2023-08-18 16:39:12 -04:00

20 KiB

HTTP Server Processing

import current from '/version.js'; import CodeBlock from '@theme/CodeBlock';

Server-Side JS platforms like NodeJS and Deno have built-in APIs for listening on network interfaces. They provide wrappers for requests and responses.


Reading Data

Typically servers receive form data with content type multipart/form-data or application/x-www-form-urlencoded. The platforms themselves typically do not provide "body parsing" functions, instead leaning on the community to supply modules to take the encoded data and split into form fields and files.

NodeJS servers typically use a parser like formidable. In the example below, formidable will write to file and XLSX.readFile will read the file:

var XLSX = require("xlsx"); // This is using the CommonJS build
var formidable = require("formidable");

require("http").createServer(function(req, res) {
  if(req.method !== "POST") return res.end("");

  /* parse body and implement logic in callback */
  // highlight-next-line
  (new formidable.IncomingForm()).parse(req, function(err, fields, files) {
    /* if successful, files is an object whose keys are param names */
    // highlight-next-line
    var file = files["upload"]; // <input type="file" id="upload" name="upload">
    /* file.path is a location in the filesystem, usually in a temp folder */
    // highlight-next-line
    var wb = XLSX.readFile(file.filepath);
    // print the first worksheet back as a CSV
}).listen(process.env.PORT || 3000); will accept NodeJS buffers as well as Uint8Array, Base64 strings, binary strings, and plain Arrays of bytes. This covers the interface types of a wide variety of frameworks.

Writing Data

Typically server libraries use a response API that accepts Uint8Array data. XLSX.write with the option type: "buffer" will generate data. To force the response to be treated as an attachment, set the Content-Disposition header:

var XLSX = require("xlsx"); // This is using the CommonJS build

require("http").createServer(function(req, res) {
  if(req.method !== "GET") return res.end("");
  var wb ="S,h,e,e,t,J,S\n5,4,3,3,7,9,5", {type: "binary"});
  // highlight-start
  res.setHeader('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename="SheetJS.xlsx"');
  res.end(XLSX.write(wb, {type:"buffer", bookType: "xlsx"}));
  // highlight-end
}).listen(process.env.PORT || 3000);


When processing small files, the work is best handled in the server response handler function. This approach is used in the "Framework Demos" section.

When processing large files, the direct approach will freeze the server. NodeJS provides "Worker Threads" for this exact use case.

Framework Demos


The express-formidable middleware is powered by the formidable parser. It adds a files property to the request.

When downloading binary data, Express handles Buffer data in res.end. The convenience attachment method adds the required header:

// Header 'Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="SheetJS.xlsx"'

The following demo Express server will respond to POST requests to /upload with a CSV output of the first sheet. It will also respond to GET requests to /download, responding with a fixed XLSX worksheet:

var XLSX = require('xlsx'), express = require('express');

/* create app */
var app = express();
/* add express-formidable middleware */
// highlight-next-line
/* route for handling uploaded data */'/upload', function(req, res) {
  // highlight-start
  var f = req.files["upload"]; // <input type="file" id="upload" name="upload">
  var wb = XLSX.readFile(f.path);
  // highlight-end
  /* respond with CSV data from the first sheet */
app.get('/download', function(req, res) {
  /* generate workbook object */
  var ws = XLSX.utils.aoa_to_sheet(["SheetJS".split(""), [5,4,3,3,7,9,5]]);
  var wb = XLSX.utils.book_new(); XLSX.utils.book_append_sheet(wb, ws, "Data");
  // highlight-start
  /* generate buffer */
  var buf = XLSX.write(wb, {type: "buffer", bookType: "xlsx"});
  /* set headers */
  /* respond with file data */
  // highlight-end
Testing (click to show)
  1. Save the code sample to SheetJSExpressCSV.js

  2. Install dependencies:

{\ npm i --save${current}/xlsx-${current}.tgz express express-formidable}

  1. Start server (note: it will not print anything to console when running)
node SheetJSExpressCSV.js
  1. Test POST requests using
curl -LO
curl -X POST -F upload=@pres.numbers http://localhost:3000/upload

The response should show the data in CSV rows.

