2025-01-15 13:43:08 -05:00

31 KiB

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Sheets in Angular Sites Angular Build interactive websites with Angular. Seamlessly integrate spreadsheets into your app using SheetJS. Bring Excel-powered workflows and data to the modern web. demos/index demos/grid/index 3

import current from '/version.js'; import Tabs from '@theme/Tabs'; import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem'; import CodeBlock from '@theme/CodeBlock';

Angular is a JS library for building user interfaces.1

SheetJS is a JavaScript library for reading and writing data from spreadsheets.

This demo uses Angular and SheetJS to process and generate spreadsheets. We'll explore how to load SheetJS in Angular projects and compare common state models and data flow strategies.

:::note pass

This demo focuses on Angular concepts. Other demos cover general deployments:


:::caution pass

Angular tooling uses native NodeJS modules. There are a number of issues when trying to run Angular projects with different NodeJS versions. These issues should be directed to the Angular project.


:::danger Telemetry

Angular CLI enables telemetry by default. When using a recent version, disable analytics globally through the CLI tool before creating a new project:

npx @angular/cli analytics disable -g

(If prompted to share data, type N and press Enter)



The "Frameworks" section covers installation with pnpm and other package managers.

The library can be imported directly from JS or TS code with:

import { read, utils, writeFile } from 'xlsx';

Internal State

The various SheetJS APIs work with various data shapes. The preferred state depends on the application.

:::danger pass

Angular 17 broke backwards compatibility with projects using Angular 2 - 16.

Despite the Angular turmoil, SheetJS plays nice with each version of Angular.

When relevant, code snippets for Angular 17 and Angular 2 - 16 are included. The "Angular 2-16" and "Angular 17+" tabs change the displayed code blocks


Array of Objects

Typically, some users will create a spreadsheet with source data that should be loaded into the site. This sheet will have known columns.


The example presidents sheet has one header row with "Name" and "Index" columns. The natural JS representation is an object for each row, where the keys are specified in the first row:


pres.xlsx data

  { Name: "Bill Clinton", Index: 42 },
  { Name: "GeorgeW Bush", Index: 43 },
  { Name: "Barack Obama", Index: 44 },
  { Name: "Donald Trump", Index: 45 },
  { Name: "Joseph Biden", Index: 46 }

This data is typically stored as an array of objects in the component class:

import { Component } from '@angular/core';

@Component({ /* ... component configuration options ... */ })
export class AppComponent {
  /* the component state is an array of objects */
  // highlight-next-line
  rows: any[] = [ { Name: "SheetJS", Index: 0 }];

When the spreadsheet header row is known ahead of time, row typing is possible:

import { Component } from '@angular/core';

interface President {
  Name: string;
  Index: number;

@Component({ /* ... component configuration options ... */ })
export class AppComponent {
  /* the component state is an array of presidents */
  // highlight-next-line
  rows: President[] = [ { Name: "SheetJS", Index: 0 }];

:::caution pass

The types are informative. They do not enforce that worksheets include the named columns. A runtime data validation library should be used to verify the dataset.

When the file header is not known in advance, any should be used.


Updating State

The SheetJS read and sheet_to_json functions simplify state updates. They are best used in the function bodies of ngOnInit2 and event handlers.

A ngOnInit method can download and update state when a person loads the site:

flowchart LR
  aoo(array of\nobjects)
  url --> |fetch\n\n| ab
  ab --> |read\n\n| wb
  wb --> |wb.Sheets\nselect sheet| ws
  ws --> |sheet_to_json\n\n| aoo
  aoo --> |setPres\nfrom `setState`| state
import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { read, utils } from 'xlsx';

interface President { Name: string; Index: number };

@Component({ /* ... component configuration options ... */ })
export class AppComponent {
  rows: President[] = [ { Name: "SheetJS", Index: 0 }];
  ngOnInit(): void { (async() => {
    /* Download from */
    const f = await fetch("");
    const ab = await f.arrayBuffer();

    // highlight-start
    /* parse workbook */
    const wb = read(ab);

    /* generate array of objects from first worksheet */
    const ws = wb.Sheets[wb.SheetNames[0]]; // get the first worksheet
    const data = utils.sheet_to_json<President>(ws); // generate objects

    /* update data */
    this.rows = data;
    // highlight-end
  })(); }

Rendering Data

Components typically render HTML tables from arrays of objects. The <tr> table row elements are typically generated by mapping over the state array, as shown in the example template.

