version bump 0.7.2: bughunt

- read BOM, handle UTF16LE-encoded XML
- handle namespaces in [Content_Types].xml
- parse workbook rels to determine sheet files
- numbers OSX boolean support (apparently requires "0" or "1")
- XLSX force "General" style to be serialized, omit implied cell type and style
- updated SSF to 0.7.0 (h/t @sysarchitect)
- updated jszip to 2.2.2
- removed old tests/files path, replaced with test_files
- themes written
- ignore potential existence of thumbnail when calculating relationship ids
This commit is contained in:
SheetJS 2014-05-22 05:16:51 -07:00
parent fbb2574191
commit e1f8dbb863
34 changed files with 558 additions and 198 deletions

.gitmodules vendored

@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
[submodule "tests/files"]
path = tests/files
[submodule "test_files"]
path = test_files
url =

@ -9,6 +9,6 @@ before_install:
- "npm install coveralls mocha-lcov-reporter"
- "make init"
- "cd tests/files; make all; cd -"
- "cd test_files; make all; cd -"
- "make coveralls-spin"

@ -56,6 +56,8 @@ Simple usage (walks through every cell of every sheet and dumps the values):
An example of writing an array-of-arrays is available at <>
The node version installs a binary `xlsx` which can read XLSX/XLSM/XLSB
files and output the contents in various formats. The source is available at
`xlsx.njs` in the bin directory.

@ -1 +1 @@
XLSX.version = '0.7.1';
XLSX.version = '0.7.2';

@ -12,3 +12,11 @@ if(typeof cptable !== 'undefined') _getchar = function(x) {
if (current_cptable) return current_cptable.dec[x];
return cptable.utils.decode(current_codepage, [x%256,x>>8])[0];
function char_codes(data) { return data.split("").map(function(x) { return x.charCodeAt(0); }); }
function debom_xml(data) {
if(typeof cptable !== 'undefined') {
if(data.charCodeAt(0) === 0xFF && data.charCodeAt(1) === 0xFE) { return cptable.utils.decode(1200, char_codes(data.substr(2))); }
return data;

