolve_path(path, base) {
var result = base.split('/');
if(base.slice(-1) != "/") result.pop(); // folder path
var target = path.split('/');
while (target.length !== 0) {
var step = target.shift();
if (step === '..') result.pop();
else if (step !== '.') result.push(step);
return result.join('/');
var XML_HEADER = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>\r\n';
var attregexg=/([^"\s?>\/]+)\s*=\s*((?:")([^"]*)(?:")|(?:')([^']*)(?:')|([^'">\s]+))/g;
var tagregex=/<[\/\?]?[a-zA-Z0-9:]+(?:\s+[^"\s?>\/]+\s*=\s*(?:"[^"]*"|'[^']*'|[^'">\s=]+))*\s?[\/\?]?>/g;
if(!(XML_HEADER.match(tagregex))) tagregex = /<[^>]*>/g;
var nsregex=/<\w*:/, nsregex2 = /<(\/?)\w+:/;
function parsexmltag(tag, skip_root) {
var z = ({});
var eq = 0, c = 0;
for(; eq !== tag.length; ++eq) if((c = tag.charCodeAt(eq)) === 32 || c === 10 || c === 13) break;
if(!skip_root) z[0] = tag.slice(0, eq);
if(eq === tag.length) return z;
var m = tag.match(attregexg), j=0, v="", i=0, q="", cc="", quot = 1;
if(m) for(i = 0; i != m.length; ++i) {
cc = m[i];
for(c=0; c != cc.length; ++c) if(cc.charCodeAt(c) === 61) break;
q = cc.slice(0,c).trim();
while(cc.charCodeAt(c+1) == 32) ++c;
quot = ((eq=cc.charCodeAt(c+1)) == 34 || eq == 39) ? 1 : 0;
v = cc.slice(c+1+quot, cc.length-quot);
for(j=0;j!=q.length;++j) if(q.charCodeAt(j) === 58) break;
if(j===q.length) {
if(q.indexOf("_") > 0) q = q.slice(0, q.indexOf("_")); // from ods
z[q] = v;
z[q.toLowerCase()] = v;
else {
var k = (j===5 && q.slice(0,5)==="xmlns"?"xmlns":"")+q.slice(j+1);
if(z[k] && q.slice(j-3,j) == "ext") continue; // from ods
z[k] = v;
z[k.toLowerCase()] = v;
return z;
function strip_ns(x) { return x.replace(nsregex2, "<$1"); }
var encodings = {
'&quot;': '"',
'&apos;': "'",
'&gt;': '>',
'&lt;': '<',
'&amp;': '&'
var rencoding = evert(encodings);
//var rencstr = "&<>'\"".split("");
// TODO: CP remap (need to read file version to determine OS)
var unescapexml = (function() {
/* bstr (Basic String) */
var encregex = /&(?:quot|apos|gt|lt|amp|#x?([\da-fA-F]+));/g, coderegex = /_x([\da-fA-F]{4})_/g;
return function unescapexml(text) {
var s = text + '', i = s.indexOf("<![CDATA[");
if(i == -1) return s.replace(encregex, function($$, $1) { return encodings[$$]||String.fromCharCode(parseInt($1,$$.indexOf("x")>-1?16:10))||$$; }).replace(coderegex,function(m,c) {return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(c,16));});
var j = s.indexOf("]]>");
return unescapexml(s.slice(0, i)) + s.slice(i+9,j) + unescapexml(s.slice(j+3));
var decregex=/[&<>'"]/g, charegex = /[\u0000-\u0008\u000b-\u001f]/g;
function escapexml(text){
var s = text + '';
return s.replace(decregex, function(y) { return rencoding[y]; }).replace(charegex,function(s) { return "_x" + ("000"+s.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-4) + "_";});
function escapexmltag(text){ return escapexml(text).replace(/ /g,"_x0020_"); }
var htmlcharegex = /[\u0000-\u001f]/g;
function escapehtml(text){
var s = text + '';
return s.replace(decregex, function(y) { return rencoding[y]; }).replace(/\n/g, "<br/>").replace(htmlcharegex,function(s) { return "&#x" + ("000"+s.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-4) + ";"; });
function escapexlml(text){
var s = text + '';
return s.replace(decregex, function(y) { return rencoding[y]; }).replace(htmlcharegex,function(s) { return "&#x" + (s.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).toUpperCase() + ";"; });
/* TODO: handle codepages */
var xlml_fixstr = (function() {
var entregex = /&#(\d+);/g;
function entrepl($$,$1) { return String.fromCharCode(parseInt($1,10)); }
return function xlml_fixstr(str) { return str.replace(entregex,entrepl); };
var xlml_unfixstr = (function() {
return function xlml_unfixstr(str) { return str.replace(/(\r\n|[\r\n])/g,"\&#10;"); };
function parsexmlbool(value) {
switch(value) {
case 1: case true: case '1': case 'true': case 'TRUE': return true;
/* case '0': case 'false': case 'FALSE':*/
default: return false;
var utf8read = function utf8reada(orig) {
var out = "", i = 0, c = 0, d = 0, e = 0, f = 0, w = 0;
while (i < orig.length) {
c = orig.charCodeAt(i++);
if (c < 128) { out += String.fromCharCode(c); continue; }
d = orig.charCodeAt(i++);
if (c>191 && c<224) { f = ((c & 31) << 6); f |= (d & 63); out += String.fromCharCode(f); continue; }
e = orig.charCodeAt(i++);
if (c < 240) { out += String.fromCharCode(((c & 15) << 12) | ((d & 63) << 6) | (e & 63)); continue; }
f = orig.charCodeAt(i++);
w = (((c & 7) << 18) | ((d & 63) << 12) | ((e & 63) << 6) | (f & 63))-65536;
out += String.fromCharCode(0xD800 + ((w>>>10)&1023));
out += String.fromCharCode(0xDC00 + (w&1023));
return out;
var utf8write = function(orig) {
var out = [], i = 0, c = 0, d = 0;
while(i < orig.length) {
c = orig.charCodeAt(i++);
switch(true) {
case c < 128: out.push(String.fromCharCode(c)); break;
case c < 2048:
out.push(String.fromCharCode(192 + (c >> 6)));
out.push(String.fromCharCode(128 + (c & 63)));
case c >= 55296 && c < 57344:
c -= 55296; d = orig.charCodeAt(i++) - 56320 + (c<<10);
out.push(String.fromCharCode(240 + ((d >>18) & 7)));
out.push(String.fromCharCode(144 + ((d >>12) & 63)));
out.push(String.fromCharCode(128 + ((d >> 6) & 63)));
out.push(String.fromCharCode(128 + (d & 63)));
out.push(String.fromCharCode(224 + (c >> 12)));
out.push(String.fromCharCode(128 + ((c >> 6) & 63)));
out.push(String.fromCharCode(128 + (c & 63)));
return out.join("");
if(has_buf) {
var utf8readb = function utf8readb(data) {
var out = Buffer.alloc(2*data.length), w, i, j = 1, k = 0, ww=0, c;
for(i = 0; i < data.length; i+=j) {
j = 1;
if((c=data.charCodeAt(i)) < 128) w = c;
else if(c < 224) { w = (c&31)*64+(data.charCodeAt(i+1)&63); j=2; }
else if(c < 240) { w=(c&15)*4096+(data.charCodeAt(i+1)&63)*64+(data.charCodeAt(i+2)&63); j=3; }
else { j = 4;
w = (c & 7)*262144+(data.charCodeAt(i+1)&63)*4096+(data.charCodeAt(i+2)&63)*64+(data.charCodeAt(i+3)&63);
w -= 65536; ww = 0xD800 + ((w>>>10)&1023); w = 0xDC00 + (w&1023);
if(ww !== 0) { out[k++] = ww&255; out[k++] = ww>>>8; ww = 0; }
out[k++] = w%256; out[k++] = w>>>8;
return out.slice(0,k).toString('ucs2');
var corpus = "foo bar baz\u00e2\u0098\u0083\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u00a3";
if(utf8read(corpus) == utf8readb(corpus)) utf8read = utf8readb;
// $FlowIgnore
var utf8readc = function utf8readc(data) { return Buffer_from(data, 'binary').toString('utf8'); };
if(utf8read(corpus) == utf8readc(corpus)) utf8read = utf8readc;
// $FlowIgnore
utf8write = function(data) { return Buffer_from(data, 'utf8').toString("binary"); };
// matches <foo>...</foo> extracts content
var matchtag = (function() {
var mtcache = ({});
return function matchtag(f,g) {
var t = f+"|"+(g||"");
if(mtcache[t]) return mtcache[t];
return (mtcache[t] = new RegExp('<(?:\\w+:)?'+f+'(?: xml:space="preserve")?(?:[^>]*)>([\\s\\S]*?)</(?:\\w+:)?'+f+'>',((g||""))));
var htmldecode = (function() {
var entities = [
['nbsp', ' '], ['middot', '·'],
['quot', '"'], ['apos', "'"], ['gt', '>'], ['lt', '<'], ['amp', '&']
].map(function(x) { return [new RegExp('&' + x[0] + ';', "g"), x[1]]; });
return function htmldecode(str) {
var o = str.replace(/^[\t\n\r ]+/, "").replace(/[\t\n\r ]+$/,"").replace(/[\t\n\r ]+/g, " ").replace(/<\s*[bB][rR]\s*\/?>/g,"\n").replace(/<[^>]*>/g,"");
for(var i = 0; i < entities.length; ++i) o = o.replace(entities[i][0], entities[i][1]);
return o;
var vtregex = (function(){ var vt_cache = {};
return function vt_regex(bt) {
if(vt_cache[bt] !== undefined) return vt_cache[bt];
return (vt_cache[bt] = new RegExp("<(?:vt:)?" + bt + ">([\\s\\S]*?)</(?:vt:)?" + bt + ">", 'g') );
var vtvregex = /<\/?(?:vt:)?variant>/g, vtmregex = /<(?:vt:)([^>]*)>([\s\S]*)</;
function parseVector(data, opts) {
var h = parsexmltag(data);
var matches = data.match(vtregex(h.baseType))||[];
var res = [];
if(matches.length != h.size) {
if(opts.WTF) throw new Error("unexpected vector length " + matches.length + " != " + h.size);
return res;
matches.forEach(function(x) {
var v = x.replace(vtvregex,"").match(vtmregex);
if(v) res.push({v:utf8read(v[2]), t:v[1]});
return res;
var wtregex = /(^\s|\s$|\n)/;
function writetag(f,g) { return '<' + f + (g.match(wtregex)?' xml:space="preserve"' : "") + '>' + g + '</' + f + '>'; }
function wxt_helper(h) { return keys(h).map(function(k) { return " " + k + '="' + h[k] + '"';}).join(""); }
function writextag(f,g,h) { return '<' + f + ((h != null) ? wxt_helper(h) : "") + ((g != null) ? (g.match(wtregex)?' xml:space="preserve"' : "") + '>' + g + '</' + f : "/") + '>';}
function write_w3cdtf(d, t) { try { return d.toISOString().replace(/\.\d*/,""); } catch(e) { if(t) throw e; } return ""; }
function write_vt(s) {
switch(typeof s) {
case 'string': return writextag('vt:lpwstr', s);
case 'number': return writextag((s|0)==s?'vt:i4':'vt:r8', String(s));
case 'boolean': return writextag('vt:bool',s?'true':'false');
if(s instanceof Date) return writextag('vt:filetime', write_w3cdtf(s));
throw new Error("Unable to serialize " + s);
var XMLNS = ({
'dc': '',
'dcterms': '',
'dcmitype': '',
'mx': '',
'r': '',
'sjs': '',
'vt': '',
'xsi': '',
'xsd': ''
XMLNS.main = [
var XLMLNS = ({
'o': 'urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office',
'x': 'urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel',
'ss': 'urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:spreadsheet',
'dt': 'uuid:C2F41010-65B3-11d1-A29F-00AA00C14882',
'mv': 'http://macVmlSchemaUri',
'v': 'urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml',
'html': ''
function read_double_le(b, idx) {
var s = 1 - 2 * (b[idx + 7] >>> 7);
var e = ((b[idx + 7] & 0x7f) << 4) + ((b[idx + 6] >>> 4) & 0x0f);
var m = (b[idx+6]&0x0f);
for(var i = 5; i >= 0; --i) m = m * 256 + b[idx + i];
if(e == 0x7ff) return m == 0 ? (s * Infinity) : NaN;
if(e == 0) e = -1022;
else { e -= 1023; m += Math.pow(2,52); }
return s * Math.pow(2, e - 52) * m;
function write_double_le(b, v, idx) {
var bs = ((((v < 0) || (1/v == -Infinity)) ? 1 : 0) << 7), e = 0, m = 0;
var av = bs ? (-v) : v;
if(!isFinite(av)) { e = 0x7ff; m = isNaN(v) ? 0x6969 : 0; }
else if(av == 0) e = m = 0;
else {
e = Math.floor(Math.log(av) / Math.LN2);
m = av * Math.pow(2, 52 - e);
if((e <= -1023) && (!isFinite(m) || (m < Math.pow(2,52)))) { e = -1022; }
else { m -= Math.pow(2,52); e+=1023; }
for(var i = 0; i <= 5; ++i, m/=256) b[idx + i] = m & 0xff;
b[idx + 6] = ((e & 0x0f) << 4) | (m & 0xf);
b[idx + 7] = (e >> 4) | bs;
var __toBuffer = function(bufs) { var x=[],w=10240; for(var i=0;i<bufs[0].length;++i) if(bufs[0][i]) for(var j=0,L=bufs[0][i].length;j<L;j+=w) x.push.apply(x, bufs[0][i].slice(j,j+w)); return x; };
var ___toBuffer = __toBuffer;
var __utf16le = function(b,s,e) { var ss=[]; for(var i=s; i<e; i+=2) ss.push(String.fromCharCode(__readUInt16LE(b,i))); return ss.join("").replace(chr0,''); };
var ___utf16le = __utf16le;
var __hexlify = function(b,s,l) { var ss=[]; for(var i=s; i<s+l; ++i) ss.push(("0" + b[i].toString(16)).slice(-2)); return ss.join(""); };
var ___hexlify = __hexlify;
var __utf8 = function(b,s,e) { var ss=[]; for(var i=s; i<e; i++) ss.push(String.fromCharCode(__readUInt8(b,i))); return ss.join(""); };
var ___utf8 = __utf8;
var __lpstr = function(b,i) { var len = __readUInt32LE(b,i); return len > 0 ? __utf8(b, i+4,i+4+len-1) : "";};
var ___lpstr = __lpstr;
var __cpstr = function(b,i) { var len = __readUInt32LE(b,i); return len > 0 ? __utf8(b, i+4,i+4+len-1) : "";};
var ___cpstr = __cpstr;
var __lpwstr = function(b,i) { var len = 2*__readUInt32LE(b,i); return len > 0 ? __utf8(b, i+4,i+4+len-1) : "";};
var ___lpwstr = __lpwstr;
var __lpp4, ___lpp4;
__lpp4 = ___lpp4 = function lpp4_(b,i) { var len = __readUInt32LE(b,i); return len > 0 ? __utf16le(b, i+4,i+4+len) : "";};
var __8lpp4 = function(b,i) { var len = __readUInt32LE(b,i); return len > 0 ? __utf8(b, i+4,i+4+len) : "";};
var ___8lpp4 = __8lpp4;
var __double, ___double;
__double = ___double = function(b, idx) { return read_double_le(b, idx);};
var is_buf = function is_buf_a(a) { return Array.isArray(a); };
if(has_buf) {
__utf16le = function(b,s,e) { if(!Buffer.isBuffer(b)) return ___utf16le(b,s,e); return b.toString('utf16le',s,e).replace(chr0,'')/*.replace(chr1,'!')*/; };
__hexlify = function(b,s,l) { return Buffer.isBuffer(b) ? b.toString('hex',s,s+l) : ___hexlify(b,s,l); };
__lpstr = function lpstr_b(b, i) { if(!Buffer.isBuffer(b)) return ___lpstr(b, i); var len = b.readUInt32LE(i); return len > 0 ? b.toString('utf8',i+4,i+4+len-1) : "";};
__cpstr = function cpstr_b(b, i) { if(!Buffer.isBuffer(b)) return ___cpstr(b, i); var len = b.readUInt32LE(i); return len > 0 ? b.toString('utf8',i+4,i+4+len-1) : "";};
__lpwstr = function lpwstr_b(b, i) { if(!Buffer.isBuffer(b)) return ___lpwstr(b, i); var len = 2*b.readUInt32LE(i); return b.toString('utf16le',i+4,i+4+len-1);};
__lpp4 = function lpp4_b(b, i) { if(!Buffer.isBuffer(b)) return ___lpp4(b, i); var len = b.readUInt32LE(i); return b.toString('utf16le',i+4,i+4+len);};
__8lpp4 = function lpp4_8b(b, i) { if(!Buffer.isBuffer(b)) return ___8lpp4(b, i); var len = b.readUInt32LE(i); return b.toString('utf8',i+4,i+4+len);};
__utf8 = function utf8_b(b, s, e) { return (Buffer.isBuffer(b)) ? b.toString('utf8',s,e) : ___utf8(b,s,e); };
__toBuffer = function(bufs) { return (bufs[0].length > 0 && Buffer.isBuffer(bufs[0][0])) ? Buffer.concat(bufs[0]) : ___toBuffer(bufs);};
bconcat = function(bufs) { return Buffer.isBuffer(bufs[0]) ? Buffer.concat(bufs) : [].concat.apply([], bufs); };
__double = function double_(b, i) { if(Buffer.isBuffer(b)) return b.readDoubleLE(i); return ___double(b,i); };
is_buf = function is_buf_b(a) { return Buffer.isBuffer(a) || Array.isArray(a); };
/* from js-xls */
if(typeof cptable !== 'undefined') {
__utf16le = function(b,s,e) { return cptable.utils.decode(1200, b.slice(s,e)).replace(chr0, ''); };
__utf8 = function(b,s,e) { return cptable.utils.decode(65001, b.slice(s,e)); };
__lpstr = function(b,i) { var len = __readUInt32LE(b,i); return len > 0 ? cptable.utils.decode(current_ansi, b.slice(i+4, i+4+len-1)) : "";};
__cpstr = function(b,i) { var len = __readUInt32LE(b,i); return len > 0 ? cptable.utils.decode(current_codepage, b.slice(i+4, i+4+len-1)) : "";};
__lpwstr = function(b,i) { var len = 2*__readUInt32LE(b,i); return len > 0 ? cptable.utils.decode(1200, b.slice(i+4,i+4+len-1)) : "";};
__lpp4 = function(b,i) { var len = __readUInt32LE(b,i); return len > 0 ? cptable.utils.decode(1200, b.slice(i+4,i+4+len)) : "";};
__8lpp4 = function(b,i) { var len = __readUInt32LE(b,i); return len > 0 ? cptable.utils.decode(65001, b.slice(i+4,i+4+len)) : "";};
var __readUInt8 = function(b, idx) { return b[idx]; };
var __readUInt16LE = function(b, idx) { return (b[idx+1]*(1<<8))+b[idx]; };
var __readInt16LE = function(b, idx) { var u = (b[idx+1]*(1<<8))+b[idx]; return (u < 0x8000) ? u : ((0xffff - u + 1) * -1); };
var __readUInt32LE = function(b, idx) { return b[idx+3]*(1<<24)+(b[idx+2]<<16)+(b[idx+1]<<8)+b[idx]; };
var __readInt32LE = function(b, idx) { return (b[idx+3]<<24)|(b[idx+2]<<16)|(b[idx+1]<<8)|b[idx]; };
var __readInt32BE = function(b, idx) { return (b[idx]<<24)|(b[idx+1]<<16)|(b[idx+2]<<8)|b[idx+3]; };
function ReadShift(size, t) {
var o="", oI, oR, oo=[], w, vv, i, loc;
switch(t) {
case 'dbcs':
loc = this.l;
if(has_buf && Buffer.isBuffer(this)) o = this.slice(this.l, this.l+2*size).toString("utf16le");
else for(i = 0; i < size; ++i) { o+=String.fromCharCode(__readUInt16LE(this, loc)); loc+=2; }
size *= 2;
case 'utf8': o = __utf8(this, this.l, this.l + size); break;
case 'utf16le': size *= 2; o = __utf16le(this, this.l, this.l + size); break;
case 'wstr':
if(typeof cptable !== 'undefined') o = cptable.utils.decode(current_codepage, this.slice(this.l, this.l+2*size));
else return, size, 'dbcs');
size = 2 * size; break;
/* [MS-OLEDS] 2.1.4 LengthPrefixedAnsiString */
case 'lpstr-ansi': o = __lpstr(this, this.l); size = 4 + __readUInt32LE(this, this.l); break;
case 'lpstr-cp': o = __cpstr(this, this.l); size = 4 + __readUInt32LE(this, this.l); break;
/* [MS-OLEDS] 2.1.5 LengthPrefixedUnicodeString */
case 'lpwstr': o = __lpwstr(this, this.l); size = 4 + 2 * __readUInt32LE(this, this.l); break;
/* [MS-OFFCRYPTO] 2.1.2 Length-Prefixed Padded Unicode String (UNICODE-LP-P4) */
case 'lpp4': size = 4 + __readUInt32LE(this, this.l); o = __lpp4(this, this.l); if(size & 0x02) size += 2; break;
/* [MS-OFFCRYPTO] 2.1.3 Length-Prefixed UTF-8 String (UTF-8-LP-P4) */
case '8lpp4': size = 4 + __readUInt32LE(this, this.l); o = __8lpp4(this, this.l); if(size & 0x03) size += 4 - (size & 0x03); break;
case 'cstr': size = 0; o = "";
while((w=__readUInt8(this, this.l + size++))!==0) oo.push(_getchar(w));
o = oo.join(""); break;
case '_wstr': size = 0; o = "";
while((w=__readUInt16LE(this,this.l +size))!==0){oo.push(_getchar(w));size+=2;}
size+=2; o = oo.join(""); break;
/* sbcs and dbcs support continue records in the SST way TODO codepages */
case 'dbcs-cont': o = ""; loc = this.l;
for(i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
if(this.lens && this.lens.indexOf(loc) !== -1) {
w = __readUInt8(this, loc);
this.l = loc + 1;
vv =, size-i, w ? 'dbcs-cont' : 'sbcs-cont');
return oo.join("") + vv;
oo.push(_getchar(__readUInt16LE(this, loc)));
} o = oo.join(""); size *= 2; break;
case 'cpstr':
if(typeof cptable !== 'undefined') {
o = cptable.utils.decode(current_codepage, this.slice(this.l, this.l + size));
/* falls through */
case 'sbcs-cont': o = ""; loc = this.l;
for(i = 0; i != size; ++i) {
if(this.lens && this.lens.indexOf(loc) !== -1) {
w = __readUInt8(this, loc);
this.l = loc + 1;
vv =, size-i, w ? 'dbcs-cont' : 'sbcs-cont');
return oo.join("") + vv;
oo.push(_getchar(__readUInt8(this, loc)));
} o = oo.join(""); break;
switch(size) {
case 1: oI = __readUInt8(this, this.l); this.l++; return oI;
case 2: oI = (t === 'i' ? __readInt16LE : __readUInt16LE)(this, this.l); this.l += 2; return oI;
case 4: case -4:
if(t === 'i' || ((this[this.l+3] & 0x80)===0)) { oI = ((size > 0) ? __readInt32LE : __readInt32BE)(this, this.l); this.l += 4; return oI; }
else { oR = __readUInt32LE(this, this.l); this.l += 4; } return oR;
case 8: case -8:
if(t === 'f') {
if(size == 8) oR = __double(this, this.l);
else oR = __double([this[this.l+7],this[this.l+6],this[this.l+5],this[this.l+4],this[this.l+3],this[this.l+2],this[this.l+1],this[this.l+0]], 0);
this.l += 8; return oR;
} else size = 8;
/* falls through */
case 16: o = __hexlify(this, this.l, size); break;
this.l+=size; return o;
var __writeUInt32LE = function(b, val, idx) { b[idx] = (val & 0xFF); b[idx+1] = ((val >>> 8) & 0xFF); b[idx+2] = ((val >>> 16) & 0xFF); b[idx+3] = ((val >>> 24) & 0xFF); };
var __writeInt32LE = function(b, val, idx) { b[idx] = (val & 0xFF); b[idx+1] = ((val >> 8) & 0xFF); b[idx+2] = ((val >> 16) & 0xFF); b[idx+3] = ((val >> 24) & 0xFF); };
var __writeUInt16LE = function(b, val, idx) { b[idx] = (val & 0xFF); b[idx+1] = ((val >>> 8) & 0xFF); };
function WriteShift(t, val, f) {
var size = 0, i = 0;
if(f === 'dbcs') {
for(i = 0; i != val.length; ++i) __writeUInt16LE(this, val.charCodeAt(i), this.l + 2 * i);
size = 2 * val.length;
} else if(f === 'sbcs') {
/* TODO: codepage */
val = val.replace(/[^\x00-\x7F]/g, "_");
for(i = 0; i != val.length; ++i) this[this.l + i] = (val.charCodeAt(i) & 0xFF);
size = val.length;
} else if(f === 'hex') {
for(; i < t; ++i) {
this[this.l++] = (parseInt(val.slice(2*i, 2*i+2), 16)||0);
} return this;
} else if(f === 'utf16le') {
var end = Math.min(this.l + t, this.length);
for(i = 0; i < Math.min(val.length, t); ++i) {
var cc = val.charCodeAt(i);
this[this.l++] = (cc & 0xff);
this[this.l++] = (cc >> 8);
while(this.l < end) this[this.l++] = 0;
return this;
} else switch(t) {
case 1: size = 1; this[this.l] = val&0xFF; break;
case 2: size = 2; this[this.l] = val&0xFF; val >>>= 8; this[this.l+1] = val&0xFF; break;
case 3: size = 3; this[this.l] = val&0xFF; val >>>= 8; this[this.l+1] = val&0xFF; val >>>= 8; this[this.l+2] = val&0xFF; break;
case 4: size = 4; __writeUInt32LE(this, val, this.l); break;
case 8: size = 8; if(f === 'f') { write_double_le(this, val, this.l); break; }
/* falls through */
case 16: break;
case -4: size = 4; __writeInt32LE(this, val, this.l); break;
this.l += size; return this;
function CheckField(hexstr, fld) {
var m = __hexlify(this,this.l,hexstr.length>>1);
if(m !== hexstr) throw new Error(fld + 'Expected ' + hexstr + ' saw ' + m);
this.l += hexstr.length>>1;
function prep_blob(blob, pos) {
blob.l = pos;
blob.read_shift = ReadShift;
blob.chk = CheckField;
blob.write_shift = WriteShift;
function parsenoop(blob, length) { blob.l += length; }
function new_buf(sz) {
var o = new_raw_buf(sz);
prep_blob(o, 0);
return o;
/* [MS-XLSB] 2.1.4 Record */
function recordhopper(data, cb, opts) {
if(!data) return;
var tmpbyte, cntbyte, length;
prep_blob(data, data.l || 0);
var L = data.length, RT = 0, tgt = 0;
while(data.l < L) {
RT = data.read_shift(1);
if(RT & 0x80) RT = (RT & 0x7F) + ((data.read_shift(1) & 0x7F)<<7);
var R = XLSBRecordEnum[RT] || XLSBRecordEnum[0xFFFF];
tmpbyte = data.read_shift(1);
length = tmpbyte & 0x7F;
for(cntbyte = 1; cntbyte <4 && (tmpbyte & 0x80); ++cntbyte) length += ((tmpbyte = data.read_shift(1)) & 0x7F)<<(7*cntbyte);
tgt = data.l + length;
var d = (R.f||parsenoop)(data, length, opts);
data.l = tgt;
if(cb(d, R.n, RT)) return;
/* control buffer usage for fixed-length buffers */
function buf_array() {
var bufs = [], blksz = has_buf ? 256 : 2048;
var newblk = function ba_newblk(sz) {
var o = (new_buf(sz));
prep_blob(o, 0);
return o;
var curbuf = newblk(blksz);
var endbuf = function ba_endbuf() {
if(!curbuf) return;
if(curbuf.length > curbuf.l) { curbuf = curbuf.slice(0, curbuf.l); curbuf.l = curbuf.length; }
if(curbuf.length > 0) bufs.push(curbuf);
curbuf = null;
var next = function ba_next(sz) {
if(curbuf && (sz < (curbuf.length - curbuf.l))) return curbuf;
return (curbuf = newblk(Math.max(sz+1, blksz)));
var end = function ba_end() {
return __toBuffer([bufs]);
var push = function ba_push(buf) { endbuf(); curbuf = buf; if(curbuf.l == null) curbuf.l = curbuf.length; next(blksz); };
return ({ next:next, push:push, end:end, _bufs:bufs });
function write_record(ba, type, payload, length) {
var t = +XLSBRE[type], l;
if(isNaN(t)) return; // TODO: throw something here?