:::caution pass

Angular 2 - 16 recommended using ngFor3. Angular 17 no longer supports the storied syntax, instead opting for a @for block reminiscent of JavaScript4.


<div class="content" role="main"><table>
// highlight-start
    <tr *ngFor="let row of rows">
// highlight-end
<div class="content" role="main"><table>
// highlight-start
  @for(row of rows; track $index) { <tr>
  </tr> }
// highlight-end

Exporting Data

The writeFile and json_to_sheet functions simplify exporting data. They are best used in the function bodies of event handlers attached to button or other elements.

A callback can generate a local file when a user clicks a button:

flowchart LR
  state --> |json_to_sheet\n\n| ws
  ws --> |book_new\nbook_append_sheet| wb
  wb --> |writeFile\n\n| file
import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { utils, writeFileXLSX } from 'xlsx';

interface President { Name: string; Index: number };

@Component({ /* ... component configuration options ... */ })
export class AppComponent {
  rows: President[] = [ { Name: "SheetJS", Index: 0 }];
  /* get state data and export to XLSX */
  onSave(): void {
    /* generate worksheet from state */
    // highlight-next-line
    const ws = utils.json_to_sheet(this.rows);
    /* create workbook and append worksheet */
    const wb = utils.book_new();
    utils.book_append_sheet(wb, ws, "Data");
    /* export to XLSX */
    writeFileXLSX(wb, "SheetJSAngularAoO.xlsx");

Complete Component

This complete component example fetches a test file and displays the contents in an HTML table. When the export button is clicked, a callback will export a file:

import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { read, utils, writeFileXLSX } from 'xlsx';

interface President { Name: string; Index: number };

  selector: 'app-root',
  template: `
<div class="content" role="main"><table>
// highlight-start
    <tr *ngFor="let row of rows">
// highlight-end
    <button (click)="onSave()">Export XLSX</button>
export class AppComponent {
  // highlight-next-line
  rows: President[] = [ { Name: "SheetJS", Index: 0 }];
  ngOnInit(): void { (async() => {
    /* Download from */
    const f = await fetch("");
    const ab = await f.arrayBuffer();

    /* parse workbook */
    // highlight-next-line
    const wb = read(ab);

    /* update data */
    // highlight-next-line
    this.rows = utils.sheet_to_json<President>(wb.Sheets[wb.SheetNames[0]]);

  })(); }
  /* get state data and export to XLSX */
  onSave(): void {
    // highlight-next-line
    const ws = utils.json_to_sheet(this.rows);
    const wb = utils.book_new();
    utils.book_append_sheet(wb, ws, "Data");
    writeFileXLSX(wb, "SheetJSAngularAoO.xlsx");
import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { read, utils, writeFileXLSX } from 'xlsx';

interface President { Name: string; Index: number };

  selector: 'app-root',
  standalone: true,
  template: `
<div class="content" role="main"><table>
// highlight-start
  @for(row of rows; track $index) {
// highlight-end
    <button (click)="onSave()">Export XLSX</button>
export class AppComponent {
  // highlight-next-line
  rows: President[] = [ { Name: "SheetJS", Index: 0 }];
  ngOnInit(): void { (async() => {
    /* Download from */
    const f = await fetch("");
    const ab = await f.arrayBuffer();

    /* parse workbook */
    // highlight-next-line
    const wb = read(ab);

    /* update data */
    // highlight-next-line
    this.rows = utils.sheet_to_json<President>(wb.Sheets[wb.SheetNames[0]]);