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ var _strrev = function(x) { return String(x).split("").reverse().join("");};
function fill(c,l) { return new Array(l+1).join(c); }
function pad(v,d,c){var t=String(v);return t.length>=d?t:(fill(c||0,d-t.length)+t);}
function rpad(v,d,c){var t=String(v);return t.length>=d?t:(t+fill(c||0,d-t.length));}
SSF.version = '0.6.5';
SSF.version = '0.7.0';
/* Options */
var opts_fmt = {
@ -149,8 +149,8 @@ var parse_date_code = function parse_date_code(v,opts,b2) {
SSF.parse_date_code = parse_date_code;
/*jshint -W086 */
var write_date = function(type, fmt, val) {
var o, ss, y = val.y;
var write_date = function(type, fmt, val, ss0) {
var o, ss, tt, y = val.y, sss0;
switch(type) {
case 'b': y = val.y + 543;
/* falls through */
@ -187,11 +187,15 @@ var write_date = function(type, fmt, val) {
default: throw 'bad minute format: ' + fmt;
case 's': switch(fmt) { /* seconds */
case 's': ss=Math.round(val.S+val.u); return ss >= 60 ? 0 : ss;
case 'ss': ss=Math.round(val.S+val.u); if(ss>=60) ss=0; return pad(ss,2);
case 'ss.0': ss=Math.round(10*(val.S+val.u)); if(ss>=600) ss = 0; o = pad(ss,3); return o.substr(0,2)+"." + o.substr(2);
case 'ss.00': ss=Math.round(100*(val.S+val.u)); if(ss>=6000) ss = 0; o = pad(ss,4); return o.substr(0,2)+"." + o.substr(2);
case 'ss.000': ss=Math.round(1000*(val.S+val.u)); if(ss>=60000) ss = 0; o = pad(ss,5); return o.substr(0,2)+"." + o.substr(2);
case 's': case 'ss': case '.0': case '.00': case '.000':
sss0 = ss0 || 0;
tt = Math.pow(10,sss0);
ss = Math.round((tt)*(val.S + val.u));
if(fmt === 's') return ss >= 60*tt ? 0 : ss/tt;
else if(fmt === 'ss') { if(ss>=60*tt) ss=0; return pad(ss,(2+sss0)).substr(0,2); }
if(ss >= 60*tt) ss = 0;
o = pad(ss,2 + sss0);
return "." + o.substr(2,fmt.length-1);
default: throw 'bad second format: ' + fmt;
case 'Z': switch(fmt) {
@ -200,7 +204,6 @@ var write_date = function(type, fmt, val) {
case '[s]': case '[ss]': o = ((val.D*24+val.H)*60+val.M)*60+Math.round(val.S+val.u); break;
default: throw 'bad abstime format: ' + fmt;
} return fmt.length === 3 ? o : pad(o, 2);
/* TODO: handle the ECMA spec format ee -> yy */
case 'e': { return val.y; } break;
@ -285,12 +288,22 @@ var write_num = function(type, fmt, val) {
ff = frac(aval, Math.pow(10,rr)-1, true);
return sign + (ff[0]||(ff[1] ? "" : "0")) + " " + (ff[1] ? pad(ff[1],rr," ") + r[2] + "/" + r[3] + rpad(ff[2],rr," "): fill(" ", 2*rr+1 + r[2].length + r[3].length));
if((r = fmt.match(/^[#0]+$/))) {
o = "" + Math.round(val);
if(fmt.length <= o.length) return o;
return fmt.substr(0,fmt.length - o.length).replace(/#/g,"") + o;
if((r = fmt.match(/^([#0]+)\.([#0]+)$/))) {
o = "" + val.toFixed(Math.min(r[2].length,10)).replace(/([^0])0+$/,"$1");
rr = o.indexOf(".");
var lres = fmt.indexOf(".") - rr, rres = fmt.length - o.length - lres;
return fmt.substr(0,lres).replace(/#/g,"") + o + fmt.substr(fmt.length-rres).replace(/#/g,"");
if((r = fmt.match(/^00,000\.([#0]*0)$/))) {
rr = val == Math.floor(val) ? 0 : Math.round((val-Math.floor(val))*Math.pow(10,r[1].length));
return val < 0 ? "-" + write_num(type, fmt, -val) : commaify(String(Math.floor(val))).replace(/^\d,\d{3}$/,"0$&").replace(/^\d*$/,function($$) { return "00," + ($$.length < 3 ? pad(0,3-$$.length) : "") + $$; }) + "." + pad(rr,r[1].length,0);
switch(fmt) {
case "0": case "#0": return ""+Math.round(val);
case "#,###": var x = commaify(String(Math.round(aval))); return x !== "0" ? sign + x : "";
@ -313,7 +326,7 @@ function split_fmt(fmt) {
SSF._split = split_fmt;
function eval_fmt(fmt, v, opts, flen) {
var out = [], o = "", i = 0, c = "", lst='t', q, dt;
var out = [], o = "", i = 0, c = "", lst='t', q, dt, j;
fixopts(opts = (opts || {}));
var hr='H';
/* Tokenize */
@ -345,7 +358,6 @@ function eval_fmt(fmt, v, opts, flen) {
if(!dt) dt = parse_date_code(v, opts);
if(!dt) return "";
o = fmt[i]; while((fmt[++i]||"").toLowerCase() === c) o+=c;
if(c === 's' && fmt[i] === '.' && fmt[i+1] === '0') { o+='.'; while(fmt[++i] === '0') o+= '0'; }
if(c === 'm' && lst.toLowerCase() === 'h') c = 'M'; /* m = minute */
if(c === 'h') c = hr;
o = o.toLowerCase();
@ -369,7 +381,13 @@ function eval_fmt(fmt, v, opts, flen) {
} else { o=""; }
/* Numbers */
case '0': case '#': case '.':
case '.':
if(dt) {
o = c; while((c=fmt[++i]) === "0") o += c;
out.push({t:'s', v:o}); break;
/* falls through */
case '0': case '#':
o = c; while("0#?.,E+-%".indexOf(c=fmt[++i]) > -1 || c=='\\' && fmt[i+1] == "-" && "0#".indexOf(fmt[i+2])>-1) o += c;
out.push({t:'n', v:o}); break;
case '?':
@ -387,11 +405,13 @@ function eval_fmt(fmt, v, opts, flen) {
out.push({t:'t', v:c}); ++i; break;
var bt = 0;
var bt = 0, ss0 = 0, ssm;
for(i=out.length-1, lst='t'; i >= 0; --i) {
switch(out[i].t) {
case 'h': case 'H': out[i].t = hr; lst='h'; if(bt < 1) bt = 1; break;
case 's': if(bt < 3) bt = 3;
case 's':
if((ssm=out[i].v.match(/\.0+$/))) ss0=Math.max(ss0,ssm[0].length-1);
if(bt < 3) bt = 3;
/* falls through */
case 'd': case 'y': case 'M': case 'e': lst=out[i].t; break;
case 'm': if(lst === 's') { out[i].t = 'M'; if(bt < 2) bt = 2; } break;
@ -416,25 +436,77 @@ function eval_fmt(fmt, v, opts, flen) {
/* replace fields */
var nstr = "", jj;
for(i=0; i < out.length; ++i) {
switch(out[i].t) {
case 't': case 'T': case ' ': case 'D': break;
case 'X': delete out[i]; break;
case 'd': case 'm': case 'y': case 'h': case 'H': case 'M': case 's': case 'e': case 'b': case 'Z':
out[i].v = write_date(out[i].t, out[i].v, dt);
out[i].v = write_date(out[i].t, out[i].v, dt, ss0);
out[i].t = 't'; break;
case 'n': case '(': case '?':
var jj = i+1;
jj = i+1;
while(out[jj] && ("?D".indexOf(out[jj].t) > -1 || (" t".indexOf(out[jj].t) > -1 && "?t".indexOf((out[jj+1]||{}).t)>-1 && (out[jj+1].t == '?' || out[jj+1].v == '/')) || out[i].t == '(' && (")n ".indexOf(out[jj].t) > -1) || out[jj].t == 't' && (out[jj].v == '/' || '$€'.indexOf(out[jj].v) > -1 || (out[jj].v == ' ' && (out[jj+1]||{}).t == '?')))) {
out[i].v += out[jj].v;
delete out[jj]; ++jj;
out[i].v = write_num(out[i].t, out[i].v, (flen >1 && v < 0 && i>0 && out[i-1].v == "-" ? -v:v));
out[i].t = 't';
nstr += out[i].v;
i = jj-1; break;
case 'G': out[i].t = 't'; out[i].v = general_fmt(v,opts); break;
if(nstr) {
var ostr = write_num(nstr[0]=='(' ? '(' : 'n', nstr, (v<0&&nstr[0] == "-" ? -v : v));
var decpt = out.length;
for(i=0; i < out.length; ++i) if(out[i] && out[i].v.indexOf(".") > -1) { decpt = i; break; }
var lasti=out.length, vv;
if(decpt === out.length && !ostr.match(/E/)) {
for(i=out.length-1; i>= 0;--i) {
if(!out[i] || 'n?('.indexOf(out[i].t) === -1) continue;
vv = out[i].v.split("");
for(j=vv.length-1; j>=0; --j) {
if(jj>=0) vv[j] = ostr[jj--];
else vv[j] = "";
out[i].v = vv.join("");
out[i].t = 't';
lasti = i;
if(jj>=0 && lasti<out.length) out[lasti].v = ostr.substr(0,jj+1) + out[lasti].v;
else if(decpt !== out.length && !ostr.match(/E/)) {
jj = ostr.indexOf(".")-1;
for(i=decpt; i>= 0; --i) {
if(!out[i] || 'n?('.indexOf(out[i].t) === -1) continue;
vv = out[i].v.split("");
for(j=out[i].v.indexOf(".")>-1&&i==decpt?out[i].v.indexOf(".")-1:vv.length-1; j>=0; --j) {
if(jj>=0 && "0#".indexOf(vv[j])>-1) vv[j] = ostr[jj--];
else vv[j] = "";
out[i].v = vv.join("");
out[i].t = 't';
lasti = i;
if(jj>=0 && lasti<out.length) out[lasti].v = ostr.substr(0,jj+1) + out[lasti].v;
jj = ostr.indexOf(".")+1;
for(i=decpt; i<out.length; ++i) {
if(!out[i] || 'n?('.indexOf(out[i].t) === -1 && i != decpt ) continue;
vv = out[i].v.split("");
for(j=out[i].v.indexOf(".")>-1&&i==decpt?out[i].v.indexOf(".")+1:0; j<vv.length; ++j) {
if(jj<ostr.length) vv[j] = ostr[jj++];
else vv[j] = "";
out[i].v = vv.join("");
out[i].t = 't';
lasti = i;
for(i=0; i<out.length; ++i) if(out[i] && 'n(?'.indexOf(out[i].t)>-1) {
out[i].v = write_num(out[i].t, out[i].v, (flen >1 && v < 0 && i>0 && out[i-1].v == "-" ? -v:v));
out[i].t = 't';
return{return x.v;}).join("");
SSF._eval = eval_fmt;

