TS bugfix, export top-level indexer #19

karikera wants to merge 1 commits from karikera/patch-1 into master
karikera commented 2020-03-05 09:48:21 +00:00 (Migrated from github.com)

TS bugfix, export top-level indexer

export default cptable does not equal with module.exports = cptable, it will export like module.exports["default"] = cptable

TS bugfix, export top-level indexer `export default cptable` does not equal with `module.exports = cptable`, it will export like `module.exports["default"] = cptable`
coveralls commented 2020-03-05 09:52:53 +00:00 (Migrated from github.com)

Coverage Status

Coverage remained the same at 97.494% when pulling 3d6bf311b8 on karikera:patch-1 into 62fd61e2b7 on SheetJS:master.

[![Coverage Status](https://coveralls.io/builds/29146968/badge)](https://coveralls.io/builds/29146968) Coverage remained the same at 97.494% when pulling **3d6bf311b8e93561f220fc30d09b75b7888f967d on karikera:patch-1** into **62fd61e2b7122819fb9a49dc83917d3daee881d9 on SheetJS:master**.
SheetJSDev commented 2020-03-05 17:48:37 +00:00 (Migrated from github.com)

One of the comments in the original code was:

/* note: TS cannot export top-level indexer, hence default workaround */

I assume this was in an older version of typescript. Can you verify the new export works in older versions of TS? I think we need to test back to 2.2

One of the comments in the original code was: ```typescript /* note: TS cannot export top-level indexer, hence default workaround */ ``` I assume this was in an older version of typescript. Can you verify the new export works in older versions of TS? I think we need to test back to 2.2
karikera commented 2020-03-05 18:10:23 +00:00 (Migrated from github.com)


I compiled index.d.ts without error in TS@2.2

@SheetJSDev ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/6016498/76011619-38078880-5f58-11ea-8dcd-8701566864eb.png) I compiled `index.d.ts` without error in TS@2.2
SheetJSDev commented 2020-03-05 18:18:55 +00:00 (Migrated from github.com)

So I had to add "strictFunctionTypes": true to types/tsconfig.json. To test the type definitions, make tslint and it shows errors like

ERROR: 1:8    expect                           TypeScript@next compile error: 
Module '"/tmp/js-codepage/types/index"' has no default export.

The offending test code was:

import cptable from 'codepage';

This was fixed in the type definition using

export default cptable;

Is there a reason to prefer export = cptable over export default?

So I had to add `"strictFunctionTypes": true` to `types/tsconfig.json`. To test the type definitions, `make tslint` and it shows errors like ``` /tmp/js-codepage/types/codepage-test.ts:1:8 ERROR: 1:8 expect TypeScript@next compile error: Module '"/tmp/js-codepage/types/index"' has no default export. ``` The offending test code was: ```typescript import cptable from 'codepage'; ``` This was fixed in the type definition using ```typescript export default cptable; ``` Is there a reason to prefer `export = cptable` over `export default`?
karikera commented 2020-03-05 18:21:43 +00:00 (Migrated from github.com)

export default is not compiled to module.exports = cptable
export default cptable is module.exports['default'] = cptable

this module has errors on TS


@SheetJSDev `export default` is not compiled to `module.exports = cptable` `export default cptable` is `module.exports['default'] = cptable` this module has errors on TS ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/6016498/76013048-a64d4a80-5f5a-11ea-86fa-17f5538d9cb6.png)
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Reference: sheetjs/js-codepage#19
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