  })(); }
  /* get state data and export to XLSX */
  onSave(): void {
    // highlight-next-line
    const ws = utils.json_to_sheet(this.rows);
    const wb = utils.book_new();
    utils.book_append_sheet(wb, ws, "Data");
    writeFileXLSX(wb, "SheetJSAngularAoO.xlsx");
How to run the example (click to hide)

:::note Tested Deployments

This demo was tested in the following environments:

Angular Date
19.0.5 2025-01-03
18.2.13 2025-01-03
17.3.12 2025-01-03
16.2.12 2025-01-03


  1. Disable telemetry:
npx @angular/cli analytics disable -g
  1. Create a new project:
npx @angular/cli@19 new --minimal --defaults --no-interactive sheetjs-angular

:::note pass

The @angular/cli version controls the project version of Angular. For example, the following command uses Angular 16:

npx @angular/cli@16 new --minimal --defaults --no-interactive sheetjs-angular


  1. Install the SheetJS dependency and start the dev server:

{\ cd sheetjs-angular npm i npm i --save${current}/xlsx-${current}.tgz npx @angular/cli analytics disable npm start}

  1. Open a web browser and access the displayed URL (http://localhost:4200)

  2. In the previous src/app/app.component.ts code snippet, select the tab for the appropriate version of Angular ("Angular 2-16" or "Angular 17+"), copy the code contents and replace src/app/app.component.ts in the project.

The page will refresh and show a table with an Export button. Click the button and the page will attempt to download SheetJSAngularAoO.xlsx. Open the file with a spreadsheet editor.

  1. Stop the dev server and build the site:
npm run build

To test the generated site, start a web server:

npx -y http-server dist/sheetjs-angular/
npx -y http-server dist/sheetjs-angular/browser/

Access the displayed URL (typically http://localhost:8080) with a web browser to test the bundled site.


The main disadvantage of the Array of Objects approach is the specific nature of the columns. For more general use, passing around an Array of Arrays works. However, this does not handle merge cells5 well!

The sheet_to_html function generates HTML that is aware of merges and other worksheet features. The generated HTML does not contain any <script> tags, and should therefore be safe to pass to an innerHTML-bound variable, but the DomSanitizer approach6 is strongly recommended:

import { Component, ElementRef, ViewChild } from '@angular/core';
// highlight-next-line
import { DomSanitizer, SafeHtml } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { read, utils, writeFileXLSX } from 'xlsx';

  selector: 'app-root',
// highlight-next-line
  template: `<div class="content" role="main" [innerHTML]="html" #tableau></div>
    <button (click)="onSave()">Export XLSX</button>`
export class AppComponent {
  // highlight-start
  constructor(private sanitizer: DomSanitizer) {}
  html: SafeHtml = "";
  @ViewChild('tableau') tabeller!: ElementRef<HTMLDivElement>;
  // highlight-end
  ngOnInit(): void { (async() => {
    /* Download from */
    const f = await fetch("");
    const ab = await f.arrayBuffer();

    /* parse workbook */
    const wb = read(ab);

    /* update data */
    // highlight-start
    const h = utils.sheet_to_html(wb.Sheets[wb.SheetNames[0]]);
    this.html = this.sanitizer.bypassSecurityTrustHtml(h);
    // highlight-end
  })(); }
  /* get live table and export to XLSX */
  onSave(): void {
    // highlight-start
    const elt = this.tabeller.nativeElement.getElementsByTagName("TABLE")[0];
    const wb = utils.table_to_book(elt);
    // highlight-end
    writeFileXLSX(wb, "SheetJSAngularHTML.xlsx");
import { Component, ElementRef, ViewChild } from '@angular/core';
// highlight-next-line
import { DomSanitizer, SafeHtml } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { read, utils, writeFileXLSX } from 'xlsx';

  selector: 'app-root',
  standalone: true,
// highlight-next-line
  template: `<div class="content" role="main" [innerHTML]="html" #tableau></div>
    <button (click)="onSave()">Export XLSX</button>`
export class AppComponent {
  // highlight-start
  constructor(private sanitizer: DomSanitizer) {}
  html: SafeHtml = "";
  @ViewChild('tableau') tabeller!: ElementRef<HTMLDivElement>;
  // highlight-end
  ngOnInit(): void { (async() => {
    /* Download from */
    const f = await fetch("");
    const ab = await f.arrayBuffer();