@ -11,3 +11,10 @@ function evert(obj, arr) {
return o;
/* TODO: date1904 logic */
function datenum(v, date1904) {
if(date1904) v+=1462;
var epoch = Date.parse(v);
return (epoch - new Date(Date.UTC(1899, 11, 30))) / (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
function getdata(data) {
if(!data) return null;
if( return !== ".bin" ? :"").map(function(x) { return x.charCodeAt(0); });
if( return !== ".bin" ? debom_xml( :"").map(function(x) { return x.charCodeAt(0); });
if(data.asNodeBuffer && typeof Buffer !== 'undefined' &&".bin") return data.asNodeBuffer();
if(data.asBinary && !== ".bin") return data.asBinary();
if(data.asBinary && !== ".bin") return debom_xml(data.asBinary());
if(data._data && data._data.getContent) {
/* TODO: something far more intelligent */
if( === ".bin") return;

@ -181,9 +181,9 @@ function parse_ct(data, opts) {
TODO:[], rels:[], xmlns: "" };
(data.match(/<[^>]*>/g)||[]).forEach(function(x) {
var y = parsexmltag(x);
switch(y[0]) {
switch(y[0].replace(/<\w*:/,"<")) {
case '<?xml': break;
case '<Types': ct.xmlns = y.xmlns; break;
case '<Types': ct.xmlns = y['xmlns' + (y[0].match(/<(\w+):/)||["",""])[1] ]; break;
case '<Default': ctext[y.Extension] = y.ContentType; break;
case '<Override':
if(y.ContentType in ct2type)ct[ct2type[y.ContentType]].push(y.PartName);

@ -57,8 +57,8 @@ function write_core_props(cp, opts) {
o.push(h ? writextag(f,g,h) : writetag(f,g));
if(typeof cp.CreatedDate !== 'undefined') doit("dcterms:created", write_w3cdtf(cp.CreatedDate, opts.WTF), {"xsi:type":"dcterms:W3CDTF"});
if(typeof cp.ModifiedDate !== 'undefined') doit("dcterms:modified", write_w3cdtf(cp.ModifiedDate, opts.WTF), {"xsi:type":"dcterms:W3CDTF"});
if(typeof cp.CreatedDate !== 'undefined') doit("dcterms:created", typeof cp.CreatedDate === "string" ? cp.CreatedDate : write_w3cdtf(cp.CreatedDate, opts.WTF), {"xsi:type":"dcterms:W3CDTF"});
if(typeof cp.ModifiedDate !== 'undefined') doit("dcterms:modified", typeof cp.ModifiedDate === "string" ? cp.ModifiedDate : write_w3cdtf(cp.ModifiedDate, opts.WTF), {"xsi:type":"dcterms:W3CDTF"});
CORE_PROPS.forEach(function(f) { doit(f[0], cp[f[1]]); });
if(o.length>2){ o.push('</cp:coreProperties>'); o[1]=o[1].replace("/>",">"); }

@ -53,9 +53,10 @@ var EXT_PROPS_XML_ROOT = writextag('Properties', null, {
function write_ext_props(cp, opts) {
var o = [], p = {}, W = writextag;
if(!cp) cp = {};
cp.Application = "SheetJS";
if(!cp) return o.join("");
EXT_PROPS.forEach(function(f) {
if(typeof cp[f[1]] === 'undefined') return;

@ -180,7 +180,19 @@ var write_sst_xml = function(sst, opts) {
count: sst.Count,
uniqueCount: sst.Unique
sst.forEach(function(s) { o.push("<si>" + (s.r ? s.r : "<t>" + escapexml(s.t) + "</t>") + "</si>"); });
sst.forEach(function(s) {
var sitag = "<si>";
if(s.r) sitag += s.r;
else {
sitag += "<t";
if(s.t.match(/^\s|\s$|[\t\n\r]/)) sitag += ' xml:space="preserve"';
sitag += ">";
sitag += escapexml(s.t);
sitag += "</t>";
sitag += "</si>";
if(o.length>2){ o.push('</sst>'); o[1]=o[1].replace("/>",">"); }
return o.join("");

@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ function parse_numFmts(t, opts) {
t[0].match(/<[^>]*>/g).forEach(function(x) {
var y = parsexmltag(x);
switch(y[0]) {
case '<numFmts': case '</numFmts>': case '<numFmts/>': break;
case '<numFmts': case '</numFmts>': case '<numFmts/>': case '<numFmts>': break;
case '<numFmt': {
var f=utf8read(unescapexml(y.formatCode)), i=parseInt(y.numFmtId,10);
var f=unescapexml(y.formatCode), i=parseInt(y.numFmtId,10);
styles.NumberFmt[i] = f; if(i>0) SSF.load(f,i);
} break;
default: if(opts.WTF) throw 'unrecognized ' + y[0] + ' in numFmts';
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ function parse_cellXfs(t, opts) {
t[0].match(/<[^>]*>/g).forEach(function(x) {
var y = parsexmltag(x);
switch(y[0]) {
case '<cellXfs': case '<cellXfs/>': case '</cellXfs>': break;
case '<cellXfs': case '<cellXfs>': case '<cellXfs/>': case '</cellXfs>': break;
/* 18.8.45 xf CT_Xf */
case '<xf': delete y[0];

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ function get_sst_id(sst, str) {
function get_cell_style(styles, cell, opts) {
var z = opts.revssf[cell.z];
var z = opts.revssf[cell.z||"General"];
for(var i = 0; i != styles.length; ++i) if(styles[i].numFmtId === z) return i;
styles[styles.length] = {

