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NetSuite demos/desktop/index demos/grid 4

This demo discusses the key SheetJS operations. Familiarity with SuiteScript 2 is assumed. The following sections of the SuiteScript documentation should be perused before reading this demo:

The library plays nice with each script type, including RESTlets and Suitelets.


This script plays nice with SuiteScript define. It should be downloaded and uploaded to the File Cabinet.

After uploading, create a JSON configuration file (or add the alias to an existing config file). The reference points to the file and omits the .js.

  "paths": {
    // highlight-next-line
    "xlsx": "/SuiteScripts/xlsx.full.min"

This config file should be referenced in SuiteScripts using @NAmdConfig. This part is documented in "Import a third-party JavaScript Library":

* @NApiVersion 2.x
// highlight-next-line
* @NAmdConfig  ./JsLibraryConfig.json
* ... more options ...
// highlight-next-line
define(['N/file', 'xlsx'], function(file, XLSX) {
  // ... use XLSX here ...

Reading Files

N/file provides file.load for pulling files:

File#getContents returns the data as a Base64-encoded string which can be read with

/* load file */
var f = file.load({ id: id_of_file });
/* parse */
var workbook =, {type: "base64"});

Writing Files

N/file provides file.create and file.load for creating and loading files respectively.

Binary content must be Base64-encoded. Fortunately, XLSX.write with base64 type will generate compatible Base64 strings:

/* write XLSX workbook as Base64 string */
var out = XLSX.write(workbook, { bookType: "xlsx", type: "base64" });
/* create file */
var newfile = file.create({
  name: 'test.xlsx', // replace with desired name
  fileType: file.Type.EXCEL,
  contents: out
/* save */;