    /* parse workbook */
    const wb = read(ab);

    /* update data */
    // highlight-start
    const h = utils.sheet_to_html(wb.Sheets[wb.SheetNames[0]]);
    this.html = this.sanitizer.bypassSecurityTrustHtml(h);
    // highlight-end
  })(); }
  /* get live table and export to XLSX */
  onSave(): void {
    // highlight-start
    const elt = this.tabeller.nativeElement.getElementsByTagName("TABLE")[0];
    const wb = utils.table_to_book(elt);
    // highlight-end
    writeFileXLSX(wb, "SheetJSAngularHTML.xlsx");
How to run the example (click to hide)

:::note Tested Deployments

This demo was tested in the following environments:

Angular Date
19.0.5 2025-01-03
18.2.13 2025-01-03
17.3.12 2025-01-03
16.2.12 2025-01-03


  1. Disable telemetry:
npx @angular/cli analytics disable -g
  1. Create a new project:
npx @angular/cli@19 new --minimal --defaults --no-interactive sheetjs-angular

:::note pass

The @angular/cli version controls the project version of Angular. For example, the following command uses Angular 16:

npx @angular/cli@16 new --minimal --defaults --no-interactive sheetjs-angular


  1. Install the SheetJS dependency and start the dev server:

{\ cd sheetjs-angular npm i npm i --save${current}/xlsx-${current}.tgz npx @angular/cli analytics disable npm start}

  1. Open a web browser and access the displayed URL (http://localhost:4200)

  2. In the previous src/app/app.component.ts code snippet, select the tab for the appropriate version of Angular ("Angular 2-16" or "Angular 17+"), copy the code contents and replace src/app/app.component.ts in the project.

The page will refresh and show a table with an Export button. Click the button and the page will attempt to download SheetJSAngularHTML.xlsx. Open the file with a spreadsheet editor.

  1. Stop the dev server and build the site:
npm run build

To test the generated site, start a web server:

npx -y http-server dist/sheetjs-angular/
npx -y http-server dist/sheetjs-angular/browser/

Access http://localhost:8080 with a web browser to test the bundled site.

Rows and Columns

Some data grids and UI components split worksheet state in two parts: an array of column attribute objects and an array of row objects. The former is used to generate column headings and for indexing into the row objects.

The safest approach is to use an array of arrays for state and to generate column objects that map to A1-Style column headers.

ngx-datatable uses prop as the key and name for the column label:

/* rows are generated with a simple array of arrays */
this.rows = utils.sheet_to_json(worksheet, { header: 1 });

/* column objects are generated based on the worksheet range */
const range = utils.decode_range(ws["!ref"]||"A1");
this.columns = Array.from({ length: range.e.c + 1 }, (_, i) => ({
  /* for an array of arrays, the keys are "0", "1", "2", ... */
  prop: String(i),
  /* column labels: encode_col translates 0 -> "A", 1 -> "B", 2 -> "C", ... */
  name: XLSX.utils.encode_col(i)

Older Versions

:::danger pass

This demo is included for legacy deployments. There are incompatibilities with different NodeJS and other ecosystem versions. Issues should be raised with Google and the Angular team.

The newest versions of NodeJS will not work with older Angular projects!


:::caution pass

The Angular tooling does not provide a command to switch between versions!

This is a known Angular problem.

To work around this, is a skeleton project designed to play nice with each Angular version.



Internal State

This demo uses an array of arrays as the internal state:

export class SheetJSComponent {
  data: any[][] = [ [1, 2], [3, 4] ];
  // ...