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
function parse_ws_xml(data, opts, rels) {
if(!data) return data;
/* worksheet CT_Worksheet */
var s = {};
var s = {}, mtch;
/* dimension CT_SheetDimension ? */
var ref = data.match(/<dimension ref="([^"]*)"\s*\/>/);
@ -22,8 +22,7 @@ function parse_ws_xml(data, opts, rels) {
var sidx = 0;
/* sheetData CT_SheetData ? */
if(!data.match(/<(\w+:)?sheetData *\/>/))
data.match(/<(?:\w+:)?sheetData>([^\u2603]*)<\/(?:\w+:)?sheetData>/m)[1].split(/<\/(?:\w+:)?row>/).forEach(function(x) {
if((mtch=data.match(/<(?:\w+:)?sheetData>([^\u2603]*)<\/(?:\w+:)?sheetData>/m))) mtch[1].split(/<\/(?:\w+:)?row>/).forEach(function(x) {
if(x === "" || x.trim() === "") return;
/* row CT_Row */
@ -65,9 +64,8 @@ function parse_ws_xml(data, opts, rels) {
p.t = 'str'; p.v = is.t;
break; // inline string
case 'b': if(typeof p.v !== 'boolean') p.v = parsexmlbool(p.v); break;
case 'd': /* TODO: date1904 logic */
var epoch = Date.parse(p.v);
p.v = (epoch - new Date(Date.UTC(1899, 11, 30))) / (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
case 'd':
p.v = datenum(p.v);
p.t = 'n';
/* in case of error, stick value in .raw */
@ -129,8 +127,10 @@ var WS_XML_ROOT = writextag('worksheet', null, {
var write_ws_xml_cell = function(cell, ref, ws, opts, idx, wb) {
var v = writextag('v', escapexml(String(cell.v))), o = {r:ref};
if(cell.z) o.s = get_cell_style(opts.cellXfs, cell, opts);
var vv = cell.v; if(cell.t == 'b') vv = cell.v ? "1" : "0";
var v = writextag('v', escapexml(String(vv))), o = {r:ref};
o.s = get_cell_style(opts.cellXfs, cell, opts);
if(o.s === 0 || o.s === "0") delete o.s;
/* TODO: cell style */
if(typeof cell.v === 'undefined') return "";
switch(cell.t) {
@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ var write_ws_xml_cell = function(cell, ref, ws, opts, idx, wb) {
o.t = "s"; return writextag('c', v, o);
} else { o.t = "str"; return writextag('c', v, o); }
} break;
case 'n': o.t = "n"; return writextag('c', v, o);
case 'n': delete o.t; return writextag('c', v, o);
case 'b': o.t = "b"; return writextag('c', v, o);
case 'e': o.t = "e"; return writextag('c', v, o);

@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ function parse_zip(zip, opts) {
xlsb = true;
if(xlsb) set_cp(1200);
if(!opts.bookSheets && !opts.bookProps) {
strs = [];
@ -71,13 +72,21 @@ function parse_zip(zip, opts) {
props.SheetNames[j] = wbsheets[j].name;
/* Numbers iOS hack TODO: parse workbook rels to get names */
var wbrelsfile = 'xl/_rels/workbook.xml.rels';
var wbrels = parse_rels(getzipdata(zip, wbrelsfile, true), wbrelsfile);
if(wbrels) try {
wbrels = { return [, wbrels['!id'][].Target]; });
} catch(e) { wbrels = null; }
/* Numbers iOS hack */
var nmode = (getzipdata(zip,"xl/worksheets/sheet.xml",true))?1:0;
for(i = 0; i != props.Worksheets; ++i) {
try {
//path = dir.sheets[i].replace(/^\//,'');
path = 'xl/worksheets/sheet'+(i+1-nmode)+(xlsb?'.bin':'.xml');
path = path.replace(/sheet0\./,"sheet.");
if(wbrels) path = 'xl/' + (wbrels[i][1]).replace(/[\/]?xl\//, "");
else {
path = 'xl/worksheets/sheet'+(i+1-nmode)+(xlsb?'.bin':'.xml');
path = path.replace(/sheet0\./,"sheet.");
relsPath = path.replace(/^(.*)(\/)([^\/]*)$/, "$1/_rels/$3.rels");
sheetRels[props.SheetNames[i]]=parse_rels(getzipdata(zip, relsPath, true), path);
sheets[props.SheetNames[i]]=parse_ws(getzipdata(zip, path),path,opts,sheetRels[props.SheetNames[i]]);

@ -10,6 +10,9 @@ function add_rels(rels, rId, f, type, relobj) {
function write_zip(wb, opts) {
if(wb && !wb.SSF) {
wb.SSF = SSF.get_table();
if(wb && wb.SSF) {
make_ssf(SSF); SSF.load_table(wb.SSF);
opts.revssf = evert(wb.SSF); opts.revssf[wb.SSF[65535]] = 0;
@ -25,24 +28,26 @@ function write_zip(wb, opts) {
var f = "", rId = 0;
opts.cellXfs = [];
get_cell_style(opts.cellXfs, {}, {revssf:{"General":0}});
f = "docProps/core.xml";
zip.file(f, write_core_props(wb.Props, opts));
add_rels(opts.rels, 3, f, RELS.CORE_PROPS);
add_rels(opts.rels, 2, f, RELS.CORE_PROPS);
f = "docProps/app.xml";
if(!wb.Props) wb.Props = {};
wb.Props.SheetNames = wb.SheetNames;
wb.Props.Worksheets = wb.SheetNames.length;
zip.file(f, write_ext_props(wb.Props, opts));
add_rels(opts.rels, 4, f, RELS.EXT_PROPS);
add_rels(opts.rels, 3, f, RELS.EXT_PROPS);
if(wb.Custprops !== wb.Props) { /* TODO: fix xlsjs */
f = "docProps/custom.xml";
zip.file(f, write_cust_props(wb.Custprops, opts));
add_rels(opts.rels, 5, f, RELS.CUST_PROPS);
add_rels(opts.rels, 4, f, RELS.CUST_PROPS);
f = "xl/workbook." + wbext;
@ -66,10 +71,10 @@ function write_zip(wb, opts) {
/* TODO: something more intelligent with themes */
/* f = "xl/theme/theme1.xml"
f = "xl/theme/theme1.xml";
zip.file(f, write_theme());
add_rels(opts.wbrels, ++rId, "theme/theme1.xml", RELS.THEME);*/
add_rels(opts.wbrels, ++rId, "theme/theme1.xml", RELS.THEME);
/* TODO: something more intelligent with styles */