if(!length) length = XLSBRecordEnum[t].p || (payload||[]).length || 0;
l = 1 + (t >= 0x80 ? 1 : 0) + 1/* + length*/;
if(length >= 0x80) ++l; if(length >= 0x4000) ++l; if(length >= 0x200000) ++l;
var o =;
if(t <= 0x7F) o.write_shift(1, t);
else {
o.write_shift(1, (t & 0x7F) + 0x80);
o.write_shift(1, (t >> 7));
for(var i = 0; i != 4; ++i) {
if(length >= 0x80) { o.write_shift(1, (length & 0x7F)+0x80); length >>= 7; }
else { o.write_shift(1, length); break; }
if(length > 0 && is_buf(payload)) ba.push(payload);
/* XLS ranges enforced */
function shift_cell_xls(cell, tgt, opts) {
var out = dup(cell);
if(tgt.s) {
if(out.cRel) out.c += tgt.s.c;
if(out.rRel) out.r += tgt.s.r;
} else {
if(out.cRel) out.c += tgt.c;
if(out.rRel) out.r += tgt.r;
if(!opts || opts.biff < 12) {
while(out.c >= 0x100) out.c -= 0x100;
while(out.r >= 0x10000) out.r -= 0x10000;
return out;
function shift_range_xls(cell, range, opts) {
var out = dup(cell);
out.s = shift_cell_xls(out.s, range.s, opts);
out.e = shift_cell_xls(out.e, range.s, opts);
return out;
function encode_cell_xls(c, biff) {
if(c.cRel && c.c < 0) { c = dup(c); c.c += (biff > 8) ? 0x4000 : 0x100; }
if(c.rRel && c.r < 0) { c = dup(c); c.r += (biff > 8) ? 0x100000 : ((biff > 5) ? 0x10000 : 0x4000); }
var s = encode_cell(c);
if(c.cRel === 0) s = fix_col(s);
if(c.rRel === 0) s = fix_row(s);
return s;
function encode_range_xls(r, opts) {
if(r.s.r == 0 && !r.s.rRel) {
if(r.e.r == (opts.biff >= 12 ? 0xFFFFF : (opts.biff >= 8 ? 0x10000 : 0x4000)) && !r.e.rRel) {
return (r.s.cRel ? "" : "$") + encode_col(r.s.c) + ":" + (r.e.cRel ? "" : "$") + encode_col(r.e.c);
if(r.s.c == 0 && !r.s.cRel) {
if(r.e.c == (opts.biff >= 12 ? 0xFFFF : 0xFF) && !r.e.cRel) {
return (r.s.rRel ? "" : "$") + encode_row(r.s.r) + ":" + (r.e.rRel ? "" : "$") + encode_row(r.e.r);
return encode_cell_xls(r.s, opts.biff) + ":" + encode_cell_xls(r.e, opts.biff);
function decode_row(rowstr) { return parseInt(unfix_row(rowstr),10) - 1; }
function encode_row(row) { return "" + (row + 1); }
function fix_row(cstr) { return cstr.replace(/([A-Z]|^)(\d+)$/,"$1$$$2"); }
function unfix_row(cstr) { return cstr.replace(/\$(\d+)$/,"$1"); }
function decode_col(colstr) { var c = unfix_col(colstr), d = 0, i = 0; for(; i !== c.length; ++i) d = 26*d + c.charCodeAt(i) - 64; return d - 1; }
function encode_col(col) { var s=""; for(++col; col; col=Math.floor((col-1)/26)) s = String.fromCharCode(((col-1)%26) + 65) + s; return s; }
function fix_col(cstr) { return cstr.replace(/^([A-Z])/,"$$$1"); }
function unfix_col(cstr) { return cstr.replace(/^\$([A-Z])/,"$1"); }
function split_cell(cstr) { return cstr.replace(/(\$?[A-Z]*)(\$?\d*)/,"$1,$2").split(","); }
function decode_cell(cstr) { var splt = split_cell(cstr); return { c:decode_col(splt[0]), r:decode_row(splt[1]) }; }
function encode_cell(cell) { return encode_col(cell.c) + encode_row(cell.r); }
function decode_range(range) { var x =range.split(":").map(decode_cell); return {s:x[0],e:x[x.length-1]}; }
function encode_range(cs,ce) {
if(typeof ce === 'undefined' || typeof ce === 'number') {
return encode_range(cs.s, cs.e);
if(typeof cs !== 'string') cs = encode_cell((cs));
if(typeof ce !== 'string') ce = encode_cell((ce));
return cs == ce ? cs : cs + ":" + ce;
function safe_decode_range(range) {
var o = {s:{c:0,r:0},e:{c:0,r:0}};
var idx = 0, i = 0, cc = 0;
var len = range.length;
for(idx = 0; i < len; ++i) {
if((cc=range.charCodeAt(i)-64) < 1 || cc > 26) break;
idx = 26*idx + cc;
o.s.c = --idx;
for(idx = 0; i < len; ++i) {
if((cc=range.charCodeAt(i)-48) < 0 || cc > 9) break;
idx = 10*idx + cc;
o.s.r = --idx;
if(i === len || range.charCodeAt(++i) === 58) { o.e.c=o.s.c; o.e.r=o.s.r; return o; }
for(idx = 0; i != len; ++i) {
if((cc=range.charCodeAt(i)-64) < 1 || cc > 26) break;
idx = 26*idx + cc;
o.e.c = --idx;
for(idx = 0; i != len; ++i) {
if((cc=range.charCodeAt(i)-48) < 0 || cc > 9) break;
idx = 10*idx + cc;
o.e.r = --idx;
return o;
function safe_format_cell(cell, v) {
var q = (cell.t == 'd' && v instanceof Date);
if(cell.z != null) try { return (cell.w = SSF.format(cell.z, q ? datenum(v) : v)); } catch(e) { }
try { return (cell.w = SSF.format((cell.XF||{}).numFmtId||(q ? 14 : 0), q ? datenum(v) : v)); } catch(e) { return ''+v; }
function format_cell(cell, v, o) {
if(cell == null || cell.t == null || cell.t == 'z') return "";
if(cell.w !== undefined) return cell.w;
if(cell.t == 'd' && !cell.z && o && o.dateNF) cell.z = o.dateNF;
if(v == undefined) return safe_format_cell(cell, cell.v);
return safe_format_cell(cell, v);
function sheet_to_workbook(sheet, opts) {
var n = opts && opts.sheet ? opts.sheet : "Sheet1";
var sheets = {}; sheets[n] = sheet;
return { SheetNames: [n], Sheets: sheets };
function sheet_add_aoa(_ws, data, opts) {
var o = opts || {};
var dense = _ws ? Array.isArray(_ws) : o.dense;
if(DENSE != null && dense == null) dense = DENSE;
var ws = _ws || (dense ? ([]) : ({}));
var _R = 0, _C = 0;
if(ws && o.origin != null) {
if(typeof o.origin == 'number') _R = o.origin;
else {
var _origin = typeof o.origin == "string" ? decode_cell(o.origin) : o.origin;
_R = _origin.r; _C = _origin.c;
var range = ({s: {c:10000000, r:10000000}, e: {c:0, r:0}});
if(ws['!ref']) {
var _range = safe_decode_range(ws['!ref']);
range.s.c = _range.s.c;
range.s.r = _range.s.r;
range.e.c = Math.max(range.e.c, _range.e.c);
range.e.r = Math.max(range.e.r, _range.e.r);
if(_R == -1) range.e.r = _R = _range.e.r + 1;
for(var R = 0; R != data.length; ++R) {
if(!data[R]) continue;
if(!Array.isArray(data[R])) throw new Error("aoa_to_sheet expects an array of arrays");
for(var C = 0; C != data[R].length; ++C) {
if(typeof data[R][C] === 'undefined') continue;
var cell = ({v: data[R][C] });
var __R = _R + R, __C = _C + C;
if(range.s.r > __R) range.s.r = __R;
if(range.s.c > __C) range.s.c = __C;
if(range.e.r < __R) range.e.r = __R;
if(range.e.c < __C) range.e.c = __C;
if(data[R][C] && typeof data[R][C] === 'object' && !Array.isArray(data[R][C]) && !(data[R][C] instanceof Date)) cell = data[R][C];
else {
if(Array.isArray(cell.v)) { cell.f = data[R][C][1]; cell.v = cell.v[0]; }
if(cell.v === null) { if(cell.f) cell.t = 'n'; else if(!o.sheetStubs) continue; else cell.t = 'z'; }
else if(typeof cell.v === 'number') cell.t = 'n';
else if(typeof cell.v === 'boolean') cell.t = 'b';
else if(cell.v instanceof Date) {
cell.z = o.dateNF || SSF._table[14];
if(o.cellDates) { cell.t = 'd'; cell.w = SSF.format(cell.z, datenum(cell.v)); }
else { cell.t = 'n'; cell.v = datenum(cell.v); cell.w = SSF.format(cell.z, cell.v); }
else cell.t = 's';
if(dense) {
if(!ws[__R]) ws[__R] = [];
ws[__R][__C] = cell;
} else {
var cell_ref = encode_cell(({c:__C,r:__R}));
ws[cell_ref] = cell;
if(range.s.c < 10000000) ws['!ref'] = encode_range(range);
return ws;
function aoa_to_sheet(data, opts) { return sheet_add_aoa(null, data, opts); }
/* [MS-OLEPS] 2.2 PropertyType */
//var VT_EMPTY = 0x0000;
//var VT_NULL = 0x0001;
var VT_I2 = 0x0002;
var VT_I4 = 0x0003;
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var VT_BOOL = 0x000B;
var VT_VARIANT = 0x000C;
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var VT_UI4 = 0x0013;
//var VT_I8 = 0x0014;
//var VT_UI8 = 0x0015;
//var VT_INT = 0x0016;
//var VT_UINT = 0x0017;
var VT_LPSTR = 0x001E;
//var VT_LPWSTR = 0x001F;
var VT_FILETIME = 0x0040;
var VT_BLOB = 0x0041;
//var VT_STREAM = 0x0042;
//var VT_STORAGE = 0x0043;
//var VT_STREAMED_Object = 0x0044;
//var VT_STORED_Object = 0x0045;
//var VT_BLOB_Object = 0x0046;
var VT_CF = 0x0047;
//var VT_CLSID = 0x0048;
//var VT_VERSIONED_STREAM = 0x0049;
var VT_VECTOR = 0x1000;
//var VT_ARRAY = 0x2000;
var VT_STRING = 0x0050; // VtString
var VT_USTR = 0x0051; // VtUnalignedString
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0x1D: { n: 'Version', t: VT_STRING },
0xFF: {}
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var SummaryPIDSI = {
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0x03: { n: 'Subject', t: VT_STRING },
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0x06: { n: 'Comments', t: VT_STRING },
0x07: { n: 'Template', t: VT_STRING },
0x08: { n: 'LastAuthor', t: VT_STRING },
0x09: { n: 'RevNumber', t: VT_STRING },
0x0A: { n: 'EditTime', t: VT_FILETIME },
0x0B: { n: 'LastPrinted', t: VT_FILETIME },
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0xFF: {}
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/* [MS-XLS] 2.4.63 Country/Region codes */
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0x0001: "US", // United States
0x0002: "CA", // Canada
0x0003: "", // Latin America (except Brazil)
0x0007: "RU", // Russia
0x0014: "EG", // Egypt
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0x0020: "BE", // Belgium
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0x0022: "ES", // Spain
0x0024: "HU", // Hungary
0x0027: "IT", // Italy
0x0029: "CH", // Switzerland
0x002B: "AT", // Austria
0x002C: "GB", // United Kingdom
0x002D: "DK", // Denmark
0x002E: "SE", // Sweden
0x002F: "NO", // Norway
0x0030: "PL", // Poland
0x0031: "DE", // Germany
0x0034: "MX", // Mexico
0x0037: "BR", // Brazil
0x003d: "AU", // Australia
0x0040: "NZ", // New Zealand
0x0042: "TH", // Thailand
0x0051: "JP", // Japan
0x0052: "KR", // Korea
0x0054: "VN", // Viet Nam
0x0056: "CN", // China
0x005A: "TR", // Turkey
0x0069: "JS", // Ramastan
0x00D5: "DZ", // Algeria
0x00D8: "MA", // Morocco
0x00DA: "LY", // Libya
0x015F: "PT", // Portugal
0x0162: "IS", // Iceland
0x0166: "FI", // Finland
0x01A4: "CZ", // Czech Republic
0x0376: "TW", // Taiwan
0x03C1: "LB", // Lebanon
0x03C2: "JO", // Jordan
0x03C3: "SY", // Syria
0x03C4: "IQ", // Iraq
0x03C5: "KW", // Kuwait
0x03C6: "SA", // Saudi Arabia
0x03CB: "AE", // United Arab Emirates
0x03CC: "IL", // Israel
0x03CE: "QA", // Qatar
0x03D5: "IR", // Iran
0xFFFF: "US" // United States
/* [MS-XLS] 2.5.127 */
var XLSFillPattern = [
function rgbify(arr) { return { return [(x>>16)&255,(x>>8)&255,x&255]; }); }
/* [MS-XLS] 2.5.161 */
/* [MS-XLSB] 2.5.75 Icv */
var XLSIcv = rgbify([
/* Color Constants */
/* Overridable Defaults */
/* Other entries to appease BIFF8/12 */
0xFFFFFF, /* 0x40 icvForeground ?? */
0x000000, /* 0x41 icvBackground ?? */
0x000000, /* 0x42 icvFrame ?? */
0x000000, /* 0x43 icv3D ?? */
0x000000, /* 0x44 icv3DText ?? */
0x000000, /* 0x45 icv3DHilite ?? */
0x000000, /* 0x46 icv3DShadow ?? */
0x000000, /* 0x47 icvHilite ?? */
0x000000, /* 0x48 icvCtlText ?? */
0x000000, /* 0x49 icvCtlScrl ?? */
0x000000, /* 0x4A icvCtlInv ?? */
0x000000, /* 0x4B icvCtlBody ?? */
0x000000, /* 0x4C icvCtlFrame ?? */
0x000000, /* 0x4D icvCtlFore ?? */
0x000000, /* 0x4E icvCtlBack ?? */
0x000000, /* 0x4F icvCtlNeutral */
0x000000, /* 0x50 icvInfoBk ?? */
0x000000 /* 0x51 icvInfoText ?? */
/* Parts enumerated in OPC spec, MS-XLSB and MS-XLSX */
/* 12.3 Part Summary <SpreadsheetML> */
/* 14.2 Part Summary <DrawingML> */
/* [MS-XLSX] 2.1 Part Enumerations ; [MS-XLSB] 2.1.7 Part Enumeration */
var ct2type/*{[string]:string}*/ = ({
/* Workbook */
"application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet.main+xml": "workbooks",
/* Worksheet */
"application/": "TODO", /* Binary Index */
/* Macrosheet */
"application/": "TODO",
"application/": "TODO", /* Binary Index */
/* File Properties */
"application/vnd.openxmlformats-package.core-properties+xml": "coreprops",
"application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.custom-properties+xml": "custprops",
"application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.extended-properties+xml": "extprops",
/* Custom Data Properties */
"application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.customXmlProperties+xml": "TODO",
"application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.customProperty": "TODO",
/* PivotTable */
"application/": "TODO",
"application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.pivotTable+xml": "TODO",
/* Chart Colors */
"application/": "TODO",
/* Chart Style */
"application/": "TODO",
/* Calculation Chain */
"application/": "calcchains",
"application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.calcChain+xml": "calcchains",
/* Printer Settings */
"application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.printerSettings": "TODO",
/* ActiveX */
"application/": "TODO",
"application/": "TODO",
/* Custom Toolbars */
"application/": "TODO",
/* External Data Connections */
"application/": "TODO",
"application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.connections+xml": "TODO",
/* External Links */
"application/": "links",
"application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.externalLink+xml": "links",
/* Metadata */
"application/": "TODO",
"application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheetMetadata+xml": "TODO",
/* PivotCache */
"application/": "TODO",
"application/": "TODO",
"application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.pivotCacheDefinition+xml": "TODO",
"application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.pivotCacheRecords+xml": "TODO",
/* Query Table */
"application/": "TODO",
"application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.queryTable+xml": "TODO",
/* Shared Workbook */
"application/": "TODO",
"application/": "TODO",
"application/": "TODO",
"application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.revisionHeaders+xml": "TODO",
"application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.revisionLog+xml": "TODO",
"application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.userNames+xml": "TODO",
/* Single Cell Table */
"application/": "TODO",
"application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.tableSingleCells+xml": "TODO",
/* Slicer */
"application/": "TODO",
"application/": "TODO",
"application/": "TODO",
"application/": "TODO",
/* Sort Map */
"application/": "TODO",
/* Table */
"application/": "TODO",
"application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.table+xml": "TODO",
/* Themes */
"application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.theme+xml": "themes",
/* Theme Override */
"application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.themeOverride+xml": "TODO",
/* Timeline */
"application/": "TODO", /* verify */
"application/": "TODO", /* verify */
/* VBA */
"application/": "vba",
"application/": "vba",
/* Volatile Dependencies */
"application/": "TODO",
"application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.volatileDependencies+xml": "TODO",
/* Control Properties */
"application/": "TODO",
/* Data Model */
"application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.model+data": "TODO",
/* Survey */
"application/": "TODO",
/* Drawing */
"application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.drawing+xml": "drawings",
"application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.drawingml.chart+xml": "TODO",
"application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.drawingml.chartshapes+xml": "TODO",
"application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.drawingml.diagramColors+xml": "TODO",
"application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.drawingml.diagramData+xml": "TODO",
"application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.drawingml.diagramLayout+xml": "TODO",
"application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.drawingml.diagramStyle+xml": "TODO",
/* VML */
"application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.vmlDrawing": "TODO",
"application/vnd.openxmlformats-package.relationships+xml": "rels",
"application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.oleObject": "TODO",
/* Image */
"image/png": "TODO",
"sheet": "js"
var CT_LIST = (function(){
var o = {
workbooks: {
xlsx: "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet.main+xml",
xlsm: "application/",
xlsb: "application/",
xlam: "application/",
xltx: "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.template.main+xml"
strs: { /* Shared Strings */
xlsx: "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sharedStrings+xml",
xlsb: "application/"
comments: { /* Comments */
xlsx: "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.comments+xml",
xlsb: "application/"
sheets: { /* Worksheet */
xlsx: "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.worksheet+xml",
xlsb: "application/"
charts: { /* Chartsheet */
xlsx: "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.chartsheet+xml",
xlsb: "application/"
dialogs: { /* Dialogsheet */
xlsx: "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.dialogsheet+xml",
xlsb: "application/"
macros: { /* Macrosheet (Excel 4.0 Macros) */
xlsx: "application/",
xlsb: "application/"
styles: { /* Styles */
xlsx: "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.styles+xml",
xlsb: "application/"
keys(o).forEach(function(k) { ["xlsm", "xlam"].forEach(function(v) { if(!o[k][v]) o[k][v] = o[k].xlsx; }); });
keys(o).forEach(function(k){ keys(o[k]).forEach(function(v) { ct2type[o[k][v]] = k; }); });
return o;
var type2ct/*{[string]:Array<string>}*/ = evert_arr(ct2type);
XMLNS.CT = '';
function new_ct() {
return ({
workbooks:[], sheets:[], charts:[], dialogs:[], macros:[],
rels:[], strs:[], comments:[], links:[],
coreprops:[], extprops:[], custprops:[], themes:[], styles:[],
calcchains:[], vba: [], drawings: [],
TODO:[], xmlns: "" });
function parse_ct(data) {
var ct = new_ct();
if(!data || !data.match) return ct;
var ctext = {};
(data.match(tagregex)||[]).forEach(function(x) {
var y = parsexmltag(x);
switch(y[0].replace(nsregex,"<")) {
case '<?xml': break;
case '<Types': ct.xmlns = y['xmlns' + (y[0].match(/<(\w+):/)||["",""])[1] ]; break;
case '<Default': ctext[y.Extension] = y.ContentType; break;
case '<Override':
if(ct[ct2type[y.ContentType]] !== undefined) ct[ct2type[y.ContentType]].push(y.PartName);
if(ct.xmlns !== XMLNS.CT) throw new Error("Unknown Namespace: " + ct.xmlns);
ct.calcchain = ct.calcchains.length > 0 ? ct.calcchains[0] : "";
ct.sst = ct.strs.length > 0 ? ct.strs[0] : ""; = ct.styles.length > 0 ? ct.styles[0] : "";
ct.defaults = ctext;
delete ct.calcchains;
return ct;
var CTYPE_XML_ROOT = writextag('Types', null, {
'xmlns': XMLNS.CT,
'xmlns:xsd': XMLNS.xsd,
'xmlns:xsi': XMLNS.xsi
['xml', 'application/xml'],
['bin', 'application/'],
['vml', 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.vmlDrawing'],
/* from test files */
['bmp', 'image/bmp'],
['png', 'image/png'],
['gif', 'image/gif'],
['emf', 'image/x-emf'],
['wmf', 'image/x-wmf'],
['jpg', 'image/jpeg'], ['jpeg', 'image/jpeg'],
['tif', 'image/tiff'], ['tiff', 'image/tiff'],
['pdf', 'application/pdf'],
['rels', type2ct.rels[0]]
].map(function(x) {
return writextag('Default', null, {'Extension':x[0], 'ContentType': x[1]});
function write_ct(ct, opts) {
var o = [], v;
o[o.length] = (XML_HEADER);
o[o.length] = (CTYPE_XML_ROOT);
o = o.concat(CTYPE_DEFAULTS);
var f1 = function(w) {
if(ct[w] && ct[w].length > 0) {
v = ct[w][0];
o[o.length] = (writextag('Override', null, {
'PartName': (v[0] == '/' ? "":"/") + v,
'ContentType': CT_LIST[w][opts.bookType || 'xlsx']
var f2 = function(w) {
(ct[w]||[]).forEach(function(v) {
o[o.length] = (writextag('Override', null, {
'PartName': (v[0] == '/' ? "":"/") + v,
'ContentType': CT_LIST[w][opts.bookType || 'xlsx']
var f3 = function(t) {
(ct[t]||[]).forEach(function(v) {
o[o.length] = (writextag('Override', null, {
'PartName': (v[0] == '/' ? "":"/") + v,
'ContentType': type2ct[t][0]
['strs', 'styles'].forEach(f1);
['coreprops', 'extprops', 'custprops'].forEach(f3);
if(o.length>2){ o[o.length] = ('</Types>'); o[1]=o[1].replace("/>",">"); }
return o.join("");
/* 9.3 Relationships */
var RELS = ({
WB: "",
SHEET: "",
HLINK: "",
VML: "",
VBA: ""
/* 9.3.3 Representing Relationships */
function get_rels_path(file) {
var n = file.lastIndexOf("/");
return file.slice(0,n+1) + '_rels/' + file.slice(n+1) + ".rels";
function parse_rels(data, currentFilePath) {
if (!data) return data;
if (currentFilePath.charAt(0) !== '/') {
currentFilePath = '/'+currentFilePath;
var rels = {};
var hash = {};
(data.match(tagregex)||[]).forEach(function(x) {
var y = parsexmltag(x);
/* OPC_Relationships */
if (y[0] === '<Relationship') {
var rel = {}; rel.Type = y.Type; rel.Target = y.Target; rel.Id = y.Id; rel.TargetMode = y.TargetMode;
var canonictarget = y.TargetMode === 'External' ? y.Target : resolve_path(y.Target, currentFilePath);
rels[canonictarget] = rel;
hash[y.Id] = rel;
rels["!id"] = hash;
return rels;
var RELS_ROOT = writextag('Relationships', null, {
//'xmlns:ns0': XMLNS.RELS,
'xmlns': XMLNS.RELS
/* TODO */
function write_rels(rels) {
keys(rels['!id']).forEach(function(rid) {
o[o.length] = (writextag('Relationship', null, rels['!id'][rid]));
if(o.length>2){ o[o.length] = ('</Relationships>'); o[1]=o[1].replace("/>",">"); }
return o.join("");
function add_rels(rels, rId, f, type, relobj) {
if(!relobj) relobj = {};
if(!rels['!id']) rels['!id'] = {};
if(rId < 0) for(rId = 1; rels['!id']['rId' + rId]; ++rId){/* empty */}
relobj.Id = 'rId' + rId;
relobj.Type = type;
relobj.Target = f;
if(relobj.Type == RELS.HLINK) relobj.TargetMode = "External";
if(rels['!id'][relobj.Id]) throw new Error("Cannot rewrite rId " + rId);
rels['!id'][relobj.Id] = relobj;
rels[('/' + relobj.Target).replace("//","/")] = relobj;
return rId;
/* ECMA-376 Part II 11.1 Core Properties Part */
/* [MS-OSHARED][1-2].1 (PIDSI/PIDDSI) */
var CORE_PROPS = [
["cp:category", "Category"],
["cp:contentStatus", "ContentStatus"],
["cp:keywords", "Keywords"],
["cp:lastModifiedBy", "LastAuthor"],
["cp:lastPrinted", "LastPrinted"],
["cp:revision", "RevNumber"],
["cp:version", "Version"],
["dc:creator", "Author"],
["dc:description", "Comments"],
["dc:identifier", "Identifier"],
["dc:language", "Language"],
["dc:subject", "Subject"],
["dc:title", "Title"],
["dcterms:created", "CreatedDate", 'date'],
["dcterms:modified", "ModifiedDate", 'date']
var CORE_PROPS_REGEX = (function() {
var r = new Array(CORE_PROPS.length);
for(var i = 0; i < CORE_PROPS.length; ++i) {
var f = CORE_PROPS[i];
var g = "(?:"+ f[0].slice(0,f[0].indexOf(":")) +":)"+ f[0].slice(f[0].indexOf(":")+1);
r[i] = new RegExp("<" + g + "[^>]*>([\\s\\S]*?)<\/" + g + ">");
return r;
function parse_core_props(data) {
var p = {};
data = utf8read(data);
for(var i = 0; i < CORE_PROPS.length; ++i) {
var f = CORE_PROPS[i], cur = data.match(CORE_PROPS_REGEX[i]);
if(cur != null && cur.length > 0) p[f[1]] = cur[1];