  1. Test GET requests by opening http://localhost:3000/download in your browser.

It should prompt to download SheetJSExpress.xlsx


The NestJS docs have detailed instructions for file upload support. In the controller, the path property works with XLSX.readFile.

When downloading binary data, NestJS expects StreamableFile-wrapped Buffers.

The following demo NestJS Controller will respond to POST requests to /upload with a CSV output of the first sheet. It will also respond to GET requests to /download, responding with a fixed export:

import { Controller, Get, Header, Post, StreamableFile, UploadedFile, UseInterceptors } from '@nestjs/common';
import { FileInterceptor } from '@nestjs/platform-express';
import { readFile, utils } from 'xlsx';

export class SheetjsController {
  @Post('upload') //  <input type="file" id="upload" name="upload">
  async uploadXlsxFile(@UploadedFile() file: Express.Multer.File) {
    /* file.path is a path to the workbook */
    // highlight-next-line
    const wb = readFile(file.path);
    /* generate CSV of first worksheet */
    return utils.sheet_to_csv(wb.Sheets[wb.SheetNames[0]]);

  @Header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename="SheetJSNest.xlsx"')
  async downloadXlsxFile(): Promise<StreamableFile> {
    var ws = utils.aoa_to_sheet(["SheetJS".split(""), [5,4,3,3,7,9,5]]);
    var wb = utils.book_new(); utils.book_append_sheet(wb, ws, "Data");
    // highlight-start
    /* generate buffer */
    var buf = write(wb, {type: "buffer", bookType: "xlsx"});
    /* Return a streamable file */
    return new StreamableFile(buf);
    // highlight-end
Testing (click to show)
  1. Create a new project:

{\ npx @nestjs/cli new -p npm sheetjs-nest cd sheetjs-nest npm i --save${current}/xlsx-${current}.tgz npm i --save-dev @types/multer mkdir -p upload}

  1. Create a new controller and a new module:
npx @nestjs/cli generate module sheetjs
npx @nestjs/cli generate controller sheetjs
  1. Add multer to the new module by editing src/sheetjs/sheetjs.module.ts. Changes are highlighted below:
import { Module } from '@nestjs/common';
import { SheetjsController } from './sheetjs.controller';
// highlight-next-line
import { MulterModule } from '@nestjs/platform-express';

// highlight-start
  imports: [
      dest: './upload',
// highlight-end
  controllers: [SheetjsController]
export class SheetjsModule {}
  1. Copy the src/sheetjs/sheetjs.controller.ts example from earlier, replacing the contents of the existing file.

  2. Start the server with

npx @nestjs/cli start
  1. Test POST requests using
curl -LO
curl -X POST -F upload=@pres.numbers http://localhost:3000/sheetjs/upload

The response should show the data in CSV rows.

  1. Test GET requests by opening http://localhost:3000/sheetjs/download in your browser.

It should prompt to download SheetJSNest.xlsx



This demo was verified on 2023 April 06 using fastify@4.15.0


Reading Data

@fastify/multipart, which uses busbuy under the hood, can be registered:

/* load SheetJS Library */
const XLSX = require("xlsx");
/* load fastify and enable body parsing */
const fastify = require('fastify')({logger: true});
// highlight-next-line
fastify.register(require('@fastify/multipart'), { attachFieldsToBody: true });

Once registered with the option attachFieldsToBody, route handlers can use req.body directly:

/* POST / reads submitted file and exports to requested format */'/', async(req, reply) => {
  /* "file" is the name of the field in the HTML form*/
  const file = req.body.upload;
  /* toBuffer returns a promise that resolves to a Buffer */
  // highlight-next-line
  const buf = await file.toBuffer();
  /* `` can read the Buffer */
  const wb =;
  /* reply with a CSV */


Out of the box, Fastify will return an error FST_ERR_CTP_BODY_TOO_LARGE when processing large spreadsheets (statusCode 413). This is a Fastify issue.