dist/xlsx.core.min.js vendored

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

dist/xlsx.full.min.js vendored

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

dist/xlsx.js vendored

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
/* vim: set ts=2: */
var XLSX = {};
XLSX.version = '0.7.1';
XLSX.version = '0.7.2';
var current_codepage = 1252, current_cptable;
if(typeof module !== "undefined" && typeof require !== 'undefined') {
if(typeof cptable === 'undefined') cptable = require('codepage');
@ -17,6 +17,14 @@ if(typeof cptable !== 'undefined') _getchar = function(x) {
if (current_cptable) return current_cptable.dec[x];
return cptable.utils.decode(current_codepage, [x%256,x>>8])[0];
function char_codes(data) { return data.split("").map(function(x) { return x.charCodeAt(0); }); }
function debom_xml(data) {
if(typeof cptable !== 'undefined') {
if(data.charCodeAt(0) === 0xFF && data.charCodeAt(1) === 0xFE) { return cptable.utils.decode(1200, char_codes(data.substr(2))); }
return data;
/* ssf.js (C) 2013-2014 SheetJS -- */
var SSF = {};
var make_ssf = function(SSF){
@ -24,7 +32,7 @@ var _strrev = function(x) { return String(x).split("").reverse().join("");};
function fill(c,l) { return new Array(l+1).join(c); }
function pad(v,d,c){var t=String(v);return t.length>=d?t:(fill(c||0,d-t.length)+t);}
function rpad(v,d,c){var t=String(v);return t.length>=d?t:(t+fill(c||0,d-t.length));}
SSF.version = '0.6.5';
SSF.version = '0.7.0';
/* Options */
var opts_fmt = {
@ -168,8 +176,8 @@ var parse_date_code = function parse_date_code(v,opts,b2) {
SSF.parse_date_code = parse_date_code;
/*jshint -W086 */
var write_date = function(type, fmt, val) {
var o, ss, y = val.y;
var write_date = function(type, fmt, val, ss0) {
var o, ss, tt, y = val.y, sss0;
switch(type) {
case 'b': y = val.y + 543;
/* falls through */
@ -206,11 +214,15 @@ var write_date = function(type, fmt, val) {
default: throw 'bad minute format: ' + fmt;
case 's': switch(fmt) { /* seconds */
case 's': ss=Math.round(val.S+val.u); return ss >= 60 ? 0 : ss;
case 'ss': ss=Math.round(val.S+val.u); if(ss>=60) ss=0; return pad(ss,2);
case 'ss.0': ss=Math.round(10*(val.S+val.u)); if(ss>=600) ss = 0; o = pad(ss,3); return o.substr(0,2)+"." + o.substr(2);
case 'ss.00': ss=Math.round(100*(val.S+val.u)); if(ss>=6000) ss = 0; o = pad(ss,4); return o.substr(0,2)+"." + o.substr(2);
case 'ss.000': ss=Math.round(1000*(val.S+val.u)); if(ss>=60000) ss = 0; o = pad(ss,5); return o.substr(0,2)+"." + o.substr(2);
case 's': case 'ss': case '.0': case '.00': case '.000':
sss0 = ss0 || 0;
tt = Math.pow(10,sss0);
ss = Math.round((tt)*(val.S + val.u));
if(fmt === 's') return ss >= 60*tt ? 0 : ss/tt;
else if(fmt === 'ss') { if(ss>=60*tt) ss=0; return pad(ss,(2+sss0)).substr(0,2); }
if(ss >= 60*tt) ss = 0;
o = pad(ss,2 + sss0);
return "." + o.substr(2,fmt.length-1);
default: throw 'bad second format: ' + fmt;
case 'Z': switch(fmt) {
@ -219,7 +231,6 @@ var write_date = function(type, fmt, val) {
case '[s]': case '[ss]': o = ((val.D*24+val.H)*60+val.M)*60+Math.round(val.S+val.u); break;
default: throw 'bad abstime format: ' + fmt;
} return fmt.length === 3 ? o : pad(o, 2);
/* TODO: handle the ECMA spec format ee -> yy */
case 'e': { return val.y; } break;
@ -304,12 +315,22 @@ var write_num = function(type, fmt, val) {
ff = frac(aval, Math.pow(10,rr)-1, true);
return sign + (ff[0]||(ff[1] ? "" : "0")) + " " + (ff[1] ? pad(ff[1],rr," ") + r[2] + "/" + r[3] + rpad(ff[2],rr," "): fill(" ", 2*rr+1 + r[2].length + r[3].length));
if((r = fmt.match(/^[#0]+$/))) {
o = "" + Math.round(val);
if(fmt.length <= o.length) return o;
return fmt.substr(0,fmt.length - o.length).replace(/#/g,"") + o;
if((r = fmt.match(/^([#0]+)\.([#0]+)$/))) {
o = "" + val.toFixed(Math.min(r[2].length,10)).replace(/([^0])0+$/,"$1");
rr = o.indexOf(".");
var lres = fmt.indexOf(".") - rr, rres = fmt.length - o.length - lres;
return fmt.substr(0,lres).replace(/#/g,"") + o + fmt.substr(fmt.length-rres).replace(/#/g,"");
if((r = fmt.match(/^00,000\.([#0]*0)$/))) {
rr = val == Math.floor(val) ? 0 : Math.round((val-Math.floor(val))*Math.pow(10,r[1].length));
return val < 0 ? "-" + write_num(type, fmt, -val) : commaify(String(Math.floor(val))).replace(/^\d,\d{3}$/,"0$&").replace(/^\d*$/,function($$) { return "00," + ($$.length < 3 ? pad(0,3-$$.length) : "") + $$; }) + "." + pad(rr,r[1].length,0);
switch(fmt) {
case "0": case "#0": return ""+Math.round(val);
case "#,###": var x = commaify(String(Math.round(aval))); return x !== "0" ? sign + x : "";