if(f[2] === 'date' && p[f[1]]) p[f[1]] = parseDate(p[f[1]]);
return p;
var CORE_PROPS_XML_ROOT = writextag('cp:coreProperties', null, {
//'xmlns': XMLNS.CORE_PROPS,
'xmlns:cp': XMLNS.CORE_PROPS,
'xmlns:dc': XMLNS.dc,
'xmlns:dcterms': XMLNS.dcterms,
'xmlns:dcmitype': XMLNS.dcmitype,
'xmlns:xsi': XMLNS.xsi
function cp_doit(f, g, h, o, p) {
if(p[f] != null || g == null || g === "") return;
p[f] = g;
o[o.length] = (h ? writextag(f,g,h) : writetag(f,g));
function write_core_props(cp, _opts) {
var opts = _opts || {};
var o = [XML_HEADER, CORE_PROPS_XML_ROOT], p = {};
if(!cp && !opts.Props) return o.join("");
if(cp) {
if(cp.CreatedDate != null) cp_doit("dcterms:created", typeof cp.CreatedDate === "string" ? cp.CreatedDate : write_w3cdtf(cp.CreatedDate, opts.WTF), {"xsi:type":"dcterms:W3CDTF"}, o, p);
if(cp.ModifiedDate != null) cp_doit("dcterms:modified", typeof cp.ModifiedDate === "string" ? cp.ModifiedDate : write_w3cdtf(cp.ModifiedDate, opts.WTF), {"xsi:type":"dcterms:W3CDTF"}, o, p);
for(var i = 0; i != CORE_PROPS.length; ++i) {
var f = CORE_PROPS[i];
var v = opts.Props && opts.Props[f[1]] != null ? opts.Props[f[1]] : cp ? cp[f[1]] : null;
if(v === true) v = "1";
else if(v === false) v = "0";
else if(typeof v == "number") v = String(v);
if(v != null) cp_doit(f[0], v, null, o, p);
if(o.length>2){ o[o.length] = ('</cp:coreProperties>'); o[1]=o[1].replace("/>",">"); }
return o.join("");
/* Extended File Properties Part */
/* [MS-OSHARED][1-2].1 (PIDSI/PIDDSI) */
var EXT_PROPS = [
["Application", "Application", "string"],
["AppVersion", "AppVersion", "string"],
["Company", "Company", "string"],
["DocSecurity", "DocSecurity", "string"],
["Manager", "Manager", "string"],
["HyperlinksChanged", "HyperlinksChanged", "bool"],
["SharedDoc", "SharedDoc", "bool"],
["LinksUpToDate", "LinksUpToDate", "bool"],
["ScaleCrop", "ScaleCrop", "bool"],
["HeadingPairs", "HeadingPairs", "raw"],
["TitlesOfParts", "TitlesOfParts", "raw"]
var PseudoPropsPairs = [
"Worksheets", "SheetNames",
"NamedRanges", "DefinedNames",
"Chartsheets", "ChartNames"
function load_props_pairs(HP, TOP, props, opts) {
var v = [];
if(typeof HP == "string") v = parseVector(HP, opts);
else for(var j = 0; j < HP.length; ++j) v = v.concat(HP[j].map(function(hp) { return {v:hp}; }));
var parts = (typeof TOP == "string") ? parseVector(TOP, opts).map(function (x) { return x.v; }) : TOP;
var idx = 0, len = 0;
if(parts.length > 0) for(var i = 0; i !== v.length; i += 2) {
len = +(v[i+1].v);
switch(v[i].v) {
case "Worksheets":
case "工作表":
case "Листы":
case "أوراق العمل":
case "ワークシート":
case "גליונות עבודה":
case "Arbeitsblätter":
case "Çalışma Sayfaları":
case "Feuilles de calcul":
case "Fogli di lavoro":
case "Folhas de cálculo":
case "Planilhas":
case "Regneark":
case "Werkbladen":
props.Worksheets = len;
props.SheetNames = parts.slice(idx, idx + len);
case "Named Ranges":
case "名前付き一覧":
case "Benannte Bereiche":
case "Navngivne områder":
props.NamedRanges = len;
props.DefinedNames = parts.slice(idx, idx + len);
case "Charts":
case "Diagramme":
props.Chartsheets = len;
props.ChartNames = parts.slice(idx, idx + len);
idx += len;
function parse_ext_props(data, p, opts) {
var q = {}; if(!p) p = {};
data = utf8read(data);
EXT_PROPS.forEach(function(f) {
switch(f[2]) {
case "string": p[f[1]] = (data.match(matchtag(f[0]))||[])[1]; break;
case "bool": p[f[1]] = (data.match(matchtag(f[0]))||[])[1] === "true"; break;
case "raw":
var cur = data.match(new RegExp("<" + f[0] + "[^>]*>([\\s\\S]*?)<\/" + f[0] + ">"));
if(cur && cur.length > 0) q[f[1]] = cur[1];
if(q.HeadingPairs && q.TitlesOfParts) load_props_pairs(q.HeadingPairs, q.TitlesOfParts, p, opts);
return p;
var EXT_PROPS_XML_ROOT = writextag('Properties', null, {
'xmlns:vt': XMLNS.vt
function write_ext_props(cp) {
var o = [], W = writextag;
if(!cp) cp = {};
cp.Application = "SheetJS";
o[o.length] = (XML_HEADER);
o[o.length] = (EXT_PROPS_XML_ROOT);
EXT_PROPS.forEach(function(f) {
if(cp[f[1]] === undefined) return;
var v;
switch(f[2]) {
case 'string': v = String(cp[f[1]]); break;
case 'bool': v = cp[f[1]] ? 'true' : 'false'; break;
if(v !== undefined) o[o.length] = (W(f[0], v));
/* TODO: HeadingPairs, TitlesOfParts */
o[o.length] = (W('HeadingPairs', W('vt:vector', W('vt:variant', '<vt:lpstr>Worksheets</vt:lpstr>')+W('vt:variant', W('vt:i4', String(cp.Worksheets))), {size:2, baseType:"variant"})));
o[o.length] = (W('TitlesOfParts', W('vt:vector', { return "<vt:lpstr>" + escapexml(s) + "</vt:lpstr>"; }).join(""), {size: cp.Worksheets, baseType:"lpstr"})));
if(o.length>2){ o[o.length] = ('</Properties>'); o[1]=o[1].replace("/>",">"); }
return o.join("");
/* Custom File Properties Part */
var custregex = /<[^>]+>[^<]*/g;
function parse_cust_props(data, opts) {
var p = {}, name = "";
var m = data.match(custregex);
if(m) for(var i = 0; i != m.length; ++i) {
var x = m[i], y = parsexmltag(x);
switch(y[0]) {
case '<?xml': break;
case '<Properties': break;
case '<property': name =; break;
case '</property>': name = null; break;
default: if (x.indexOf('<vt:') === 0) {
var toks = x.split('>');
var type = toks[0].slice(4), text = toks[1];
/* (CT_Variant). Omit the binary types from 22.4 (Variant Types) */
switch(type) {
case 'lpstr': case 'bstr': case 'lpwstr':
p[name] = unescapexml(text);
case 'bool':
p[name] = parsexmlbool(text);
case 'i1': case 'i2': case 'i4': case 'i8': case 'int': case 'uint':
p[name] = parseInt(text, 10);
case 'r4': case 'r8': case 'decimal':
p[name] = parseFloat(text);
case 'filetime': case 'date':
p[name] = parseDate(text);
case 'cy': case 'error':
p[name] = unescapexml(text);
if(type.slice(-1) == '/') break;
if(opts.WTF && typeof console !== 'undefined') console.warn('Unexpected', x, type, toks);
} else if(x.slice(0,2) === "</") {/* empty */
} else if(opts.WTF) throw new Error(x);
return p;
var CUST_PROPS_XML_ROOT = writextag('Properties', null, {
'xmlns:vt': XMLNS.vt
function write_cust_props(cp) {
if(!cp) return o.join("");
var pid = 1;
keys(cp).forEach(function custprop(k) { ++pid;
o[o.length] = (writextag('property', write_vt(cp[k]), {
'fmtid': '{D5CDD505-2E9C-101B-9397-08002B2CF9AE}',
'pid': pid,
'name': k
if(o.length>2){ o[o.length] = '</Properties>'; o[1]=o[1].replace("/>",">"); }
return o.join("");
/* Parse a list of <r> tags */
var parse_rs = (function parse_rs_factory() {
var tregex = matchtag("t"), rpregex = matchtag("rPr"), rregex = /<(?:\w+:)?r>/g, rend = /<\/(?:\w+:)?r>/, nlregex = /\r\n/g;
/* 18.4.7 rPr CT_RPrElt */
var parse_rpr = function parse_rpr(rpr, intro, outro) {
var font = {}, cp = 65001, align = "";
var pass = false;
var m = rpr.match(tagregex), i = 0;
if(m) for(;i!=m.length; ++i) {
var y = parsexmltag(m[i]);
switch(y[0].replace(/\w*:/g,"")) {
/* 18.8.12 condense CT_BooleanProperty */
/* ** not required . */
case '<condense': break;
/* 18.8.17 extend CT_BooleanProperty */
/* ** not required . */
case '<extend': break;
/* 18.8.36 shadow CT_BooleanProperty */
/* ** not required . */
case '<shadow':
if(!y.val) break;
/* falls through */
case '<shadow>':
case '<shadow/>': font.shadow = 1; break;
case '</shadow>': break;
/* 18.4.1 charset CT_IntProperty TODO */
case '<charset':
if(y.val == '1') break;
cp = CS2CP[parseInt(y.val, 10)];
/* 18.4.2 outline CT_BooleanProperty TODO */
case '<outline':
if(!y.val) break;
/* falls through */
case '<outline>':
case '<outline/>': font.outline = 1; break;
case '</outline>': break;
/* 18.4.5 rFont CT_FontName */
case '<rFont': = y.val; break;
/* 18.4.11 sz CT_FontSize */
case '<sz': = y.val; break;
/* 18.4.10 strike CT_BooleanProperty */
case '<strike':
if(!y.val) break;
/* falls through */
case '<strike>':
case '<strike/>': font.strike = 1; break;
case '</strike>': break;
/* 18.4.13 u CT_UnderlineProperty */
case '<u':
if(!y.val) break;
switch(y.val) {
case 'double': font.uval = "double"; break;
case 'singleAccounting': font.uval = "single-accounting"; break;
case 'doubleAccounting': font.uval = "double-accounting"; break;
/* falls through */
case '<u>':
case '<u/>': font.u = 1; break;
case '</u>': break;
/* 18.8.2 b */
case '<b':
if(y.val == '0') break;
/* falls through */
case '<b>':
case '<b/>': font.b = 1; break;
case '</b>': break;
/* 18.8.26 i */
case '<i':
if(y.val == '0') break;
/* falls through */
case '<i>':
case '<i/>': font.i = 1; break;
case '</i>': break;
/* color CT_Color TODO: tint, theme, auto, indexed */
case '<color':
if(y.rgb) font.color = y.rgb.slice(2,8);
/* 18.8.18 family ST_FontFamily */
case '<family': = y.val; break;
/* 18.4.14 vertAlign CT_VerticalAlignFontProperty TODO */
case '<vertAlign': align = y.val; break;
/* 18.8.35 scheme CT_FontScheme TODO */
case '<scheme': break;
/* 18.2.10 extLst CT_ExtensionList ? */
case '<extLst': case '<extLst>': case '</extLst>': break;
case '<ext': pass = true; break;
case '</ext>': pass = false; break;
if(y[0].charCodeAt(1) !== 47 && !pass) throw new Error('Unrecognized rich format ' + y[0]);
var style = [];
if(font.u) style.push("text-decoration: underline;");
if(font.uval) style.push("text-underline-style:" + font.uval + ";");
if( style.push("font-size:" + + "pt;");
if(font.outline) style.push("text-effect: outline;");
if(font.shadow) style.push("text-shadow: auto;");
intro.push('<span style="' + style.join("") + '">');
if(font.b) { intro.push("<b>"); outro.push("</b>"); }
if(font.i) { intro.push("<i>"); outro.push("</i>"); }
if(font.strike) { intro.push("<s>"); outro.push("</s>"); }
if(align == "superscript") align = "sup";
else if(align == "subscript") align = "sub";
if(align != "") { intro.push("<" + align + ">"); outro.push("</" + align + ">"); }
return cp;
/* 18.4.4 r CT_RElt */
function parse_r(r) {
var terms = [[],"",[]];
/* 18.4.12 t ST_Xstring */
var t = r.match(tregex)/*, cp = 65001*/;
if(!t) return "";
terms[1] = t[1];
var rpr = r.match(rpregex);
if(rpr) /*cp = */parse_rpr(rpr[1], terms[0], terms[2]);
return terms[0].join("") + terms[1].replace(nlregex,'<br/>') + terms[2].join("");
return function parse_rs(rs) {
return rs.replace(rregex,"").split(rend).map(parse_r).join("");
/* 18.4.8 si CT_Rst */
var sitregex = /<(?:\w+:)?t[^>]*>([^<]*)<\/(?:\w+:)?t>/g, sirregex = /<(?:\w+:)?r>/;
var sirphregex = /<(?:\w+:)?rPh.*?>([\s\S]*?)<\/(?:\w+:)?rPh>/g;
function parse_si(x, opts) {
var html = opts ? opts.cellHTML : true;
var z = {};
if(!x) return null;
//var y;
/* 18.4.12 t ST_Xstring (Plaintext String) */
// TODO: is whitespace actually valid here?
if(x.match(/^\s*<(?:\w+:)?t[^>]*>/)) {
z.t = unescapexml(utf8read(x.slice(x.indexOf(">")+1).split(/<\/(?:\w+:)?t>/)[0]||""));
z.r = utf8read(x);
if(html) z.h = escapehtml(z.t);
/* 18.4.4 r CT_RElt (Rich Text Run) */
else if((/*y = */x.match(sirregex))) {
z.r = utf8read(x);
z.t = unescapexml(utf8read((x.replace(sirphregex, '').match(sitregex)||[]).join("").replace(tagregex,"")));
if(html) z.h = parse_rs(z.r);
/* 18.4.3 phoneticPr CT_PhoneticPr (TODO: needed for Asian support) */
/* 18.4.6 rPh CT_PhoneticRun (TODO: needed for Asian support) */
return z;
/* 18.4 Shared String Table */
var sstr0 = /<(?:\w+:)?sst([^>]*)>([\s\S]*)<\/(?:\w+:)?sst>/;
var sstr1 = /<(?:\w+:)?(?:si|sstItem)>/g;
var sstr2 = /<\/(?:\w+:)?(?:si|sstItem)>/;
function parse_sst_xml(data, opts) {
var s = ([]), ss = "";
if(!data) return s;
/* 18.4.9 sst CT_Sst */
var sst = data.match(sstr0);
if(sst) {
ss = sst[2].replace(sstr1,"").split(sstr2);
for(var i = 0; i != ss.length; ++i) {
var o = parse_si(ss[i].trim(), opts);
if(o != null) s[s.length] = o;
sst = parsexmltag(sst[1]); s.Count = sst.count; s.Unique = sst.uniqueCount;
return s;
RELS.SST = "";
var straywsregex = /^\s|\s$|[\t\n\r]/;
function write_sst_xml(sst, opts) {
if(!opts.bookSST) return "";
var o = [XML_HEADER];
o[o.length] = (writextag('sst', null, {
xmlns: XMLNS.main[0],
count: sst.Count,
uniqueCount: sst.Unique
for(var i = 0; i != sst.length; ++i) { if(sst[i] == null) continue;
var s = sst[i];
var sitag = "<si>";
if(s.r) sitag += s.r;
else {
sitag += "<t";
if(!s.t) s.t = "";
if(s.t.match(straywsregex)) sitag += ' xml:space="preserve"';
sitag += ">" + escapexml(s.t) + "</t>";
sitag += "</si>";
o[o.length] = (sitag);
if(o.length>2){ o[o.length] = ('</sst>'); o[1]=o[1].replace("/>",">"); }
return o.join("");
function hex2RGB(h) {
var o = h.slice(h[0]==="#"?1:0).slice(0,6);
return [parseInt(o.slice(0,2),16),parseInt(o.slice(2,4),16),parseInt(o.slice(4,6),16)];
function rgb2Hex(rgb) {
for(var i=0,o=1; i!=3; ++i) o = o*256 + (rgb[i]>255?255:rgb[i]<0?0:rgb[i]);
return o.toString(16).toUpperCase().slice(1);
function rgb2HSL(rgb) {
var R = rgb[0]/255, G = rgb[1]/255, B=rgb[2]/255;
var M = Math.max(R, G, B), m = Math.min(R, G, B), C = M - m;
if(C === 0) return [0, 0, R];
var H6 = 0, S = 0, L2 = (M + m);
S = C / (L2 > 1 ? 2 - L2 : L2);
case R: H6 = ((G - B) / C + 6)%6; break;
case G: H6 = ((B - R) / C + 2); break;
case B: H6 = ((R - G) / C + 4); break;
return [H6 / 6, S, L2 / 2];
function hsl2RGB(hsl){
var H = hsl[0], S = hsl[1], L = hsl[2];
var C = S * 2 * (L < 0.5 ? L : 1 - L), m = L - C/2;
var rgb = [m,m,m], h6 = 6*H;
var X;
if(S !== 0) switch(h6|0) {
case 0: case 6: X = C * h6; rgb[0] += C; rgb[1] += X; break;
case 1: X = C * (2 - h6); rgb[0] += X; rgb[1] += C; break;
case 2: X = C * (h6 - 2); rgb[1] += C; rgb[2] += X; break;
case 3: X = C * (4 - h6); rgb[1] += X; rgb[2] += C; break;
case 4: X = C * (h6 - 4); rgb[2] += C; rgb[0] += X; break;
case 5: X = C * (6 - h6); rgb[2] += X; rgb[0] += C; break;
for(var i = 0; i != 3; ++i) rgb[i] = Math.round(rgb[i]*255);
return rgb;
/* 18.8.3 bgColor tint algorithm */
function rgb_tint(hex, tint) {
if(tint === 0) return hex;
var hsl = rgb2HSL(hex2RGB(hex));
if (tint < 0) hsl[2] = hsl[2] * (1 + tint);
else hsl[2] = 1 - (1 - hsl[2]) * (1 - tint);
return rgb2Hex(hsl2RGB(hsl));
/* width calculations */
/* [MS-OI29500] 2.1.595 Column Width & Formatting */
var DEF_MDW = 6, MAX_MDW = 15, MIN_MDW = 1, MDW = DEF_MDW;
function width2px(width) { return Math.floor(( width + (Math.round(128/MDW))/256 )* MDW ); }
function px2char(px) { return (Math.floor((px - 5)/MDW * 100 + 0.5))/100; }
function char2width(chr) { return (Math.round((chr * MDW + 5)/MDW*256))/256; }
//function px2char_(px) { return (((px - 5)/MDW * 100 + 0.5))/100; }
//function char2width_(chr) { return (((chr * MDW + 5)/MDW*256))/256; }
function cycle_width(collw) { return char2width(px2char(width2px(collw))); }
/* XLSX/XLSB/XLS specify width in units of MDW */
function find_mdw_colw(collw) {
var delta = Math.abs(collw - cycle_width(collw)), _MDW = MDW;
if(delta > 0.005) for(MDW=MIN_MDW; MDW<MAX_MDW; ++MDW) if(Math.abs(collw - cycle_width(collw)) <= delta) { delta = Math.abs(collw - cycle_width(collw)); _MDW = MDW; }
/* XLML specifies width in terms of pixels */
/*function find_mdw_wpx(wpx) {
var delta = Infinity, guess = 0, _MDW = MIN_MDW;
guess = char2width_(px2char_(wpx))*256;
guess = (guess) % 1;
if(guess > 0.5) guess--;
if(Math.abs(guess) < delta) { delta = Math.abs(guess); _MDW = MDW; }
function process_col(coll) {
if(coll.width) {
coll.wpx = width2px(coll.width);
coll.wch = px2char(coll.wpx);
coll.MDW = MDW;
} else if(coll.wpx) {
coll.wch = px2char(coll.wpx);
coll.width = char2width(coll.wch);
coll.MDW = MDW;
} else if(typeof coll.wch == 'number') {
coll.width = char2width(coll.wch);
coll.wpx = width2px(coll.width);
coll.MDW = MDW;
if(coll.customWidth) delete coll.customWidth;
var DEF_PPI = 96, PPI = DEF_PPI;
function px2pt(px) { return px * 96 / PPI; }
function pt2px(pt) { return pt * PPI / 96; }
/* [MS-EXSPXML3] 2.4.54 ST_enmPattern */
var XLMLPatternTypeMap = {
"None": "none",
"Solid": "solid",
"Gray50": "mediumGray",
"Gray75": "darkGray",
"Gray25": "lightGray",
"HorzStripe": "darkHorizontal",
"VertStripe": "darkVertical",
"ReverseDiagStripe": "darkDown",
"DiagStripe": "darkUp",
"DiagCross": "darkGrid",
"ThickDiagCross": "darkTrellis",
"ThinHorzStripe": "lightHorizontal",
"ThinVertStripe": "lightVertical",
"ThinReverseDiagStripe": "lightDown",
"ThinHorzCross": "lightGrid"
/* 18.8.5 borders CT_Borders */
function parse_borders(t, styles, themes, opts) {
styles.Borders = [];
var border = {}/*, sub_border = {}*/;
var pass = false;
t[0].match(tagregex).forEach(function(x) {
var y = parsexmltag(x);
switch(strip_ns(y[0])) {
case '<borders': case '<borders>': case '</borders>': break;
/* 18.8.4 border CT_Border */
case '<border': case '<border>': case '<border/>':
border = {};
if (y.diagonalUp) { border.diagonalUp = y.diagonalUp; }
if (y.diagonalDown) { border.diagonalDown = y.diagonalDown; }
case '</border>': break;
/* note: not in spec, appears to be CT_BorderPr */
case '<left/>': break;
case '<left': case '<left>': break;
case '</left>': break;
/* note: not in spec, appears to be CT_BorderPr */
case '<right/>': break;
case '<right': case '<right>': break;
case '</right>': break;
/* 18.8.43 top CT_BorderPr */
case '<top/>': break;
case '<top': case '<top>': break;
case '</top>': break;
/* 18.8.6 bottom CT_BorderPr */
case '<bottom/>': break;
case '<bottom': case '<bottom>': break;
case '</bottom>': break;
/* 18.8.13 diagonal CT_BorderPr */
case '<diagonal': case '<diagonal>': case '<diagonal/>': break;
case '</diagonal>': break;
/* 18.8.25 horizontal CT_BorderPr */
case '<horizontal': case '<horizontal>': case '<horizontal/>': break;
case '</horizontal>': break;
/* 18.8.44 vertical CT_BorderPr */
case '<vertical': case '<vertical>': case '<vertical/>': break;
case '</vertical>': break;
/* 18.8.37 start CT_BorderPr */
case '<start': case '<start>': case '<start/>': break;
case '</start>': break;
/* 18.8.16 end CT_BorderPr */
case '<end': case '<end>': case '<end/>': break;
case '</end>': break;
/* 18.8.? color CT_Color */
case '<color': case '<color>': break;
case '<color/>': case '</color>': break;
/* 18.2.10 extLst CT_ExtensionList ? */
case '<extLst': case '<extLst>': case '</extLst>': break;
case '<ext': pass = true; break;
case '</ext>': pass = false; break;
default: if(opts && opts.WTF) {
if(!pass) throw new Error('unrecognized ' + y[0] + ' in borders');
/* 18.8.21 fills CT_Fills */
function parse_fills(t, styles, themes, opts) {
styles.Fills = [];
var fill = {};
var pass = false;
t[0].match(tagregex).forEach(function(x) {
var y = parsexmltag(x);
switch(strip_ns(y[0])) {
case '<fills': case '<fills>': case '</fills>': break;
/* 18.8.20 fill CT_Fill */
case '<fill>': case '<fill': case '<fill/>':
fill = {}; styles.Fills.push(fill); break;
case '</fill>': break;
/* 18.8.24 gradientFill CT_GradientFill */
case '<gradientFill>': break;
case '<gradientFill':
case '</gradientFill>': styles.Fills.push(fill); fill = {}; break;
/* 18.8.32 patternFill CT_PatternFill */
case '<patternFill': case '<patternFill>':
if(y.patternType) fill.patternType = y.patternType;
case '<patternFill/>': case '</patternFill>': break;
/* 18.8.3 bgColor CT_Color */
case '<bgColor':
if(!fill.bgColor) fill.bgColor = {};
if(y.indexed) fill.bgColor.indexed = parseInt(y.indexed, 10);
if(y.theme) fill.bgColor.theme = parseInt(y.theme, 10);
if(y.tint) fill.bgColor.tint = parseFloat(y.tint);
/* Excel uses ARGB strings */
if(y.rgb) fill.bgColor.rgb = y.rgb.slice(-6);
case '<bgColor/>': case '</bgColor>': break;
/* 18.8.19 fgColor CT_Color */
case '<fgColor':
if(!fill.fgColor) fill.fgColor = {};
if(y.theme) fill.fgColor.theme = parseInt(y.theme, 10);
if(y.tint) fill.fgColor.tint = parseFloat(y.tint);
/* Excel uses ARGB strings */
if(y.rgb) fill.fgColor.rgb = y.rgb.slice(-6);
case '<fgColor/>': case '</fgColor>': break;
/* 18.8.38 stop CT_GradientStop */
case '<stop': case '<stop/>': break;
case '</stop>': break;
/* 18.8.? color CT_Color */
case '<color': case '<color/>': break;
case '</color>': break;
/* 18.2.10 extLst CT_ExtensionList ? */
case '<extLst': case '<extLst>': case '</extLst>': break;
case '<ext': pass = true; break;
case '</ext>': pass = false; break;
default: if(opts && opts.WTF) {
if(!pass) throw new Error('unrecognized ' + y[0] + ' in fills');
/* 18.8.23 fonts CT_Fonts */
function parse_fonts(t, styles, themes, opts) {
styles.Fonts = [];
var font = {};
var pass = false;
t[0].match(tagregex).forEach(function(x) {
var y = parsexmltag(x);
switch(strip_ns(y[0])) {
case '<fonts': case '<fonts>': case '</fonts>': break;
/* 18.8.22 font CT_Font */
case '<font': case '<font>': break;
case '</font>': case '<font/>':
font = {};
/* 18.8.29 name CT_FontName */
case '<name': if(y.val) = y.val; break;
case '<name/>': case '</name>': break;
/* 18.8.2 b CT_BooleanProperty */
case '<b': font.bold = y.val ? parsexmlbool(y.val) : 1; break;
case '<b/>': font.bold = 1; break;
/* 18.8.26 i CT_BooleanProperty */
case '<i': font.italic = y.val ? parsexmlbool(y.val) : 1; break;
case '<i/>': font.italic = 1; break;
/* 18.4.13 u CT_UnderlineProperty */
case '<u':
switch(y.val) {
case "none": font.underline = 0x00; break;
case "single": font.underline = 0x01; break;
case "double": font.underline = 0x02; break;
case "singleAccounting": font.underline = 0x21; break;
case "doubleAccounting": font.underline = 0x22; break;
} break;
case '<u/>': font.underline = 1; break;
/* 18.4.10 strike CT_BooleanProperty */
case '<strike': font.strike = y.val ? parsexmlbool(y.val) : 1; break;
case '<strike/>': font.strike = 1; break;
/* 18.4.2 outline CT_BooleanProperty */
case '<outline': font.outline = y.val ? parsexmlbool(y.val) : 1; break;
case '<outline/>': font.outline = 1; break;
/* 18.8.36 shadow CT_BooleanProperty */
case '<shadow': font.shadow = y.val ? parsexmlbool(y.val) : 1; break;
case '<shadow/>': font.shadow = 1; break;
/* 18.8.12 condense CT_BooleanProperty */
case '<condense': font.condense = y.val ? parsexmlbool(y.val) : 1; break;
case '<condense/>': font.condense = 1; break;
/* 18.8.17 extend CT_BooleanProperty */
case '<extend': font.extend = y.val ? parsexmlbool(y.val) : 1; break;
case '<extend/>': font.extend = 1; break;
/* 18.4.11 sz CT_FontSize */
case '<sz': if(y.val) = +y.val; break;
case '<sz/>': case '</sz>': break;
/* 18.4.14 vertAlign CT_VerticalAlignFontProperty */
case '<vertAlign': if(y.val) font.vertAlign = y.val; break;
case '<vertAlign/>': case '</vertAlign>': break;
/* 18.8.18 family CT_FontFamily */
case '<family': if(y.val) = parseInt(y.val,10); break;
case '<family/>': case '</family>': break;
/* 18.8.35 scheme CT_FontScheme */
case '<scheme': if(y.val) font.scheme = y.val; break;
case '<scheme/>': case '</scheme>': break;
/* 18.4.1 charset CT_IntProperty */
case '<charset':
if(y.val == '1') break;
y.codepage = CS2CP[parseInt(y.val, 10)];
/* 18.?.? color CT_Color */
case '<color':