The default body size limit (including all uploaded files and fields) is 1 MB. It can be increased by setting the bodyLimit option during server creation:

/* increase request body size limit to 5MB = 5 * 1024 * 1024 bytes */
const fastify = require('fastify')({bodyLimit: 5 * 1024 * 1024});


Writing Data

The Content-Disposition header must be set manually:

/* GET / returns a workbook */
fastify.get('/', (req, reply) => {
  /* make a workbook */
  var wb ="S,h,e,e,t,J,S\n5,4,3,3,7,9,5", {type: "binary"});

  /* write to Buffer */
  const buf = XLSX.write(wb, {type:"buffer", bookType: "xlsx"});

  /* set Content-Disposition header and send data */
  // highlight-next-line
  reply.header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename="SheetJSFastify.xlsx"').send(buf);
Testing (click to show)
  1. Save the following snippet to SheetJSFastify.js:
/* load SheetJS Library */
const XLSX = require("xlsx");
/* load fastify and enable body parsing */
const fastify = require('fastify')({logger: true});
fastify.register(require('@fastify/multipart'), { attachFieldsToBody: true });

/* GET / returns a workbook */
fastify.get('/', (req, reply) => {
  /* make a workbook */
  var wb ="S,h,e,e,t,J,S\n5,4,3,3,7,9,5", {type: "binary"});

  /* write to Buffer */
  const buf = XLSX.write(wb, {type:"buffer", bookType: "xlsx"});

  /* set Content-Disposition header and send data */
  reply.header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename="SheetJSFastify.xlsx"').send(buf);

/* POST / reads submitted file and exports to requested format */'/', async(req, reply) => {

  /* "file" is the name of the field in the HTML form*/
  const file = req.body.upload;

  /* toBuffer returns a promise that resolves to a Buffer */
  const wb = file.toBuffer());

  /* send back a CSV */

/* start */
fastify.listen({port: process.env.PORT || 3000}, (err, addr) => { if(err) throw err; });
  1. Install dependencies:

{\ npm i --save${current}/xlsx-${current}.tgz fastify @fastify/multipart}

  1. Start server
node SheetJSFastify.js
  1. Test POST requests using
curl -LO
curl -X POST -F upload=@pres.numbers http://localhost:3000/

The response should show the data in CSV rows.

  1. Test GET requests by opening http://localhost:3000/ in your browser.

It should prompt to download SheetJSFastify.xlsx

Worker Threads

NodeJS "Worker Threads" were introduced in v14 and eventually marked as stable in v16. Coupled with AsyncResource, a simple thread pool enables processing without blocking the server! The official NodeJS docs include a sample worker pool implementation.

This example uses ExpressJS to create a general XLSX conversion service, but the same approach applies to any NodeJS server side framework.

When reading large files, it is strongly recommended to run the body parser in the main server process. Body parsers like formidable will write uploaded files to the filesystem, and the file path should be passed to the worker (and the worker would be responsible for reading and cleaning up the files).


The child_process module can also spawn command-line tools. That approach is not explored in this demo.


Complete Example (click to show)


This demo was last tested on 2023 March 14.

Versions: NodeJS 18.15.0 + ExpressJS 4.18.2 + Formidable 2.1.1


  1. Create a simple ECMAScript-Module-enabled package.json:
{ "type": "module" }
  1. Install the dependencies:

{\ npm i --save${current}/xlsx-${current}.tgz express@4.18.2 formidable@2.1.1}

  1. Create a worker script worker.js that listens for messages. When a message is received, it will read the file from the filesystem, generate and pass back a new XLSX file, and delete the original file:
/* load the worker_threads module */
import { parentPort } from 'node:worker_threads';

/* load the SheetJS module and hook to FS */
import { set_fs, readFile, write } from 'xlsx';
import * as fs from 'fs';

/* the server will send a message with the `path` field */
parentPort.on('message', (task) => {
  /* highlight-start */
  // read file
  const wb = readFile(task.path, { dense: true });
  // send back XLSX
  parentPort.postMessage(write(wb, { type: "buffer", bookType: "xlsx" }));
  /* highlight-end */
  // remove file
  fs.unlink(task.path, ()=>{});
  1. Download worker_pool.js:
curl -LO

(this is a slightly modified version of the example in the NodeJS docs)

  1. Save the following server code to main.mjs:
/* load dependencies */
import os from 'node:os';
import process from 'node:process'
import express from 'express';
import formidable from 'formidable';