@ -332,7 +353,7 @@ function split_fmt(fmt) {
SSF._split = split_fmt;
function eval_fmt(fmt, v, opts, flen) {
var out = [], o = "", i = 0, c = "", lst='t', q, dt;
var out = [], o = "", i = 0, c = "", lst='t', q, dt, j;
fixopts(opts = (opts || {}));
var hr='H';
/* Tokenize */
@ -364,7 +385,6 @@ function eval_fmt(fmt, v, opts, flen) {
if(!dt) dt = parse_date_code(v, opts);
if(!dt) return "";
o = fmt[i]; while((fmt[++i]||"").toLowerCase() === c) o+=c;
if(c === 's' && fmt[i] === '.' && fmt[i+1] === '0') { o+='.'; while(fmt[++i] === '0') o+= '0'; }
if(c === 'm' && lst.toLowerCase() === 'h') c = 'M'; /* m = minute */
if(c === 'h') c = hr;
o = o.toLowerCase();
@ -388,7 +408,13 @@ function eval_fmt(fmt, v, opts, flen) {
} else { o=""; }
/* Numbers */
case '0': case '#': case '.':
case '.':
if(dt) {
o = c; while((c=fmt[++i]) === "0") o += c;
out.push({t:'s', v:o}); break;
/* falls through */
case '0': case '#':
o = c; while("0#?.,E+-%".indexOf(c=fmt[++i]) > -1 || c=='\\' && fmt[i+1] == "-" && "0#".indexOf(fmt[i+2])>-1) o += c;
out.push({t:'n', v:o}); break;
case '?':
@ -406,11 +432,13 @@ function eval_fmt(fmt, v, opts, flen) {
out.push({t:'t', v:c}); ++i; break;
var bt = 0;
var bt = 0, ss0 = 0, ssm;
for(i=out.length-1, lst='t'; i >= 0; --i) {
switch(out[i].t) {
case 'h': case 'H': out[i].t = hr; lst='h'; if(bt < 1) bt = 1; break;
case 's': if(bt < 3) bt = 3;
case 's':
if((ssm=out[i].v.match(/\.0+$/))) ss0=Math.max(ss0,ssm[0].length-1);
if(bt < 3) bt = 3;
/* falls through */
case 'd': case 'y': case 'M': case 'e': lst=out[i].t; break;
case 'm': if(lst === 's') { out[i].t = 'M'; if(bt < 2) bt = 2; } break;
@ -435,25 +463,77 @@ function eval_fmt(fmt, v, opts, flen) {
/* replace fields */
var nstr = "", jj;
for(i=0; i < out.length; ++i) {
switch(out[i].t) {
case 't': case 'T': case ' ': case 'D': break;
case 'X': delete out[i]; break;
case 'd': case 'm': case 'y': case 'h': case 'H': case 'M': case 's': case 'e': case 'b': case 'Z':
out[i].v = write_date(out[i].t, out[i].v, dt);
out[i].v = write_date(out[i].t, out[i].v, dt, ss0);
out[i].t = 't'; break;
case 'n': case '(': case '?':
var jj = i+1;
jj = i+1;
while(out[jj] && ("?D".indexOf(out[jj].t) > -1 || (" t".indexOf(out[jj].t) > -1 && "?t".indexOf((out[jj+1]||{}).t)>-1 && (out[jj+1].t == '?' || out[jj+1].v == '/')) || out[i].t == '(' && (")n ".indexOf(out[jj].t) > -1) || out[jj].t == 't' && (out[jj].v == '/' || '$€'.indexOf(out[jj].v) > -1 || (out[jj].v == ' ' && (out[jj+1]||{}).t == '?')))) {
out[i].v += out[jj].v;
delete out[jj]; ++jj;
out[i].v = write_num(out[i].t, out[i].v, (flen >1 && v < 0 && i>0 && out[i-1].v == "-" ? -v:v));
out[i].t = 't';
nstr += out[i].v;
i = jj-1; break;
case 'G': out[i].t = 't'; out[i].v = general_fmt(v,opts); break;
if(nstr) {
var ostr = write_num(nstr[0]=='(' ? '(' : 'n', nstr, (v<0&&nstr[0] == "-" ? -v : v));
var decpt = out.length;
for(i=0; i < out.length; ++i) if(out[i] && out[i].v.indexOf(".") > -1) { decpt = i; break; }
var lasti=out.length, vv;
if(decpt === out.length && !ostr.match(/E/)) {
for(i=out.length-1; i>= 0;--i) {
if(!out[i] || 'n?('.indexOf(out[i].t) === -1) continue;
vv = out[i].v.split("");
for(j=vv.length-1; j>=0; --j) {
if(jj>=0) vv[j] = ostr[jj--];
else vv[j] = "";
out[i].v = vv.join("");
out[i].t = 't';
lasti = i;
if(jj>=0 && lasti<out.length) out[lasti].v = ostr.substr(0,jj+1) + out[lasti].v;
else if(decpt !== out.length && !ostr.match(/E/)) {
jj = ostr.indexOf(".")-1;
for(i=decpt; i>= 0; --i) {
if(!out[i] || 'n?('.indexOf(out[i].t) === -1) continue;
vv = out[i].v.split("");
for(j=out[i].v.indexOf(".")>-1&&i==decpt?out[i].v.indexOf(".")-1:vv.length-1; j>=0; --j) {
if(jj>=0 && "0#".indexOf(vv[j])>-1) vv[j] = ostr[jj--];
else vv[j] = "";
out[i].v = vv.join("");
out[i].t = 't';
lasti = i;
if(jj>=0 && lasti<out.length) out[lasti].v = ostr.substr(0,jj+1) + out[lasti].v;
jj = ostr.indexOf(".")+1;
for(i=decpt; i<out.length; ++i) {
if(!out[i] || 'n?('.indexOf(out[i].t) === -1 && i != decpt ) continue;
vv = out[i].v.split("");
for(j=out[i].v.indexOf(".")>-1&&i==decpt?out[i].v.indexOf(".")+1:0; j<vv.length; ++j) {
if(jj<ostr.length) vv[j] = ostr[jj++];
else vv[j] = "";
out[i].v = vv.join("");
out[i].t = 't';
lasti = i;
for(i=0; i<out.length; ++i) if(out[i] && 'n(?'.indexOf(out[i].t)>-1) {
out[i].v = write_num(out[i].t, out[i].v, (flen >1 && v < 0 && i>0 && out[i-1].v == "-" ? -v:v));
out[i].t = 't';
return{return x.v;}).join("");
SSF._eval = eval_fmt;
