The file size I exported was about double the actual value #2988

opened 2023-09-12 07:42:09 +00:00 by nande324 · 2 comments

The file size I exported was about double the actual value, but if I open it and save it directly, I can get it back to normal size.
The attached table was generated by my test code, and I omitted some data
Figure 1 shows the test file before and after it was saved
Figure 2 shows the actual file before and after saving
//This is my test code: let tempData=[ { 'test1':'t1', 'test2':'t2', 'test3':'t3', 'test4':'t4', 'test5':'t5', 'test6':'t6' },{ 'test1':'t1', 'test2':'t2', 'test3':'t3', 'test4':'t4', 'test5':'t5', 'test6':'t6' } ] let result={'test1':'test1','test2':'test2','test3':'test3','test4':'test4','test5':'test5','test6':'test6'} const sheet = [result, ...tempData]; const worksheet = XLSX.utils.json_to_sheet(sheet, { skipHeader: true, }); XLSX.utils.book_append_sheet(newWorkBook, worksheet, sheetList[i]); XLSX.writeFileXLSX(newWorkBook, "test.xlsx", { compression: true });

The file size I exported was about double the actual value, but if I open it and save it directly, I can get it back to normal size. The attached table was generated by my test code, and I omitted some data Figure 1 shows the test file before and after it was saved Figure 2 shows the actual file before and after saving ` //This is my test code: let tempData=[ { 'test1':'t1', 'test2':'t2', 'test3':'t3', 'test4':'t4', 'test5':'t5', 'test6':'t6' },{ 'test1':'t1', 'test2':'t2', 'test3':'t3', 'test4':'t4', 'test5':'t5', 'test6':'t6' } ] let result={'test1':'test1','test2':'test2','test3':'test3','test4':'test4','test5':'test5','test6':'test6'} const sheet = [result, ...tempData]; const worksheet = XLSX.utils.json_to_sheet(sheet, { skipHeader: true, }); XLSX.utils.book_append_sheet(newWorkBook, worksheet, sheetList[i]); XLSX.writeFileXLSX(newWorkBook, "test.xlsx", { compression: true });`

Just open the file and save it, and the size of the file changes

Just open the file and save it, and the size of the file changes

There's a tradeoff between runtime performance and compression size. This has been asked multiple times and we will be revisiting this in the future. #2974 tracking issue

There's a tradeoff between runtime performance and compression size. This has been asked multiple times and we will be revisiting this in the future. #2974 tracking issue
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Reference: sheetjs/sheetjs#2988
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