if(!font.color) font.color = {};
if( = parsexmlbool(;
if(y.rgb) font.color.rgb = y.rgb.slice(-6);
else if(y.indexed) {
font.color.index = parseInt(y.indexed, 10);
var icv = XLSIcv[font.color.index];
if(font.color.index == 81) icv = XLSIcv[1];
if(!icv) throw new Error(x);
font.color.rgb = icv[0].toString(16) + icv[1].toString(16) + icv[2].toString(16);
} else if(y.theme) {
font.color.theme = parseInt(y.theme, 10);
if(y.tint) font.color.tint = parseFloat(y.tint);
if(y.theme && themes.themeElements && themes.themeElements.clrScheme) {
font.color.rgb = rgb_tint(themes.themeElements.clrScheme[font.color.theme].rgb, font.color.tint || 0);
case '<color/>': case '</color>': break;
/* 18.2.10 extLst CT_ExtensionList ? */
case '<extLst': case '<extLst>': case '</extLst>': break;
case '<ext': pass = true; break;
case '</ext>': pass = false; break;
default: if(opts && opts.WTF) {
if(!pass) throw new Error('unrecognized ' + y[0] + ' in fonts');
/* 18.8.31 numFmts CT_NumFmts */
function parse_numFmts(t, styles, opts) {
styles.NumberFmt = [];
var k/*Array<number>*/ = (keys(SSF._table));
for(var i=0; i < k.length; ++i) styles.NumberFmt[k[i]] = SSF._table[k[i]];
var m = t[0].match(tagregex);
if(!m) return;
for(i=0; i < m.length; ++i) {
var y = parsexmltag(m[i]);
switch(strip_ns(y[0])) {
case '<numFmts': case '</numFmts>': case '<numFmts/>': case '<numFmts>': break;
case '<numFmt': {
var f=unescapexml(utf8read(y.formatCode)), j=parseInt(y.numFmtId,10);
styles.NumberFmt[j] = f;
if(j>0) {
if(j > 0x188) {
for(j = 0x188; j > 0x3c; --j) if(styles.NumberFmt[j] == null) break;
styles.NumberFmt[j] = f;
} break;
case '</numFmt>': break;
default: if(opts.WTF) throw new Error('unrecognized ' + y[0] + ' in numFmts');
function write_numFmts(NF) {
var o = ["<numFmts>"];
[[5,8],[23,26],[41,44],[/*63*/50,/*66],[164,*/392]].forEach(function(r) {
for(var i = r[0]; i <= r[1]; ++i) if(NF[i] != null) o[o.length] = (writextag('numFmt',null,{numFmtId:i,formatCode:escapexml(NF[i])}));
if(o.length === 1) return "";
o[o.length] = ("</numFmts>");
o[0] = writextag('numFmts', null, { count:o.length-2 }).replace("/>", ">");
return o.join("");
/* 18.8.10 cellXfs CT_CellXfs */
var cellXF_uint = [ "numFmtId", "fillId", "fontId", "borderId", "xfId" ];
var cellXF_bool = [ "applyAlignment", "applyBorder", "applyFill", "applyFont", "applyNumberFormat", "applyProtection", "pivotButton", "quotePrefix" ];
function parse_cellXfs(t, styles, opts) {
styles.CellXf = [];
var xf;
var pass = false;
t[0].match(tagregex).forEach(function(x) {
var y = parsexmltag(x), i = 0;
switch(strip_ns(y[0])) {
case '<cellXfs': case '<cellXfs>': case '<cellXfs/>': case '</cellXfs>': break;
/* 18.8.45 xf CT_Xf */
case '<xf': case '<xf/>':
xf = y;
delete xf[0];
for(i = 0; i < cellXF_uint.length; ++i) if(xf[cellXF_uint[i]])
xf[cellXF_uint[i]] = parseInt(xf[cellXF_uint[i]], 10);
for(i = 0; i < cellXF_bool.length; ++i) if(xf[cellXF_bool[i]])
xf[cellXF_bool[i]] = parsexmlbool(xf[cellXF_bool[i]]);
if(xf.numFmtId > 0x188) {
for(i = 0x188; i > 0x3c; --i) if(styles.NumberFmt[xf.numFmtId] == styles.NumberFmt[i]) { xf.numFmtId = i; break; }
styles.CellXf.push(xf); break;
case '</xf>': break;
/* 18.8.1 alignment CT_CellAlignment */
case '<alignment': case '<alignment/>':
var alignment = {};
if(y.vertical) alignment.vertical = y.vertical;
if(y.horizontal) alignment.horizontal = y.horizontal;
if(y.textRotation != null) alignment.textRotation = y.textRotation;
if(y.indent) alignment.indent = y.indent;
if(y.wrapText) alignment.wrapText = y.wrapText;
xf.alignment = alignment;
case '</alignment>': break;
/* 18.8.33 protection CT_CellProtection */
case '<protection': case '</protection>': case '<protection/>': break;
/* 18.2.10 extLst CT_ExtensionList ? */
case '<extLst': case '<extLst>': case '</extLst>': break;
case '<ext': pass = true; break;
case '</ext>': pass = false; break;
default: if(opts && opts.WTF) {
if(!pass) throw new Error('unrecognized ' + y[0] + ' in cellXfs');
function write_cellXfs(cellXfs) {
var o = [];
o[o.length] = (writextag('cellXfs',null));
cellXfs.forEach(function(c) { o[o.length] = (writextag('xf', null, c)); });
o[o.length] = ("</cellXfs>");
if(o.length === 2) return "";
o[0] = writextag('cellXfs',null, {count:o.length-2}).replace("/>",">");
return o.join("");
/* 18.8 Styles CT_Stylesheet*/
var parse_sty_xml= (function make_pstyx() {
var numFmtRegex = /<(?:\w+:)?numFmts([^>]*)>[\S\s]*?<\/(?:\w+:)?numFmts>/;
var cellXfRegex = /<(?:\w+:)?cellXfs([^>]*)>[\S\s]*?<\/(?:\w+:)?cellXfs>/;
var fillsRegex = /<(?:\w+:)?fills([^>]*)>[\S\s]*?<\/(?:\w+:)?fills>/;
var fontsRegex = /<(?:\w+:)?fonts([^>]*)>[\S\s]*?<\/(?:\w+:)?fonts>/;
var bordersRegex = /<(?:\w+:)?borders([^>]*)>[\S\s]*?<\/(?:\w+:)?borders>/;
return function parse_sty_xml(data, themes, opts) {
var styles = {};
if(!data) return styles;
data = data.replace(/<!--([\s\S]*?)-->/mg,"").replace(/<!DOCTYPE[^\[]*\[[^\]]*\]>/gm,"");
/* 18.8.39 styleSheet CT_Stylesheet */
var t;
/* 18.8.31 numFmts CT_NumFmts ? */
if((t=data.match(numFmtRegex))) parse_numFmts(t, styles, opts);
/* 18.8.23 fonts CT_Fonts ? */
if((t=data.match(fontsRegex))) parse_fonts(t, styles, themes, opts);
/* 18.8.21 fills CT_Fills ? */
if((t=data.match(fillsRegex))) parse_fills(t, styles, themes, opts);
/* 18.8.5 borders CT_Borders ? */
if((t=data.match(bordersRegex))) parse_borders(t, styles, themes, opts);
/* 18.8.9 cellStyleXfs CT_CellStyleXfs ? */
/* 18.8.10 cellXfs CT_CellXfs ? */
if((t=data.match(cellXfRegex))) parse_cellXfs(t, styles, opts);
/* 18.8.8 cellStyles CT_CellStyles ? */
/* 18.8.15 dxfs CT_Dxfs ? */
/* 18.8.42 tableStyles CT_TableStyles ? */
/* 18.8.11 colors CT_Colors ? */
/* 18.2.10 extLst CT_ExtensionList ? */
return styles;
var STYLES_XML_ROOT = writextag('styleSheet', null, {
'xmlns': XMLNS.main[0],
'xmlns:vt': XMLNS.vt
RELS.STY = "";
function write_sty_xml(wb, opts) {
if(wb.SSF && (w = write_numFmts(wb.SSF)) != null) o[o.length] = w;
o[o.length] = ('<fonts count="1"><font><sz val="12"/><color theme="1"/><name val="Calibri"/><family val="2"/><scheme val="minor"/></font></fonts>');
o[o.length] = ('<fills count="2"><fill><patternFill patternType="none"/></fill><fill><patternFill patternType="gray125"/></fill></fills>');
o[o.length] = ('<borders count="1"><border><left/><right/><top/><bottom/><diagonal/></border></borders>');
o[o.length] = ('<cellStyleXfs count="1"><xf numFmtId="0" fontId="0" fillId="0" borderId="0"/></cellStyleXfs>');
if((w = write_cellXfs(opts.cellXfs))) o[o.length] = (w);
o[o.length] = ('<cellStyles count="1"><cellStyle name="Normal" xfId="0" builtinId="0"/></cellStyles>');
o[o.length] = ('<dxfs count="0"/>');
o[o.length] = ('<tableStyles count="0" defaultTableStyle="TableStyleMedium9" defaultPivotStyle="PivotStyleMedium4"/>');
if(o.length>2){ o[o.length] = ('</styleSheet>'); o[1]=o[1].replace("/>",">"); }
return o.join("");
/* clrScheme CT_ColorScheme */
function parse_clrScheme(t, themes, opts) {
themes.themeElements.clrScheme = [];
var color = {};
(t[0].match(tagregex)||[]).forEach(function(x) {
var y = parsexmltag(x);
switch(y[0]) {
/* clrScheme (Color Scheme) CT_ColorScheme */
case '<a:clrScheme': case '</a:clrScheme>': break;
/* srgbClr CT_SRgbColor */
case '<a:srgbClr':
color.rgb = y.val; break;
/* sysClr CT_SystemColor */
case '<a:sysClr':
color.rgb = y.lastClr; break;
/* accent1 (Accent 1) */
/* accent2 (Accent 2) */
/* accent3 (Accent 3) */
/* accent4 (Accent 4) */
/* accent5 (Accent 5) */
/* accent6 (Accent 6) */
/* dk1 (Dark 1) */
/* dk2 (Dark 2) */
/* folHlink (Followed Hyperlink) */
/* hlink (Hyperlink) */
/* lt1 (Light 1) */
/* lt2 (Light 2) */
case '<a:dk1>': case '</a:dk1>':
case '<a:lt1>': case '</a:lt1>':
case '<a:dk2>': case '</a:dk2>':
case '<a:lt2>': case '</a:lt2>':
case '<a:accent1>': case '</a:accent1>':
case '<a:accent2>': case '</a:accent2>':
case '<a:accent3>': case '</a:accent3>':
case '<a:accent4>': case '</a:accent4>':
case '<a:accent5>': case '</a:accent5>':
case '<a:accent6>': case '</a:accent6>':
case '<a:hlink>': case '</a:hlink>':
case '<a:folHlink>': case '</a:folHlink>':
if (y[0].charAt(1) === '/') {
color = {};
} else { = y[0].slice(3, y[0].length - 1);
default: if(opts && opts.WTF) throw new Error('Unrecognized ' + y[0] + ' in clrScheme');
/* fontScheme CT_FontScheme */
function parse_fontScheme() { }
/* fmtScheme CT_StyleMatrix */
function parse_fmtScheme() { }
var clrsregex = /<a:clrScheme([^>]*)>[\s\S]*<\/a:clrScheme>/;
var fntsregex = /<a:fontScheme([^>]*)>[\s\S]*<\/a:fontScheme>/;
var fmtsregex = /<a:fmtScheme([^>]*)>[\s\S]*<\/a:fmtScheme>/;
/* themeElements CT_BaseStyles */
function parse_themeElements(data, themes, opts) {
themes.themeElements = {};
var t;
/* clrScheme CT_ColorScheme */
['clrScheme', clrsregex, parse_clrScheme],
/* fontScheme CT_FontScheme */
['fontScheme', fntsregex, parse_fontScheme],
/* fmtScheme CT_StyleMatrix */
['fmtScheme', fmtsregex, parse_fmtScheme]
].forEach(function(m) {
if(!(t=data.match(m[1]))) throw new Error(m[0] + ' not found in themeElements');
m[2](t, themes, opts);
var themeltregex = /<a:themeElements([^>]*)>[\s\S]*<\/a:themeElements>/;
/* 14.2.7 Theme Part */
function parse_theme_xml(data, opts) {
/* theme CT_OfficeStyleSheet */
if(!data || data.length === 0) return parse_theme_xml(write_theme());
var t;
var themes = {};
/* themeElements CT_BaseStyles */
if(!(t=data.match(themeltregex))) throw new Error('themeElements not found in theme');
parse_themeElements(t[0], themes, opts);
return themes;
function write_theme(Themes, opts) {
if(opts && opts.themeXLSX) return opts.themeXLSX;
var o = [XML_HEADER];
o[o.length] = '<a:theme xmlns:a="" name="Office Theme">';
o[o.length] = '<a:themeElements>';
o[o.length] = '<a:clrScheme name="Office">';
o[o.length] = '<a:dk1><a:sysClr val="windowText" lastClr="000000"/></a:dk1>';
o[o.length] = '<a:lt1><a:sysClr val="window" lastClr="FFFFFF"/></a:lt1>';
o[o.length] = '<a:dk2><a:srgbClr val="1F497D"/></a:dk2>';
o[o.length] = '<a:lt2><a:srgbClr val="EEECE1"/></a:lt2>';
o[o.length] = '<a:accent1><a:srgbClr val="4F81BD"/></a:accent1>';
o[o.length] = '<a:accent2><a:srgbClr val="C0504D"/></a:accent2>';
o[o.length] = '<a:accent3><a:srgbClr val="9BBB59"/></a:accent3>';
o[o.length] = '<a:accent4><a:srgbClr val="8064A2"/></a:accent4>';
o[o.length] = '<a:accent5><a:srgbClr val="4BACC6"/></a:accent5>';
o[o.length] = '<a:accent6><a:srgbClr val="F79646"/></a:accent6>';
o[o.length] = '<a:hlink><a:srgbClr val="0000FF"/></a:hlink>';
o[o.length] = '<a:folHlink><a:srgbClr val="800080"/></a:folHlink>';
o[o.length] = '</a:clrScheme>';
o[o.length] = '<a:fontScheme name="Office">';
o[o.length] = '<a:majorFont>';
o[o.length] = '<a:latin typeface="Cambria"/>';
o[o.length] = '<a:ea typeface=""/>';
o[o.length] = '<a:cs typeface=""/>';
o[o.length] = '<a:font script="Jpan" typeface=" Pゴシック"/>';
o[o.length] = '<a:font script="Hang" typeface="맑은 고딕"/>';
o[o.length] = '<a:font script="Hans" typeface="宋体"/>';
o[o.length] = '<a:font script="Hant" typeface="新細明體"/>';
o[o.length] = '<a:font script="Arab" typeface="Times New Roman"/>';
o[o.length] = '<a:font script="Hebr" typeface="Times New Roman"/>';
o[o.length] = '<a:font script="Thai" typeface="Tahoma"/>';
o[o.length] = '<a:font script="Ethi" typeface="Nyala"/>';
o[o.length] = '<a:font script="Beng" typeface="Vrinda"/>';
o[o.length] = '<a:font script="Gujr" typeface="Shruti"/>';
o[o.length] = '<a:font script="Khmr" typeface="MoolBoran"/>';
o[o.length] = '<a:font script="Knda" typeface="Tunga"/>';
o[o.length] = '<a:font script="Guru" typeface="Raavi"/>';
o[o.length] = '<a:font script="Cans" typeface="Euphemia"/>';
o[o.length] = '<a:font script="Cher" typeface="Plantagenet Cherokee"/>';
o[o.length] = '<a:font script="Yiii" typeface="Microsoft Yi Baiti"/>';
o[o.length] = '<a:font script="Tibt" typeface="Microsoft Himalaya"/>';
o[o.length] = '<a:font script="Thaa" typeface="MV Boli"/>';
o[o.length] = '<a:font script="Deva" typeface="Mangal"/>';
o[o.length] = '<a:font script="Telu" typeface="Gautami"/>';
o[o.length] = '<a:font script="Taml" typeface="Latha"/>';
o[o.length] = '<a:font script="Syrc" typeface="Estrangelo Edessa"/>';
o[o.length] = '<a:font script="Orya" typeface="Kalinga"/>';
o[o.length] = '<a:font script="Mlym" typeface="Kartika"/>';
o[o.length] = '<a:font script="Laoo" typeface="DokChampa"/>';
o[o.length] = '<a:font script="Sinh" typeface="Iskoola Pota"/>';
o[o.length] = '<a:font script="Mong" typeface="Mongolian Baiti"/>';
o[o.length] = '<a:font script="Viet" typeface="Times New Roman"/>';
o[o.length] = '<a:font script="Uigh" typeface="Microsoft Uighur"/>';
o[o.length] = '<a:font script="Geor" typeface="Sylfaen"/>';
o[o.length] = '</a:majorFont>';
o[o.length] = '<a:minorFont>';
o[o.length] = '<a:latin typeface="Calibri"/>';
o[o.length] = '<a:ea typeface=""/>';
o[o.length] = '<a:cs typeface=""/>';
o[o.length] = '<a:font script="Jpan" typeface=" Pゴシック"/>';
o[o.length] = '<a:font script="Hang" typeface="맑은 고딕"/>';
o[o.length] = '<a:font script="Hans" typeface="宋体"/>';
o[o.length] = '<a:font script="Hant" typeface="新細明體"/>';
o[o.length] = '<a:font script="Arab" typeface="Arial"/>';
o[o.length] = '<a:font script="Hebr" typeface="Arial"/>';
o[o.length] = '<a:font script="Thai" typeface="Tahoma"/>';
o[o.length] = '<a:font script="Ethi" typeface="Nyala"/>';
o[o.length] = '<a:font script="Beng" typeface="Vrinda"/>';
o[o.length] = '<a:font script="Gujr" typeface="Shruti"/>';
o[o.length] = '<a:font script="Khmr" typeface="DaunPenh"/>';
o[o.length] = '<a:font script="Knda" typeface="Tunga"/>';
o[o.length] = '<a:font script="Guru" typeface="Raavi"/>';
o[o.length] = '<a:font script="Cans" typeface="Euphemia"/>';
o[o.length] = '<a:font script="Cher" typeface="Plantagenet Cherokee"/>';
o[o.length] = '<a:font script="Yiii" typeface="Microsoft Yi Baiti"/>';
o[o.length] = '<a:font script="Tibt" typeface="Microsoft Himalaya"/>';
o[o.length] = '<a:font script="Thaa" typeface="MV Boli"/>';
o[o.length] = '<a:font script="Deva" typeface="Mangal"/>';
o[o.length] = '<a:font script="Telu" typeface="Gautami"/>';
o[o.length] = '<a:font script="Taml" typeface="Latha"/>';
o[o.length] = '<a:font script="Syrc" typeface="Estrangelo Edessa"/>';
o[o.length] = '<a:font script="Orya" typeface="Kalinga"/>';
o[o.length] = '<a:font script="Mlym" typeface="Kartika"/>';
o[o.length] = '<a:font script="Laoo" typeface="DokChampa"/>';
o[o.length] = '<a:font script="Sinh" typeface="Iskoola Pota"/>';
o[o.length] = '<a:font script="Mong" typeface="Mongolian Baiti"/>';
o[o.length] = '<a:font script="Viet" typeface="Arial"/>';
o[o.length] = '<a:font script="Uigh" typeface="Microsoft Uighur"/>';
o[o.length] = '<a:font script="Geor" typeface="Sylfaen"/>';
o[o.length] = '</a:minorFont>';
o[o.length] = '</a:fontScheme>';
o[o.length] = '<a:fmtScheme name="Office">';
o[o.length] = '<a:fillStyleLst>';
o[o.length] = '<a:solidFill><a:schemeClr val="phClr"/></a:solidFill>';
o[o.length] = '<a:gradFill rotWithShape="1">';
o[o.length] = '<a:gsLst>';
o[o.length] = '<a:gs pos="0"><a:schemeClr val="phClr"><a:tint val="50000"/><a:satMod val="300000"/></a:schemeClr></a:gs>';
o[o.length] = '<a:gs pos="35000"><a:schemeClr val="phClr"><a:tint val="37000"/><a:satMod val="300000"/></a:schemeClr></a:gs>';
o[o.length] = '<a:gs pos="100000"><a:schemeClr val="phClr"><a:tint val="15000"/><a:satMod val="350000"/></a:schemeClr></a:gs>';
o[o.length] = '</a:gsLst>';
o[o.length] = '<a:lin ang="16200000" scaled="1"/>';
o[o.length] = '</a:gradFill>';
o[o.length] = '<a:gradFill rotWithShape="1">';
o[o.length] = '<a:gsLst>';
o[o.length] = '<a:gs pos="0"><a:schemeClr val="phClr"><a:tint val="100000"/><a:shade val="100000"/><a:satMod val="130000"/></a:schemeClr></a:gs>';
o[o.length] = '<a:gs pos="100000"><a:schemeClr val="phClr"><a:tint val="50000"/><a:shade val="100000"/><a:satMod val="350000"/></a:schemeClr></a:gs>';
o[o.length] = '</a:gsLst>';
o[o.length] = '<a:lin ang="16200000" scaled="0"/>';
o[o.length] = '</a:gradFill>';
o[o.length] = '</a:fillStyleLst>';
o[o.length] = '<a:lnStyleLst>';
o[o.length] = '<a:ln w="9525" cap="flat" cmpd="sng" algn="ctr"><a:solidFill><a:schemeClr val="phClr"><a:shade val="95000"/><a:satMod val="105000"/></a:schemeClr></a:solidFill><a:prstDash val="solid"/></a:ln>';
o[o.length] = '<a:ln w="25400" cap="flat" cmpd="sng" algn="ctr"><a:solidFill><a:schemeClr val="phClr"/></a:solidFill><a:prstDash val="solid"/></a:ln>';
o[o.length] = '<a:ln w="38100" cap="flat" cmpd="sng" algn="ctr"><a:solidFill><a:schemeClr val="phClr"/></a:solidFill><a:prstDash val="solid"/></a:ln>';
o[o.length] = '</a:lnStyleLst>';
o[o.length] = '<a:effectStyleLst>';
o[o.length] = '<a:effectStyle>';
o[o.length] = '<a:effectLst>';
o[o.length] = '<a:outerShdw blurRad="40000" dist="20000" dir="5400000" rotWithShape="0"><a:srgbClr val="000000"><a:alpha val="38000"/></a:srgbClr></a:outerShdw>';
o[o.length] = '</a:effectLst>';
o[o.length] = '</a:effectStyle>';
o[o.length] = '<a:effectStyle>';
o[o.length] = '<a:effectLst>';
o[o.length] = '<a:outerShdw blurRad="40000" dist="23000" dir="5400000" rotWithShape="0"><a:srgbClr val="000000"><a:alpha val="35000"/></a:srgbClr></a:outerShdw>';
o[o.length] = '</a:effectLst>';
o[o.length] = '</a:effectStyle>';
o[o.length] = '<a:effectStyle>';
o[o.length] = '<a:effectLst>';
o[o.length] = '<a:outerShdw blurRad="40000" dist="23000" dir="5400000" rotWithShape="0"><a:srgbClr val="000000"><a:alpha val="35000"/></a:srgbClr></a:outerShdw>';
o[o.length] = '</a:effectLst>';
o[o.length] = '<a:scene3d><a:camera prst="orthographicFront"><a:rot lat="0" lon="0" rev="0"/></a:camera><a:lightRig rig="threePt" dir="t"><a:rot lat="0" lon="0" rev="1200000"/></a:lightRig></a:scene3d>';
o[o.length] = '<a:sp3d><a:bevelT w="63500" h="25400"/></a:sp3d>';
o[o.length] = '</a:effectStyle>';
o[o.length] = '</a:effectStyleLst>';
o[o.length] = '<a:bgFillStyleLst>';
o[o.length] = '<a:solidFill><a:schemeClr val="phClr"/></a:solidFill>';
o[o.length] = '<a:gradFill rotWithShape="1">';
o[o.length] = '<a:gsLst>';
o[o.length] = '<a:gs pos="0"><a:schemeClr val="phClr"><a:tint val="40000"/><a:satMod val="350000"/></a:schemeClr></a:gs>';
o[o.length] = '<a:gs pos="40000"><a:schemeClr val="phClr"><a:tint val="45000"/><a:shade val="99000"/><a:satMod val="350000"/></a:schemeClr></a:gs>';
o[o.length] = '<a:gs pos="100000"><a:schemeClr val="phClr"><a:shade val="20000"/><a:satMod val="255000"/></a:schemeClr></a:gs>';
o[o.length] = '</a:gsLst>';
o[o.length] = '<a:path path="circle"><a:fillToRect l="50000" t="-80000" r="50000" b="180000"/></a:path>';
o[o.length] = '</a:gradFill>';
o[o.length] = '<a:gradFill rotWithShape="1">';
o[o.length] = '<a:gsLst>';
o[o.length] = '<a:gs pos="0"><a:schemeClr val="phClr"><a:tint val="80000"/><a:satMod val="300000"/></a:schemeClr></a:gs>';
o[o.length] = '<a:gs pos="100000"><a:schemeClr val="phClr"><a:shade val="30000"/><a:satMod val="200000"/></a:schemeClr></a:gs>';
o[o.length] = '</a:gsLst>';
o[o.length] = '<a:path path="circle"><a:fillToRect l="50000" t="50000" r="50000" b="50000"/></a:path>';
o[o.length] = '</a:gradFill>';
o[o.length] = '</a:bgFillStyleLst>';
o[o.length] = '</a:fmtScheme>';
o[o.length] = '</a:themeElements>';
o[o.length] = '<a:objectDefaults>';
o[o.length] = '<a:spDef>';
o[o.length] = '<a:spPr/><a:bodyPr/><a:lstStyle/><a:style><a:lnRef idx="1"><a:schemeClr val="accent1"/></a:lnRef><a:fillRef idx="3"><a:schemeClr val="accent1"/></a:fillRef><a:effectRef idx="2"><a:schemeClr val="accent1"/></a:effectRef><a:fontRef idx="minor"><a:schemeClr val="lt1"/></a:fontRef></a:style>';
o[o.length] = '</a:spDef>';
o[o.length] = '<a:lnDef>';
o[o.length] = '<a:spPr/><a:bodyPr/><a:lstStyle/><a:style><a:lnRef idx="2"><a:schemeClr val="accent1"/></a:lnRef><a:fillRef idx="0"><a:schemeClr val="accent1"/></a:fillRef><a:effectRef idx="1"><a:schemeClr val="accent1"/></a:effectRef><a:fontRef idx="minor"><a:schemeClr val="tx1"/></a:fontRef></a:style>';
o[o.length] = '</a:lnDef>';
o[o.length] = '</a:objectDefaults>';
o[o.length] = '<a:extraClrSchemeLst/>';
o[o.length] = '</a:theme>';
return o.join("");
/* 18.14 Supplementary Workbook Data */
function parse_xlink_xml() {
//var opts = _opts || {};
//if(opts.WTF) throw "XLSX External Link";
/* [MS-XLSB] External Link */
function parse_xlink_bin(data, name, _opts) {
if(!data) return data;
var opts = _opts || {};
var pass = false, end = false;
recordhopper(data, function xlink_parse(val, R_n, RT) {
if(end) return;
switch(RT) {
case 0x0167: /* 'BrtSupTabs' */
case 0x016B: /* 'BrtExternTableStart' */
case 0x016C: /* 'BrtExternTableEnd' */
case 0x016E: /* 'BrtExternRowHdr' */
case 0x016F: /* 'BrtExternCellBlank' */
case 0x0170: /* 'BrtExternCellReal' */
case 0x0171: /* 'BrtExternCellBool' */
case 0x0172: /* 'BrtExternCellError' */
case 0x0173: /* 'BrtExternCellString' */
case 0x01D8: /* 'BrtExternValueMeta' */
case 0x0241: /* 'BrtSupNameStart' */
case 0x0242: /* 'BrtSupNameValueStart' */
case 0x0243: /* 'BrtSupNameValueEnd' */
case 0x0244: /* 'BrtSupNameNum' */
case 0x0245: /* 'BrtSupNameErr' */
case 0x0246: /* 'BrtSupNameSt' */
case 0x0247: /* 'BrtSupNameNil' */
case 0x0248: /* 'BrtSupNameBool' */
case 0x0249: /* 'BrtSupNameFmla' */
case 0x024A: /* 'BrtSupNameBits' */
case 0x024B: /* 'BrtSupNameEnd' */
case 0x0023: /* 'BrtFRTBegin' */
pass = true; break;
case 0x0024: /* 'BrtFRTEnd' */
pass = false; break;
if((R_n||"").indexOf("Begin") > 0){/* empty */}
else if((R_n||"").indexOf("End") > 0){/* empty */}
else if(!pass || opts.WTF) throw new Error("Unexpected record " + RT.toString(16) + " " + R_n);
}, opts);
RELS.IMG = "";
/* 20.5 DrawingML - SpreadsheetML Drawing */
function parse_drawing(data, rels) {
if(!data) return "??";
Chartsheet Drawing:
- wsDr CT_Drawing
- absoluteAnchor CT_AbsoluteAnchor
- graphicFrame CT_GraphicalObjectFrame
- graphic CT_GraphicalObject
- graphicData CT_GraphicalObjectData
- chart reference
the actual type is based on the URI of the graphicData
TODO: handle embedded charts and other types of graphics
var id = (data.match(/<c:chart [^>]*r:id="([^"]*)"/)||["",""])[1];
return rels['!id'][id].Target;
/* L.5.5.2 SpreadsheetML Comments + VML Schema */
var _shapeid = 1024;
function write_comments_vml(rId, comments) {
var csize = [21600, 21600];
/* L. Path Attribute */
var bbox = ["m0,0l0",csize[1],csize[0],csize[1],csize[0],"0xe"].join(",");
var o = [
writextag("xml", null, { 'xmlns:v': XLMLNS.v, 'xmlns:o': XLMLNS.o, 'xmlns:x': XLMLNS.x, 'xmlns:mv': }).replace(/\/>/,">"),
