SheetJS f968dfe4ed version bump 0.11.6: ancillary format update
- BIFF5 XLS write (bookType "biff5")
- DBF Level 7 read
- ODS whitespace and repeated rows
- flow and lint cleanup
2017-10-16 20:14:32 -04:00

29 lines
848 B

### JS Ecosystem Demos
The [`demos` directory](demos/) includes sample projects for:
**Frameworks and APIs**
- [`angular 1.x`](demos/angular/)
- [`angular 2.x / 4.x`](demos/angular2/)
- [`meteor`](demos/meteor/)
- [`react and react-native`](demos/react/)
- [`vue 2.x and weex`](demos/vue/)
- [`XMLHttpRequest and fetch`](demos/xhr/)
- [`nodejs server`](demos/server/)
**Bundlers and Tooling**
- [`browserify`](demos/browserify/)
- [`requirejs`](demos/requirejs/)
- [`rollup`](demos/rollup/)
- [`systemjs`](demos/systemjs/)
- [`webpack 2.x`](demos/webpack/)
**Platforms and Integrations**
- [`electron application`](demos/electron/)
- [`nw.js application`](demos/nwjs/)
- [`Adobe ExtendScript`](demos/extendscript/)
- [`Headless Browsers`](demos/headless/)
- [`canvas-datagrid`](demos/datagrid/)
- [`Swift JSC and other engines`](demos/altjs/)