2023-05-11 02:17:10 -04:00

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title pagination_prev pagination_next
Material UI demos/frontend/index demos/net/index

import current from '/version.js'; import CodeBlock from '@theme/CodeBlock';

This demo covers the traditional Material UI Table as well as the MUI Data Grid.

Material UI Table

The Table component abstracts the <table> element in HTML. table_to_book can process a ref attached to the Table element:

import TableContainer from '@mui/material/TableContainer';
import Table from '@mui/material/Table';
// ...
// highlight-next-line
import { useRef } from "react";

// ...
export default function BasicTable() {
// highlight-next-line
  const tbl = useRef<HTMLTableElement>(null);
  return ( <>
    <button onClick={() => {
      // highlight-next-line
      const wb = utils.table_to_book(tbl.current);
      writeFileXLSX(wb, "SheetJSMaterialUI.xlsx");
    <TableContainer {...}>
// highlight-next-line
      <Table {...} ref={tbl}>
      {/* ... material ui table machinations ... */}

MUI Table Demo

Complete Example (click to hide)


This demo was last run on 2023 May 11 against Material UI 5.13.0 paired with Emotion 11.11.0


  1. Create a new TypeScript create-react-app app:
npx create-react-app sheetjs-mui --template typescript
cd sheetjs-mui
  1. Install dependencies:

{\ npm i -S${current}/xlsx-${current}.tgz @mui/material@5.13.0 @emotion/react@11.11.0 @emotion/styled@11.11.0}

  1. Download App.tsx and replace src/App.tsx.
curl -L -o src/App.tsx
  1. Start the development server:
npm start

The script should open the live demo in a web browser. Click the "Export" button to save the file. Open the generated file in a spreadsheet editor.

Material UI Data Grid

A complete example is included below.

Rows and Columns State

MUI Data Grid state consists of an Array of column metadata and an Array of row objects. Typically both are defined in state:

// highlight-next-line
import { DataGrid, GridColDef } from "@mui/x-data-grid";

export default function App() {
  const [rows, setRows] = useState([]);
  const [columns, setColumns] = useState([]);

  return ( <DataGrid columns={columns} rows={rows} /> );

The most generic data representation is an array of arrays. To sate the grid, columns must be objects whose field property is the index converted to string:

import { WorkSheet, utils } from 'xlsx';
import { GridColDef } from "@mui/x-data-grid";

type Row = any[];
type RowCol = { rows: Row[]; columns: GridColDef[]; };

function ws_to_muidg(ws: WorkSheet): RowCol {
  /* create an array of arrays */
  const rows = utils.sheet_to_json(ws, { header: 1 });

  /* create column array */
  const range = utils.decode_range(ws["!ref"]||"A1");
  const columns = Array.from({ length: range.e.c + 1 }, (_, i) => ({
    field: String(i), // MUIDG will access row["0"], row["1"], etc
    headerName: utils.encode_col(i), // the column labels will be A, B, etc
    editable: true // enable cell editing

  return { rows, columns }; // these can be fed to setRows / setColumns

In the other direction, a worksheet can be generated with aoa_to_sheet:


x-data-grid does not properly preserve row array objects, so the row arrays must be re-created. The snippet defines a arrayify function.


import { WorkSheet, utils } from 'xlsx';

type Row = any[];

// highlight-start
function arrayify(rows: any[]): Row[] {
  return => {
    var length = Object.keys(row).length;
    for(; length > 0; --length) if(row[length-1] != null) break;
    return Array.from({length, ...row});
// highlight-end

function muidg_to_ws(rows: Row[]): WorkSheet {
  return utils.aoa_to_sheet(arrayify(rows));

Editing Cells

The processRowUpdate prop receives the new row data, allowing for easy state mutation:

import { GridRowModel } from "@mui/x-data-grid";

export default function App() {
  // ...

  const processRowUpdate = useCallback((rowNew: GridRowModel, rowOld: GridRowModel) => {
    /* scan each column and manually set state entries */
    for(var j = 0; j < columns.length; ++j) if(rowNew[j] != null) {
      rows[][j] = isNaN(+rowNew[j]) ? rowNew[j] : +rowNew[j];
    /* force a state update */
    /* commit the new row */
    return rowNew;
  }, [columns, rows]);

  return ( <DataGrid columns={columns} rows={rows} processRowUpdate={processRowUpdate} /> );


Complete Example (click to hide)


This demo was last run on 2023 May 11 against MUI data grid 6.3.1 paired with Emotion 11.11.0


  1. Create a new TypeScript create-react-app app:
npx create-react-app sheetjs-muidg --template typescript
cd sheetjs-muidg
  1. Install dependencies:

{\ npm i -S${current}/xlsx-${current}.tgz @mui/x-data-grid @emotion/react @emotion/styled}

  1. Download App.tsx and replace src/App.tsx.
curl -L -o src/App.tsx
  1. Start the development server:
npm start

When the page loads, it will fetch and process