writextag("o:shapelayout", writextag("o:idmap", null, {'v:ext':"edit", 'data':rId}), {'v:ext':"edit"}),
writextag("v:shapetype", [
writextag("v:stroke", null, {joinstyle:"miter"}),
writextag("v:path", null, {gradientshapeok:"t", 'o:connecttype':"rect"})
].join(""), {id:"_x0000_t202", 'o:spt':202, coordsize:csize.join(","),path:bbox})
while(_shapeid < rId * 1000) _shapeid += 1000;
comments.forEach(function(x) { var c = decode_cell(x[0]);
o = o.concat([
'<v:shape' + wxt_helper({
id:'_x0000_s' + (++_shapeid),
style:"position:absolute; margin-left:80pt;margin-top:5pt;width:104pt;height:64pt;z-index:10" + (x[1].hidden ? ";visibility:hidden" : "") ,
}) + '>',
writextag('v:fill', writextag("o:fill", null, {type:"gradientUnscaled", 'v:ext':"view"}), {'color2':"#BEFF82", 'angle':"-180", 'type':"gradient"}),
writextag("v:shadow", null, {on:"t", 'obscured':"t"}),
writextag("v:path", null, {'o:connecttype':"none"}),
'<v:textbox><div style="text-align:left"></div></v:textbox>',
'<x:ClientData ObjectType="Note">',
/* Part 4 Anchor (Anchor) */
writetag('x:Anchor', [c.c, 0, c.r, 0, c.c+3, 100, c.r+5, 100].join(",")),
writetag('x:AutoFill', "False"),
writetag('x:Row', String(c.r)),
writetag('x:Column', String(c.c)),
x[1].hidden ? '' : '<x:Visible/>',
]); });
return o.join("");
function parse_comments(zip, dirComments, sheets, sheetRels, opts) {
for(var i = 0; i != dirComments.length; ++i) {
var canonicalpath=dirComments[i];
var comments=parse_cmnt(getzipdata(zip, canonicalpath.replace(/^\//,''), true), canonicalpath, opts);
if(!comments || !comments.length) continue;
// find the sheets targeted by these comments
var sheetNames = keys(sheets);
for(var j = 0; j != sheetNames.length; ++j) {
var sheetName = sheetNames[j];
var rels = sheetRels[sheetName];
if(rels) {
var rel = rels[canonicalpath];
if(rel) insertCommentsIntoSheet(sheetName, sheets[sheetName], comments);
function insertCommentsIntoSheet(sheetName, sheet, comments) {
var dense = Array.isArray(sheet);
var cell;
comments.forEach(function(comment) {
var r = decode_cell(comment.ref);
if(dense) {
if(!sheet[r.r]) sheet[r.r] = [];
cell = sheet[r.r][r.c];
} else cell = sheet[comment.ref];
if (!cell) {
cell = {};
if(dense) sheet[r.r][r.c] = cell;
else sheet[comment.ref] = cell;
var range = safe_decode_range(sheet["!ref"]||"BDWGO1000001:A1");
if(range.s.r > r.r) range.s.r = r.r;
if(range.e.r < r.r) range.e.r = r.r;
if(range.s.c > r.c) range.s.c = r.c;
if(range.e.c < r.c) range.e.c = r.c;
var encoded = encode_range(range);
if (encoded !== sheet["!ref"]) sheet["!ref"] = encoded;
if (!cell.c) cell.c = [];
var o = ({a:, t: comment.t, r: comment.r});
if(comment.h) o.h = comment.h;
function parse_comments_xml(data, opts) {
/* 18.7.6 CT_Comments */
if(data.match(/<(?:\w+:)?comments *\/>/)) return [];
var authors = [];
var commentList = [];
var authtag = data.match(/<(?:\w+:)?authors>([\s\S]*)<\/(?:\w+:)?authors>/);
if(authtag && authtag[1]) authtag[1].split(/<\/\w*:?author>/).forEach(function(x) {
if(x === "" || x.trim() === "") return;
var a = x.match(/<(?:\w+:)?author[^>]*>(.*)/);
if(a) authors.push(a[1]);
var cmnttag = data.match(/<(?:\w+:)?commentList>([\s\S]*)<\/(?:\w+:)?commentList>/);
if(cmnttag && cmnttag[1]) cmnttag[1].split(/<\/\w*:?comment>/).forEach(function(x) {
if(x === "" || x.trim() === "") return;
var cm = x.match(/<(?:\w+:)?comment[^>]*>/);
if(!cm) return;
var y = parsexmltag(cm[0]);
var comment = ({ author: y.authorId && authors[y.authorId] || "sheetjsghost", ref: y.ref, guid: y.guid });
var cell = decode_cell(y.ref);
if(opts.sheetRows && opts.sheetRows <= cell.r) return;
var textMatch = x.match(/<(?:\w+:)?text>([\s\S]*)<\/(?:\w+:)?text>/);
var rt = !!textMatch && !!textMatch[1] && parse_si(textMatch[1]) || {r:"",t:"",h:""};
comment.r = rt.r;
if(rt.r == "<t></t>") rt.t = rt.h = "";
comment.t = rt.t.replace(/\r\n/g,"\n").replace(/\r/g,"\n");
if(opts.cellHTML) comment.h = rt.h;
return commentList;
var CMNT_XML_ROOT = writextag('comments', null, { 'xmlns': XMLNS.main[0] });
function write_comments_xml(data) {
var iauthor = [];
data.forEach(function(x) { x[1].forEach(function(w) { var a = escapexml(w.a);
if(iauthor.indexOf(a) > -1) return;
o.push("<author>" + a + "</author>");
}); });
data.forEach(function(d) {
d[1].forEach(function(c) {
/* 18.7.3 CT_Comment */
o.push('<comment ref="' + d[0] + '" authorId="' + iauthor.indexOf(escapexml(c.a)) + '"><text>');
o.push(writetag("t", c.t == null ? "" : escapexml(c.t)));
if(o.length>2) { o[o.length] = ('</comments>'); o[1]=o[1].replace("/>",">"); }
return o.join("");
var CT_VBA = "application/";
function make_vba_xls(cfb) {
var newcfb = CFB.utils.cfb_new({root:"R"});
cfb.FullPaths.forEach(function(p, i) {
if(p.slice(-1) === "/" || !p.match(/_VBA_PROJECT_CUR/)) return;
var newpath = p.replace(/^[^\/]*/,"R").replace(/\/_VBA_PROJECT_CUR\u0000*/, "");
CFB.utils.cfb_add(newcfb, newpath, cfb.FileIndex[i].content);
return CFB.write(newcfb);
function fill_vba_xls(cfb, vba) {
vba.FullPaths.forEach(function(p, i) {
if(i == 0) return;
var newpath = p.replace(/[^\/]*[\/]/, "/_VBA_PROJECT_CUR/");
if(newpath.slice(-1) !== "/") CFB.utils.cfb_add(cfb, newpath, vba.FileIndex[i].content);
var VBAFMTS = [ "xlsb", "xlsm", "xlam", "biff8", "xla" ];
RELS.DS = "";
RELS.MS = "";
/* macro and dialog sheet stubs */
function parse_ds_bin() { return {'!type':'dialog'}; }
function parse_ds_xml() { return {'!type':'dialog'}; }
function parse_ms_bin() { return {'!type':'macro'}; }
function parse_ms_xml() { return {'!type':'macro'}; }
/* TODO: it will be useful to parse the function str */
var rc_to_a1 = (function(){
var rcregex = /(^|[^A-Za-z])R(\[?)(-?\d+|)\]?C(\[?)(-?\d+|)\]?/g;
var rcbase = ({r:0,c:0});
function rcfunc($$,$1,$2,$3,$4,$5) {
var R = $3.length>0?parseInt($3,10)|0:0, C = $5.length>0?parseInt($5,10)|0:0;
if(C<0 && $4.length === 0) C=0;
var cRel = false, rRel = false;
if($4.length > 0 || $5.length == 0) cRel = true; if(cRel) C += rcbase.c; else --C;
if($2.length > 0 || $3.length == 0) rRel = true; if(rRel) R += rcbase.r; else --R;
return $1 + (cRel ? "" : "$") + encode_col(C) + (rRel ? "" : "$") + encode_row(R);
return function rc_to_a1(fstr, base) {
rcbase = base;
return fstr.replace(rcregex, rcfunc);
var crefregex = /(^|[^._A-Z0-9])([$]?)([A-Z]{1,2}|[A-W][A-Z]{2}|X[A-E][A-Z]|XF[A-D])([$]?)([1-9]\d{0,5}|10[0-3]\d{4}|104[0-7]\d{3}|1048[0-4]\d{2}|10485[0-6]\d|104857[0-6])(?![_.\(A-Za-z0-9])/g;
var a1_to_rc =(function(){
return function a1_to_rc(fstr, base) {
return fstr.replace(crefregex, function($0, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5) {
var c = decode_col($3) - ($2 ? 0 : base.c);
var r = decode_row($5) - ($4 ? 0 : base.r);
var R = (r == 0 ? "" : !$4 ? "[" + r + "]" : (r+1));
var C = (c == 0 ? "" : !$2 ? "[" + c + "]" : (c+1));
return $1 + "R" + R + "C" + C;
/* no defined name can collide with a valid cell address A1:XFD1048576 ... except LOG10! */
function shift_formula_str(f, delta) {
return f.replace(crefregex, function($0, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5) {
return $1+($2=="$" ? $2+$3 : encode_col(decode_col($3)+delta.c))+($4=="$" ? $4+$5 : encode_row(decode_row($5) + delta.r));
function shift_formula_xlsx(f, range, cell) {
var r = decode_range(range), s = r.s, c = decode_cell(cell);
var delta = {r:c.r - s.r, c:c.c - s.c};
return shift_formula_str(f, delta);
/* TODO: parse formula */
function fuzzyfmla(f) {
if(f.length == 1) return false;
return true;
function _xlfn(f) {
return f.replace(/_xlfn\./g,"");
var strs = {}; // shared strings
var _ssfopts = {}; // spreadsheet formatting options
/*global Map */
var browser_has_Map = typeof Map !== 'undefined';
function get_sst_id(sst, str, rev) {
var i = 0, len = sst.length;
if(rev) {
if(browser_has_Map ? rev.has(str) : rev.hasOwnProperty(str)) {
var revarr = browser_has_Map ? rev.get(str) : rev[str];
for(; i < revarr.length; ++i) {
if(sst[revarr[i]].t === str) { sst.Count ++; return revarr[i]; }
} else for(; i < len; ++i) {
if(sst[i].t === str) { sst.Count ++; return i; }
sst[len] = ({t:str}); sst.Count ++; sst.Unique ++;
if(rev) {
if(browser_has_Map) {
if(!rev.has(str)) rev.set(str, []);
} else {
if(!rev.hasOwnProperty(str)) rev[str] = [];
return len;
function col_obj_w(C, col) {
var p = ({min:C+1,max:C+1});
/* wch (chars), wpx (pixels) */
var wch = -1;
if(col.MDW) MDW = col.MDW;
if(col.width != null) p.customWidth = 1;
else if(col.wpx != null) wch = px2char(col.wpx);
else if(col.wch != null) wch = col.wch;
if(wch > -1) { p.width = char2width(wch); p.customWidth = 1; }
else if(col.width != null) p.width = col.width;
if(col.hidden) p.hidden = true;
return p;
function default_margins(margins, mode) {
if(!margins) return;
var defs = [0.7, 0.7, 0.75, 0.75, 0.3, 0.3];
if(mode == 'xlml') defs = [1, 1, 1, 1, 0.5, 0.5];
if(margins.left == null) margins.left = defs[0];
if(margins.right == null) margins.right = defs[1];
if( == null) = defs[2];
if(margins.bottom == null) margins.bottom = defs[3];
if(margins.header == null) margins.header = defs[4];
if(margins.footer == null) margins.footer = defs[5];
function get_cell_style(styles, cell, opts) {
var z = opts.revssf[cell.z != null ? cell.z : "General"];
var i = 0x3c, len = styles.length;
if(z == null && opts.ssf) {
for(; i < 0x188; ++i) if(opts.ssf[i] == null) {
SSF.load(cell.z, i);
// $FlowIgnore
opts.ssf[i] = cell.z;
opts.revssf[cell.z] = z = i;
for(i = 0; i != len; ++i) if(styles[i].numFmtId === z) return i;
styles[len] = {
return len;
function safe_format(p, fmtid, fillid, opts, themes, styles) {
if(p.t === 'z') return;
if(p.t === 'd' && typeof p.v === 'string') p.v = parseDate(p.v);
try {
if(opts.cellNF) p.z = SSF._table[fmtid];
} catch(e) { if(opts.WTF) throw e; }
if(!opts || opts.cellText !== false) try {
if(SSF._table[fmtid] == null) SSF.load(SSFImplicit[fmtid] || "General", fmtid);
if(p.t === 'e') p.w = p.w || BErr[p.v];
else if(fmtid === 0) {
if(p.t === 'n') {
if((p.v|0) === p.v) p.w = SSF._general_int(p.v);
else p.w = SSF._general_num(p.v);
else if(p.t === 'd') {
var dd = datenum(p.v);
if((dd|0) === dd) p.w = SSF._general_int(dd);
else p.w = SSF._general_num(dd);
else if(p.v === undefined) return "";
else p.w = SSF._general(p.v,_ssfopts);
else if(p.t === 'd') p.w = SSF.format(fmtid,datenum(p.v),_ssfopts);
else p.w = SSF.format(fmtid,p.v,_ssfopts);
} catch(e) { if(opts.WTF) throw e; }
if(!opts.cellStyles) return;
if(fillid != null) try {
p.s = styles.Fills[fillid];
if (p.s.fgColor && p.s.fgColor.theme && !p.s.fgColor.rgb) {
p.s.fgColor.rgb = rgb_tint(themes.themeElements.clrScheme[p.s.fgColor.theme].rgb, p.s.fgColor.tint || 0);
if(opts.WTF) p.s.fgColor.raw_rgb = themes.themeElements.clrScheme[p.s.fgColor.theme].rgb;
if (p.s.bgColor && p.s.bgColor.theme) {
p.s.bgColor.rgb = rgb_tint(themes.themeElements.clrScheme[p.s.bgColor.theme].rgb, p.s.bgColor.tint || 0);
if(opts.WTF) p.s.bgColor.raw_rgb = themes.themeElements.clrScheme[p.s.bgColor.theme].rgb;
} catch(e) { if(opts.WTF && styles.Fills) throw e; }
function check_ws(ws, sname, i) {
if(ws && ws['!ref']) {
var range = safe_decode_range(ws['!ref']);
if(range.e.c < range.s.c || range.e.r < range.s.r) throw new Error("Bad range (" + i + "): " + ws['!ref']);
function parse_ws_xml_dim(ws, s) {
var d = safe_decode_range(s);
if(d.s.r<=d.e.r && d.s.c<=d.e.c && d.s.r>=0 && d.s.c>=0) ws["!ref"] = encode_range(d);
var mergecregex = /<(?:\w:)?mergeCell ref="[A-Z0-9:]+"\s*[\/]?>/g;
var sheetdataregex = /<(?:\w+:)?sheetData[^>]*>([\s\S]*)<\/(?:\w+:)?sheetData>/;
var hlinkregex = /<(?:\w:)?hyperlink [^>]*>/mg;
var dimregex = /"(\w*:\w*)"/;
var colregex = /<(?:\w:)?col\b[^>]*[\/]?>/g;
var afregex = /<(?:\w:)?autoFilter[^>]*([\/]|>([\s\S]*)<\/(?:\w:)?autoFilter)>/g;
var marginregex= /<(?:\w:)?pageMargins[^>]*\/>/g;
var sheetprregex = /<(?:\w:)?sheetPr\b(?:[^>a-z][^>]*)?\/>/;
var svsregex = /<(?:\w:)?sheetViews[^>]*(?:[\/]|>([\s\S]*)<\/(?:\w:)?sheetViews)>/;
/* 18.3 Worksheets */
function parse_ws_xml(data, opts, idx, rels, wb, themes, styles) {
if(!data) return data;
if(DENSE != null && opts.dense == null) opts.dense = DENSE;
/* worksheet CT_Worksheet */
var s = opts.dense ? ([]) : ({});
var refguess = ({s: {r:2000000, c:2000000}, e: {r:0, c:0} });
var data1 = "", data2 = "";
var mtch = data.match(sheetdataregex);
if(mtch) {
data1 = data.slice(0, mtch.index);
data2 = data.slice(mtch.index + mtch[0].length);
} else data1 = data2 = data;
/* sheetPr CT_SheetPr */
var sheetPr = data1.match(sheetprregex);
if(sheetPr) parse_ws_xml_sheetpr(sheetPr[0], s, wb, idx);
/* dimension CT_SheetDimension */
// $FlowIgnore
var ridx = (data1.match(/<(?:\w*:)?dimension/)||{index:-1}).index;
if(ridx > 0) {
var ref = data1.slice(ridx,ridx+50).match(dimregex);
if(ref) parse_ws_xml_dim(s, ref[1]);
/* sheetViews CT_SheetViews */
var svs = data1.match(svsregex);
if(svs && svs[1]) parse_ws_xml_sheetviews(svs[1], wb);
/* cols CT_Cols */
var columns = [];
if(opts.cellStyles) {
/* col CT_Col */
var cols = data1.match(colregex);
if(cols) parse_ws_xml_cols(columns, cols);
/* sheetData CT_SheetData ? */
if(mtch) parse_ws_xml_data(mtch[1], s, opts, refguess, themes, styles);
/* autoFilter CT_AutoFilter */
var afilter = data2.match(afregex);
if(afilter) s['!autofilter'] = parse_ws_xml_autofilter(afilter[0]);
/* mergeCells CT_MergeCells */
var merges = [];
var _merge = data2.match(mergecregex);
if(_merge) for(ridx = 0; ridx != _merge.length; ++ridx)
merges[ridx] = safe_decode_range(_merge[ridx].slice(_merge[ridx].indexOf("\"")+1));
/* hyperlinks CT_Hyperlinks */
var hlink = data2.match(hlinkregex);
if(hlink) parse_ws_xml_hlinks(s, hlink, rels);
/* pageMargins CT_PageMargins */
var margins = data2.match(marginregex);
if(margins) s['!margins'] = parse_ws_xml_margins(parsexmltag(margins[0]));
if(!s["!ref"] && refguess.e.c >= refguess.s.c && refguess.e.r >= refguess.s.r) s["!ref"] = encode_range(refguess);
if(opts.sheetRows > 0 && s["!ref"]) {
var tmpref = safe_decode_range(s["!ref"]);
if(opts.sheetRows <= +tmpref.e.r) {
tmpref.e.r = opts.sheetRows - 1;
if(tmpref.e.r > refguess.e.r) tmpref.e.r = refguess.e.r;
if(tmpref.e.r < tmpref.s.r) tmpref.s.r = tmpref.e.r;
if(tmpref.e.c > refguess.e.c) tmpref.e.c = refguess.e.c;
if(tmpref.e.c < tmpref.s.c) tmpref.s.c = tmpref.e.c;
s["!fullref"] = s["!ref"];
s["!ref"] = encode_range(tmpref);
if(columns.length > 0) s["!cols"] = columns;
if(merges.length > 0) s["!merges"] = merges;
return s;
function write_ws_xml_merges(merges) {
if(merges.length === 0) return "";
var o = '<mergeCells count="' + merges.length + '">';
for(var i = 0; i != merges.length; ++i) o += '<mergeCell ref="' + encode_range(merges[i]) + '"/>';
return o + '</mergeCells>';
/* sheetPr CT_ChartsheetPr / CT_SheetPr */
function parse_ws_xml_sheetpr(sheetPr, s, wb, idx) {
var data = parsexmltag(sheetPr);
if(!wb.Sheets[idx]) wb.Sheets[idx] = {};
if(data.codeName) wb.Sheets[idx].CodeName = data.codeName;
/* sheetProtection CT_SheetProtection */
function write_ws_xml_protection(sp) {
// algorithmName, hashValue, saltValue, spinCountpassword
var o = ({sheet:1});
var deffalse = ["objects", "scenarios", "selectLockedCells", "selectUnlockedCells"];
var deftrue = [
"formatColumns", "formatRows", "formatCells",
"insertColumns", "insertRows", "insertHyperlinks",
"deleteColumns", "deleteRows",
"sort", "autoFilter", "pivotTables"
deffalse.forEach(function(n) { if(sp[n] != null && sp[n]) o[n] = "1"; });
deftrue.forEach(function(n) { if(sp[n] != null && !sp[n]) o[n] = "0"; });
/* TODO: algorithm */
if(sp.password) o.password = crypto_CreatePasswordVerifier_Method1(sp.password).toString(16).toUpperCase();
return writextag('sheetProtection', null, o);
function parse_ws_xml_hlinks(s, data, rels) {
var dense = Array.isArray(s);
for(var i = 0; i != data.length; ++i) {
var val = parsexmltag(utf8read(data[i]), true);
if(!val.ref) return;
var rel = ((rels || {})['!id']||[])[];
if(rel) {
val.Target = rel.Target;
if(val.location) val.Target += "#"+val.location;
} else {
val.Target = "#" + val.location;
rel = {Target: val.Target, TargetMode: 'Internal'};
val.Rel = rel;
if(val.tooltip) { val.Tooltip = val.tooltip; delete val.tooltip; }
var rng = safe_decode_range(val.ref);
for(var R=rng.s.r;R<=rng.e.r;++R) for(var C=rng.s.c;C<=rng.e.c;++C) {
var addr = encode_cell({c:C,r:R});
if(dense) {
if(!s[R]) s[R] = [];
if(!s[R][C]) s[R][C] = {t:"z",v:undefined};
s[R][C].l = val;
} else {
if(!s[addr]) s[addr] = {t:"z",v:undefined};
s[addr].l = val;
function parse_ws_xml_margins(margin) {
var o = {};
["left", "right", "top", "bottom", "header", "footer"].forEach(function(k) {
if(margin[k]) o[k] = parseFloat(margin[k]);
return o;
function write_ws_xml_margins(margin) {
return writextag('pageMargins', null, margin);
function parse_ws_xml_cols(columns, cols) {
var seencol = false;
for(var coli = 0; coli != cols.length; ++coli) {
var coll = parsexmltag(cols[coli], true);
if(coll.hidden) coll.hidden = parsexmlbool(coll.hidden);
var colm=parseInt(coll.min, 10)-1, colM=parseInt(coll.max,10)-1;
delete coll.min; delete coll.max; coll.width = +coll.width;
if(!seencol && coll.width) { seencol = true; find_mdw_colw(coll.width); }
while(colm <= colM) columns[colm++] = dup(coll);
function write_ws_xml_cols(ws, cols) {
var o = ["<cols>"], col;
for(var i = 0; i != cols.length; ++i) {
if(!(col = cols[i])) continue;
o[o.length] = (writextag('col', null, col_obj_w(i, col)));
o[o.length] = "</cols>";
return o.join("");
function parse_ws_xml_autofilter(data) {
var o = { ref: (data.match(/ref="([^"]*)"/)||[])[1]};
return o;
function write_ws_xml_autofilter(data, ws, wb, idx) {
var ref = typeof data.ref == "string" ? data.ref : encode_range(data.ref);
if(!wb.Workbook) wb.Workbook = {};
if(!wb.Workbook.Names) wb.Workbook.Names = [];
var names = wb.Workbook.Names;
var range = decode_range(ref);
if(range.s.r == range.e.r) { range.e.r = decode_range(ws["!ref"]).e.r; ref = encode_range(range); }
for(var i = 0; i < names.length; ++i) {
var name = names[i];
if(name.Name != '_xlnm._FilterDatabase') continue;
if(name.Sheet != idx) continue;
name.Ref = "'" + wb.SheetNames[idx] + "'!" + ref; break;
if(i == names.length) names.push({ Name: '_xlnm._FilterDatabase', Sheet: idx, Ref: "'" + wb.SheetNames[idx] + "'!" + ref });
return writextag("autoFilter", null, {ref:ref});
/* sheetViews CT_SheetViews */
/* sheetView CT_SheetView */
var sviewregex = /<(?:\w:)?sheetView(?:[^>a-z][^>]*)?\/>/;
function parse_ws_xml_sheetviews(data, wb) {
(data.match(sviewregex)||[]).forEach(function(r) {
var tag = parsexmltag(r);
if(parsexmlbool(tag.rightToLeft)) {
if(!wb.Views) wb.Views = [{}];
if(!wb.Views[0]) wb.Views[0] = {};
wb.Views[0].RTL = true;
function write_ws_xml_sheetviews(ws, opts, idx, wb) {
var sview = {workbookViewId:"0"};
// $FlowIgnore
if( (((wb||{}).Workbook||{}).Views||[])[0] ) sview.rightToLeft = wb.Workbook.Views[0].RTL ? "1" : "0";
return writextag("sheetViews", writextag("sheetView", null, sview), {});
function write_ws_xml_cell(cell, ref, ws, opts) {
if(cell.v === undefined && cell.f === undefined || cell.t === 'z') return "";
var vv = "";
var oldt = cell.t, oldv = cell.v;
switch(cell.t) {
case 'b': vv = cell.v ? "1" : "0"; break;
case 'n': vv = ''+cell.v; break;
case 'e': vv = BErr[cell.v]; break;
case 'd':
if(opts.cellDates) vv = parseDate(cell.v, -1).toISOString();
else {
cell = dup(cell);
cell.t = 'n';
vv = ''+(cell.v = datenum(parseDate(cell.v)));
if(typeof cell.z === 'undefined') cell.z = SSF._table[14];
default: vv = cell.v; break;
var v = writetag('v', escapexml(vv)), o = ({r:ref});
/* TODO: cell style */
var os = get_cell_style(opts.cellXfs, cell, opts);
if(os !== 0) o.s = os;
switch(cell.t) {
case 'n': break;
case 'd': o.t = "d"; break;
case 'b': o.t = "b"; break;
case 'e': o.t = "e"; break;
default: if(cell.v == null) { delete cell.t; break; }
if(opts.bookSST) {
v = writetag('v', ''+get_sst_id(opts.Strings, cell.v, opts.revStrings));
o.t = "s"; break;
o.t = "str"; break;
if(cell.t != oldt) { cell.t = oldt; cell.v = oldv; }
if(cell.f) {
var ff = cell.F && cell.F.slice(0, ref.length) == ref ? {t:"array", ref:cell.F} : null;
v = writextag('f', escapexml(cell.f), ff) + (cell.v != null ? v : "");
if(cell.l) ws['!links'].push([ref, cell.l]);
if(cell.c) ws['!comments'].push([ref, cell.c]);
return writextag('c', v, o);
var parse_ws_xml_data = (function() {
var cellregex = /<(?:\w+:)?c[ >]/, rowregex = /<\/(?:\w+:)?row>/;
var rregex = /r=["']([^"']*)["']/, isregex = /<(?:\w+:)?is>([\S\s]*?)<\/(?:\w+:)?is>/;
var refregex = /ref=["']([^"']*)["']/;
var match_v = matchtag("v"), match_f = matchtag("f");
return function parse_ws_xml_data(sdata, s, opts, guess, themes, styles) {
var ri = 0, x = "", cells = [], cref = [], idx=0, i=0, cc=0, d="", p;
var tag, tagr = 0, tagc = 0;
var sstr, ftag;
var fmtid = 0, fillid = 0;
var do_format = Array.isArray(styles.CellXf), cf;
var arrayf = [];
var sharedf = [];
var dense = Array.isArray(s);
var rows = [], rowobj = {}, rowrite = false;
for(var marr = sdata.split(rowregex), mt = 0, marrlen = marr.length; mt != marrlen; ++mt) {
x = marr[mt].trim();
var xlen = x.length;
if(xlen === 0) continue;
/* row CT_Row */
for(ri = 0; ri < xlen; ++ri) if(x.charCodeAt(ri) === 62) break; ++ri;
tag = parsexmltag(x.slice(0,ri), true);
tagr = tag.r != null ? parseInt(tag.r, 10) : tagr+1; tagc = -1;
if(opts.sheetRows && opts.sheetRows < tagr) continue;
if(guess.s.r > tagr - 1) guess.s.r = tagr - 1;
if(guess.e.r < tagr - 1) guess.e.r = tagr - 1;
if(opts && opts.cellStyles) {
rowobj = {}; rowrite = false;
if( { rowrite = true; rowobj.hpt = parseFloat(; rowobj.hpx = pt2px(rowobj.hpt); }
if(tag.hidden == "1") { rowrite = true; rowobj.hidden = true; }
if(tag.outlineLevel != null) { rowrite = true; rowobj.level = +tag.outlineLevel; }
if(rowrite) rows[tagr-1] = rowobj;
/* c CT_Cell */
cells = x.slice(ri).split(cellregex);
for(ri = 0; ri != cells.length; ++ri) {
x = cells[ri].trim();
if(x.length === 0) continue;
cref = x.match(rregex); idx = ri; i=0; cc=0;
x = "<c " + (x.slice(0,1)=="<"?">":"") + x;
if(cref != null && cref.length === 2) {
idx = 0; d=cref[1];
for(i=0; i != d.length; ++i) {
if((cc=d.charCodeAt(i)-64) < 1 || cc > 26) break;
idx = 26*idx + cc;
tagc = idx;
} else ++tagc;
for(i = 0; i != x.length; ++i) if(x.charCodeAt(i) === 62) break; ++i;
tag = parsexmltag(x.slice(0,i), true);
if(!tag.r) tag.r = encode_cell({r:tagr-1, c:tagc});
d = x.slice(i);
p = ({t:""});
if((cref=d.match(match_v))!= null && cref[1] !== '') p.v=unescapexml(cref[1]);
if(opts.cellFormula) {
if((cref=d.match(match_f))!= null && cref[1] !== '') {