@ -524,11 +604,18 @@ function evert(obj, arr) {
return o;
/* TODO: date1904 logic */
function datenum(v, date1904) {
if(date1904) v+=1462;
var epoch = Date.parse(v);
return (epoch - new Date(Date.UTC(1899, 11, 30))) / (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
function getdata(data) {
if(!data) return null;
if( return !== ".bin" ? :"").map(function(x) { return x.charCodeAt(0); });
if( return !== ".bin" ? debom_xml( :"").map(function(x) { return x.charCodeAt(0); });
if(data.asNodeBuffer && typeof Buffer !== 'undefined' &&".bin") return data.asNodeBuffer();
if(data.asBinary && !== ".bin") return data.asBinary();
if(data.asBinary && !== ".bin") return debom_xml(data.asBinary());
if(data._data && data._data.getContent) {
/* TODO: something far more intelligent */
if( === ".bin") return;
@ -1073,9 +1160,9 @@ function parse_ct(data, opts) {
TODO:[], rels:[], xmlns: "" };
(data.match(/<[^>]*>/g)||[]).forEach(function(x) {
var y = parsexmltag(x);
switch(y[0]) {
switch(y[0].replace(/<\w*:/,"<")) {
case '<?xml': break;
case '<Types': ct.xmlns = y.xmlns; break;
case '<Types': ct.xmlns = y['xmlns' + (y[0].match(/<(\w+):/)||["",""])[1] ]; break;
case '<Default': ctext[y.Extension] = y.ContentType; break;
case '<Override':
if(y.ContentType in ct2type)ct[ct2type[y.ContentType]].push(y.PartName);
@ -1263,8 +1350,8 @@ function write_core_props(cp, opts) {
o.push(h ? writextag(f,g,h) : writetag(f,g));
if(typeof cp.CreatedDate !== 'undefined') doit("dcterms:created", write_w3cdtf(cp.CreatedDate, opts.WTF), {"xsi:type":"dcterms:W3CDTF"});
if(typeof cp.ModifiedDate !== 'undefined') doit("dcterms:modified", write_w3cdtf(cp.ModifiedDate, opts.WTF), {"xsi:type":"dcterms:W3CDTF"});
if(typeof cp.CreatedDate !== 'undefined') doit("dcterms:created", typeof cp.CreatedDate === "string" ? cp.CreatedDate : write_w3cdtf(cp.CreatedDate, opts.WTF), {"xsi:type":"dcterms:W3CDTF"});
if(typeof cp.ModifiedDate !== 'undefined') doit("dcterms:modified", typeof cp.ModifiedDate === "string" ? cp.ModifiedDate : write_w3cdtf(cp.ModifiedDate, opts.WTF), {"xsi:type":"dcterms:W3CDTF"});
CORE_PROPS.forEach(function(f) { doit(f[0], cp[f[1]]); });
if(o.length>2){ o.push('</cp:coreProperties>'); o[1]=o[1].replace("/>",">"); }
@ -1325,9 +1412,10 @@ var EXT_PROPS_XML_ROOT = writextag('Properties', null, {
function write_ext_props(cp, opts) {
var o = [], p = {}, W = writextag;
if(!cp) cp = {};
cp.Application = "SheetJS";
if(!cp) return o.join("");
EXT_PROPS.forEach(function(f) {
if(typeof cp[f[1]] === 'undefined') return;
@ -1597,7 +1685,19 @@ var write_sst_xml = function(sst, opts) {
count: sst.Count,
uniqueCount: sst.Unique
sst.forEach(function(s) { o.push("<si>" + (s.r ? s.r : "<t>" + escapexml(s.t) + "</t>") + "</si>"); });
sst.forEach(function(s) {
var sitag = "<si>";
if(s.r) sitag += s.r;
else {
sitag += "<t";
if(s.t.match(/^\s|\s$|[\t\n\r]/)) sitag += ' xml:space="preserve"';
sitag += ">";
sitag += escapexml(s.t);
sitag += "</t>";
sitag += "</si>";
if(o.length>2){ o.push('</sst>'); o[1]=o[1].replace("/>",">"); }
return o.join("");
@ -1634,9 +1734,9 @@ function parse_numFmts(t, opts) {
t[0].match(/<[^>]*>/g).forEach(function(x) {
var y = parsexmltag(x);
switch(y[0]) {
case '<numFmts': case '</numFmts>': case '<numFmts/>': break;
case '<numFmts': case '</numFmts>': case '<numFmts/>': case '<numFmts>': break;
case '<numFmt': {
var f=utf8read(unescapexml(y.formatCode)), i=parseInt(y.numFmtId,10);
var f=unescapexml(y.formatCode), i=parseInt(y.numFmtId,10);
styles.NumberFmt[i] = f; if(i>0) SSF.load(f,i);
} break;
default: if(opts.WTF) throw 'unrecognized ' + y[0] + ' in numFmts';
@ -1662,7 +1762,7 @@ function parse_cellXfs(t, opts) {
t[0].match(/<[^>]*>/g).forEach(function(x) {
var y = parsexmltag(x);
switch(y[0]) {
case '<cellXfs': case '<cellXfs/>': case '</cellXfs>': break;
case '<cellXfs': case '<cellXfs>': case '<cellXfs/>': case '</cellXfs>': break;
/* 18.8.45 xf CT_Xf */
case '<xf': delete y[0];
@ -2033,7 +2133,7 @@ function get_sst_id(sst, str) {
function get_cell_style(styles, cell, opts) {
var z = opts.revssf[cell.z];
var z = opts.revssf[cell.z||"General"];
for(var i = 0; i != styles.length; ++i) if(styles[i].numFmtId === z) return i;
styles[styles.length] = {
@ -2049,7 +2149,7 @@ function get_cell_style(styles, cell, opts) {
function parse_ws_xml(data, opts, rels) {
if(!data) return data;
/* worksheet CT_Worksheet */
var s = {};
var s = {}, mtch;
/* dimension CT_SheetDimension ? */
var ref = data.match(/<dimension ref="([^"]*)"\s*\/>/);