Nested ngFor in a template can loop across the rows and cells:

<table class="sjs-table">
  <tr *ngFor="let row of data">
    <td *ngFor="let val of row">{{val}}</td>

Reading Data

For legacy deployments, the best ingress is a standard HTML INPUT file element:

<input type="file" (change)="onFileChange($event)" multiple="false" />

In the component, the event is a standard file event. Using a FileReader has broad support compared to the modern Blob#arrayBuffer approach:

  onFileChange(evt: any) {
    /* wire up file reader */
    const target: DataTransfer = <DataTransfer>(;
    if (target.files.length !== 1) throw new Error('Cannot use multiple files');
    const reader: FileReader = new FileReader();
    reader.onload = (e: any) => {
      /* read workbook */
      const ab: ArrayBuffer =;
      // highlight-next-line
      const wb: WorkBook = read(ab);

      /* grab first sheet */
      const wsname: string = wb.SheetNames[0];
      const ws: WorkSheet = wb.Sheets[wsname];

      /* save data */
      // highlight-next-line = <AOA>(utils.sheet_to_json(ws, {header: 1}));

Writing Data

The demo uses an HTML5 button in the template:

<button (click)="export()">Export!</button>

In the component, aoa_to_sheet is used to generate the worksheet:

  export(): void {
    /* generate worksheet */
    const ws: WorkSheet = utils.aoa_to_sheet(;

    /* generate workbook and add the worksheet */
    const wb: WorkBook = utils.book_new();
    utils.book_append_sheet(wb, ws, 'Sheet1');

    /* save to file */
    writeFile(wb, "SheetJS.xlsx");


The default angular-cli configuration requires no additional configuration.

Some deployments use the SystemJS loader, which does require configuration. The SystemJS demo includes the required settings.

Legacy Demo

  1. Download and unzip
curl -LO
cd SheetJSAngular
  1. Download the files for the desired Angular version:
curl -o package.json -L
curl -o src/polyfills.ts -L
curl -o package.json -L
curl -o src/polyfills.ts -L
curl -o package.json -L
curl -o src/polyfills.ts -L
curl -o package.json -L
curl -o src/polyfills.ts -L
curl -o angular.json -L
curl -o package.json -L
curl -o src/polyfills.ts -L
curl -o angular.json -L
curl -o package.json -L
curl -o src/polyfills.ts -L
curl -o angular.json -L
curl -o -L
curl -o package.json -L
curl -o src/polyfills.ts -L
curl -o angular.json -L
curl -o -L
curl -o package.json -L
curl -o src/polyfills.ts -L
curl -o angular.json -L
curl -o -L
curl -o package.json -L
curl -o src/polyfills.ts -L
curl -o angular.json -L
curl -o -L
curl -o package.json -L
curl -o src/polyfills.ts -L
curl -o angular.json -L
curl -o -L
curl -o package.json -L
curl -o src/polyfills.ts -L
curl -o angular.json -L
curl -o -L
curl -o package.json -L
curl -o src/polyfills.ts -L
curl -o angular.json -L
curl -o -L
  1. Install project and dependencies:

{\ npm i npm i -S${current}/xlsx-${current}.tgz}

  1. Start a local server with
npm start

The traditional site URL is http://localhost:4200/ . Open the page with a web browser and open the console. In the "Elements" tab, the app-root element will have an ng-version attribute.

  1. Build the app with
npm run build

  1. The main website for Angular versions 2-16 is . The project moved to a new domain during the Angular 17 launch. ↩︎

  2. See OnInit in the Angular 2-16 docs or Angular 17 docs ↩︎

  3. See ngFor in the Angular 2-16 docs. ↩︎

  4. See @for in the Angular 17 docs. ↩︎

  5. See "Merged Cells" in "SheetJS Data Model" for more details. ↩︎

  6. See DomSanitizer in the Angular 2-16 docs or Angular 17 docs ↩︎