/* TODO: match against XLSXFutureFunctions */
if(cref[0].indexOf('t="array"') > -1) {
p.F = (d.match(refregex)||[])[1];
if(p.F.indexOf(":") > -1) arrayf.push([safe_decode_range(p.F), p.F]);
} else if(cref[0].indexOf('t="shared"') > -1) {
// TODO: parse formula
ftag = parsexmltag(cref[0]);
sharedf[parseInt(, 10)] = [ftag, _xlfn(unescapexml(utf8read(cref[1]))), tag.r];
} else if((cref=d.match(/<f[^>]*\/>/))) {
ftag = parsexmltag(cref[0]);
if(sharedf[]) p.f = shift_formula_xlsx(sharedf[][1], sharedf[][2]/*[0].ref*/, tag.r);
/* TODO: factor out contains logic */
var _tag = decode_cell(tag.r);
for(i = 0; i < arrayf.length; ++i)
if(_tag.r >= arrayf[i][0].s.r && _tag.r <= arrayf[i][0].e.r)
if(_tag.c >= arrayf[i][0].s.c && _tag.c <= arrayf[i][0].e.c)
p.F = arrayf[i][1];
if(tag.t == null && p.v === undefined) {
if(p.f || p.F) {
p.v = 0; p.t = "n";
} else if(!opts.sheetStubs) continue;
else p.t = "z";
else p.t = tag.t || "n";
if(guess.s.c > tagc) guess.s.c = tagc;
if(guess.e.c < tagc) guess.e.c = tagc;
/* 18.18.11 t ST_CellType */
switch(p.t) {
case 'n':
if(p.v == "" || p.v == null) {
if(!opts.sheetStubs) continue;
p.t = 'z';
} else p.v = parseFloat(p.v);
case 's':
if(typeof p.v == 'undefined') {
if(!opts.sheetStubs) continue;
p.t = 'z';
} else {
sstr = strs[parseInt(p.v, 10)];
p.v = sstr.t;
p.r = sstr.r;
if(opts.cellHTML) p.h = sstr.h;
case 'str':
p.t = "s";
p.v = (p.v!=null) ? utf8read(p.v) : '';
if(opts.cellHTML) p.h = escapehtml(p.v);
case 'inlineStr':
cref = d.match(isregex);
p.t = 's';
if(cref != null && (sstr = parse_si(cref[1]))) p.v = sstr.t; else p.v = "";
case 'b': p.v = parsexmlbool(p.v); break;
case 'd':
if(opts.cellDates) p.v = parseDate(p.v, 1);
else { p.v = datenum(parseDate(p.v, 1)); p.t = 'n'; }
/* error string in .w, number in .v */
case 'e':
if(!opts || opts.cellText !== false) p.w = p.v;
p.v = RBErr[p.v]; break;
/* formatting */
fmtid = fillid = 0;
if(do_format && tag.s !== undefined) {
cf = styles.CellXf[tag.s];
if(cf != null) {
if(cf.numFmtId != null) fmtid = cf.numFmtId;
if(opts.cellStyles) {
if(cf.fillId != null) fillid = cf.fillId;
safe_format(p, fmtid, fillid, opts, themes, styles);
if(opts.cellDates && do_format && p.t == 'n' && SSF.is_date(SSF._table[fmtid])) { p.t = 'd'; p.v = numdate(p.v); }
if(dense) {
var _r = decode_cell(tag.r);
if(!s[_r.r]) s[_r.r] = [];
s[_r.r][_r.c] = p;
} else s[tag.r] = p;
if(rows.length > 0) s['!rows'] = rows;
}; })();
function write_ws_xml_data(ws, opts, idx, wb) {
var o = [], r = [], range = safe_decode_range(ws['!ref']), cell="", ref, rr = "", cols = [], R=0, C=0, rows = ws['!rows'];
var dense = Array.isArray(ws);
var params = ({r:rr}), row, height = -1;
for(C = range.s.c; C <= range.e.c; ++C) cols[C] = encode_col(C);
for(R = range.s.r; R <= range.e.r; ++R) {
r = [];
rr = encode_row(R);
for(C = range.s.c; C <= range.e.c; ++C) {
ref = cols[C] + rr;
var _cell = dense ? (ws[R]||[])[C]: ws[ref];
if(_cell === undefined) continue;
if((cell = write_ws_xml_cell(_cell, ref, ws, opts, idx, wb)) != null) r.push(cell);
if(r.length > 0 || (rows && rows[R])) {
params = ({r:rr});
if(rows && rows[R]) {
row = rows[R];
if(row.hidden) params.hidden = 1;
height = -1;
if(row.hpx) height = px2pt(row.hpx);
else if(row.hpt) height = row.hpt;
if(height > -1) { = height; params.customHeight = 1; }
if(row.level) { params.outlineLevel = row.level; }
o[o.length] = (writextag('row', r.join(""), params));
if(rows) for(; R < rows.length; ++R) {
if(rows && rows[R]) {
params = ({r:R+1});
row = rows[R];
if(row.hidden) params.hidden = 1;
height = -1;
if (row.hpx) height = px2pt(row.hpx);
else if (row.hpt) height = row.hpt;
if (height > -1) { = height; params.customHeight = 1; }
if (row.level) { params.outlineLevel = row.level; }
o[o.length] = (writextag('row', "", params));
return o.join("");
var WS_XML_ROOT = writextag('worksheet', null, {
'xmlns': XMLNS.main[0],
'xmlns:r': XMLNS.r
function write_ws_xml(idx, opts, wb, rels) {
var s = wb.SheetNames[idx], sidx = 0, rdata = "";
var ws = wb.Sheets[s];
if(ws == null) ws = {};
var ref = ws['!ref'] || 'A1';
var range = safe_decode_range(ref);
if(range.e.c > 0x3FFF || range.e.r > 0xFFFFF) {
if(opts.WTF) throw new Error("Range " + ref + " exceeds format limit A1:XFD1048576");
range.e.c = Math.min(range.e.c, 0x3FFF);
range.e.r = Math.min(range.e.c, 0xFFFFF);
ref = encode_range(range);
if(!rels) rels = {};
ws['!comments'] = [];
ws['!drawing'] = [];
if(opts.bookType !== 'xlsx' && wb.vbaraw) {
var cname = wb.SheetNames[idx];
try { if(wb.Workbook) cname = wb.Workbook.Sheets[idx].CodeName || cname; } catch(e) {}
o[o.length] = (writextag('sheetPr', null, {'codeName': escapexml(cname)}));
o[o.length] = (writextag('dimension', null, {'ref': ref}));
o[o.length] = write_ws_xml_sheetviews(ws, opts, idx, wb);
/* TODO: store in WB, process styles */
if(opts.sheetFormat) o[o.length] = (writextag('sheetFormatPr', null, {
if(ws['!cols'] != null && ws['!cols'].length > 0) o[o.length] = (write_ws_xml_cols(ws, ws['!cols']));
o[sidx = o.length] = '<sheetData/>';
ws['!links'] = [];
if(ws['!ref'] != null) {
rdata = write_ws_xml_data(ws, opts, idx, wb, rels);
if(rdata.length > 0) o[o.length] = (rdata);
if(o.length>sidx+1) { o[o.length] = ('</sheetData>'); o[sidx]=o[sidx].replace("/>",">"); }
/* sheetCalcPr */
if(ws['!protect'] != null) o[o.length] = write_ws_xml_protection(ws['!protect']);
/* protectedRanges */
/* scenarios */
if(ws['!autofilter'] != null) o[o.length] = write_ws_xml_autofilter(ws['!autofilter'], ws, wb, idx);
/* sortState */
/* dataConsolidate */
/* customSheetViews */
if(ws['!merges'] != null && ws['!merges'].length > 0) o[o.length] = (write_ws_xml_merges(ws['!merges']));
/* phoneticPr */
/* conditionalFormatting */
/* dataValidations */
var relc = -1, rel, rId = -1;
if(ws['!links'].length > 0) {
o[o.length] = "<hyperlinks>";
ws['!links'].forEach(function(l) {
if(!l[1].Target) return;
rel = ({"ref":l[0]});
if(l[1].Target.charAt(0) != "#") {
rId = add_rels(rels, -1, escapexml(l[1].Target).replace(/#.*$/, ""), RELS.HLINK);
rel["r:id"] = "rId"+rId;
if((relc = l[1].Target.indexOf("#")) > -1) rel.location = escapexml(l[1].Target.slice(relc+1));
if(l[1].Tooltip) rel.tooltip = escapexml(l[1].Tooltip);
o[o.length] = writextag("hyperlink",null,rel);
o[o.length] = "</hyperlinks>";
delete ws['!links'];
/* printOptions */
if (ws['!margins'] != null) o[o.length] = write_ws_xml_margins(ws['!margins']);
/* pageSetup */
//var hfidx = o.length;
o[o.length] = "";
/* rowBreaks */
/* colBreaks */
/* customProperties */
/* cellWatches */
if(!opts || opts.ignoreEC || (opts.ignoreEC == (void 0))) o[o.length] = writetag("ignoredErrors", writextag("ignoredError", null, {numberStoredAsText:1, sqref:ref}));
/* smartTags */
if(ws['!drawing'].length > 0) {
rId = add_rels(rels, -1, "../drawings/drawing" + (idx+1) + ".xml", RELS.DRAW);
o[o.length] = writextag("drawing", null, {"r:id":"rId" + rId});
else delete ws['!drawing'];
if(ws['!comments'].length > 0) {
rId = add_rels(rels, -1, "../drawings/vmlDrawing" + (idx+1) + ".vml", RELS.VML);
o[o.length] = writextag("legacyDrawing", null, {"r:id":"rId" + rId});
ws['!legacy'] = rId;
/* drawingHF */
/* picture */
/* oleObjects */
/* controls */
/* webPublishItems */
/* tableParts */
/* extList */
if(o.length>2) { o[o.length] = ('</worksheet>'); o[1]=o[1].replace("/>",">"); }
return o.join("");
function parse_numCache(data) {
var col = [];
/* pt CT_NumVal */
(data.match(/<c:pt idx="(\d*)">(.*?)<\/c:pt>/mg)||[]).forEach(function(pt) {
var q = pt.match(/<c:pt idx="(\d*?)"><c:v>(.*)<\/c:v><\/c:pt>/);
if(!q) return;
col[+q[1]] = +q[2];
/* formatCode CT_Xstring */
var nf = unescapexml((data.match(/<c:formatCode>([\s\S]*?)<\/c:formatCode>/) || ["","General"])[1]);
return [col, nf];
/* 21.2 DrawingML - Charts */
function parse_chart(data, name, opts, rels, wb, csheet) {
var cs = ((csheet || {"!type":"chart"}));
if(!data) return csheet;
/* chart CT_Chart */
var C = 0, R = 0, col = "A";
var refguess = {s: {r:2000000, c:2000000}, e: {r:0, c:0} };
/* numCache CT_NumData */
(data.match(/<c:numCache>[\s\S]*?<\/c:numCache>/gm)||[]).forEach(function(nc) {
var cache = parse_numCache(nc);
refguess.s.r = refguess.s.c = 0;
refguess.e.c = C;
col = encode_col(C);
cache[0].forEach(function(n,i) {
cs[col + encode_row(i)] = {t:'n', v:n, z:cache[1] };
R = i;
if(refguess.e.r < R) refguess.e.r = R;
if(C > 0) cs["!ref"] = encode_range(refguess);
return cs;
RELS.CS = "";
var CS_XML_ROOT = writextag('chartsheet', null, {
'xmlns': XMLNS.main[0],
'xmlns:r': XMLNS.r
/* 18.3 Worksheets also covers Chartsheets */
function parse_cs_xml(data, opts, idx, rels, wb) {
if(!data) return data;
/* chartsheet CT_ChartSheet */
if(!rels) rels = {'!id':{}};
var s = {'!type':"chart", '!chart':null, '!rel':""};
var m;
/* sheetPr CT_ChartsheetPr */
var sheetPr = data.match(sheetprregex);
if(sheetPr) parse_ws_xml_sheetpr(sheetPr[0], s, wb, idx);
/* drawing CT_Drawing */
if((m = data.match(/drawing r:id="(.*?)"/))) s['!rel'] = m[1];
if(rels['!id'][s['!rel']]) s['!chart'] = rels['!id'][s['!rel']];
return s;
function write_cs_xml(idx, opts, wb, rels) {
o[o.length] = writextag("drawing", null, {"r:id": "rId1"});
add_rels(rels, -1, "../drawings/drawing" + (idx+1) + ".xml", RELS.DRAW);
if(o.length>2) { o[o.length] = ('</chartsheet>'); o[1]=o[1].replace("/>",">"); }
return o.join("");
/* [MS-XLSB] 2.4.331 BrtCsProp */
function parse_BrtCsProp(data, length) {
data.l += 10;
var name = parse_XLWideString(data, length - 10);
return { name: name };
/* [MS-XLSB] Chart Sheet */
function parse_cs_bin(data, opts, idx, rels, wb) {
if(!data) return data;
if(!rels) rels = {'!id':{}};
var s = {'!type':"chart", '!chart':null, '!rel':""};
var state = [];
var pass = false;
recordhopper(data, function cs_parse(val, R_n, RT) {
switch(RT) {
case 0x0226: /* 'BrtDrawing' */
s['!rel'] = val; break;
case 0x028B: /* 'BrtCsProp' */
if(!wb.Sheets[idx]) wb.Sheets[idx] = {};
if( wb.Sheets[idx].CodeName =;
case 0x0232: /* 'BrtBkHim' */
case 0x028C: /* 'BrtCsPageSetup' */
case 0x029D: /* 'BrtCsProtection' */
case 0x02A7: /* 'BrtCsProtectionIso' */
case 0x0227: /* 'BrtLegacyDrawing' */
case 0x0228: /* 'BrtLegacyDrawingHF' */
case 0x01DC: /* 'BrtMargins' */
case 0x0C00: /* 'BrtUid' */
case 0x0023: /* 'BrtFRTBegin' */
pass = true; break;
case 0x0024: /* 'BrtFRTEnd' */
pass = false; break;
case 0x0025: /* 'BrtACBegin' */
state.push(R_n); break;
case 0x0026: /* 'BrtACEnd' */
state.pop(); break;
if((R_n||"").indexOf("Begin") > 0) state.push(R_n);
else if((R_n||"").indexOf("End") > 0) state.pop();
else if(!pass || opts.WTF) throw new Error("Unexpected record " + RT + " " + R_n);
}, opts);
if(rels['!id'][s['!rel']]) s['!chart'] = rels['!id'][s['!rel']];
return s;
function write_cs_bin() {
var ba = buf_array();
write_record(ba, "BrtBeginSheet");
/* [BrtCsProp] */
/* [[BrtCsProtectionIso] BrtCsProtection] */
/* [BrtMargins] */
/* [BrtCsPageSetup] */
/* BrtDrawing */
/* [BrtLegacyDrawing] */
/* [BrtLegacyDrawingHF] */
/* [BrtBkHim] */
write_record(ba, "BrtEndSheet");
return ba.end();
/* 18.2.28 (CT_WorkbookProtection) Defaults */
var WBPropsDef = [
['allowRefreshQuery', false, "bool"],
['autoCompressPictures', true, "bool"],
['backupFile', false, "bool"],
['checkCompatibility', false, "bool"],
['CodeName', ''],
['date1904', false, "bool"],
['defaultThemeVersion', 0, "int"],
['filterPrivacy', false, "bool"],
['hidePivotFieldList', false, "bool"],
['promptedSolutions', false, "bool"],
['publishItems', false, "bool"],
['refreshAllConnections', false, "bool"],
['saveExternalLinkValues', true, "bool"],
['showBorderUnselectedTables', true, "bool"],
['showInkAnnotation', true, "bool"],
['showObjects', 'all'],
['showPivotChartFilter', false, "bool"],
['updateLinks', 'userSet']
/* 18.2.30 (CT_BookView) Defaults */
var WBViewDef = [
['activeTab', 0, "int"],
['autoFilterDateGrouping', true, "bool"],
['firstSheet', 0, "int"],
['minimized', false, "bool"],
['showHorizontalScroll', true, "bool"],
['showSheetTabs', true, "bool"],
['showVerticalScroll', true, "bool"],
['tabRatio', 600, "int"],
['visibility', 'visible']
//window{Height,Width}, {x,y}Window
/* 18.2.19 (CT_Sheet) Defaults */
var SheetDef = [
//['state', 'visible']
/* 18.2.2 (CT_CalcPr) Defaults */
var CalcPrDef = [
['calcCompleted', 'true'],
['calcMode', 'auto'],
['calcOnSave', 'true'],
['concurrentCalc', 'true'],
['fullCalcOnLoad', 'false'],
['fullPrecision', 'true'],
['iterate', 'false'],
['iterateCount', '100'],
['iterateDelta', '0.001'],
['refMode', 'A1']
/* 18.2.3 (CT_CustomWorkbookView) Defaults */
/*var CustomWBViewDef = [
['autoUpdate', 'false'],
['changesSavedWin', 'false'],
['includeHiddenRowCol', 'true'],
['includePrintSettings', 'true'],
['maximized', 'false'],
['minimized', 'false'],
['onlySync', 'false'],
['personalView', 'false'],
['showComments', 'commIndicator'],
['showFormulaBar', 'true'],
['showHorizontalScroll', 'true'],
['showObjects', 'all'],
['showSheetTabs', 'true'],
['showStatusbar', 'true'],
['showVerticalScroll', 'true'],
['tabRatio', '600'],
['xWindow', '0'],
['yWindow', '0']
function push_defaults_array(target, defaults) {
for(var j = 0; j != target.length; ++j) { var w = target[j];
for(var i=0; i != defaults.length; ++i) { var z = defaults[i];
if(w[z[0]] == null) w[z[0]] = z[1];
else switch(z[2]) {
case "bool": if(typeof w[z[0]] == "string") w[z[0]] = parsexmlbool(w[z[0]]); break;
case "int": if(typeof w[z[0]] == "string") w[z[0]] = parseInt(w[z[0]], 10); break;
function push_defaults(target, defaults) {
for(var i = 0; i != defaults.length; ++i) { var z = defaults[i];
if(target[z[0]] == null) target[z[0]] = z[1];
else switch(z[2]) {
case "bool": if(typeof target[z[0]] == "string") target[z[0]] = parsexmlbool(target[z[0]]); break;
case "int": if(typeof target[z[0]] == "string") target[z[0]] = parseInt(target[z[0]], 10); break;
function parse_wb_defaults(wb) {
push_defaults(wb.WBProps, WBPropsDef);
push_defaults(wb.CalcPr, CalcPrDef);
push_defaults_array(wb.WBView, WBViewDef);
push_defaults_array(wb.Sheets, SheetDef);
_ssfopts.date1904 = parsexmlbool(wb.WBProps.date1904);
function safe1904(wb) {
/* TODO: store date1904 somewhere else */
if(!wb.Workbook) return "false";
if(!wb.Workbook.WBProps) return "false";
return parsexmlbool(wb.Workbook.WBProps.date1904) ? "true" : "false";
var badchars = "][*?\/\\".split("");
function check_ws_name(n, safe) {
if(n.length > 31) { if(safe) return false; throw new Error("Sheet names cannot exceed 31 chars"); }
var _good = true;
badchars.forEach(function(c) {
if(n.indexOf(c) == -1) return;
if(!safe) throw new Error("Sheet name cannot contain : \\ / ? * [ ]");
_good = false;
return _good;
function check_wb_names(N, S, codes) {
N.forEach(function(n,i) {
for(var j = 0; j < i; ++j) if(n == N[j]) throw new Error("Duplicate Sheet Name: " + n);
if(codes) {
var cn = (S && S[i] && S[i].CodeName) || n;
if(cn.charCodeAt(0) == 95 && cn.length > 22) throw new Error("Bad Code Name: Worksheet" + cn);
function check_wb(wb) {
if(!wb || !wb.SheetNames || !wb.Sheets) throw new Error("Invalid Workbook");
if(!wb.SheetNames.length) throw new Error("Workbook is empty");
var Sheets = (wb.Workbook && wb.Workbook.Sheets) || [];
check_wb_names(wb.SheetNames, Sheets, !!wb.vbaraw);
for(var i = 0; i < wb.SheetNames.length; ++i) check_ws(wb.Sheets[wb.SheetNames[i]], wb.SheetNames[i], i);
/* TODO: validate workbook */
/* 18.2 Workbook */
var wbnsregex = /<\w+:workbook/;
function parse_wb_xml(data, opts) {
if(!data) throw new Error("Could not find file");
var wb = { AppVersion:{}, WBProps:{}, WBView:[], Sheets:[], CalcPr:{}, Names:[], xmlns: "" };
var pass = false, xmlns = "xmlns";
var dname = {}, dnstart = 0;
data.replace(tagregex, function xml_wb(x, idx) {
var y = parsexmltag(x);
switch(strip_ns(y[0])) {
case '<?xml': break;
/* 18.2.27 workbook CT_Workbook 1 */
case '<workbook':
if(x.match(wbnsregex)) xmlns = "xmlns" + x.match(/<(\w+):/)[1];
wb.xmlns = y[xmlns];
case '</workbook>': break;
/* 18.2.13 fileVersion CT_FileVersion ? */
case '<fileVersion': delete y[0]; wb.AppVersion = y; break;
case '<fileVersion/>': case '</fileVersion>': break;
/* 18.2.12 fileSharing CT_FileSharing ? */
case '<fileSharing': case '<fileSharing/>': break;
/* 18.2.28 workbookPr CT_WorkbookPr ? */
case '<workbookPr':
case '<workbookPr/>':
WBPropsDef.forEach(function(w) {
if(y[w[0]] == null) return;
switch(w[2]) {
case "bool": wb.WBProps[w[0]] = parsexmlbool(y[w[0]]); break;
case "int": wb.WBProps[w[0]] = parseInt(y[w[0]], 10); break;
default: wb.WBProps[w[0]] = y[w[0]];
if(y.codeName) wb.WBProps.CodeName = y.codeName;
case '</workbookPr>': break;
/* 18.2.29 workbookProtection CT_WorkbookProtection ? */
case '<workbookProtection': break;
case '<workbookProtection/>': break;
/* 18.2.1 bookViews CT_BookViews ? */
case '<bookViews': case '<bookViews>': case '</bookViews>': break;
/* 18.2.30 workbookView CT_BookView + */
case '<workbookView': case '<workbookView/>': delete y[0]; wb.WBView.push(y); break;
case '</workbookView>': break;
/* 18.2.20 sheets CT_Sheets 1 */
case '<sheets': case '<sheets>': case '</sheets>': break; // aggregate sheet
/* 18.2.19 sheet CT_Sheet + */
case '<sheet':
switch(y.state) {
case "hidden": y.Hidden = 1; break;
case "veryHidden": y.Hidden = 2; break;
default: y.Hidden = 0;
delete y.state; = unescapexml(utf8read(;
delete y[0]; wb.Sheets.push(y); break;
case '</sheet>': break;
/* 18.2.15 functionGroups CT_FunctionGroups ? */
case '<functionGroups': case '<functionGroups/>': break;
/* 18.2.14 functionGroup CT_FunctionGroup + */
case '<functionGroup': break;
/* 18.2.9 externalReferences CT_ExternalReferences ? */
case '<externalReferences': case '</externalReferences>': case '<externalReferences>': break;
/* 18.2.8 externalReference CT_ExternalReference + */
case '<externalReference': break;
/* 18.2.6 definedNames CT_DefinedNames ? */
case '<definedNames/>': break;
case '<definedNames>': case '<definedNames': pass=true; break;
case '</definedNames>': pass=false; break;
/* 18.2.5 definedName CT_DefinedName + */
case '<definedName': {
dname = {};
dname.Name = utf8read(;
if(y.comment) dname.Comment = y.comment;
if(y.localSheetId) dname.Sheet = +y.localSheetId;
if(parsexmlbool(y.hidden||"0")) dname.Hidden = true;
dnstart = idx + x.length;
} break;
case '</definedName>': {
dname.Ref = unescapexml(utf8read(data.slice(dnstart, idx)));
} break;
case '<definedName/>': break;
/* 18.2.2 calcPr CT_CalcPr ? */
case '<calcPr': delete y[0]; wb.CalcPr = y; break;
case '<calcPr/>': delete y[0]; wb.CalcPr = y; break;
case '</calcPr>': break;
/* 18.2.16 oleSize CT_OleSize ? (ref required) */
case '<oleSize': break;
/* 18.2.4 customWorkbookViews CT_CustomWorkbookViews ? */
case '<customWorkbookViews>': case '</customWorkbookViews>': case '<customWorkbookViews': break;
/* 18.2.3 customWorkbookView CT_CustomWorkbookView + */
case '<customWorkbookView': case '</customWorkbookView>': break;
/* 18.2.18 pivotCaches CT_PivotCaches ? */
case '<pivotCaches>': case '</pivotCaches>': case '<pivotCaches': break;
/* 18.2.17 pivotCache CT_PivotCache ? */
case '<pivotCache': break;
/* 18.2.21 smartTagPr CT_SmartTagPr ? */
case '<smartTagPr': case '<smartTagPr/>': break;
/* 18.2.23 smartTagTypes CT_SmartTagTypes ? */
case '<smartTagTypes': case '<smartTagTypes>': case '</smartTagTypes>': break;
/* 18.2.22 smartTagType CT_SmartTagType ? */
case '<smartTagType': break;
/* 18.2.24 webPublishing CT_WebPublishing ? */
case '<webPublishing': case '<webPublishing/>': break;
/* 18.2.11 fileRecoveryPr CT_FileRecoveryPr ? */
case '<fileRecoveryPr': case '<fileRecoveryPr/>': break;
/* 18.2.26 webPublishObjects CT_WebPublishObjects ? */
case '<webPublishObjects>': case '<webPublishObjects': case '</webPublishObjects>': break;
/* 18.2.25 webPublishObject CT_WebPublishObject ? */
case '<webPublishObject': break;
/* 18.2.10 extLst CT_ExtensionList ? */
case '<extLst': case '<extLst>': case '</extLst>': case '<extLst/>': break;
/* 18.2.7 ext CT_Extension + */
case '<ext': pass=true; break; //TODO: check with versions of excel
case '</ext>': pass=false; break;
/* Others */
case '<ArchID': break;
case '<AlternateContent':
case '<AlternateContent>': pass=true; break;
case '</AlternateContent>': pass=false; break;
/* TODO */
case '<revisionPtr': break;
default: if(!pass && opts.WTF) throw new Error('unrecognized ' + y[0] + ' in workbook');
return x;
if(XMLNS.main.indexOf(wb.xmlns) === -1) throw new Error("Unknown Namespace: " + wb.xmlns);
return wb;
var WB_XML_ROOT = writextag('workbook', null, {
'xmlns': XMLNS.main[0],
//'xmlns:s': XMLNS.main[0],
'xmlns:r': XMLNS.r
function write_wb_xml(wb) {
var o = [XML_HEADER];
o[o.length] = WB_XML_ROOT;
var write_names = (wb.Workbook && (wb.Workbook.Names||[]).length > 0);
/* fileVersion */
/* fileSharing */
var workbookPr = ({codeName:"ThisWorkbook"});
if(wb.Workbook && wb.Workbook.WBProps) {
WBPropsDef.forEach(function(x) {
if((wb.Workbook.WBProps[x[0]]) == null) return;
if((wb.Workbook.WBProps[x[0]]) == x[1]) return;
workbookPr[x[0]] = (wb.Workbook.WBProps[x[0]]);
if(wb.Workbook.WBProps.CodeName) { workbookPr.codeName = wb.Workbook.WBProps.CodeName; delete workbookPr.CodeName; }
o[o.length] = (writextag('workbookPr', null, workbookPr));
/* workbookProtection */
var sheets = wb.Workbook && wb.Workbook.Sheets || [];
var i = 0;
/* bookViews */
o[o.length] = "<sheets>";
for(i = 0; i != wb.SheetNames.length; ++i) {
var sht = ({name:escapexml(wb.SheetNames[i].slice(0,31))});
sht.sheetId = ""+(i+1);
sht["r:id"] = "rId"+(i+1);
if(sheets[i]) switch(sheets[i].Hidden) {
case 1: sht.state = "hidden"; break;
case 2: sht.state = "veryHidden"; break;
o[o.length] = (writextag('sheet',null,sht));
o[o.length] = "</sheets>";
/* functionGroups */
/* externalReferences */
if(write_names) {
o[o.length] = "<definedNames>";
if(wb.Workbook && wb.Workbook.Names) wb.Workbook.Names.forEach(function(n) {
var d = {name:n.Name};
if(n.Comment) d.comment = n.Comment;
if(n.Sheet != null) d.localSheetId = ""+n.Sheet;
if(n.Hidden) d.hidden = "1";
if(!n.Ref) return;
o[o.length] = writextag('definedName', String(n.Ref).replace(/</g, "&lt;").replace(/>/g, "&gt;"), d);
o[o.length] = "</definedNames>";
/* calcPr */
/* oleSize */
/* customWorkbookViews */
/* pivotCaches */
/* smartTagPr */
/* smartTagTypes */
/* webPublishing */
/* fileRecoveryPr */
/* webPublishObjects */
/* extLst */
if(o.length>2){ o[o.length] = '</workbook>'; o[1]=o[1].replace("/>",">"); }
return o.join("");
function parse_wb(data, name, opts) {
