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Photoshop, InDesign, and other Creative Cloud apps

import current from '/version.js';

ExtendScript is a dialect of JavaScript used in Photoshop and InDesign scripts.

Each standalone release script is available at

xlsx.extendscript.js is a special ExtendScript-compatible build. The script is carefully assembled to work around ExtendScript quirks. Due to bugs in various JavaScript minifiers and tools, scripts cannot be compressed or post-processed.

{"" + current + "/package/dist/xlsx.extendscript.js"} is the URL for {current}

After downloading the script, it can be directly referenced with #include:

#include "xlsx.extendscript.js"

:::tip pass

Watch the repo or subscribe to the RSS feed to be notified when new versions are released!


For local deployments, the scripts can be placed in the Scripts folder. The path is application-specific.

App Location
Photoshop \Presets\Scripts within the Application folder
InDesign Windows > Utilities > Scripts, click > "Reveal in Explorer"

:::note CEP and UXP usage

The ExtendScript build should be used when performing spreadsheet operations from the host context (within a jsx script file).

CEP: The standalone scripts should be added to CEP extension HTML.

UXP: The standalone scripts can be loaded directly in UXP scripts using the require function.
