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csf/index 5 API Reference

Interface Summary

XLSX is the exposed variable in the browser and the exported node variable

XLSX.version is the version of the library (added by the build script).

XLSX.SSF is an embedded version of the format library.

XLSX.CFB is an embedded version of the container library.

Parsing functions, read_opts) attempts to parse data.

XLSX.readFile(filename, read_opts) attempts to read filename and parse.

Parse options are described in the Parsing Options section.

Writing functions

XLSX.write(wb, write_opts) attempts to write the workbook wb.

XLSX.writeXLSX(wb, write_opts) attempts to write the workbook in XLSX format.

XLSX.writeFile(wb, filename, write_opts) attempts to write wb to filename. In browser-based environments, it will attempt to force a client-side download.

XLSX.writeFileXLSX(wb, filename, write_opts) attempts to write an XLSX file.

XLSX.writeFileAsync(filename, wb, o, cb) attempts to write wb to filename. If o is omitted, the writer will use the third argument as the callback.

Write options are described in the Writing Options section.


Utilities are available in the XLSX.utils object.

The following are described in A1 Utilities

Cell and cell address manipulation:

  • encode_row / decode_row converts between 0-indexed rows and 1-indexed rows.
  • encode_col / decode_col converts between 0-indexed columns and column names.
  • encode_cell / decode_cell converts cell addresses.
  • encode_range / decode_range converts cell ranges.

The following are described in the Utility Functions:


  • book_new creates an empty workbook
  • book_append_sheet adds a worksheet to a workbook


  • aoa_to_sheet converts an array of arrays of JS data to a worksheet.
  • json_to_sheet converts an array of JS objects to a worksheet.
  • table_to_sheet converts a DOM TABLE element to a worksheet.
  • sheet_add_aoa adds an array of arrays of JS data to an existing worksheet.
  • sheet_add_json adds an array of JS objects to an existing worksheet.
  • sheet_add_dom adds data from a DOM TABLE element to an existing worksheet.


  • sheet_to_json converts a worksheet object to an array of JSON objects.
  • sheet_to_csv generates delimiter-separated-values output.
  • sheet_to_txt generates UTF-16 formatted text.
  • sheet_to_html generates HTML output.
  • sheet_to_formulae generates a list of formulae or cell value assignments.


  • format_cell generates the text value for a cell (using number formats).
  • sheet_set_array_formula adds an array formula to a worksheet

Platform-Specific Functions

NodeJS Streaming Write functions contains a set of streaming write functions for NodeJS streams:

  • to_csv(sheet, opts) streams CSV rows
  • to_html(sheet, opts) streams an HTML table incrementally
  • to_json(sheet, opts) streams JS objects (object-mode stream)

ESM Helpers

Due to broad inconsistencies in ESM implementations, the mjs build does not import any dependencies. Instead, they must be manually passed to the library:

XLSX.set_cptable sets the internal codepage instance. This provides support for different languages in XLS or text parsing.

XLSX.set_fs set fs instance (using readFileSync and writeFileSync). This provides NodeJS ESM support for XLSX.readFile and XLSX.writeFile.

XLSX.utils.set_readable supplies a NodeJS stream.Readable constructor. This provides NodeJS ESM support for the streaming operations.