if(name.slice(-4)===".bin") return parse_wb_bin((data), opts);
return parse_wb_xml((data), opts);
function parse_ws(data, name, idx, opts, rels, wb, themes, styles) {
if(name.slice(-4)===".bin") return parse_ws_bin((data), opts, idx, rels, wb, themes, styles);
return parse_ws_xml((data), opts, idx, rels, wb, themes, styles);
function parse_cs(data, name, idx, opts, rels, wb, themes, styles) {
if(name.slice(-4)===".bin") return parse_cs_bin((data), opts, idx, rels, wb, themes, styles);
return parse_cs_xml((data), opts, idx, rels, wb, themes, styles);
function parse_ms(data, name, idx, opts, rels, wb, themes, styles) {
if(name.slice(-4)===".bin") return parse_ms_bin((data), opts, idx, rels, wb, themes, styles);
return parse_ms_xml((data), opts, idx, rels, wb, themes, styles);
function parse_ds(data, name, idx, opts, rels, wb, themes, styles) {
if(name.slice(-4)===".bin") return parse_ds_bin((data), opts, idx, rels, wb, themes, styles);
return parse_ds_xml((data), opts, idx, rels, wb, themes, styles);
function parse_sty(data, name, themes, opts) {
if(name.slice(-4)===".bin") return parse_sty_bin((data), themes, opts);
return parse_sty_xml((data), themes, opts);
function parse_theme(data, name, opts) {
return parse_theme_xml(data, opts);
function parse_sst(data, name, opts) {
if(name.slice(-4)===".bin") return parse_sst_bin((data), opts);
return parse_sst_xml((data), opts);
function parse_cmnt(data, name, opts) {
if(name.slice(-4)===".bin") return parse_comments_bin((data), opts);
return parse_comments_xml((data), opts);
function parse_cc(data, name, opts) {
if(name.slice(-4)===".bin") return parse_cc_bin((data), name, opts);
return parse_cc_xml((data), name, opts);
function parse_xlink(data, name, opts) {
if(name.slice(-4)===".bin") return parse_xlink_bin((data), name, opts);
return parse_xlink_xml((data), name, opts);
function write_wb(wb, name, opts) {
return (name.slice(-4)===".bin" ? write_wb_bin : write_wb_xml)(wb, opts);
function write_ws(data, name, opts, wb, rels) {
return (name.slice(-4)===".bin" ? write_ws_bin : write_ws_xml)(data, opts, wb, rels);
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
function write_cs(data, name, opts, wb, rels) {
return (name.slice(-4)===".bin" ? write_cs_bin : write_cs_xml)(data, opts, wb, rels);
function write_sty(data, name, opts) {
return (name.slice(-4)===".bin" ? write_sty_bin : write_sty_xml)(data, opts);
function write_sst(data, name, opts) {
return (name.slice(-4)===".bin" ? write_sst_bin : write_sst_xml)(data, opts);
function write_cmnt(data, name, opts) {
return (name.slice(-4)===".bin" ? write_comments_bin : write_comments_xml)(data, opts);
function write_cc(data, name:string, opts) {
return (name.slice(-4)===".bin" ? write_cc_bin : write_cc_xml)(data, opts);
/* note: browser DOM element cannot see mso- style attrs, must parse */
var HTML_ = (function() {
function html_to_sheet(str, _opts) {
var opts = _opts || {};
if(DENSE != null && opts.dense == null) opts.dense = DENSE;
var ws = opts.dense ? ([]) : ({});
var mtch = str.match(/<table/i);
if(!mtch) throw new Error("Invalid HTML: could not find <table>");
var mtch2 = str.match(/<\/table/i);
var i = mtch.index, j = mtch2 && mtch2.index || str.length;
var rows = split_regex(str.slice(i, j), /(:?<tr[^>]*>)/i, "<tr>");
var R = -1, C = 0, RS = 0, CS = 0;
var range = {s:{r:10000000, c:10000000},e:{r:0,c:0}};
var merges = [];
for(i = 0; i < rows.length; ++i) {
var row = rows[i].trim();
var hd = row.slice(0,3).toLowerCase();
if(hd == "<tr") { ++R; if(opts.sheetRows && opts.sheetRows <= R) { --R; break; } C = 0; continue; }
if(hd != "<td" && hd != "<th") continue;
var cells = row.split(/<\/t[dh]>/i);
for(j = 0; j < cells.length; ++j) {
var cell = cells[j].trim();
if(!cell.match(/<t[dh]/i)) continue;
var m = cell, cc = 0;
/* TODO: parse styles etc */
while(m.charAt(0) == "<" && (cc = m.indexOf(">")) > -1) m = m.slice(cc+1);
for(var midx = 0; midx < merges.length; ++midx) {
var _merge = merges[midx];
if(_merge.s.c == C && _merge.s.r < R && R <= _merge.e.r) { C = _merge.e.c + 1; midx = -1; }
var tag = parsexmltag(cell.slice(0, cell.indexOf(">")));
CS = tag.colspan ? +tag.colspan : 1;
if((RS = +tag.rowspan)>1 || CS>1) merges.push({s:{r:R,c:C},e:{r:R + (RS||1) - 1, c:C + CS - 1}});
var _t = tag.t || "";
/* TODO: generate stub cells */
if(!m.length) { C += CS; continue; }
m = htmldecode(m);
if(range.s.r > R) range.s.r = R; if(range.e.r < R) range.e.r = R;
if(range.s.c > C) range.s.c = C; if(range.e.c < C) range.e.c = C;
if(!m.length) continue;
var o = {t:'s', v:m};
if(opts.raw || !m.trim().length || _t == 's'){}
else if(m === 'TRUE') o = {t:'b', v:true};
else if(m === 'FALSE') o = {t:'b', v:false};
else if(!isNaN(fuzzynum(m))) o = {t:'n', v:fuzzynum(m)};
else if(!isNaN(fuzzydate(m).getDate())) {
o = ({t:'d', v:parseDate(m)});
if(!opts.cellDates) o = ({t:'n', v:datenum(o.v)});
o.z = opts.dateNF || SSF._table[14];
if(opts.dense) { if(!ws[R]) ws[R] = []; ws[R][C] = o; }
else ws[encode_cell({r:R, c:C})] = o;
C += CS;
ws['!ref'] = encode_range(range);
if(merges.length) ws["!merges"] = merges;
return ws;
function html_to_book(str, opts) {
return sheet_to_workbook(html_to_sheet(str, opts), opts);
function make_html_row(ws, r, R, o) {
var M = (ws['!merges'] ||[]);
var oo = [];
for(var C = r.s.c; C <= r.e.c; ++C) {
var RS = 0, CS = 0;
for(var j = 0; j < M.length; ++j) {
if(M[j].s.r > R || M[j].s.c > C) continue;
if(M[j].e.r < R || M[j].e.c < C) continue;
if(M[j].s.r < R || M[j].s.c < C) { RS = -1; break; }
RS = M[j].e.r - M[j].s.r + 1; CS = M[j].e.c - M[j].s.c + 1; break;
if(RS < 0) continue;
var coord = encode_cell({r:R,c:C});
var cell = o.dense ? (ws[R]||[])[C] : ws[coord];
/* TODO: html entities */
var w = (cell && cell.v != null) && (cell.h || escapehtml(cell.w || (format_cell(cell), cell.w) || "")) || "";
var sp = ({});
if(RS > 1) sp.rowspan = RS;
if(CS > 1) sp.colspan = CS;
sp.t = cell && cell.t || 'z';
if(o.editable) w = '<span contenteditable="true">' + w + '</span>'; = "sjs-" + coord;
oo.push(writextag('td', w, sp));
var preamble = "<tr>";
return preamble + oo.join("") + "</tr>";
function make_html_preamble(ws, R, o) {
var out = [];
return out.join("") + '<table' + (o && ? ' id="' + + '"' : "") + '>';
var _BEGIN = '<html><head><meta charset="utf-8"/><title>SheetJS Table Export</title></head><body>';
var _END = '</body></html>';
function sheet_to_html(ws, opts/*, wb:?Workbook*/) {
var o = opts || {};
var header = o.header != null ? o.header : _BEGIN;
var footer = o.footer != null ? o.footer : _END;
var out = [header];
var r = decode_range(ws['!ref']);
o.dense = Array.isArray(ws);
out.push(make_html_preamble(ws, r, o));
for(var R = r.s.r; R <= r.e.r; ++R) out.push(make_html_row(ws, r, R, o));
out.push("</table>" + footer);
return out.join("");
return {
to_workbook: html_to_book,
to_sheet: html_to_sheet,
_row: make_html_row,
_preamble: make_html_preamble,
from_sheet: sheet_to_html
function parse_dom_table(table, _opts) {
var opts = _opts || {};
if(DENSE != null) opts.dense = DENSE;
var ws = opts.dense ? ([]) : ({});
var rows = table.getElementsByTagName('tr');
var sheetRows = opts.sheetRows || 10000000;
var range = {s:{r:0,c:0},e:{r:0,c:0}};
var merges = [], midx = 0, m, cInRange = [], cache = {};
var rowinfo = [];
var _R = 0, R = 0, _C, C, RS, CS, row, elts, elt, h, v, o, _t;
for(; _R < rows.length && R < sheetRows; ++_R) {
row = rows[_R];
if (is_dom_element_hidden(row)) {
if (opts.display) continue;
rowinfo[R] = {hidden: true};
elts = (row.children);
for(_C = C = 0; _C < elts.length; ++_C) {
elt = elts[_C];
if (opts.display && is_dom_element_hidden(elt)) continue;
h = elt.innerHTML;
v = h || (cache[h] = htmldecode(elt.innerHTML));
cInRange.length = 0;
midx = merges.length;
while (midx--) {
m = merges[midx];
if(m.s.r <= R && R <= m.e.r) {
if (cInRange.indexOf(C) !== -1) {
2019-09-25 07:13:40 +00:00
for (let i = 0; i < cInRange.length; i++) {
C += 1;
if (cInRange.indexOf(C) === -1) {
/* TODO: figure out how to extract nonstandard mso- style */
CS = +elt.colSpan || 1;
if((RS = +elt.rowSpan)>1 || CS>1) merges.push({s:{r:R,c:C},e:{r:R + (RS||1) - 1, c:C + CS - 1}});
o = {t:'s', v:v};
_t = elt.getAttribute("t") || "";
if(v != null) {
if(v.length == 0) o.t = _t || 'z';
else if(opts.raw || v.trim().length == 0 || _t == "s"){}
else if(v === 'TRUE') o = {t:'b', v:true};
else if(v === 'FALSE') o = {t:'b', v:false};
else if(!isNaN(fuzzynum(v))) o = {t:'n', v:fuzzynum(v)};
else if(!isNaN(fuzzydate(v).getDate())) {
o = ({t:'d', v:parseDate(v)});
if(!opts.cellDates) o = ({t:'n', v:datenum(o.v)});
o.z = opts.dateNF || SSF._table[14];
if(opts.dense) { if(!ws[R]) ws[R] = []; ws[R][C] = o; }
else ws[encode_cell({c:C, r:R})] = o;
if(range.e.c < C) range.e.c = C;
C += CS;
if(merges.length) ws['!merges'] = merges;
if(rowinfo.length) ws['!rows'] = rowinfo;
range.e.r = R - 1;
ws['!ref'] = encode_range(range);
if(R >= sheetRows) ws['!fullref'] = encode_range((range.e.r = rows.length-_R+R-1,range)); // We can count the real number of rows to parse but we don't to improve the performance
return ws;
function table_to_book(table, opts) {
return sheet_to_workbook(parse_dom_table(table, opts), opts);
function is_dom_element_hidden(element) {
var display = '';
var get_computed_style = get_get_computed_style_function(element);
if(get_computed_style) display = get_computed_style(element).getPropertyValue('display');
if(!display) display =; // Fallback for cases when getComputedStyle is not available (e.g. an old browser or some Node.js environments) or doesn't work (e.g. if the element is not inserted to a document)
return display === 'none';
/* global getComputedStyle */
function get_get_computed_style_function(element) {
// The proper getComputedStyle implementation is the one defined in the element window
if(element.ownerDocument.defaultView && typeof element.ownerDocument.defaultView.getComputedStyle === 'function') return element.ownerDocument.defaultView.getComputedStyle;
// If it is not available, try to get one from the global namespace
if(typeof getComputedStyle === 'function') return getComputedStyle;
return null;
function write_sheet_index(wb, sheet) {
if(!sheet) return 0;
var idx = wb.SheetNames.indexOf(sheet);
if(idx == -1) throw new Error("Sheet not found: " + sheet);
return idx;
function write_obj_str(factory) {
return function write_str(wb, o) {
var idx = write_sheet_index(wb, o.sheet);
return factory.from_sheet(wb.Sheets[wb.SheetNames[idx]], o, wb);
var write_htm_str = write_obj_str(HTML_);
var write_csv_str = write_obj_str({from_sheet:sheet_to_csv});
var write_slk_str = write_obj_str(typeof SYLK !== "undefined" ? SYLK : {});
var write_dif_str = write_obj_str(typeof DIF !== "undefined" ? DIF : {});
var write_prn_str = write_obj_str(typeof PRN !== "undefined" ? PRN : {});
var write_rtf_str = write_obj_str(typeof RTF !== "undefined" ? RTF : {});
var write_txt_str = write_obj_str({from_sheet:sheet_to_txt});
var write_dbf_buf = write_obj_str(typeof DBF !== "undefined" ? DBF : {});
var write_eth_str = write_obj_str(typeof ETH !== "undefined" ? ETH : {});
function fix_opts_func(defaults) {
return function fix_opts(opts) {
for(var i = 0; i != defaults.length; ++i) {
var d = defaults[i];
if(opts[d[0]] === undefined) opts[d[0]] = d[1];
if(d[2] === 'n') opts[d[0]] = Number(opts[d[0]]);
var fix_read_opts = fix_opts_func([
['cellNF', false], /* emit cell number format string as .z */
['cellHTML', true], /* emit html string as .h */
['cellFormula', true], /* emit formulae as .f */
['cellStyles', false], /* emits style/theme as .s */
['cellText', true], /* emit formatted text as .w */
['cellDates', false], /* emit date cells with type `d` */
['sheetStubs', false], /* emit empty cells */
['sheetRows', 0, 'n'], /* read n rows (0 = read all rows) */
['bookDeps', false], /* parse calculation chains */
['bookSheets', false], /* only try to get sheet names (no Sheets) */
['bookProps', false], /* only try to get properties (no Sheets) */
['bookFiles', false], /* include raw file structure (keys, files, cfb) */
['bookVBA', false], /* include vba raw data (vbaraw) */
['password',''], /* password */
['WTF', false] /* WTF mode (throws errors) */
var fix_write_opts = fix_opts_func([
['cellDates', false], /* write date cells with type `d` */
['bookSST', false], /* Generate Shared String Table */
['bookType', 'xlsx'], /* Type of workbook (xlsx/m/b) */
['compression', false], /* Use file compression */
['WTF', false] /* WTF mode (throws errors) */
function get_sheet_type(n) {
if(RELS.WS.indexOf(n) > -1) return "sheet";
if(RELS.CS && n == RELS.CS) return "chart";
if(RELS.DS && n == RELS.DS) return "dialog";
if(RELS.MS && n == RELS.MS) return "macro";
return (n && n.length) ? n : "sheet";
function safe_parse_wbrels(wbrels, sheets) {
if(!wbrels) return 0;
try {
wbrels = pwbr(w) { if(! = w.strRelID; return [, wbrels['!id'][].Target, get_sheet_type(wbrels['!id'][].Type)]; });
} catch(e) { return null; }
return !wbrels || wbrels.length === 0 ? null : wbrels;
function safe_parse_sheet(zip, path, relsPath, sheet, idx, sheetRels, sheets, stype, opts, wb, themes, styles) {
try {
sheetRels[sheet]=parse_rels(getzipstr(zip, relsPath, true), path);
var data = getzipdata(zip, path);
var _ws;
switch(stype) {
case 'sheet': _ws = parse_ws(data, path, idx, opts, sheetRels[sheet], wb, themes, styles); break;
case 'chart': _ws = parse_cs(data, path, idx, opts, sheetRels[sheet], wb, themes, styles);
if(!_ws || !_ws['!chart']) break;
var dfile = resolve_path(_ws['!chart'].Target, path);
var drelsp = get_rels_path(dfile);
var draw = parse_drawing(getzipstr(zip, dfile, true), parse_rels(getzipstr(zip, drelsp, true), dfile));
var chartp = resolve_path(draw, dfile);
var crelsp = get_rels_path(chartp);
_ws = parse_chart(getzipstr(zip, chartp, true), chartp, opts, parse_rels(getzipstr(zip, crelsp, true), chartp), wb, _ws);
case 'macro': _ws = parse_ms(data, path, idx, opts, sheetRels[sheet], wb, themes, styles); break;
case 'dialog': _ws = parse_ds(data, path, idx, opts, sheetRels[sheet], wb, themes, styles); break;
sheets[sheet] = _ws;
} catch(e) { if(opts.WTF) throw e; }
function strip_front_slash(x) { return x.charAt(0) == '/' ? x.slice(1) : x; }
function parse_zip(zip, opts) {
opts = opts || {};
/* OpenDocument Part 3 Section 2.2.1 OpenDocument Package */
if(safegetzipfile(zip, 'META-INF/manifest.xml')) return parse_ods(zip, opts);
/* UOC */
if(safegetzipfile(zip, 'objectdata.xml')) return parse_ods(zip, opts);
/* Numbers */
if(safegetzipfile(zip, 'Index/Document.iwa')) throw new Error('Unsupported NUMBERS file');
var entries = zipentries(zip);
var dir = parse_ct((getzipstr(zip, '[Content_Types].xml')));
var xlsb = false;
var sheets, binname;
if(dir.workbooks.length === 0) {
binname = "xl/workbook.xml";
if(getzipdata(zip,binname, true)) dir.workbooks.push(binname);
if(dir.workbooks.length === 0) {
binname = "xl/workbook.bin";
if(!getzipdata(zip,binname,true)) throw new Error("Could not find workbook");
xlsb = true;
if(dir.workbooks[0].slice(-3) == "bin") xlsb = true;
var themes = ({});
var styles = ({});
if(!opts.bookSheets && !opts.bookProps) {
strs = [];
if(dir.sst) try { strs=parse_sst(getzipdata(zip, strip_front_slash(dir.sst)), dir.sst, opts); } catch(e) { if(opts.WTF) throw e; }
if(opts.cellStyles && dir.themes.length) themes = parse_theme(getzipstr(zip, dir.themes[0].replace(/^\//,''), true)||"",dir.themes[0], opts);
if( styles = parse_sty(getzipdata(zip, strip_front_slash(,, themes, opts);
/*var externbooks = */ {
return parse_xlink(getzipdata(zip, strip_front_slash(link)), link, opts);
var wb = parse_wb(getzipdata(zip, strip_front_slash(dir.workbooks[0])), dir.workbooks[0], opts);
var props = {}, propdata = "";
if(dir.coreprops.length) {
propdata = getzipdata(zip, strip_front_slash(dir.coreprops[0]), true);
if(propdata) props = parse_core_props(propdata);
if(dir.extprops.length !== 0) {
propdata = getzipdata(zip, strip_front_slash(dir.extprops[0]), true);
if(propdata) parse_ext_props(propdata, props, opts);
var custprops = {};
if(!opts.bookSheets || opts.bookProps) {
if (dir.custprops.length !== 0) {
propdata = getzipstr(zip, strip_front_slash(dir.custprops[0]), true);
if(propdata) custprops = parse_cust_props(propdata, opts);
var out = ({});
if(opts.bookSheets || opts.bookProps) {
if(wb.Sheets) sheets = pluck(x){ return; });
else if(props.Worksheets && props.SheetNames.length > 0) sheets=props.SheetNames;
if(opts.bookProps) { out.Props = props; out.Custprops = custprops; }
if(opts.bookSheets && typeof sheets !== 'undefined') out.SheetNames = sheets;
if(opts.bookSheets ? out.SheetNames : opts.bookProps) return out;
sheets = {};
var deps = {};
if(opts.bookDeps && dir.calcchain) deps=parse_cc(getzipdata(zip, strip_front_slash(dir.calcchain)),dir.calcchain,opts);
var i=0;
var sheetRels = ({});
var path, relsPath;
var wbsheets = wb.Sheets;
props.Worksheets = wbsheets.length;
props.SheetNames = [];
for(var j = 0; j != wbsheets.length; ++j) {
props.SheetNames[j] = wbsheets[j].name;
var wbext = xlsb ? "bin" : "xml";
var wbrelsi = dir.workbooks[0].lastIndexOf("/");
var wbrelsfile = (dir.workbooks[0].slice(0, wbrelsi+1) + "_rels/" + dir.workbooks[0].slice(wbrelsi+1) + ".rels").replace(/^\//,"");
if(!safegetzipfile(zip, wbrelsfile)) wbrelsfile = 'xl/_rels/workbook.' + wbext + '.rels';
var wbrels = parse_rels(getzipstr(zip, wbrelsfile, true), wbrelsfile);
if(wbrels) wbrels = safe_parse_wbrels(wbrels, wb.Sheets);
/* Numbers iOS hack */
var nmode = (getzipdata(zip,"xl/worksheets/sheet.xml",true))?1:0;
for(i = 0; i != props.Worksheets; ++i) {
var stype = "sheet";
if(wbrels && wbrels[i]) {
path = 'xl/' + (wbrels[i][1]).replace(/[\/]?xl\//, "");
if(!safegetzipfile(zip, path)) path = wbrels[i][1];
if(!safegetzipfile(zip, path)) path = wbrelsfile.replace(/_rels\/.*$/,"") + wbrels[i][1];
stype = wbrels[i][2];
} else {
path = 'xl/worksheets/sheet'+(i+1-nmode)+"." + wbext;
path = path.replace(/sheet0\./,"sheet.");
relsPath = path.replace(/^(.*)(\/)([^\/]*)$/, "$1/_rels/$3.rels");
safe_parse_sheet(zip, path, relsPath, props.SheetNames[i], i, sheetRels, sheets, stype, opts, wb, themes, styles);
if(dir.comments) parse_comments(zip, dir.comments, sheets, sheetRels, opts);
out = ({
Directory: dir,
Workbook: wb,
Props: props,
Custprops: custprops,
Deps: deps,
Sheets: sheets,
SheetNames: props.SheetNames,
Strings: strs,
Styles: styles,
Themes: themes,
SSF: SSF.get_table()
if(opts.bookFiles) {
out.keys = entries;
out.files = zip.files;
if(opts.bookVBA) {
if(dir.vba.length > 0) out.vbaraw = getzipdata(zip,strip_front_slash(dir.vba[0]),true);
else if(dir.defaults && dir.defaults.bin === CT_VBA) out.vbaraw = getzipdata(zip, 'xl/vbaProject.bin',true);
return out;
/* [MS-OFFCRYPTO] 2.1.1 */
function parse_xlsxcfb(cfb, _opts) {
var opts = _opts || {};
var f = 'Workbook', data = CFB.find(cfb, f);
try {
f = '/!DataSpaces/Version';
data = CFB.find(cfb, f); if(!data || !data.content) throw new Error("ECMA-376 Encrypted file missing " + f);
/*var version = */parse_DataSpaceVersionInfo(data.content);
/* */
f = '/!DataSpaces/DataSpaceMap';
data = CFB.find(cfb, f); if(!data || !data.content) throw new Error("ECMA-376 Encrypted file missing " + f);
var dsm = parse_DataSpaceMap(data.content);
if(dsm.length !== 1 || dsm[0].comps.length !== 1 || dsm[0].comps[0].t !== 0 || dsm[0].name !== "StrongEncryptionDataSpace" || dsm[0].comps[0].v !== "EncryptedPackage")
throw new Error("ECMA-376 Encrypted file bad " + f);
/* */
f = '/!DataSpaces/DataSpaceInfo/StrongEncryptionDataSpace';
data = CFB.find(cfb, f); if(!data || !data.content) throw new Error("ECMA-376 Encrypted file missing " + f);
var seds = parse_DataSpaceDefinition(data.content);
if(seds.length != 1 || seds[0] != "StrongEncryptionTransform")
throw new Error("ECMA-376 Encrypted file bad " + f);
/* */
f = '/!DataSpaces/TransformInfo/StrongEncryptionTransform/!Primary';
data = CFB.find(cfb, f); if(!data || !data.content) throw new Error("ECMA-376 Encrypted file missing " + f);
/*var hdr = */parse_Primary(data.content);
} catch(e) {}
f = '/EncryptionInfo';
data = CFB.find(cfb, f); if(!data || !data.content) throw new Error("ECMA-376 Encrypted file missing " + f);
var einfo = parse_EncryptionInfo(data.content);
/* */
f = '/EncryptedPackage';
data = CFB.find(cfb, f); if(!data || !data.content) throw new Error("ECMA-376 Encrypted file missing " + f);
/*global decrypt_agile */
if(einfo[0] == 0x04 && typeof decrypt_agile !== 'undefined') return decrypt_agile(einfo[1], data.content, opts.password || "", opts);
/*global decrypt_std76 */
if(einfo[0] == 0x02 && typeof decrypt_std76 !== 'undefined') return decrypt_std76(einfo[1], data.content, opts.password || "", opts);
throw new Error("File is password-protected");
function write_zip(wb, opts) {
_shapeid = 1024;
if(opts.bookType == "ods") return write_ods(wb, opts);
if(wb && !wb.SSF) {
wb.SSF = SSF.get_table();
if(wb && wb.SSF) {
make_ssf(SSF); SSF.load_table(wb.SSF);
// $FlowIgnore
opts.revssf = evert_num(wb.SSF); opts.revssf[wb.SSF[65535]] = 0;
opts.ssf = wb.SSF;
opts.rels = {}; opts.wbrels = {};
opts.Strings = []; opts.Strings.Count = 0; opts.Strings.Unique = 0;
if(browser_has_Map) opts.revStrings = new Map();
else { opts.revStrings = {}; = []; delete; }
var wbext = opts.bookType == "xlsb" ? "bin" : "xml";
var vbafmt = VBAFMTS.indexOf(opts.bookType) > -1;
var ct = new_ct();
fix_write_opts(opts = opts || {});
var zip = zip_new();
var f = "", rId = 0;
opts.cellXfs = [];
get_cell_style(opts.cellXfs, {}, {revssf:{"General":0}});
if(!wb.Props) wb.Props = {};
f = "docProps/core.xml";
zip_add_file(zip, f, write_core_props(wb.Props, opts));
add_rels(opts.rels, 2, f, RELS.CORE_PROPS);
f = "docProps/app.xml";
if(wb.Props && wb.Props.SheetNames){/* empty */}
else if(!wb.Workbook || !wb.Workbook.Sheets) wb.Props.SheetNames = wb.SheetNames;
else {
var _sn = [];
for(var _i = 0; _i < wb.SheetNames.length; ++_i)
if((wb.Workbook.Sheets[_i]||{}).Hidden != 2) _sn.push(wb.SheetNames[_i]);
wb.Props.SheetNames = _sn;
wb.Props.Worksheets = wb.Props.SheetNames.length;
zip_add_file(zip, f, write_ext_props(wb.Props, opts));
add_rels(opts.rels, 3, f, RELS.EXT_PROPS);
if(wb.Custprops !== wb.Props && keys(wb.Custprops||{}).length > 0) {
f = "docProps/custom.xml";
zip_add_file(zip, f, write_cust_props(wb.Custprops, opts));
add_rels(opts.rels, 4, f, RELS.CUST_PROPS);
for(rId=1;rId <= wb.SheetNames.length; ++rId) {
var wsrels = {'!id':{}};
var ws = wb.Sheets[wb.SheetNames[rId-1]];