/* load worker pool */
import WorkerPool from './worker_pool.js';

const pool = new WorkerPool(os.cpus().length);
process.on("beforeExit", () => { pool.close(); })

/* create server */
const app = express();'/', (req, res, next) => {
  // parse body
  const form = formidable({});
  form.parse(req, (err, fields, files) => {
    // look for "upload" field
    if(err) return next(err);
    if(!files["upload"]) return next(new Error("missing `upload` file"));

    // send a message to the worker with the path to the uploaded file
    // highlight-next-line
    pool.runTask({ path: files["upload"].filepath }, (err, result) => {
      if(err) return next(err);
      // send the file back as an attachment

// start server
app.listen(7262, () => { console.log(`Example app listening on port 7262`); });
  1. Run the server:
node main.mjs

Test with the pres.numbers sample file:

curl -LO
curl -X POST -F upload=@pres.numbers http://localhost:7262/ -J -O

This will generate SheetJSPool.xlsx.


:::caution pass

Many hosted services like Deno Deploy do not offer filesystem access.

This breaks web frameworks that use the filesystem in body parsing.


Deno provides the basic elements to implement a web server. It does not provide a body parser out of the box.


In testing, Drash had an in-memory body parser which could handle file uploads on hosted services like Deno Deploy.

Reading Data

Request#bodyParam reads body parameters. For uploaded files, the content property is a Uint8Array which can be parsed with the SheetJS read method1.

This example server responds to POST requests. The server will look for a file in the request body under the "upload" key. If a file is present, the server will parse the file, generate an HTML table using the sheet_to_html method2 and respond with the HTML code:

{\ // @deno-types="${current}/package/types/index.d.ts" import { read, utils } from '${current}/package/xlsx.mjs'; \n\ import * as Drash from ""; \n\ class ParseResource extends Drash.Resource { public paths = ["/"]; \n\ public POST(request: Drash.Request, response: Drash.Response) { // assume a form upload like <input type="file" id="upload" name="upload"> // highlight-next-line const file = request.bodyParam<Drash.Types.BodyFile>("upload"); if (!file) throw new Error("File is required!"); // highlight-next-line var wb = read(file.content); return response.html(utils.sheet_to_html(wb.Sheets[wb.SheetNames[0]])); } }}

Writing Data

Headers are manually set with Response#headers.set while the raw body is set with Response#send. The raw body can be Uint8Array or ArrayBuffer objects.

Given a SheetJS workbook object, the write method using type: "buffer"3 generates data objects compatible with Drash.

This example server responds to GET requests. The server will generate a SheetJS worksheet object from an array of arrays4, build up a new workbook using the book_new5 and book_append_sheet6 utility methods, generate a XLSX file using write, and send the file with appropriate headers to initiate a download with file name "SheetJSDrash.xlsx":

{\ // @deno-types="${current}/package/types/index.d.ts" import { utils, write } from '${current}/package/xlsx.mjs'; \n\ import * as Drash from ""; \n\ class WriteResource extends Drash.Resource { public paths = ["/export"]; \n\ public GET(request: Drash.Request, response: Drash.Response): void { // create some fixed workbook const data = ["SheetJS".split(""), [5,4,3,3,7,9,5]]; const ws = utils.aoa_to_sheet(data); const wb = utils.book_new(); utils.book_append_sheet(wb, ws, "data"); // write the workbook to XLSX as a Uint8Array // highlight-next-line const file = write(wb, { bookType: "xlsx", type: "buffer"}); // set headers response.headers.set("Content-Disposition", 'attachment; filename="SheetJSDrash.xlsx"'); // send data // highlight-next-line return response.send("application/", file); } }}

Complete Example (click to show)


This demo was last tested on 2023 August 18 against Drash 2.8.0 and Deno 1.36.1.


  1. Download SheetJSDrash.ts:
curl -LO
  1. Run the server:
deno run --allow-net SheetJSDrash.ts
  1. Download the test file

  2. Open http://localhost:7262/ in your browser.

Click "Choose File" and select pres.numbers. Then click "Submit"

The page should show the contents of the file as an HTML table.

  1. Open http://localhost:7262/export in your browser.

The page should attempt to download SheetJSDrash.xlsx . Open the new file.