2023-03-12 01:25:57 -05:00

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Svelte demos/index demos/grid/index 4

Svelte is a JS library for building user interfaces.

This demo tries to cover common Svelte data flow ideas and strategies. Svelte familiarity is assumed.

Other demos cover general Svelte deployments, including:


The "Frameworks" section covers installation with Yarn and other package managers.

The library can be imported directly from Svelte files with:

import { read, utils, writeFile } from 'xlsx';

Internal State

The various SheetJS APIs work with various data shapes. The preferred state depends on the application.

Array of Objects

Typically, some users will create a spreadsheet with source data that should be loaded into the site. This sheet will have known columns. For example, our presidents sheet has "Name" / "Index" columns:

pres.xlsx data

This naturally maps to an array of typed objects, as in the TS example below:

import { read, utils } from 'xlsx';

interface President {
  Name: string;
  Index: number;

const f = await (await fetch("")).arrayBuffer();
const wb = read(f);
const data = utils.sheet_to_json<President>(wb.Sheets[wb.SheetNames[0]]);

data will be an array of objects:

  { Name: "Bill Clinton", Index: 42 },
  { Name: "GeorgeW Bush", Index: 43 },
  { Name: "Barack Obama", Index: 44 },
  { Name: "Donald Trump", Index: 45 },
  { Name: "Joseph Biden", Index: 46 }

A component will typically map over the data. The following example generates a TABLE with a row for each President:

import { onMount } from 'svelte';
import { read, utils, writeFileXLSX } from 'xlsx';

/* the component state is an array of presidents */
let pres = [];

/* Fetch and update the state once */
onMount(async() => {
  const f = await (await fetch("")).arrayBuffer();
  const wb = read(f); // parse the array buffer
  const ws = wb.Sheets[wb.SheetNames[0]]; // get the first worksheet
  // highlight-start
  pres = utils.sheet_to_json(ws); // generate objects and update state
  // highlight-end

/* get state data and export to XLSX */
function exportFile() {
  // highlight-next-line
  const ws = utils.json_to_sheet(pres);
  const wb = utils.book_new();
  utils.book_append_sheet(wb, ws, "Data");
  writeFileXLSX(wb, "SheetJSSvelteAoO.xlsx");

  <!-- highlight-start -->
  {#each pres as p}<tr>
  <!-- highlight-end -->
  </tbody><tfoot><td colSpan={2}>
  <button on:click={exportFile}>Export XLSX</button>
How to run the example (click to show)


This demo was last run on 2023 March 08 using svelte@3.55.1. When running npm create, the package create-vite@4.1.0 was installed.


  1. Run npm create vite@latest sheetjs-svelte -- --template svelte-ts.

  2. Install the SheetJS dependency and start the dev server:

cd sheetjs-svelte
npm install
npm i --save
npm run dev
  1. Open a web browser and access the displayed URL (http://localhost:5173)

  2. Replace src/App.svelte with the src/SheetJSSvelteAoO.svelte example.

The page will refresh and show a table with an Export button. Click the button and the page will attempt to download SheetJSSvelteAoA.xlsx. There may be a delay since Vite will try to optimize the SheetJS library on the fly.

  1. Build the site with npm run build, then test with npx http-server dist. Access http://localhost:8080 with a web browser to test the bundled site.


The main disadvantage of the Array of Objects approach is the specific nature of the columns. For more general use, passing around an Array of Arrays works. However, this does not handle merge cells well!

The sheet_to_html function generates HTML that is aware of merges and other worksheet features. Svelte @html tag allows raw HTML strings:

import { onMount } from 'svelte';
import { read, utils, writeFileXLSX } from 'xlsx';

let html = "";
let tbl;

/* Fetch and update the state once */
onMount(async() => {
  const f = await (await fetch("")).arrayBuffer();
  const wb = read(f); // parse the array buffer
  const ws = wb.Sheets[wb.SheetNames[0]]; // get the first worksheet
  // highlight-start
  html = utils.sheet_to_html(ws); // generate HTML and update state
  // highlight-end

/* get state data and export to XLSX */
function exportFile() {
  // highlight-start
  const elt = tbl.getElementsByTagName("TABLE")[0];
  const wb = utils.table_to_book(elt);
  // highlight-end
  writeFileXLSX(wb, "SheetJSSvelteHTML.xlsx");

  <button on:click={exportFile}>Export XLSX</button>
  <!-- highlight-start -->
  <div bind:this={tbl}>{@html html}</div>
  <!-- highlight-end -->
How to run the example (click to show)


This demo was last run on 2023 March 08 using svelte@3.55.1. When running npm create, the package create-vite@4.1.0 was installed.


  1. Run npm create vite@latest sheetjs-svelte -- --template svelte-ts.

  2. Install the SheetJS dependency and start the dev server:

cd sheetjs-svelte
npm install
npm i --save
npm run dev
  1. Open a web browser and access the displayed URL (http://localhost:5173)

  2. Replace src/App.svelte with the src/SheetJSSvelteHTML.svelte example.

The page will refresh and show a table with an Export button. Click the button and the page will attempt to download SheetJSSvelteHTML.xlsx. There may be a delay since Vite will try to optimize the SheetJS library on the fly.

  1. Build the site with npm run build, then test with npx http-server dist. Access http://localhost:8080 with a web browser to test the bundled site.