forked from sheetjs/sheetjs
2021-09-07 19:43:05 -06:00

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# Electron
This library is compatible with Electron and should just work out of the box.
The demonstration uses Electron 14.0.0. The library is added via `require` from
the renderer process.
Electron 9.0.0 and later require the preference `nodeIntegration: true` in order
to `require('XLSX')` in the renderer process. Electron 12.0.0 and later also
require `worldSafeExecuteJavascript: true` and `contextIsolation: true`
The library can also be required from the main process, as shown in this demo
to render a version string in the About dialog on OSX.
The standard HTML5 `FileReader` techniques from the browser apply to Electron.
This demo includes a drag-and-drop box as well as a file input box, mirroring
the [SheetJS Data Preview Live Demo](http://oss.sheetjs.com/sheetjs/)
The core data in this demo is an editable HTML table. The readers build up the
table using `sheet_to_html` (with `editable:true` option) and the writers scrape
the table using `table_to_book`.
## Reading and Writing Files
Since electron provides an `fs` implementation, `readFile` and `writeFile` can
be used in conjunction with the standard dialog windows. For example:
/* from app code, require('electron').remote calls back to main process */
var dialog = require('electron').remote.dialog;
/* show a file-open dialog and read the first selected file */
var o = dialog.showOpenDialog({ properties: ['openFile'] });
var workbook = XLSX.readFile(o[0]);
/* show a file-save dialog and write the workbook */
var o = dialog.showSaveDialog();
XLSX.writeFile(workbook, o);