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Data Processing with GraalJS Java + GraalJS demos/bigdata/index solutions/input

import current from '/version.js'; import Tabs from '@theme/Tabs'; import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem'; import CodeBlock from '@theme/CodeBlock';

GraalJS is a JS engine for Java. The project offers a JSR-223 compliant OpenJDK-compatible build.

SheetJS is a JavaScript library for reading and writing data from spreadsheets.

The "Complete Example" section includes a complete Java command-line tool for reading data from spreadsheets and printing CSV rows.

:::info pass

The Java packages used in this demo are covered under open source licenses. The Universal Permissive License covers most of the packages, while icu4j uses a different, yet still permissive, license.


Integration Details

:::info pass

When this demo was last tested, raw byte arrays could not be passed to GraalJS.

This is a limitation of the default GraalJS behavior.

Instead, this demo uses Nashorn Compatibility Mode1 through a runtime flag:

java -Dpolyglot.js.nashorn-compat=true ...


The Nashorn demo code and explanation applies to JSR-223 compatible ScriptEngine implementations, including GraalJS.

Complete Example

:::note Tested Deployments

This demo was tested in the following deployments:

OpenJDK GraalJS Date
22 24.0.1 2024-05-25
21.0.3 24.0.1 2024-05-25
20.0.2 24.0.1 2024-05-25
19.0.2 24.0.1 2024-05-25
18.0.2 24.0.1 2024-05-25
17.0.10 24.0.1 2024-05-25



  1. Download GraalJS and its dependencies:
curl -LO ""
curl -LO ""
curl -LO ""
curl -LO ""
curl -LO ""
curl -LO ""
curl -LO ""
curl -LO ""
  1. Download the SheetJS Standalone script, shim script and test file. Move all three files to the project directory:

{\ curl -LO${current}/package/dist/xlsx.full.min.js curl -LO${current}/package/dist/shim.min.js curl -LO}

  1. Download
curl -LO
  1. Build the sample class:

This program tries to parse the file specified by the first argument and prints CSV rows from the first worksheet.

Standalone Test

  1. Run the command directly:
java -cp ".:js-scriptengine-24.0.1.jar:js-language-24.0.1.jar:polyglot-24.0.1.jar:collections-24.0.1.jar:truffle-api-24.0.1.jar:nativeimage-24.0.1.jar:icu4j-24.0.1.jar:regex-24.0.1.jar" -Dpolyglot.js.nashorn-compat=true SheetJSNashorn pres.xlsx
java -cp ".;js-scriptengine-24.0.1.jar;js-language-24.0.1.jar;polyglot-24.0.1.jar;collections-24.0.1.jar;truffle-api-24.0.1.jar;nativeimage-24.0.1.jar;icu4j-24.0.1.jar;regex-24.0.1.jar" -D"polyglot.js.nashorn-compat=true" SheetJSNashorn pres.xlsx

If successful, CSV rows from the first worksheet will be displayed.

Java Archive Test

  1. Assemble a Java Archive:
jar -cf SheetJSNashorn.jar SheetJSNashorn.class xlsx.full.min.js shim.min.js
  1. Create new directory and copy the archives and test file:
mkdir -p sheethorn
cp *.jar pres.xlsx sheethorn
cd sheethorn
  1. Run the program using the Java Archive:
java -cp ".:js-scriptengine-24.0.1.jar:js-language-24.0.1.jar:polyglot-24.0.1.jar:collections-24.0.1.jar:truffle-api-24.0.1.jar:nativeimage-24.0.1.jar:icu4j-24.0.1.jar:regex-24.0.1.jar:SheetJSNashorn.jar" -Dpolyglot.js.nashorn-compat=true  SheetJSNashorn pres.xlsx
java -cp ".;js-scriptengine-24.0.1.jar;js-language-24.0.1.jar;polyglot-24.0.1.jar;collections-24.0.1.jar;truffle-api-24.0.1.jar;nativeimage-24.0.1.jar;icu4j-24.0.1.jar;regex-24.0.1.jar;SheetJSNashorn.jar" -D"polyglot.js.nashorn-compat=true"  SheetJSNashorn pres.xlsx

This should print the same CSV rows from Step 4.

  1. See "Nashorn Compatibility Mode" in the GraalJS documentation. ↩︎