@ -2069,8 +2169,7 @@ function parse_ws_xml(data, opts, rels) {
var sidx = 0;
/* sheetData CT_SheetData ? */
if(!data.match(/<(\w+:)?sheetData *\/>/))
data.match(/<(?:\w+:)?sheetData>([^\u2603]*)<\/(?:\w+:)?sheetData>/m)[1].split(/<\/(?:\w+:)?row>/).forEach(function(x) {
if((mtch=data.match(/<(?:\w+:)?sheetData>([^\u2603]*)<\/(?:\w+:)?sheetData>/m))) mtch[1].split(/<\/(?:\w+:)?row>/).forEach(function(x) {
if(x === "" || x.trim() === "") return;
/* row CT_Row */
@ -2112,9 +2211,8 @@ function parse_ws_xml(data, opts, rels) {
p.t = 'str'; p.v = is.t;
break; // inline string
case 'b': if(typeof p.v !== 'boolean') p.v = parsexmlbool(p.v); break;
case 'd': /* TODO: date1904 logic */
var epoch = Date.parse(p.v);
p.v = (epoch - new Date(Date.UTC(1899, 11, 30))) / (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
case 'd':
p.v = datenum(p.v);
p.t = 'n';
/* in case of error, stick value in .raw */
@ -2176,8 +2274,10 @@ var WS_XML_ROOT = writextag('worksheet', null, {
var write_ws_xml_cell = function(cell, ref, ws, opts, idx, wb) {
var v = writextag('v', escapexml(String(cell.v))), o = {r:ref};
if(cell.z) o.s = get_cell_style(opts.cellXfs, cell, opts);
var vv = cell.v; if(cell.t == 'b') vv = cell.v ? "1" : "0";
var v = writextag('v', escapexml(String(vv))), o = {r:ref};
o.s = get_cell_style(opts.cellXfs, cell, opts);
if(o.s === 0 || o.s === "0") delete o.s;
/* TODO: cell style */
if(typeof cell.v === 'undefined') return "";
switch(cell.t) {
@ -2187,7 +2287,7 @@ var write_ws_xml_cell = function(cell, ref, ws, opts, idx, wb) {
o.t = "s"; return writextag('c', v, o);
} else { o.t = "str"; return writextag('c', v, o); }
} break;
case 'n': o.t = "n"; return writextag('c', v, o);
case 'n': delete o.t; return writextag('c', v, o);
case 'b': o.t = "b"; return writextag('c', v, o);
case 'e': o.t = "e"; return writextag('c', v, o);
@ -3780,6 +3880,7 @@ function parse_zip(zip, opts) {
xlsb = true;
if(xlsb) set_cp(1200);
if(!opts.bookSheets && !opts.bookProps) {
strs = [];
@ -3834,13 +3935,21 @@ function parse_zip(zip, opts) {
props.SheetNames[j] = wbsheets[j].name;
/* Numbers iOS hack TODO: parse workbook rels to get names */
var wbrelsfile = 'xl/_rels/workbook.xml.rels';
var wbrels = parse_rels(getzipdata(zip, wbrelsfile, true), wbrelsfile);
if(wbrels) try {
wbrels = { return [, wbrels['!id'][].Target]; });
} catch(e) { wbrels = null; }
/* Numbers iOS hack */
var nmode = (getzipdata(zip,"xl/worksheets/sheet.xml",true))?1:0;
for(i = 0; i != props.Worksheets; ++i) {
try {
//path = dir.sheets[i].replace(/^\//,'');
path = 'xl/worksheets/sheet'+(i+1-nmode)+(xlsb?'.bin':'.xml');
path = path.replace(/sheet0\./,"sheet.");
if(wbrels) path = 'xl/' + (wbrels[i][1]).replace(/[\/]?xl\//, "");
else {
path = 'xl/worksheets/sheet'+(i+1-nmode)+(xlsb?'.bin':'.xml');
path = path.replace(/sheet0\./,"sheet.");
relsPath = path.replace(/^(.*)(\/)([^\/]*)$/, "$1/_rels/$3.rels");
sheetRels[props.SheetNames[i]]=parse_rels(getzipdata(zip, relsPath, true), path);
sheets[props.SheetNames[i]]=parse_ws(getzipdata(zip, path),path,opts,sheetRels[props.SheetNames[i]]);
@ -3883,6 +3992,9 @@ function add_rels(rels, rId, f, type, relobj) {
function write_zip(wb, opts) {
if(wb && !wb.SSF) {
wb.SSF = SSF.get_table();
if(wb && wb.SSF) {
make_ssf(SSF); SSF.load_table(wb.SSF);
opts.revssf = evert(wb.SSF); opts.revssf[wb.SSF[65535]] = 0;
@ -3898,24 +4010,26 @@ function write_zip(wb, opts) {
var f = "", rId = 0;
opts.cellXfs = [];
get_cell_style(opts.cellXfs, {}, {revssf:{"General":0}});
f = "docProps/core.xml";
zip.file(f, write_core_props(wb.Props, opts));
add_rels(opts.rels, 3, f, RELS.CORE_PROPS);
add_rels(opts.rels, 2, f, RELS.CORE_PROPS);
f = "docProps/app.xml";
if(!wb.Props) wb.Props = {};
wb.Props.SheetNames = wb.SheetNames;
wb.Props.Worksheets = wb.SheetNames.length;
zip.file(f, write_ext_props(wb.Props, opts));
add_rels(opts.rels, 4, f, RELS.EXT_PROPS);
add_rels(opts.rels, 3, f, RELS.EXT_PROPS);
if(wb.Custprops !== wb.Props) { /* TODO: fix xlsjs */
f = "docProps/custom.xml";
zip.file(f, write_cust_props(wb.Custprops, opts));
add_rels(opts.rels, 5, f, RELS.CUST_PROPS);
add_rels(opts.rels, 4, f, RELS.CUST_PROPS);
f = "xl/workbook." + wbext;
@ -3939,10 +4053,10 @@ function write_zip(wb, opts) {
/* TODO: something more intelligent with themes */
/* f = "xl/theme/theme1.xml"
f = "xl/theme/theme1.xml";
zip.file(f, write_theme());
add_rels(opts.wbrels, ++rId, "theme/theme1.xml", RELS.THEME);*/
add_rels(opts.wbrels, ++rId, "theme/theme1.xml", RELS.THEME);