var _type = (ws || {})["!type"] || "sheet";
switch(_type) {
case "chart": /*
f = "xl/chartsheets/sheet" + rId + "." + wbext;
zip_add_file(zip, f, write_cs(rId-1, f, opts, wb, wsrels));
add_rels(wsrels, -1, "chartsheets/sheet" + rId + "." + wbext, RELS.CS);
break; */
/* falls through */
f = "xl/worksheets/sheet" + rId + "." + wbext;
zip_add_file(zip, f, write_ws(rId-1, f, opts, wb, wsrels));
add_rels(opts.wbrels, -1, "worksheets/sheet" + rId + "." + wbext, RELS.WS[0]);
if(ws) {
var comments = ws['!comments'];
var need_vml = false;
if(comments && comments.length > 0) {
var cf = "xl/comments" + rId + "." + wbext;
zip_add_file(zip, cf, write_cmnt(comments, cf, opts));
add_rels(wsrels, -1, "../comments" + rId + "." + wbext, RELS.CMNT);
need_vml = true;
if(ws['!legacy']) {
if(need_vml) zip_add_file(zip, "xl/drawings/vmlDrawing" + (rId) + ".vml", write_comments_vml(rId, ws['!comments']));
delete ws['!comments'];
delete ws['!legacy'];
if(wsrels['!id'].rId1) zip_add_file(zip, get_rels_path(f), write_rels(wsrels));
if(opts.Strings != null && opts.Strings.length > 0) {
f = "xl/sharedStrings." + wbext;
zip_add_file(zip, f, write_sst(opts.Strings, f, opts));
add_rels(opts.wbrels, -1, "sharedStrings." + wbext, RELS.SST);
f = "xl/workbook." + wbext;
zip_add_file(zip, f, write_wb(wb, f, opts));
add_rels(opts.rels, 1, f, RELS.WB);
/* TODO: something more intelligent with themes */
f = "xl/theme/theme1.xml";
zip_add_file(zip, f, write_theme(wb.Themes, opts));
add_rels(opts.wbrels, -1, "theme/theme1.xml", RELS.THEME);
/* TODO: something more intelligent with styles */
f = "xl/styles." + wbext;
zip_add_file(zip, f, write_sty(wb, f, opts));
add_rels(opts.wbrels, -1, "styles." + wbext, RELS.STY);
if(wb.vbaraw && vbafmt) {
f = "xl/vbaProject.bin";
zip_add_file(zip, f, wb.vbaraw);
add_rels(opts.wbrels, -1, "vbaProject.bin", RELS.VBA);
zip_add_file(zip, "[Content_Types].xml", write_ct(ct, opts));
zip_add_file(zip, '_rels/.rels', write_rels(opts.rels));
zip_add_file(zip, 'xl/_rels/workbook.' + wbext + '.rels', write_rels(opts.wbrels));
delete opts.revssf; delete opts.ssf;
return zip;
function firstbyte(f,o) {
var x = "";
switch((o||{}).type || "base64") {
case 'buffer': return [f[0], f[1], f[2], f[3]];
case 'base64': x = Base64.decode(f.slice(0,24)); break;
case 'binary': x = f; break;
case 'array': return [f[0], f[1], f[2], f[3]];
default: throw new Error("Unrecognized type " + (o && o.type || "undefined"));
return [x.charCodeAt(0), x.charCodeAt(1), x.charCodeAt(2), x.charCodeAt(3)];
function read_cfb(cfb, opts) {
if(CFB.find(cfb, "EncryptedPackage")) return parse_xlsxcfb(cfb, opts);
return parse_xlscfb(cfb, opts);
function read_zip(data, opts) {
var zip, d = data;
var o = opts||{};
if(!o.type) o.type = (has_buf && Buffer.isBuffer(data)) ? "buffer" : "base64";
zip = zip_read(d, o);
return parse_zip(zip, o);
function read_plaintext(data, o) {
var i = 0;
main: while(i < data.length) switch(data.charCodeAt(i)) {
case 0x0A: case 0x0D: case 0x20: ++i; break;
case 0x3C: return parse_xlml(data.slice(i),o);
default: break main;
return PRN.to_workbook(data, o);
function read_plaintext_raw(data, o) {
var str = "", bytes = firstbyte(data, o);
switch(o.type) {
case 'base64': str = Base64.decode(data); break;
case 'binary': str = data; break;
case 'buffer': str = data.toString('binary'); break;
case 'array': str = cc2str(data); break;
default: throw new Error("Unrecognized type " + o.type);
if(bytes[0] == 0xEF && bytes[1] == 0xBB && bytes[2] == 0xBF) str = utf8read(str);
return read_plaintext(str, o);
function read_utf16(data, o) {
var d = data;
if(o.type == 'base64') d = Base64.decode(d);
d = cptable.utils.decode(1200, d.slice(2), 'str');
o.type = "binary";
return read_plaintext(d, o);
function bstrify(data) {
return !data.match(/[^\x00-\x7F]/) ? data : utf8write(data);
function read_prn(data, d, o, str) {
if(str) { o.type = "string"; return PRN.to_workbook(data, o); }
return PRN.to_workbook(d, o);
function readSync(data, opts) {
if(typeof ArrayBuffer !== 'undefined' && data instanceof ArrayBuffer) return readSync(new Uint8Array(data), opts);
var d = data, n = [0,0,0,0], str = false;
var o = opts||{};
_ssfopts = {};
if(o.dateNF) _ssfopts.dateNF = o.dateNF;
if(!o.type) o.type = (has_buf && Buffer.isBuffer(data)) ? "buffer" : "base64";
if(o.type == "file") { o.type = has_buf ? "buffer" : "binary"; d = read_binary(data); }
if(o.type == "string") { str = true; o.type = "binary"; o.codepage = 65001; d = bstrify(data); }
if(o.type == 'array' && typeof Uint8Array !== 'undefined' && data instanceof Uint8Array && typeof ArrayBuffer !== 'undefined') {
// $FlowIgnore
var ab=new ArrayBuffer(3), vu=new Uint8Array(ab);"bar";
// $FlowIgnore
if(! {o=dup(o); o.type='array'; return readSync(ab2a(d), o);}
switch((n = firstbyte(d, o))[0]) {
case 0xD0: return read_cfb(, o), o);
case 0x09: return parse_xlscfb(d, o);
case 0x3C: return parse_xlml(d, o);
case 0x49: if(n[1] === 0x44) return read_wb_ID(d, o); break;
case 0x54: if(n[1] === 0x41 && n[2] === 0x42 && n[3] === 0x4C) return DIF.to_workbook(d, o); break;
case 0x50: return (n[1] === 0x4B && n[2] < 0x09 && n[3] < 0x09) ? read_zip(d, o) : read_prn(data, d, o, str);
case 0xEF: return n[3] === 0x3C ? parse_xlml(d, o) : read_prn(data, d, o, str);
case 0xFF: if(n[1] === 0xFE) { return read_utf16(d, o); } break;
case 0x00: if(n[1] === 0x00 && n[2] >= 0x02 && n[3] === 0x00) return WK_.to_workbook(d, o); break;
case 0x03: case 0x83: case 0x8B: case 0x8C: return DBF.to_workbook(d, o);
case 0x7B: if(n[1] === 0x5C && n[2] === 0x72 && n[3] === 0x74) return RTF.to_workbook(d, o); break;
case 0x0A: case 0x0D: case 0x20: return read_plaintext_raw(d, o);
if(n[2] <= 12 && n[3] <= 31) return DBF.to_workbook(d, o);
return read_prn(data, d, o, str);
function readFileSync(filename, opts) {
var o = opts||{}; o.type = 'file';
return readSync(filename, o);
function write_cfb_ctr(cfb, o) {
switch(o.type) {
case "base64": case "binary": break;
case "buffer": case "array": o.type = ""; break;
case "file": return write_dl(o.file, CFB.write(cfb, {type:has_buf ? 'buffer' : ""}));
case "string": throw new Error("'string' output type invalid for '" + o.bookType + "' files");
default: throw new Error("Unrecognized type " + o.type);
return CFB.write(cfb, o);
/*global encrypt_agile */
function write_zip_type(wb, opts) {
var o = opts||{};
var z = write_zip(wb, o);
var oopts = {};
if(o.compression) oopts.compression = 'DEFLATE';
if(o.password) oopts.type = has_buf ? "nodebuffer" : "string";
else switch(o.type) {
case "base64": oopts.type = "base64"; break;
case "binary": oopts.type = "string"; break;
case "string": throw new Error("'string' output type invalid for '" + o.bookType + "' files");
case "buffer":
case "file": oopts.type = has_buf ? "nodebuffer" : "string"; break;
default: throw new Error("Unrecognized type " + o.type);
var out = z.FullPaths ? CFB.write(z, {fileType:"zip", type: {"nodebuffer": "buffer", "string": "binary"}[oopts.type] || oopts.type}) : z.generate(oopts);
if(o.password && typeof encrypt_agile !== 'undefined') return write_cfb_ctr(encrypt_agile(out, o.password), o);
if(o.type === "file") return write_dl(o.file, out);
return o.type == "string" ? utf8read(out) : out;
function write_cfb_type(wb, opts) {
var o = opts||{};
var cfb = write_xlscfb(wb, o);
return write_cfb_ctr(cfb, o);
function write_string_type(out, opts, bom) {
if(!bom) bom = "";
var o = bom + out;
switch(opts.type) {
case "base64": return Base64.encode(utf8write(o));
case "binary": return utf8write(o);
case "string": return out;
case "file": return write_dl(opts.file, o, 'utf8');
case "buffer": {
// $FlowIgnore
if(has_buf) return Buffer_from(o, 'utf8');
else return write_string_type(o, {type:'binary'}).split("").map(function(c) { return c.charCodeAt(0); });
throw new Error("Unrecognized type " + opts.type);
function write_stxt_type(out, opts) {
switch(opts.type) {
case "base64": return Base64.encode(out);
case "binary": return out;
case "string": return out; /* override in sheet_to_txt */
case "file": return write_dl(opts.file, out, 'binary');
case "buffer": {
// $FlowIgnore
if(has_buf) return Buffer_from(out, 'binary');
else return out.split("").map(function(c) { return c.charCodeAt(0); });
throw new Error("Unrecognized type " + opts.type);
/* TODO: test consistency */
function write_binary_type(out, opts) {
switch(opts.type) {
case "string":
case "base64":
case "binary":
var bstr = "";
// $FlowIgnore
for(var i = 0; i < out.length; ++i) bstr += String.fromCharCode(out[i]);
return opts.type == 'base64' ? Base64.encode(bstr) : opts.type == 'string' ? utf8read(bstr) : bstr;
case "file": return write_dl(opts.file, out);
case "buffer": return out;
default: throw new Error("Unrecognized type " + opts.type);
function writeSync(wb, opts) {
var o = opts||{};
if(o.type == "array") { o.type = "binary"; var out = (writeSync(wb, o)); o.type = "array"; return s2ab(out); }
switch(o.bookType || 'xlsb') {
case 'xml':
case 'xlml': return write_string_type(write_xlml(wb, o), o);
case 'slk':
case 'sylk': return write_string_type(write_slk_str(wb, o), o);
case 'htm':
case 'html': return write_string_type(write_htm_str(wb, o), o);
case 'txt': return write_stxt_type(write_txt_str(wb, o), o);
case 'csv': return write_string_type(write_csv_str(wb, o), o, "\ufeff");
case 'dif': return write_string_type(write_dif_str(wb, o), o);
case 'dbf': return write_binary_type(write_dbf_buf(wb, o), o);
case 'prn': return write_string_type(write_prn_str(wb, o), o);
case 'rtf': return write_string_type(write_rtf_str(wb, o), o);
case 'eth': return write_string_type(write_eth_str(wb, o), o);
case 'fods': return write_string_type(write_ods(wb, o), o);
case 'biff2': if(!o.biff) o.biff = 2; /* falls through */
case 'biff3': if(!o.biff) o.biff = 3; /* falls through */
case 'biff4': if(!o.biff) o.biff = 4; return write_binary_type(write_biff_buf(wb, o), o);
case 'biff5': if(!o.biff) o.biff = 5; /* falls through */
case 'biff8':
case 'xla':
case 'xls': if(!o.biff) o.biff = 8; return write_cfb_type(wb, o);
case 'xlsx':
case 'xlsm':
case 'xlam':
case 'xlsb':
case 'ods': return write_zip_type(wb, o);
default: throw new Error ("Unrecognized bookType |" + o.bookType + "|");
function resolve_book_type(o) {
if(o.bookType) return;
var _BT = {
"xls": "biff8",
"htm": "html",
"slk": "sylk",
"socialcalc": "eth",
"Sh33tJS": "WTF"
var ext = o.file.slice(o.file.lastIndexOf(".")).toLowerCase();
if(ext.match(/^\.[a-z]+$/)) o.bookType = ext.slice(1);
o.bookType = _BT[o.bookType] || o.bookType;
function writeFileSync(wb, filename, opts) {
var o = opts||{}; o.type = 'file';
o.file = filename;
return writeSync(wb, o);
function writeFileAsync(filename, wb, opts, cb) {
var o = opts||{}; o.type = 'file';
o.file = filename;
o.type = 'buffer';
var _cb = cb; if(!(_cb instanceof Function)) _cb = (opts);
return _fs.writeFile(filename, writeSync(wb, o), _cb);
function make_json_row(sheet, r, R, cols, header, hdr, dense, o) {
var rr = encode_row(R);
var defval = o.defval, raw = o.raw || !o.hasOwnProperty("raw");
var isempty = true;
var row = (header === 1) ? [] : {};
if(header !== 1) {
if(Object.defineProperty) try { Object.defineProperty(row, '__rowNum__', {value:R, enumerable:false}); } catch(e) { row.__rowNum__ = R; }
else row.__rowNum__ = R;
if(!dense || sheet[R]) for (var C = r.s.c; C <= r.e.c; ++C) {
var val = dense ? sheet[R][C] : sheet[cols[C] + rr];
if(val === undefined || val.t === undefined) {
if(defval === undefined) continue;
if(hdr[C] != null) { row[hdr[C]] = defval; }
var v = val.v;
case 'z': if(v == null) break; continue;
case 'e': v = void 0; break;
case 's': case 'd': case 'b': case 'n': break;
default: throw new Error('unrecognized type ' + val.t);
if(hdr[C] != null) {
if(v == null) {
if(defval !== undefined) row[hdr[C]] = defval;
else if(raw && v === null) row[hdr[C]] = null;
else continue;
} else {
row[hdr[C]] = raw ? v : format_cell(val,v,o);
if(v != null) isempty = false;
return { row: row, isempty: isempty };
function sheet_to_json(sheet, opts) {
if(sheet == null || sheet["!ref"] == null) return [];
var val = {t:'n',v:0}, header = 0, offset = 1, hdr = [], v=0, vv="";
var r = {s:{r:0,c:0},e:{r:0,c:0}};
var o = opts || {};
var range = o.range != null ? o.range : sheet["!ref"];
if(o.header === 1) header = 1;
else if(o.header === "A") header = 2;
else if(Array.isArray(o.header)) header = 3;
switch(typeof range) {
case 'string': r = safe_decode_range(range); break;
case 'number': r = safe_decode_range(sheet["!ref"]); r.s.r = range; break;
default: r = range;
if(header > 0) offset = 0;
var rr = encode_row(r.s.r);
var cols = [];
var out = [];
var outi = 0, counter = 0;
var dense = Array.isArray(sheet);
var R = r.s.r, C = 0, CC = 0;
if(dense && !sheet[R]) sheet[R] = [];
for(C = r.s.c; C <= r.e.c; ++C) {
cols[C] = encode_col(C);
val = dense ? sheet[R][C] : sheet[cols[C] + rr];
switch(header) {
case 1: hdr[C] = C - r.s.c; break;
case 2: hdr[C] = cols[C]; break;
case 3: hdr[C] = o.header[C - r.s.c]; break;
if(val == null) val = {w: "__EMPTY", t: "s"};
vv = v = format_cell(val, null, o);
counter = 0;
for(CC = 0; CC < hdr.length; ++CC) if(hdr[CC] == vv) vv = v + "_" + (++counter);
hdr[C] = vv;
for (R = r.s.r + offset; R <= r.e.r; ++R) {
var row = make_json_row(sheet, r, R, cols, header, hdr, dense, o);
if((row.isempty === false) || (header === 1 ? o.blankrows !== false : !!o.blankrows)) out[outi++] = row.row;
out.length = outi;
return out;
var qreg = /"/g;
function make_csv_row(sheet, r, R, cols, fs, rs, FS, o) {
var isempty = true;
var row = [], txt = "", rr = encode_row(R);
for(var C = r.s.c; C <= r.e.c; ++C) {
if (!cols[C]) continue;
var val = o.dense ? (sheet[R]||[])[C]: sheet[cols[C] + rr];
if(val == null) txt = "";
else if(val.v != null) {
isempty = false;
txt = ''+format_cell(val, null, o);
for(var i = 0, cc = 0; i !== txt.length; ++i) if((cc = txt.charCodeAt(i)) === fs || cc === rs || cc === 34) {txt = "\"" + txt.replace(qreg, '""') + "\""; break; }
if(txt == "ID") txt = '"ID"';
} else if(val.f != null && !val.F) {
isempty = false;
txt = '=' + val.f; if(txt.indexOf(",") >= 0) txt = '"' + txt.replace(qreg, '""') + '"';
} else txt = "";
/* NOTE: Excel CSV does not support array formulae */
if(o.blankrows === false && isempty) return null;
return row.join(FS);
function sheet_to_csv(sheet, opts) {
var out = [];
var o = opts == null ? {} : opts;
if(sheet == null || sheet["!ref"] == null) return "";
var r = safe_decode_range(sheet["!ref"]);
var FS = o.FS !== undefined ? o.FS : ",", fs = FS.charCodeAt(0);
var RS = o.RS !== undefined ? o.RS : "\n", rs = RS.charCodeAt(0);
var endregex = new RegExp((FS=="|" ? "\\|" : FS)+"+$");
var row = "", cols = [];
o.dense = Array.isArray(sheet);
var colinfo = o.skipHidden && sheet["!cols"] || [];
var rowinfo = o.skipHidden && sheet["!rows"] || [];
for(var C = r.s.c; C <= r.e.c; ++C) if (!((colinfo[C]||{}).hidden)) cols[C] = encode_col(C);
for(var R = r.s.r; R <= r.e.r; ++R) {
if ((rowinfo[R]||{}).hidden) continue;
row = make_csv_row(sheet, r, R, cols, fs, rs, FS, o);
if(row == null) { continue; }
if(o.strip) row = row.replace(endregex,"");
out.push(row + RS);
delete o.dense;
return out.join("");
function sheet_to_txt(sheet, opts) {
if(!opts) opts = {}; opts.FS = "\t"; opts.RS = "\n";
var s = sheet_to_csv(sheet, opts);
if(typeof cptable == 'undefined' || opts.type == 'string') return s;
var o = cptable.utils.encode(1200, s, 'str');
return String.fromCharCode(255) + String.fromCharCode(254) + o;
function sheet_to_formulae(sheet) {
var y = "", x, val="";
if(sheet == null || sheet["!ref"] == null) return [];
var r = safe_decode_range(sheet['!ref']), rr = "", cols = [], C;
var cmds = [];
var dense = Array.isArray(sheet);
for(C = r.s.c; C <= r.e.c; ++C) cols[C] = encode_col(C);
for(var R = r.s.r; R <= r.e.r; ++R) {
rr = encode_row(R);
for(C = r.s.c; C <= r.e.c; ++C) {
y = cols[C] + rr;
x = dense ? (sheet[R]||[])[C] : sheet[y];
val = "";
if(x === undefined) continue;
else if(x.F != null) {
y = x.F;
if(!x.f) continue;
val = x.f;
if(y.indexOf(":") == -1) y = y + ":" + y;
if(x.f != null) val = x.f;
else if(x.t == 'z') continue;
else if(x.t == 'n' && x.v != null) val = "" + x.v;
else if(x.t == 'b') val = x.v ? "TRUE" : "FALSE";
else if(x.w !== undefined) val = "'" + x.w;
else if(x.v === undefined) continue;
else if(x.t == 's') val = "'" + x.v;
else val = ""+x.v;
cmds[cmds.length] = y + "=" + val;
return cmds;
function sheet_add_json(_ws, js, opts) {
var o = opts || {};
var offset = +!o.skipHeader;
var ws = _ws || ({});
var _R = 0, _C = 0;
if(ws && o.origin != null) {
if(typeof o.origin == 'number') _R = o.origin;
else {
var _origin = typeof o.origin == "string" ? decode_cell(o.origin) : o.origin;
_R = _origin.r; _C = _origin.c;
var cell;
var range = ({s: {c:0, r:0}, e: {c:_C, r:_R + js.length - 1 + offset}});
if(ws['!ref']) {
var _range = safe_decode_range(ws['!ref']);
range.e.c = Math.max(range.e.c, _range.e.c);
range.e.r = Math.max(range.e.r, _range.e.r);
if(_R == -1) { _R = range.e.r + 1; range.e.r = _R + js.length - 1 + offset; }
var hdr = o.header || [], C = 0;
js.forEach(function (JS, R) {
keys(JS).forEach(function(k) {
if((C=hdr.indexOf(k)) == -1) hdr[C=hdr.length] = k;
var v = JS[k];
var t = 'z';
var z = "";
if(v && typeof v === 'object' && !(v instanceof Date)){
ws[encode_cell({c:_C + C,r:_R + R + offset})] = v;
} else {
if(typeof v == 'number') t = 'n';
else if(typeof v == 'boolean') t = 'b';
else if(typeof v == 'string') t = 's';
else if(v instanceof Date) {
t = 'd';
if(!o.cellDates) { t = 'n'; v = datenum(v); }
z = o.dateNF || SSF._table[14];
ws[encode_cell({c:_C + C,r:_R + R + offset})] = cell = ({t:t, v:v});
if(z) cell.z = z;
range.e.c = Math.max(range.e.c, _C + hdr.length - 1);
var __R = encode_row(_R);
if(offset) for(C = 0; C < hdr.length; ++C) ws[encode_col(C + _C) + __R] = {t:'s', v:hdr[C]};
ws['!ref'] = encode_range(range);
return ws;
function json_to_sheet(js, opts) { return sheet_add_json(null, js, opts); }
var utils = {
encode_col: encode_col,
encode_row: encode_row,
encode_cell: encode_cell,
encode_range: encode_range,
decode_col: decode_col,
decode_row: decode_row,
split_cell: split_cell,
decode_cell: decode_cell,
decode_range: decode_range,
format_cell: format_cell,
get_formulae: sheet_to_formulae,
make_csv: sheet_to_csv,
make_json: sheet_to_json,
make_formulae: sheet_to_formulae,
sheet_add_aoa: sheet_add_aoa,
sheet_add_json: sheet_add_json,
aoa_to_sheet: aoa_to_sheet,
json_to_sheet: json_to_sheet,
table_to_sheet: parse_dom_table,
table_to_book: table_to_book,
sheet_to_csv: sheet_to_csv,
sheet_to_txt: sheet_to_txt,
sheet_to_json: sheet_to_json,
sheet_to_html: HTML_.from_sheet,
sheet_to_formulae: sheet_to_formulae,
sheet_to_row_object_array: sheet_to_json
(function(utils) {
utils.consts = utils.consts || {};
function add_consts(R/*Array<any>*/) { R.forEach(function(a){ utils.consts[a[0]] = a[1]; }); }
function get_default(x, y, z) { return x[y] != null ? x[y] : (x[y] = z); }
/* get cell, creating a stub if necessary */
function ws_get_cell_stub(ws, R, C) {
/* A1 cell address */
if(typeof R == "string") return ws[R] || (ws[R] = {t:'z'});
/* cell address object */
if(typeof R != "number") return ws_get_cell_stub(ws, encode_cell(R));
/* R and C are 0-based indices */
return ws_get_cell_stub(ws, encode_cell({r:R,c:C||0}));
/* find sheet index for given name / validate index */
function wb_sheet_idx(wb, sh) {
if(typeof sh == "number") {
if(sh >= 0 && wb.SheetNames.length > sh) return sh;
throw new Error("Cannot find sheet # " + sh);
} else if(typeof sh == "string") {
var idx = wb.SheetNames.indexOf(sh);
if(idx > -1) return idx;
throw new Error("Cannot find sheet name |" + sh + "|");
} else throw new Error("Cannot find sheet |" + sh + "|");
/* simple blank workbook object */
utils.book_new = function() {
return { SheetNames: [], Sheets: {} };
/* add a worksheet to the end of a given workbook */
utils.book_append_sheet = function(wb, ws, name) {
if(!name) for(var i = 1; i <= 0xFFFF; ++i) if(wb.SheetNames.indexOf(name = "Sheet" + i) == -1) break;
if(!name) throw new Error("Too many worksheets");
if(wb.SheetNames.indexOf(name) >= 0) throw new Error("Worksheet with name |" + name + "| already exists!");
wb.Sheets[name] = ws;
/* set sheet visibility (visible/hidden/very hidden) */
utils.book_set_sheet_visibility = function(wb, sh, vis) {
var idx = wb_sheet_idx(wb, sh);
// $FlowIgnore
get_default(wb.Workbook.Sheets,idx, {});
switch(vis) {
case 0: case 1: case 2: break;
default: throw new Error("Bad sheet visibility setting " + vis);
// $FlowIgnore
wb.Workbook.Sheets[idx].Hidden = vis;
/* set number format */
utils.cell_set_number_format = function(cell, fmt) {
cell.z = fmt;
return cell;
/* set cell hyperlink */
utils.cell_set_hyperlink = function(cell, target, tooltip) {
if(!target) {
delete cell.l;
} else {
cell.l = ({ Target: target });
if(tooltip) cell.l.Tooltip = tooltip;
return cell;
utils.cell_set_internal_link = function(cell, range, tooltip) { return utils.cell_set_hyperlink(cell, "#" + range, tooltip); };
/* add to cell comments */
utils.cell_add_comment = function(cell, text, author) {
if(!cell.c) cell.c = [];
cell.c.push({t:text, a:author||"SheetJS"});
/* set array formula and flush related cells */
utils.sheet_set_array_formula = function(ws, range, formula) {
var rng = typeof range != "string" ? range : safe_decode_range(range);
var rngstr = typeof range == "string" ? range : encode_range(range);
for(var R = rng.s.r; R <= rng.e.r; ++R) for(var C = rng.s.c; C <= rng.e.c; ++C) {
var cell = ws_get_cell_stub(ws, R, C);
cell.t = 'n';
cell.F = rngstr;
delete cell.v;
if(R == rng.s.r && C == rng.s.c) cell.f = formula;
return ws;
return utils;
if(typeof parse_xlscfb !== "undefined") XLSX.parse_xlscfb = parse_xlscfb;
XLSX.parse_zip = parse_zip; = readSync; //xlsread
XLSX.readFile = readFileSync; //readFile
XLSX.readFileSync = readFileSync;
XLSX.write = writeSync;
XLSX.writeFile = writeFileSync;
XLSX.writeFileSync = writeFileSync;
XLSX.writeFileAsync = writeFileAsync;
XLSX.utils = utils;
if(typeof CFB !== "undefined") XLSX.CFB = CFB;
/*global define */
if(typeof exports !== 'undefined') make_xlsx_lib(exports);
else if(typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports) make_xlsx_lib(module.exports);
else if(typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) define('xlsx', function() { if(!XLSX.version) make_xlsx_lib(XLSX); return XLSX; });
else make_xlsx_lib(XLSX);
/*exported XLS, ODS */