2023-02-15 01:00:28 -05:00

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GatsbyJS demos/extensions/index demos/cloudata/index

import current from '/version.js';

Gatsby is a framework for creating websites. It uses React components for page templates and GraphQL for loading data.

gatsby-transformer-excel is a transformer that generates GraphQL nodes for each row of each worksheet. The plugin is officially supported by the Gatsby team. The plugin documentation includes examples and more detailed usage instructions.


gatsby-transformer-excel is maintained by the Gatsby core team and all bugs should be directed to the main Gatsby project. If it is determined to be a bug in the parsing logic, issues should then be raised with the SheetJS project.



gatsby-transformer-excel uses an older version of the library. It can be overridden through a package.json override in the latest versions of NodeJS:

  "overrides": {
    "xlsx": "${current}/xlsx-${current}.tgz"


GraphQL details

gatsby-transformer-excel generates nodes for each data row of each worksheet. Under the hood, it uses sheet_to_json to generate row objects using the headers in the first row as keys.


Assuming the file name is pres.xlsx and the data is stored in "Sheet1", the following nodes will be created:

  { Name: "Bill Clinton", Index: 42, type: "PresXlsxSheet1" },
  { Name: "GeorgeW Bush", Index: 43, type: "PresXlsxSheet1" },
  { Name: "Barack Obama", Index: 44, type: "PresXlsxSheet1" },
  { Name: "Donald Trump", Index: 45, type: "PresXlsxSheet1" },
  { Name: "Joseph Biden", Index: 46, type: "PresXlsxSheet1" },

The type is a proper casing of the file name concatenated with the sheet name.

The following query pulls the Name and Index fields from each row:

  allPresXlsxSheet1 { # "all" followed by type
    edges {
      node { # each line in this block should be a field in the data

GatsbyJS Demo


This demo was tested on 2022 November 11 against create-gatsby@3.0.0. The generated project used gatsby@5.0.0 and react@18.2.0.


Project setup

  1. Run npm init gatsby -- -y sheetjs-gatsby to create the template site.

  2. Follow the on-screen instructions for starting the local development server:

cd sheetjs-gatsby
npm run develop

Open a web browser to the displayed URL (typically http://localhost:8000/)

  1. Edit package.json and add the highlighted lines in the JSON object:
  // highlight-start
  "overrides": {
    "xlsx": "${current}/xlsx-${current}.tgz"
  // highlight-end
  "name": "sheetjs-gatsby",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  1. Install the library and plugins:
npm i --save${current}/xlsx-${current}.tgz
npm i --save gatsby-transformer-excel gatsby-source-filesystem
  1. Edit gatsby-config.js and add the following lines to the plugins array:
  plugins: [
      resolve: `gatsby-source-filesystem`,
      options: {
        name: `data`,
        path: `${__dirname}/src/data/`,

Stop and restart the development server process (npm run develop).

  1. Make a src/data directory, download, and move the downloaded file into the new folder:
mkdir -p src/data
curl -L -o src/data/pres.xlsx

GraphiQL test

  1. Open the GraphiQL editor at http://localhost:8000/___graphql.

There is an editor in the left pane. Paste the following query into the editor:

  allPresXlsxSheet1 {
    edges {
      node {

Press the Execute Query button and data should show up in the right pane:

GraphiQL Screenshot

React page

  1. Create a new file src/pages/pres.js that uses the query and displays the result:
import { graphql } from "gatsby"
import * as React from "react"

export const query = graphql`query {
  allPresXlsxSheet1 {
    edges {
      node {

const PageComponent = ({data}) => {
  return ( <pre>{JSON.stringify(data, 2, 2)}</pre> );
export default PageComponent;

After saving the file, access http://localhost:8000/pres. The displayed JSON is the data that the component receives:

  "allPresXlsxSheet1": {
    "edges": [
        "node": {
          "Name": "Bill Clinton",
          "Index": 42
  // ....
  1. Change PageComponent to display a table based on the data:
import { graphql } from "gatsby"
import * as React from "react"

export const query = graphql`query {
  allPresXlsxSheet1 {
    edges {
      node {

// highlight-start
const PageComponent = ({data}) => {
  const rows = => r.node);
  return ( <table>
    <tbody>{ => ( <tr>
    </tr> ))}</tbody>
  </table> );
// highlight-end

export default PageComponent;

Going back to the browser, http://localhost:8000/pres will show a table:

Data in Table

Live refresh

  1. Open the file src/data/pres.xlsx in Excel or LibreOffice or Numbers. Add a new row at the end of the file:

New Row in File

Save the file and notice that the table has refreshed with the new data:

Updated Table

Static site

  1. Stop the development server and run npm run build. Once the build is finished, the display will confirm that the /pres route is static:

┌ src/pages/404.js
│ ├   /404/
│ └   /404.html
├ src/pages/index.js
│ └   /
└ src/pages/pres.js
  └   /pres/

  │                                                                │
  │   (SSG) Generated at build time                                │
  │ D (DSG) Deferred static generation - page generated at runtime │
  │ ∞ (SSR) Server-side renders at runtime (uses getServerData)    │
  │ λ (Function) Gatsby function                                   │
  │                                                                │

The built page will be placed in public/pres/index.html. Open the page with a text editor and search for "SheetJS" to verify raw HTML was generated:

<tr><td>SheetJS Dev</td><td>47</td></tr>